Doesn't that just mean it's weak and won't work on the geopolitical stage?
Socialism failed because of US sabotage!
yeah i guess you're right. i love capitalism now
Good to know you can't form an argument, faggot.
rlly makes u think
I've got bad news for you.
You're not convincing me. It just seems like you have no counter argument. You can leave now, you have nothing to offer me except butthurt and I have enough of that already.
le scary boogeyman
Nah it just means socialism has to begin in the united states
I'm pretty sure that user was just pointing out the irony where massive geopolitical failure was concerned.
nah, I'll stay. it's fun.
Fascism got crushed too numbnuts
Then it doesn't deserve to win.
What are we supposed to do? Give you a 5 year headstart? That's now how this works.
Oh wait, you dumbasses think I'm a nazi because I posted a fucking reaction image?
Then shut the fuck up unless you have an argument.
It happens more often than you think.
Then why are you fatasses crying about Trump being the new rise of American fascism?
Are you saying US sabotage doesn't exist?
What did he mean by this?
Okay, I'm actually trying to give you faggot an argument. Socialist revolutions happened in countries that weren't industrialized, such as Russia and China. Cuba and the DPRK are small countries facing the entire world. Still, Russia managed to industrialize faster than the US and actually managed to BTFO Nazis who started off with a massive handicap. USA had over 100 years to build up, which the USSR had to do in 10 years.
if Miley Cyrus sells more albums than Shostakovich, doesn't that mean that Miley Cyrus is a better musician?
Fucking capitalist logic man can't hack the shit makes me sick right to my stomach
I'm wondering why leftists are calling Trump a fascist too.
No, but it just makes her more successful.
Your OPINION can be that socialism is good and works, but when it actually comes to application (selling albums in this case) it sucks balls
Right,.. So what do you believe in? Some special snowflake "national capitalist" fake ass Lauren Southern bs?
So Hillary Clinton is a better person than, say any average family man doctor who looks after his kids and is a pillar of the community, because she has more cash?
but it can, and has.
I thought it hasn't been tried though.
Fuck you guys are inconsistent.
This thread is about socialism failing. Please stay on topic.
this is why nobody wants to have a real argument with you, you obviously have no idea what you're talking about.
Doesn't matter. You'll only use it to go off topic more.
Not just leftypol, but communists as a whole are largely inconsistent. It's probably why no one even knows what communism really is, and if you ask multiple communists at once they'll start debating.
What a shite system.
First off define "socialism failed", because nobody knows which revolution or state you're talking about.
More inconsistencies.
Name a single successful nation where the citizens own the means of production.
Was, as in it failed. As in not successful.
Every communist has the same idea of what communism IS, the disagreements begin when we start talking about how we think we should get to it.
I've been told numerous times this isn't real socialism.
I'm demonstrating you how accumulating wealth does not make you succesful you stupid liberal twerp. I'll make that point however the fuck I want, now, somebody who flogs child porn and rohypnol for bit coin on the darkweb, they are more successful than your average fireman yes?
Imagine being too much of a bitch to fly your own flag, so much for national cultural supremacy, too ashamed to even speak its name my my
Every nation-state has been a failure in some way, capitalist or otherwise. Judging solely based on military strength is pure autism.
Please stay on topic.
what kind of retarded reasoning is this?
Easy to be consistent when you refuse to state your position, we all have different conceptions of socialism, this isn't a hive mind like wherever you are from (Reddit)
my sides(R/The_Donald is that way >>>)
OP right now
Gee, it's almost like there is no official line here at Holla Forums and you'll be debating with people from anarchists to tankies
Nigga I've been on here since fucking gamergate
Man those piggy loving mods are quick aren't they?
But why? What I am saying is topical, I'm questioning the very base of the logic of your argument, which is: if something has dominance and the other thing does not, the other thing is just weak and deserves it.
So, for example, when I rape your daughter, and slash your wife's face open, for no reason other than in a little horny, that is just their problem, because they are weak and I am strong, and that kind of behaviour should continue and not be stopped?
nope, but it is one person and a few thousand bots
Considering it was AstroTurfed by paid shills by the right and is home to retarded magapedes don't you think you should neck yourself already?
commies sure are slow
Man it's like somebody correcting your spelling instead of arguing only about 5x as faggoty
you niggers sure are paranoid
Didn't even say you were from Holla Forums because you're not from Holla Forums the Reddit stink is pungent