He prefers virgin death over dying in revolution

Explain yourselves Holla Forums


But we are Chads here, nobody told you ?
Robespierre was a beta though tbh

Whoever made these missed the joke completely.


t. French soldier during WW1

t. missed the original joke and got anxious over the parallels with himself and the virgin pics


your oc sucks

Doesn't doesn't care about communism or any ideology. Ideology is just a tool to push his personal interests forward. Chad will always end up at the top, whether the system is capitalist, fascist, communist or even anarchist, he always hold the actual power in the end.

i unironically love these meme

*Chad doesn't.


The voting one still fits the original template off /r9k/, the death one doesn't though because it can't really be relatable in any way



The T-shirt slogans were my favourite part of this. Shame they're not more common.


t. kafkatrapping clown

Stalin was a manlet with webbed toes tho

my fucking sides

The virgin post

The Chad Declaration


i cannot read maynard without thinking in tool
celebrate this chance to be alive and breathing


I just realized nobody posted the actual Virgin walk.


fuck your flood detection i'm posting something

The whole point is having the chad version say the exact opposite of the virgin one. Instead, whoever made these just took bits from the original chad comic, such as "proper body positioning" and put them out of context.

#1 should be pic related.

Good job describing the voting pic, classic "virgin rebuttal".


forgot to mention, they're guys

You know, for people who never shut up bout what huge dicks Chads were/are to them /r9k/ shitposters sure behave like arseholes.

We doing this again?

Feels bad man

Just online, it's the only place where they can vent. IRL they are quiet virgins, although probably not to the extreme they depict themselves in those memes.

Just filter all namefags, fam.

Then what separates the Chads from the virgins if only anonymity? Are we, dare I say, all Chads in our own way?


Chad isn't having muscles or hordes of women, it's a feeling!
