ITT: Post instead of lurking
ITT: Post instead of lurking
Other urls found in this thread:
im going to sleep nini cuties
pubg playable again on test servers
let's goooo
had to hide 19 "save the internet" threads from front page of reddit
like, holy shit I get it, I don't need that many threads on it
how dare they attack the internet!
you're canadian so shit doesn't apply to u
Yeah, we're pretty much exempt; we only have three major carriers and they're all competitive so we won't see any coverage being completely monopolized anywhere.
sorry make that 21 hidden threads from front page of reddit
nobody uses reddit.
you used the s-word
at least they didn't use a sword.
Annoying when my brain mixes up shortcuts for different programs. I haven't used Adobe Illustrator in a while so my brain still thinks it's using Blender.
now I miss old school Photoshop before it was completely monetized and destroyed and the main reason I use gimp.
rip in peace adobe 4 (not cs4, adobe 4 the best one)
I started my BFA in graphic design with CS2 so I'm not familiar with earlier programs. CS6 is fine but I refuse to use the backdoor intruding CC that really wants to be always online now.
Back in the day, the switch between PS4 and PS5 (and PS6 and onwards) was as subtle as taking away my palette and font boxes and replacing them with dropdowns so I couldn't just select my brush sizes on the fly or skim through a font preview realtime, reducing productivity for the inane reason of cleaning up the workspace and making it more user-friendly.
I kept using the same version of PS4 until it crashed so much I couldn't work around it anymore, even though I had adapted to when/why I could crash it, so I moved to Gimp.
I won't use a product that thinks it's better than me, and wants more money per version release while making the program less efficient to use. I drew it out for the absolute limit of its lifespan as well as I could, but with new operating systems it finally died.
I just use the Wacom tablet wheel for brush sizes and I do believe they brought back the brush selection palette you were describing? The fonts are still drop down though. I don't use PS for illustrating anymore because the line jitter problem has never been addressed for years and years. I'd rather do vector illustrations in Illustrator using the pen tool anyway. I was experimenting with Krita's perspective guides for a while before I decided to just go full 3D with Zbrush/Blender. Boss still evokes my GD skills even though I want to do 3D so I still use Adobe products for that purpose.
Gimp has a nice feature of making the edges of a square blend together so it can be used as a texture on a model without being so obvious that it's repeated squares. That's all I use it for these days.
I liked the font preview box so I could click the font dropdown and press up/down arrows to quickly scroll through the fonts and see them appear in the box.
Having to reach and click is counterproductive. Milliseconds matter to me. I'm not going to be alive forever.
CS6 does that tho
I had actually invested in a wacom tablet, but ended up barely using it at all, realizing that I preferred pencil on paper and that I might never transition into a digital artist ever.
Sure, all I needed was practice, but it was purchased because I thought doing so would be a motivation. I ended up selling it.
I had SAI for that time, as it was recommended as a good program that worked with wacom. I barely did anything with it at all.
Oh, sucks to be me then. But I'd have to pirate it. I can't afford it. Nice to know they went back to the original.
What works for me is I form the image of the thing I have to do in my mind. I pull it out into the palms of my hands. I then spin it with my hands until the image is spinning at the speed of light. I then slap that image into my mind and then that idea has been energized to much that my subconscious it set to do it.
.. Alright, you can go ahead and do that as I assume it is a creative exercise and not some believe in some kind of supernatural manifestation and as long as you aren't harming anyone you can go ahead and believe in it.
It's just self hypnosis though.
I think I get better results myself when I convince myself that nobody cares about my work, so that anything I do spontaneously is on a whim and because I think people will just get a small laugh, or some enjoyment out of a quick piece designed to evoke response.
Art is my life and I get super depressed if I don't do it.
Don't grow up to be an alcoholic; it will ruin your mind.
I did it on purpose because I wanted to be dumb like everybody else.
Oh, I just sleep and go to work. I don't have time to be depressed anymore.
If you're depressed at all it probably stems from the unfulfillment of your desire to find a mate and procreate, or want to become a social equal or have wealth.
I don't have depression anymore as there's nothing I have to look forward to, so I'm pretty much just content doing what I'm doing right now, and don't forsee any drastic positive changes.
I need to get back to the dreamworld, though.
If I'm sad because of a lack of a mate (I have a boyfriend) then why do I get happy when I'm doing my work?
okay goodnight
classical conditioning, Pavlov style you sick gay furry fucker.
you crave dopamine.
Don't be a cunt, Chiri.
or I mean; you crave the dopamine release from positive reinforcement.
same goes for you, both of you are just attention-seekers who were conditioned to respond to praise!
cmon man I was just trying to bants about stuff I'm into.
You especially, internalize criticism, deferring it to be handled by your 'feral' personality where perceived hatred or 'fear' of your habits by society reinforces the need for an 'animalistic' persona as created by your psyche.
This gives you the strength to persevere and continue to collect negative criticism as if it were a challenge and so your views are emboldened further; luckily all you want to do is be a dog (so far) with hopefully no intents to engage in intercourse with animals, but what if you were a cannibal and people reacted poorly with your notion that all animals are meat and that people are also animals?
Go to bed.
Chiri is not one for banter.
oh...sorry :
Sleep is better than acknowledging the existence of otherkin and those who identify as non-human.
For those people I advocate suicide so they can go be reborn as their spirit animals.
You know I was kidding, spirits and reincarnation don't exist. All the better.
Do not say that.
I cling to the faith that they are.
I hope that makes you feel special when you die.
Too scared to die, and too tired to live.
Why are you apologising? I don't care.
Why would you be scared if you believe that?
Highly illogical. You should be trying to die if you are bored of life.
You know what cynical irony is, right?
I envy you really. Magick is a defensive mechanism to adapt to all this shit.
I have to take everything literally.
It's the internet. I don't know when you're being condescending. I'm only equipped to respond to bullshit quickly and effectively.
I must take my leave, though.
But remember, and let it be known;
that not once, in any instance,
has Chiri ever asked for sexual favors,
has asked anyone for anything material,
but has given everyone a wealth of knowledge whether they asked for it or not;
and asked not even for one hug in return.
You've never given anyone any knowledge whatsoever, just whatever autistic bullshit.
Chiri gave me a hand job once.
*hugs tight*
whats on your mind this morning?
About to be in call with Fool while I play games.
Might break in Destiny 2 later.
which games?
I have Zoe now!
I'm sorry that you perceive the outside world as autistic bullshit; perhaps you should consider some self-reflection and determine why only your perceptions return autistic bullshit when met with reality.
Punches to the face are not considered 'hand jobs'.
lol you thought I left.
we should try aram together some time
I knew you didn't.
I'd be down.
You're only pretending to know that I didn't so you wouldn't have to admit that you didn't know that I didn't.
Chiri used to give me strange cooking recipes.
Chiri probably has me on ignore by now
Chiri ignores no one.
It happens a lot in furry circles if I'm not part of their cool kids click or whatever.
I doth wake.
Good morning
i feel awful
how come
Does this make you feel better? Have a giggle?
I started watched Star Vs.
On season 3 right now. It's cute.
i lost my job
I haven't watched it yet past a few episodes, but I looked at pics of princess marco. There's some cute ones where he's getting pegged by star.
looked at them last night, i mean
All the seasons are pretty different so far but they're all okay in their own way just like you.
Sorry to hear about your job.
that really sucks, you did something with events right
do you really need the money?
I really like that image for some reason
idk if I have more like it but I also enjoy it.
I think I like it because it's not really what it looks like
I doubt a chocolate cake with blood would taste good though ^^
Oh wait I do because I'm a huge fucking creep.
Scotland does it with pudding.
that's a little bit too gore-ish for me but thanks anyways
yea that's true.. I just remembered that I've had blood saucage before aswell
It's probably fine if you don't, like, saturate the batter with blood.
Maybe just a little bit?
people have this cute idea of "just enough so they can taste it" but if that's the case you don't want to put it into the cake itself.
Really, only a couple drops gets the cute yandere effect.
Might as well enchant the drops with crazy voodoo if you're going that rout.
I've never met an actual yandere person irl
brb shelving my book of crazy voodoo brownie recipes one hundred percent guaranteed to get Ioco to let you eat his tasty anus
Be aware of your surroundings.
He's eating my blood anyway, so I'm already going to be inside him.
I'd hate to see what his medical bill was after that.
i got a job interview
feeling better
keep up the positive direction!
Good luck at your interview winky smiley face
The closer the day gets to my interview the more uneasy my stomach gets.
Someone please make me brunch.
You're going to fucking tank it Rin there's no way they'd hire you.
love you guys
Idk it's a dork store.
they might make you manager
Aw thanks for including me even if you don't mean it. ♥
A store that sells dorks?
Hey guys what should I sculpt in zbrush?
Something like that, I guess.
Seija !!
You mean Seija Kijin?
Yes - the girl I'm posting.
Bonus points for danmaku action shot but I don't know how hard that would be, or if it'd be an annoyance, so I don't feel comfortable directly asking.
reeeeeee videogames
Reeeeeeeee Squids
Anything goes except for animation. You guys get my work done so I feel obliged to return the favor.
Especially if he lives in the US with its high ass costs for healthcare.
just feeling sad.
i'm going to buy a huge anal vibrator on amazon
Wait for Black Friday
How did the interview go? Was it for the nursery?
don't mind (or do mind) the fact it's female but
This is sabs btw
it's not until tomorrow
And no. It's just a supermarket job. Not really something to be proud of but it would mean I don't feel so useless.
good luck!
I'll cross my fingers for you
It is if you make it so. Take pride in the work and helping people. That's all that matters. :D
Also, the employee discount. That matters too.
I may also do some volunteer IT work for Oxfam if they'll have me. Then maybe I can lie on my CV about the extent of my IT skills, and get a nice job where I can sit in front of a CRT and play solitaire in a basement.
The dream, y'know.
As someone who is routinely asked to perform IT tasks for which I am not remotely qualified to handle, I wish you godspeed and may Google be your friend.
Nepotism will get you everywhere.
plan b is a find a husband who will support me and my art in exchange for love
so if you know anyone like that hit me up
I'm adding 'sugar daddy for bleeblo" to my xmas list.
add sugar mommy while you're at it too. it's 2017.
what else are you asking from Santa? i'm really wanting some winter socks. and those chocolates on sticks that are shaped like father christmas.
A nap. I want a nap for xmas.
If you get into your sweater this evening, and get some hot chocolate, and maybe some valium, you can have a nap by your log fire. and it'll feel like christmas.
George is gay
It's too hot for all that, but I am not opposed to drugging myself.
drug yourself with christmas spirit
Where the hell have you been man?
Comfy naps
lonely :(
Somebody cared enough to tell me they missed me and so I wanted to come see any real friends I have here because good conversation's been hard to come by
How's life been for you hupony, anything new or fun or not happen?
it's nice to see you again
No lonely ;_;
Spending time with your IRL friends makes you lonely..?
Eh, not really. Just the same old.
Nice to see you too. Been a few weeks now!
ugh well just between you and me I've only got 2 irl friends I'm friends with enough to actually hang out with on their own......
Since I moved houses I've been hanging out more with my little brother but we dont have alot of the same interests so getting into conversations with him makes me feel kinda awkward
I do have a few more friends who are friends of friends but They aren't really my friends so they'er off the table :/
I hang out in my discord but everyone there is just a superhard shitposter so tangible conversation is off the table
I've been trying to get them to make a board but they're all caught up in their own board culture from /r9k/
I finished watching weebish naruto and naruto shipudden and boruto with my best friend over he course of this past year give or take a few months so that was cool.. I've never actually watched through anything besides just naruto so it was nice to spend time with my bestie and also it's not a bad series
Also it sounds like YOUR life has been just as boring as
MY life
I guess you're running on a pretty packed schedule with uni and all so I can't blame ya : /
where's the rest of the squad today I wanna play with spec and ikt and feku :3
Hey man, more than me, though probably because I hate being social.
Aww ;-;
Sounds like you've been enjoying, that's good.
Eh, is not that bad. Wake up early, get home in late afternoon. Wouldn't say it's too packed.
Heh, I guess Ikt is modding as usual, Spec's in trouble and Feku is jerking it to lolis.
So same old there too~
It's Turkey Day spirit! So um...gravy with drugs.
Oh, how I adore them!
thank you for talking with me tooday hu
It made me happy
I'll probably bounce back around when I see more of the old crew hanging out :P
I hope you have a fun time here in the future and stay safe
Oh shoot, yeah.
Eat so much you pass out. ♥
im heaving a headache over gta :D
I gotta start running again or I'm gonna turn into a juicy turkey.
I am here.
I expect adoration, adulation and general praise.
Give it.
you could let yourself get chubby
would be cute
I'd probably delete and block a chubby sabrina tbh
There are many, many people who can pull off cute chubiness. I do no believe I am one of them. Also, I'm too cheap to buy new clothes!
I WAS going to mail you some pumpkin pie, but nevermind.
You lie. Like everyone. You were never going to do that. You were just going to stuff it into ya gobber. Mate.
Everyone is cute chubby.
you only have to buy one pair of sweatpants and one t shirt
you'd look great
sssssssssssssssssssh Just slay
cant believe sabrina made me ejaculate
don't shame me
No shame in your game. Respect.
I'm trying to find a profanity-laced version of the duck song that actually made me laugh. Not my proudest moment, but it was funny.
My beloved degenerate.
Working today?
thanks. i always worry i will be judged when i mention my hulk fetish to people.
If you want i can put on the Hulk hands from Toys R Us and attempt to fist you in private, privately, where other people won't see or know about it, and think this post is just some sort of ironic joke.
Mhm. I can't find that video at the moment, but if I do I'll share. It was silly.
What are you up to today?
Someone's anus is going to the morning.
yes, i would "ironically" be down for that
pretty sure you should get punch by the hulk for making that joke
Finished work, watching the game, wanting some docs, just feeling generally lazy loaf'ish.
another 2 days of work and it is a saturday free
Ready for tomorrow?
my butt's never sore the morning after
even when i use my hulk hands
4 mercy mains last game when I played with poke
5 healer mains this game
Will he beat me to a....pulp?
'Cause pulp...comics...
Sorry sorry.
You smoke work too much, Pippin.
I'm not ready for tomorrow. I mean, I am, but I ain't. Ya know?
Do you wake up Bruce'd?
bruce'd and bannered. and sometimes a little smashed. in my butt.
#bless #thank #blessthank
I am sure it'll be fine. Just a dry run for Xmas... its the dry humping before the fucking
honey needs to get bannered for bad puns
Naw. My puns are marvel-lous. :D
I actually do less cooking for Xmas. Last year, I just made a couple of Cornish game hens for me and mama with some mashed taters and stuffing. :D
We keep it cozy on Christmas. Turkey Day is the beast.
I uh......I got nothin'.
its quite the pun actually
I think I was going to make a big deal about the Hulk smash thing, but I decided to keep things...low key.
bad puns are punishable my law
that's pretty good
Understandable. Who is doing what tomorrow?
to be fair, he was just going off someone else
100 greatest one-liners before the kill
Am I the only one who prefers the sanitized version? It's so ridiculous. I love it.
Thanks! ♥
Mom's on stove/oven duty. I'll mostly be chopping, peeling, etc.
You deputizing for once? Stealing all the family secrets.
thats a movie i need to see again really soon
Mom's the better cook by far, so she ought to man the big gun. I'm ok at doing the grunt work. :3
I love the first 3. 4 is dumb, but has a few absurdly charming moments.
I haven't seen the fifth. It looks too garbagey.
Fell asleep shortly after making this thread
Anyway, does anyone have any good ideas for an Holla Forums fan fiction? I wanted to do Rin x Echo mpreg, but apparently society isn't ready for that level of art
Give me a grunt, MAGGOT!
Make Loco's ritualistic penis mutilation the main focus.
What's this meme
i wish it were a meme
dat's a cute song
Like a hot dog splitting in a microwave.
i'm so out of practice with singing i want to die
Again, from the diaphragm!
there are people downstairs. i can only sing from my head.
They're a neat band. You may like. They very chaotic in a good way.
Do I want more information?
my pennis is just a hole
my pennies are just useless currency
Dude, seriously though.
People still freaking try to use pennies to get that last little bit and it's like, why?
I'm a fan of that distorted wall of sound. :D
I'm so fucking done with people
why is everyone such a toxic piece of shit
Sometimes it is what you need, to tell the system to go fuck itself.
Get dunked on ♥
I'mma dunk your ass.
I dare you
I got Wilt Chamberlain's arm span and Michael Jordan's jump.
What you got, besides Denis Rodman's crippling anal fissures?
Bryants Sex offending libido
Admit it: You only joined the team because you heard the terms "man-on-man" and lay-up" and thought, "Whatever it is, sign me up!"
I'm just sayin'...
...the last time you double dribbled was when someone dunked a ball in your facehole.
Last time you got your hands on balls, the harlem globetrotters were a thing
That's got potential. I'll tell you what else's got potential.
When I asked you to hit the open man on the give and go, you ripped the defender's shorts down and tried to put your hot dog between his buns.
where are the gays
Look in the mirror
wow haha i cant believe im scoot
hi squoosh
Scoot. We're the only two spazzes still here.
Oh, nevermind.
Hi, everbody.
You know, somebody once told me never mind
whats up
Sitting in call and playing LoL.
LoL is gey
wanna play after i finish this match/eat dindin?
Fear the creeper
my carphone broke
what is the 90s TV obsession with making everything so blatantly manufactured
like all of that is oversaturated and done on soundstages using props and people overracting in perfectly painted cars with perfect hair and perfectly clean clothes in front of a wide angle lens that has no function other than to make it look unreal and distorted
what a nightmare time to be alive and i'm glad i wasn't there for it
I wish loco wasnt born
But maybe I wanted to lurk
Imagine, no loco. Bliss
i was considered gifted as a kid
what went wrong
Unwanted gift
Enjoy the shitfest.
i am also going to sleep
90's TV was great you youngling
Goodnight guys. I wish I could have bugged y'all some more, but it's been a weird day. Take care.
ill just throw myself into hours of youtube again and maybe play overwatch later
Bye Sabs
I love you, take care and have a wonderful Thanksgiving
Oh wait lol I thought you were leaving
Someone play Fortnite with me
One more Sona token and I have rank 7.
-pushes out the tea cart with trays of sliced turkey breast in a lightly seasoned gravy; mashed sweet potatoes with orange juice, pecans, dried cranberries, and brown sugar; and punkin pai!-
-gives you a sonata token-
Do I get two servings?
I don't like Cayde 6
Cayde-6 is legitimately the only reason anyone actually kept playing Destiny 2.
He's not funny, and they try too hard
He was like bordering of self-awareness and irony and it was awful in the only entertaining way that games has to offer.
-nods and refills your plate- ^.^