What does Holla Forums think about Kyle Kulinksi/SecularTalk as entry level leftism?

What does Holla Forums think about Kyle Kulinksi/SecularTalk as entry level leftism?

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Hes okay from succdem perspective but he's still a liberal who's values berniecrat thought above all else

He has the same hairstyle I had when I was 10

This boards tolerance of and lack of pessimism regarding succdems and entryism is getting tiresome. I understood it during the election because of the overton window shift argument and because a lot of anons here were still liberals themselves who needed to be radicalized. But I fully expected after Sanders capitulated to Clinton succdem would lose credibility forever.

Somehow though you guys keep expecting succdems to actually fundamentally do something different nowadays than they have for the last 100 years I don't get it. If you're a radical why would you ever expect a succdem to change anything. Why do so many on this board keep supporting Corbyn, Melenchon and their impotent movements? They will literally just be SYRIZA 2.0.

Give up on entryism and "pragmatism" and PLEASE start organizing

Some people noticed he looks a bit like a lesbian

not even sucdem, he is a neolib faggot and therefore worthless

Agreed but this is preaching to the choir at this point. Eventually (maybe, maybe not idk) they will get there. At some point you realize these half baked ppl like Sanders and Corbyn will betray their own 'revolution' given enough backlash. It's always the people talking the most that seem to be doing the least.

Socdems are ultimately on the same side, aren't they? They're the only ones who'll get mainstream support, because people don't want revolution right now. Don't alienate possible support by spazzing out about "muh succdems".

He's not neo-lib.

They never want the revolution as they want to preserve the capitalism

Yep definitely on our side lmao.
Pics related

I guess it's the liberal in me but I thank Bernie and Kyle heavily because they got me into hardcore leftist politics.

Nowadays I realize Kyle is nowhere near where I am in terms of world views but I'll pop on some videos and I really appreciate his anti imperialist outlook. I think he has a radical nerve in him. I think all SocDems do. They see problems with the system they just think they can change it.

And to be fair, I'll take a progressive government any day over the joke we have now here in burgerland.

Well some aspects of capitalism are pretty nice though.

Roo owned him.

I don't see your flag but I'm going to assume youre joking

Is this like the jews killed jesus?
At least under socdems there were never any famines like holodomor.

I also don't like every action every socdem ever did.

Why would I be joking?
There's no denial that some aspects of the free market are genuinely positive.


I'm a socialist through and through. I'm just not that much of a Marxist.

Social Democracy is capitalism not socialism so no you aren't

Advocating for nationalization of certain means of production and distribution, labour rights, strong unions, regulations on business to prevent exploitation of labour and consumers.
Yeah I'm clearly not a socialist.

essentially just a succdem who still believe the "we need to "reform" capitalism" meme
not even leftist i a h just a cheap DEM controlled op to trick people to vote two part because "muh cool hip succdem is running"

A meme


By that definition the nazies were socialist.

National Socialism
It's right in the name

fuck TYT

According to this definition socialism has never existed because these things were never owned by the community but by the state.



Just how stupid are you?

I'm not dumb. That's not the platform they were running on when they got elected, though. You might still be able to claim that his campaign was socialist even when he broke his promises.



succdemmery just makes capitalism more palatable. capitalism will - in time - destroy everything of value.
if fdr hadn't won the world would be communist now. it's not a stepping stone, capitalists would never allow the next step.

I think he's a shill and I enjoy trolling his channel



How is this defferent from Holocaust denial?

Holocaust denial has no factual basis in reality and usually comes up with "JEWS HID IN BUNKERS!" and such to account for the people missing after Nazi atrocities.

This is uncomparable, and every historian preaching the 50 million dead changed their tune after Soviet archives were released. Not even the hardest Stalinfag will deny that people died under Stalin's reign, however they will (rightfully so) deny the false and bloated numbers used as propaganda.

There's a reason why the key members involved with the Black Book of Communism denounce it as being a lie (key writer exaggerated and lied for 100 million) and that historians such as Robert Conquest have changed their numbers from the unrealistic 50 to 60 million to a more reasonable 20 to 30.

Kyle "Lesbian Softball Coach" Kulinski is not even a succdem. He's a liberal.

Sometimes he's good, often he's bad. Also kind of annoying. Sane Progressive is better.

Someone send him a copy of Capital vol 1 & 2

I dunno why this guy doesn't have more views, here's what a real youtuber looks like:


because there's evidence for the holocaust

Succdems are liberals.

Even then. 20 to 30 million deaths don't come out of a good ideology.

He's shit.

Slightly better and less insufferable left-libs exist, like Sam Seder. In fact, some of his stuff can be amazing no matter if you're an actual communist or not, like this video: youtube.com/watch?v=dlN9plBx6Ho. An aut-rightist calls in to "have an honest discussion about race and Autism Level points" with muh Bell Curve and trips like a pathetic beta while insisting that he's right and everything is le common knowledge maymay.


wtf i love mccain now

No thanks famalam