Is generation Z gonna be ultra-fascist?

Is generation Z gonna be ultra-fascist?

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just wait until they enter the workforce

no lol, most haven't even graduated highschool. Age is a great crusher of political radicalism

Is that some zombie movie?

National socialist?


Going to college and entering the workforce are two extreme catalysts for class consciousness.

Entering the workforce is what switched me from a liberal to a libertarian when I realized that taxes suck

Then why are the millennials so without a class consciousness and obsessed with identity?

so you are kind of right. its just that instead of just proles and bourgeoisie, you now have bourgeoisie, proles, and leaches. If you want a real communist revolution you need to get rid of the leaches first so that the proles can't blame the government for taxing them.

I always wonder why socialists don't emphasize the anti-tax implications of Marxist theory more. Hoxha abolished taxes in Albania, just as an example.

And working at walmart is what turned me from being a dumb normal conservative to a commie, what's your point?

reactionary proles are a thing and will be a thing.

because a lot of them don't belong to the class that needs consciousness

yeah, and you can't stop it

I know.

Doesn't pretty much every major socialist/communist text emphasize the abolition of taxes?

I agree they are fucking lumpen.

because you've been cucked by socdems

they've been cucking you since killing 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧Luxemburg)) in your poorly thought out german revolution

Because the actual left has atrophied to the point of being nearly non existent and has to overcome nearly a century of intense anti Communist propaganda, so class consciousness etc has to start basically from square one.

lumpen are whores and whoremongers, crooks and the wretched who neither produce nor exploit
the college students in question are mostly liberal petty-bourgeois and bourgeois, or proles sucked in by their rhetoric and community

No, they're going to be super-duper-ultra-fascist plus, and the generation after them will be hyper-mega-communists to balance things out.


never really understood why taxes aren't just deducted from the employer automatically and then not shown to the employee directly. it doesn't seem major enough to be a pink-square conspiracy, but it doesn't seem trivial enough to explain why few-if-any places have done it.

for all practical purposes you didn't earn $100 and then have $10 taken off, you earned $90. Porky is just trying to pass along the operating costs of society onto you.

this is doubly the case when some receipts etc don't print sales tax/VAT, because it makes it much easier for Thatcherite types to pull the stunt they did in Britain - increasing the overall tax burden by hiking VAT, while cutting the top rate of income tax for the very top.

I'm very anarcho-capitalist, but the only left-wing ideology I can endorse is syndicalism, because it doesn't change the fundamentals of the capitalist system I like, all it does is it changes the people who own it. Combine this with a healthy dose of nationalism to keep the nazis happy and we can create a god tier ideology.

Probably not

so just national syndicalism? that's already a thing, and it usually doesn't turn out well for you or ansyn's

thats not what dialecticals are about

Probably not>>1911013

millennials are not gen z you inbred monkey


Then what does Gen Z matter at all if they're not a majority of the newer generation


they are the newer generation lol



communism is the road to state capitalism

I don't see how that disproves my point. They're still Millennials. If you think that, I don't know they'll somehow escape the trends you both conspiratorially refer to as being from the jews to brainwash the youth or themselves being brainwashed by capitalism what have you

I just don't get it, how is that going to be any different besides the material conditions at play?

The only thing that shapes ideological results are material conditions, and frankly the future is left


Only 33% said they support socialism and even than i'm not optimistic about that figure considering shit like pic related and comrade Cenk

they're probably 90% succdems and liberals LARPing as revolutionaries

I'm talking about material condditions in the future. If it's just succdems and larping now, when they get out in the world in the future with worse conditions than us?

History is history. It's highly implausible they'll trust Capitalism in higher number

If you don't join the gang soon you'll be stuck with a dismal cabinet post like secretary of state for Northern Ireland. Foreign Secretary is still open…

oh no, this thread again…

I'll never forgive you for Rosa, I refuse to give in

We formally apologise. The freikorps were a mistake.

Terribly sorry you feel that way comrade.

unless that brings her back then i don't accept

Tell that to the OP.

This is a fake post. Every post on r/advice is fake. People basically suffer from on online form of otherizing when they don't realize the redditors are as capable of making sarcastic, ironic and self-aware posts to troll people as anyone else on the internet.

hi Holla Forums, you fucking wish

Literally only american kids are like that

This is just more proof Holla Forums are 14 year old kids.

gulag the burgers

That screencap is absolute shit as no 40 year old housewife without an education knows how to work a computer.

As opposed to the trannies and skinny betas who've never worked a day in their lives that hang out here?

You'd know plebbitor.

You stormcucks beat us in both of those I'm afraid. We're also whiter.

I mean I know that this is an easy strawman to make but I don't actually think it's that much of a case as it could be. Maybe I'm just self inserting and using anecdotal evidence but it seems like a fair amount of workers.

Almost all of us have jobs and there are only a few trannies. We've got more females though, which is a good thing.

You say this, but it's been regarded for a long time that the majority of reddit posts are made by bots and feds.

Year pretty much

It's because your ideology is safer and more PC and backed by juden.

Just shows you the alt right are a bunch of children

No, it's because reddit is full of bots shilling for the DNC, idiot.

I think both far-right and far-left politics will continue to grow. Get ready for mass purgings of ideological opposites in bloody civil wars like 30's Spain

thats basically what happend

I mean we say and hope that but these views in all honesty are probably going to solidify as they get older if nobody can make an organized effort against their rhetoric, which leftypol hasn't been able to provide yet.

I mean I'd hate to admit it, but given how easy it to debunking idpolers and how idpol is primarily seen as a thing for the "left", they probably won't ever consider it because of the association with the embarrassing components of the left which are focused on.

In the choice between socialism and fascism with a nice tax plan, which will socdems choose, I wonder


Nah just edgy teenagers.
They will be on their knees crying when they start working.