i never got into those shooter style doom type games....
but ur video of ursewlf gameplay is kew!!! i want you to records moarrrrr
you gotta bump ding dong
nevermind im the ding dong
you seem to be a bit more active today than usual. i am a fan. of your posts. keep it up !!!!
Welcome home Hu.
No, I mean the phrase "guns akimbo", also known as "dual wield". The trope and word "akimbo" in this sense actually has very little to do with hands, hips, or where you rest the two.
I normally only go recording myself occasionally. If I've got something neat-ish that I want some gameplay webms to be able to post somewhere, or there's some feature that is worth showing off.
But I still like akimbo comics. Not sure what he meant with the word itself, but maybe it means something to him.
Oh yeah, I turned off everything because I wasn't sure if I was gonna shower and go get breakfast when my movie was over, then Squiddy had to go and post interesting things.
So sleep, nerd.
And yet I still did better than you.
So buy it. It's on steam. I guess it's technically "Early Access" currently, but it's the full first third of the game, and they've shown off the second a few weeks ago and started pushing some closed betas for the multiplayer. So, development is coming along pretty well.
Chi- Ri- Cha- n~
I missed you, talk to me.
I see how it is
Guess I have to get out the cattle prod.
Dunno. I've never been able to figure out why some people call it "guns akimbo", or if you were a CoD fan back in the day just "akimbo". Seeing as the two really have no relation, I just dunno. Maybe someone just thought it sounded cool.
I literally have no money to throw at anything right now. Not even 20 dollars for Doom & Quake nostalgia.
Yeah? Good, keep seein' then.
do not. do this
do it
just for grenben
I refuse
Well, Akimbo comics sort of predated any gaming terms there, so since I'm not a FPS gamer my only usage of Akimbo is from a really dry webcomic. So, pardon me for not knowing.
i'm a classic !
keep doing it !
did you see my recording last thread?!
rip in pips moi duder
Why, you want me to use it on you?
N-no !
Who'd want something lewd like that!?
you seem very. CHEERFUL ! i am glad. *pet pet* nice cute lil kitty :3
You don't really have a choice.
's-all good.
I have no since looked up these Akimbo Comics. The art style feels familiar somewhere but I can't place it.
Besides, I gotta save up for muh Grab Deals. Who knows what the December Grab might be.
Stop being such an antisocial idiot, just say what you want to say and stop hiding behind a picture of an anime girl, geez. It's really disingenuine.
Also sup, old dog is back in the thread looking for puppies to fuck.
Seems not, seeing you're still offline
Ah... yeah...
'bout that.
I am actually gonna go shower, eat, and disappear for a few hours.
Not super much. Huddled in a cocoon of blankets because I'm too comfy to go turn on the heat, but I should really do that soon.
Needs more blood then I'd get into it.
Not sexually though. But I could do furry RP
I don't watch LEEG
Who hasn't seen enough leeg in their life
gotta not buy videogames so you can preorder robots
No, you're a good person for knowing how to layer and retain body heat to conserve money.
Us lower class know how to dress and how to preserve body heat.
Don't forget to sleep too!
Enjoy shower and meal
Well, yes, but ultimately I need to shower and do things today, and walking around a cold house soaking wet as small as I am is just a recipe for disaster.
wait, shower?
... meal?
have some blood
oh, well there's no recipe for disaster if you live in Canada.. I assume you're well off in Ontario where there's no threat of earthquakes, tornados or tsunamis, so the only disaster I forecast for you is a super annoying piece of hair that wants to curl up on the side!!! OMG
*hugs tight*
watch dis then~
do you want me to rp bite you?
That's gay
and look what you posted!
I like to joke about catching my death of hypothermia far too much, it seems.
warrmmmmm hugg~~ uwu
a girl?
says the one who sort of lewded green bean... in a roundabout way.
Do you think we could arrange circumstances in which that could happen?
You're clearly a fag.
Only I may lewd the green bean
good one
You're too obvious.
says who !!!!! i make the green bean rules !!!!!
I probably could very easily just by not dressing very well for the weather after I shower.
ssssssh, just let it happen.
Time for work, later.
Canada can be difficult to navigate in the winter without proper preparation and I constantly see people unprepared. Why are people dumb?
I don't know.
Maybe it's the Americans getting citizenship and moving to Alberta thinking it's a right wing province.
have a nice day at work sweetums. be SAFE
apparently not
green bean poutine
stating that you are not obvious in a direct link shows you that you are actually apparently obvious by the nature of the reply.
I dunno, I remember I used to see a bunch of cloud cuckoolanders outside my school wearing the quilt without any adequate insulation underneath, and flats, complaining about the cold.
I think people just don't realize that comfort doesn't have to forget fashion.
Maybe though, you could just take an AR15 to school and just kinda, show everyone that comfort doesn't equal to fashion, like once and for all.
My apologies. I wasn't outwardly trying to force you to think.
I realized the my eyeballs were still in once piece and there was something else crucial I needed to record.
most scenarios. (especially living in a hot humid swamp.) i do fashion over comfort. the only time i do comfort is... when in home and no one is over.
thinking sounds like effort
Then you're dumb.
I do fashionable comfort because, like, what the heck are you cuckoolanders hoping to accomplish?
I don't have a suitably bemused yoomoo.
You would have to get accustomed to thinking if you wanted to become acquainted with me, if you understand the english word 'acquaint'- not a friendship per say, but a mediary between friend and stranger.
If I come across as an asshole, I AM! I am the best asshole. People love my quirky humor and remarks and my adamant detail in dissecting people. ?
f..for me ?
;-; thank u. *bigger warmer snugglier hug*
Would it be smarter to sell my whole N64 collection and invest in an everdrive?
I read the rest like a computer and therefore skipped it
show me cute anime pics
Chiri's supple asshole
Oh that's great, so it was like a terms of service for you and you skimmed it and didn't get to the dark parts and said 'ok'. I like people like you, then.
Would you like to be my intermediary friend?
im accomplishing lookin cute 24/7
and male shorts look bad on me. short shorts/fem shorts are okay. but i always wear jeans out. even when i went to disney and it was high 90s mid summer. jeans and a nice long sleeve. I NEED TO LOOK GOOD ALWAYS !!!!
i feel terrible if i dont like what im wearing. ill be grumpy whiny shy quiet baby if i dont like the outfit bc i just cant stop thinking about it. but a good outfit. CONFIDENCE. AND EXCITEMENT !!!!
Comfort doesn't mean big bulky clothes.
I complain endlessly if what I'm wearing isn't comfortable.
Unless it's my fault and I underdressed for the weather because I didn't check it.
Might as well answer okay, seeing the reply for that would be no, making anything that came after irrelevant seeing it would only reply if what you stated was true.
aaaa theyre all on my pc ;;
im. looking for some. on my phone right now. i will try to post good and cute and sweet and adorable ones !!
please, you haven't even had your asshole licked since it became a thing.
no really though they keep inventing shit like fat butts are in? noooo. now they want people to eat ass? shit dude, what's next teabags go mainstream?
yeah i know. comfort here in planet sun state. means shorts. tee shirts/tank tops. minimal clothing.
i am the opposite.
oh but you were so interested before, why would you decline to be my intermediary quantumsexual partner?
I was? What?
Wasn't it your instigation that led to this?
What does the universe tell you now?
pictured: (me on the left) sleep monster !
cute internet guy things.
Best tomato
You started talking to me about blood and RP'ing though. Are you high or drunk?
I'm not a furry okay?
Can you stop responding to my posts? We can both sleep better if you don't. Holy shit these fanboys.
i am the big tomato !!!!! (sakurako is best yuru yuri girl to be fair...)
I'll RP with you Hu.
you'll fuck anything with a leg and a pulse you old codger.
nor am I. You're definitely high
But I don't even RP
You wouldn't RP with Hu.
She's a cute trap.
Don't hump my leg when I'm trying to hump someone elses, Chiri.
Nor do I.
"I'm kidding of course," says Chiri as she takes a deep draw from a cigarette. "That old Dog is younger than I am."
They're all good stuff
I'm in my mid 30's though.
Not a trap. Not cute, and not a she.
So many wrongs in one post
No RP'ing then
Yeah well you're stupid.
So, not even insult, kinda evaluation.
You're not very educated and lack some finesse, as we would call it, as you're slow conceptually and have a redacted reaction time for situational awareness.
Everything I have said is objectively true and cannot be proven incorrect.
Nothing personal, kid.
unless you set someone upon the task of doing so as a challenge merely to disprove you, so please don't make such a claim because I have a lot of time on my hands.
I can easily disprove any claim Chiri makes in as little as 2 words.
I never trapped in the first place. Why lie?
This but unironically.
I mean you're welcome to attempt to prove anything wrong in my post here
Hu's got a MASSIVE DONG.
me too!!!
Chiri's right.
it's actually just so small ikt couldn't even see it and got it confused with his own then they fucked.
ur wrong
Also, see
It is though, you know it.
also, see
Oh, I didn't change the reply in the previous post, one sec.
can confirm trap Hu tbh
I can't fucking believe luka would say something like this
You're relying on the pretense that any and all past data extracted from your posts on 8ch which are logged, meet with your statement that everything you have said is OBJECTIVELY true and cannot be proven incorrect.
So as a detective and not your attorney I know nothing can be held against you, objectively, but not subjectively; in the manner of your conduct surrounding the alleged allegation of your conduct being non-objectively true, so is a false witness of himself, knowing to have intentionally committed acts, in his statement, as being non-objective.
And? Cry about it nerd.
Someone call Trump.
Chiri is building that wall.
You're the one who'll cry when it tears your ass apart!
Better image.
like trump would.
I build stronger social barriers than he could even afford with concrete. Chiri gets shit done.
Poop on me.
speaking of sleeping....
i am. an extremely pooped bean. very very tired. i am going to go to sleep.
*big squeezy goodnight hug and soft headpat* uwu
(big sleep monster me on the left AGAIN)
Don't fucking suck my balls, you piece of shit. I didn't ask you to.
gib me da tasty poopy
Save it for Ikt.
I only ruin bad boys
I'm a good boy, I dindu nuffin.
Why are you degrading yourself like this Squash? I thought you had integrity! Stand up for yourself, don't let these little tryhards push you around.
You have to be YOU. Even if you're a pushover, bend over backwards and take it literally, you gotta stand up for yourself and have a sense of dignity if you want to be somebody or else you're always gonna be someone's target, you know what I'm saying you thick fucking nugget?
right, right, of course you are *petpet*
Come on, Chiri.
Give it to me. Drop the pants, squat over my face, and drop a hot and steaming Boston Hello on me.
False, I was clearly replying to Hu there and thus his comments about a specific subset of things I have said, i.e. that post I linked you there. I did not explicitly specify everything I have ever done and to attempt to interpret it that was is blatantly false.
Your second paragraph is unparsable. In your attempt to create an overly eleborate mess of words you broke either your grammar or began speaking utter nonesense. For example, "objectively" or "subjectively" are not terms which apply to the action "holding things against". Furthermore, the first clause following the semi-colon lacks a predicate, the final clause beginning with the word so is rendered grammatical garbage by complete illogical abuse of the comma.
tl;dr pussy ass bitch can't even try and needs to distract
Kyle gib me one reason to stay and post for a bit.
Pet. Ikt.
I can't believe Spec is stealing ikt's pets
Better fuck that cunt up, ikt
I'd like my own personal Ikt
Cleveland Steamer, right?
No sir, I have more respect for you than you imagined, and I'd like to see you clean yourself up and not just prowl around for furry penis. Look at what you are doing with your life.
I can only help for a little while.
I have to leave in like an hour for a job interview.
Playing hard to get huh?
Good thing I kept my pupperoni safe in my pocket.
lol you replied. didn't read
Don't try and out-autism people without knowing what you're getting into then.
Go find him there, he's probably playing GTA or something.
he replies
now we have a shit show
Squirt that hot soupy mess into my maw.
He's not. And he rarely plays GTA, he spends all his sparetime modding
What a fuckin' nerd.
Yeah, not to mention the peanutbutter and beggin' strips I also have.
Good thing I didn't mention those too.
So very productive
You are also replying. There's no victories here for anybody, we both know this.
Yeah go fuck yourself like you usually do.
Not like masturbation is sad or anything, social norms don't apply to individuals so you can feel completely free to get off to as much animal porn as you like.
aw, don't post the best anime.
Jokes on you.
I cry more during sex than when I wank.
i want a magnet implanted in a finger
Too there isn't a good boy around that I could reward these treats to.
Guess I'll just go throw this tennis ball by myself.
Now go dick and pet.
I'm goin to bed.
That's a wonderful shared experience I don't want to have to experience again if at all possible.
I have a whole folder of best anime, bitch.
okay, brb, gonna dick you
Ask Echo if he wants to league, I'm not important enough to get a reply :c
But I've been on my best behavior lately.
it's been a while now but I really ate a lot of pussy and had some very, very positive and occasionally wet reactions and I think the months I have had girlfriends was very converse to the times any of them would give ME oral, so, my relationships were very one sided
yeah but your face ain't shit.
I think he's busy right now.
Ha. Chiri was a fuck boi.
only dead women are loyal, necrophelia forever
But she doesn't want it
we can talk more.... mmmm when i get up in a couple hours. wait for me ? w.w
Like what?
She said she was a girl
I don't know.
Im a boi
Fine, fine, I'll ask him if he wants to go on a date with you.
But you said me too after I told you I was a grill.
My anime faces are good though, and that's all that matters.
Well I mean...
I can't just give handouts without any citation or proof that you're actually a good boy.
What if you were a bad boy? I could get in a lot of trouble. That's a lot of paperwork to fill out.
Yeah but don't call it that, my bf (best friend) might get upset
Literally too late.
How dare you even suggest I'm bad boy material.
But, so far, I have not seen you dedicated to your craft.
One has to emote, express using the character, so perhaps Kino works for you as a dissolution, to be a neutral response?
You might even be
a neutral boy
It's raining this morning so I made some tomato and basil soup from scratch
I peeled and cut up some potatoes and put them to boil separately
Now I can't decide if I should just make mashed potatoes or potato salad
Holy shit why
tomato basil bisque is the best soup on the planet
I thought it was funny.
Oh well, guess I'll just throw these treats away.
I wish I had some sort of shellfish so I could make a bisque
Yes, I only normally avatar as her in certain moods or situations, of which this is not one. I'm just mindlessly shitposting and thus was pulling random images out of my reaction images folder, which included the first Kino picture up there. The rest were merely for response's sake.
Me too
i-it's okay, I'd still dick you
Here have a m i l k b o n e
Real talk though it was because I knew he's preoccupied and suspected I'd have enough time to take the screencap and change it.
fuck you Soto, you aren't a ninja like Agiri or even a chef, you're going to ruin everything.
anyway in north america they call some pretty shit preparations 'bisque' and it's really just a tomato basil puree.. sadly
still tastes good, puree and boil your potatos and tomatoes and make a fake bisque soup base!! but too much potato could make it too creamy.
Oh, almost missed that post entirely. Had to respond due to the relevant content. Perhaps consider building an identity?
oh, forgot to include av.
Rin those games weren't even awful.
They were waffle.
I'm done, I'm out.
Soto what ingredients do you have on hand right now. Tell me.
I have one, I sometimes I just like to shitpost and don't care my dude.
you are not a list of ingredient, you are irrelevant.
I got her to 80 and then walked into a knife as I was trying to give her a PA.
Actually almost a little salty now.
take it to the fucking cry chamber
Soto what are you cooking
Cubed Tim Curry
Curry Sauce
Jasmin Rice
Chemical X
I made creamy mashed potatoes
topped em off with parsley
And a tomato basil soup
Throw the ingredients, and then yourself, off a cliff Yan.
It'll mix at the bottom.
I'm not impressed.
Hey wait a minute
Won't the fall from the cliff seriously injure or even kill me?
I'm not impressed at all. I'm going to go to bed hungry, but I have to wake up in less than three hours to go to work so I'm really not going to eat anything soon anyway.
come on, two of your ingredients were comedic effect, surely you'll make a poof of smoke and come back next week.
Fucking Canadians
There wasnt much else to work with lol
Sorry for being a poorfag
The soup came out a lil oily but I like it that way
But if I made curry out of Tim Curry
Then it would be Curry Curry, or Curried Curry
I'm not sure you got that.
Yes please.
Im sweating cause of this soup and it's not even spicy
I also burnt my tongue
Don't be pretentious for the sake of a joke, he's still alive hun.
What you could do instead is add half/half ground mustard and turmeric instead of *curry* and get a different flavour.
dude yesterday I bought mild salsa because that's all they had in the store, and I dabbed in some of my scorpion pepper sauce and mixed it up but it was straight loco I added too much but I ate the whole sauce container yo cause I don't quit.
cause when you have tostitos you don't stop
Your boipussy must've been on fire afterwards
But yeah I'm just like that
It hurts but I just keep going
Maybe I'm a Masochist
forceful sodomy
Or would that be more Sadism?
Cause you're inflicting the pain on yourself
Or Masochism cause you enjoy the pain?
nah Soto the last time I handled scorpion peppers and went downstairs was a rough time, so I made sure to clean up afterwards but I love the experience of super hot foods and having to blow your nose and wipe your tears, it's a beautiful kind of pain indeed.
While we may not be masochists, chiliheads are legit.
It's great clearing up your sinuses
gg all your napkins though
That's a new one lmao
I'd say the chili experience isn't so masochistic as it sounds, it's more like an adventure for your senses.
So, some people climb mountains, others basically come close to tissue paralysis via technically 'poisonous' nonlethal plants that have developed anti-edible seed pouches
and then humans bred them to make them worse, for fun
and when I get a bottle of bhut jolokia (ghost pepper) I am like...
I have tasted and collected quite a few brands, so far my favourite by heat and flavour combined is CaJohn's Lethal Injestion- a mix of bhut jolokia, fatalli and red savina, no extract, all taste and natural pepper heat.
my budget buy is Grace Scotch Bonnet hot pepper sauce, super nice heat to add to anything for $1.25 a bottle. Love that stuff.
Currently: going through a bottle of Aubrey D's Scorpion Pepper Sauce, even a dab of this stuff is nuts, has a bit of extract taste in it but hell, does the job in a soup or if you want to turn a jar of mild salsa into WILD salsa lol. Does the job can't complain.
Is he really though? Can you really say he's 'still alive' after that stroke ruined his life?
Yes, still alive means not fucking dead.
You want to rip on me for being not dead yet? I'm on my way, but I'm alive for now.
I'm riddled with cancers.
I'm not going to the doctor.
I'd rather just have a stroke.
Everyone can celebrate.
not today though~!
well, not unless I'm suddenly very unlucky but I'm shooting for surviving today.
til ヷ is read the same as ヴぁ
and like, surviving more often in general if I can.
perhaps years!
but no, no doctor. I'll let it go to my brain, I kinda want it.
guess who's back
trying to convince people snails come from eggs
tfw you crack open your egg in the morning to make an omelette and there's a frukken snail in side.
I can't believe soto won't let me into that fresh boipussi
I can't believe my little Gundam lover is this autistic
I'm not impressed.
calm down ladies, you're both pretty
I changed my folder and now it's a lot more melee centric but it has a lot more damage output.
I did almost 700 damage to her in one round without a setup.
Y-You too
Hu also thinks you're a lady
She isn't?
But I am a real grill tho
nvm regret bringing it up
nice kitty
yes pat
Here have another
Aww ;-;
Sleep tight Luka
So many kitties!
I like cats
Your cat is extra THICC
Or is he just fluffy?
He looks like a lazy mf tho
I'm afraid she's not really my kitty, just my mother's, though I was the one who picked her... Or rather, I was just the one who happened to notice she wanted to go back with us.
But yes, she's pretty fat, as well as fluffy
What's her name?
Yeah, my older sister has a couple of cats and one of them is super fat cause she's always hungry and I always give her food when I come over so she fucking loves me.
Subtle kinda got mad at me cause I over feed her sometimes lmao
She's extra thicc
I just have a thing for fat cats
I'm trying to find a pic of her in my camera pics but there's just too many
Hahaha, goddamn cat knows how to get food out of people~
Nothing wrong with fat cats, they're quite cute.
I don't blame you. Fat cats look great and they're generally very nice to pet and stroke
wow stuff actually happened
I just have a thing for fat cats
Soto- 2017
How do you pronounce that?
That u that looks like a happy face probably makes it sound weird
Yeah fat cats are the best
Im surprised he fits under that part of your desk lol
What even is that little slot supposed to be for?
Fat cats are nice
Dude's so fat he needs 2 pictures to fit in one
That's a bad pic...
cute! :3
Pronounce it like it's German~
I don't know, it's an Ikea table. Fits for kitties :3
It's actually a video lol
I just screenshot it
I have pictures of her when she WAS skinny
but I really havent taken any pics lately of her at her fattest lol
I wish i knew German
Was it hard setting it up?
Mine took a while to set up and it looked so simple
easy spot to put books and folders
Oh, I see.
Heh, is she losing weight now? If not, should take some pics next time you see her~
o-oh ;-;
Could try Google Translate I suppose. It can read a word for you, can it not?
I'm sure the German one will be able to pronounce Müsli just fine.
Eh, I don't know. I've had this desk for 17 years or so, I didn't set up anything, and I got 10 thumbs so even though I've moved it around quite a lot since then, others have assembled it for me, since I'm just that privileged
Nah she's still fat I just don't really take pics as much as I used to
Lmao is your cat named after oats and like milk?
I just checked rn and it's pretty easy to pronounce I was just scared of that u letter lol
lol damn these priviledged rich Danish folk
We derailed this thread with cats
Now it's time to derail this thread with food
dude if you start food posting right now i won't forgive you
We got her from an animal shelter cause we didn't really want all that kitty thing. Wanted one that had grown up.
And she was standing right there, meowing right as we went through the door into all the cats and rubbed herself up against her cell, and she came running up to us and purring as soon as we took her out the cell.
We wanted a blue/black male cat, and if that one didn't want to talk, we would go home with a male one for sure!
Turns out we got home with an orange female, lol.
She was just too fucking adorable and talkative, and she still is.
She a cute
SOTO don't do this to me my man
remember when derailing threads was like a regular occurrence
i wanna pet a cat
i want to be pet by a cat
I'd pet Ikt
i wanna cat a pet
Wish post your hairy pussy
I'd pet Soto
But kitties are nice too
They're way more rambunctious though
Yeah the other fat cat always sees me then just headbutts me and nuzzles the shit out of my leg
Then I ask her if she's hungry then she won't stop fucking meowing cause she knows Im gonna feed her
On a side not though clean your desk pls
Sorry for the slow responses, I just finished the water temple
I'll do it to you real good bby
Don't, you're gonna get Rin jealous
Hey, thanks dude.
Super trapping now, check out my assorted assplay devices and quadcore fleshlight
tfw you need a triple octopus vacuum to masturbate
Do you think Yuzumori will ever get a anime adaption?
I mean Takagi-san is getting one next season
What do you call a groip of squod?
I have none... M-maybe you could send me some along with some... S-spraypaint Soto-Kun!
Maybe one day, it's not popular enough right now.
What are you up to anyways?
I rarely see you in the morning, or well its afternoon for you I guess
But Vandalism is bad Casper-kun
please, I don't even live where the pics are taken anymore. I don't even own a cat right now ;_;
What is bad about it?
gay af
Soto, you do coke and under age girls.
You don't get to call people out.
Just like you
more gourmet green bean poutine
I sure am glad we have an official Moral Authority here to decide who is and is not allowed to call other people out.