Commisar Ben strikes again


someone post the original


why does ryan look like dracula?

He's truly a terrible artist.

Ben Garrison always makes Obama look like a smug basass villain

Ben Garrison is like if Kelly from The Onion were a real cartoonist and a not a satire character

I hate his rotten style so much…

Can we just stop looking at this shitty cartoons? They're complete trash.


Holy shit, I didn't think it could get worse.

I object to the watermark thing. Ben's name is a de-facto watermark.

Though an actual obnoxious giant transparent rose watermark over the entire image is something I wish I'd thought of myself. :^)


kek, I didn't even notice that because I ignore the labels, Jesus Christ.

Summarize Obamacare for me in less that 15 words, and is it good or bad.

It's a gift to private insurance companies. It's bad, but so was the state of things even before Obamacare.

It's a right-wing health care concept developed during the Nixon administration, came out of the right-wing think tank the Heritage Foundation, and later had literally 2000 pages added to it by lobbyists. It mandates private health insurance in what amounts to a massive government subsidy to the insurance companies so that they can continue fucking people's health over for profit.

It's bad, but it's better than what was before, which was nothing.

at least he didn't label obama?

jesus christ…

He labeled his castle though… and I just noticed that the flag on his castle says "socialism".


Isn't tearing down Obamacare and/or replacing it with something worse the best chance for UHC to come back into discussion?


It's already back in the discussion. Even just leaving it alone, it will fail on its own anyway.

So would American conservatives just have one collective heart attack if they ever were presented with something that wasn't just milquetoast American liberal centrism?

The vast majority of Americans want single payer now. Even rural republican voters understand it's a better system. Sadly, the political and media class don't even try to hide the fact that they represent the bourgeois nowadays so single payer is treated as a political death sentence despite being overwhelmingly popular among citizens.

It's just a matter of time. Too bad people are going to die during that time though.

Bill O'Reilly said he'd move to Ireland if Bernie Sanders were elected, so yes.

Holla Forums was right again

why the fuck is he a duck

i like how putins hat just says "russia"

Socdem gang you are fantastic :)



i dont get it




Americans are not people user

wtf is going on in this? i mean i've seen this posted before but i've literally no idea

god stop


Doesn't Garrison seem to miss the point of Frankenstein here?

How the fuck can anyone dignify publishing this? It's literally just explicit disdain for poor people and dissent.


Is this ironic or we reached memeozizek levels of ideology?

I thought that the creator is doing this ironically.

Whoever is posting those comics, post more this has to be ironic im pretty sure it is.

Those cartoons are ironic

i still love em! post more

i been tricked

Yeah they're pretty funny. I think they were made by The Onion or something

Honestly knowing some boomers they could honestly be real

it's from the onion.

its sarcastic lad, dont worry the guy works for the onion
