Simply epic!

Simply epic!

Other urls found in this thread:


Trump is like the biggest shitposter irl right now and this fools took the bait


He's basically exactly like the average polyp, they too have the intelligence of a dementia riddled man child.
Holy hell, it's like they are trying to get people racist

What the fuck did he mean by this

I Can't Believe It's Not Disinfo

and people say WE use too much jargon

goddamnit forgot my shitposting flag

We (clap emoji) need (clap emoji) more (clap emoji) trans (clap emoji) genocidal (clap emoji) imperialist (clap emoji) soldiers

Not defending them, but read on the right to indifference. Trans being banned from the military makes them de facto different, which isn't what they want.

Imperialist queers are still imperialist
Imperialist queers are still imperialist
Imperialist queers are still imperialist
Imperialist queers are still imperialist

It sounds like someone trying way to hard to pretend they've read French Theory.

do we have an "identifying idpol" edit of that?


and they both have the nerves to say they're not literally the same kind of scum

But capitalism doesn't create racism or division in the working class.
Or does it? *thinking*

radlibs are all bourgeois and often white males themselves. the abstract 'white male' is a fetish, a ritual scapegoat into which they project everything they hate about the system and themselves.

TOP KEK, this is absolutely hilarious.
If I asked a neo-nazi to create a "over the top" false flag website to make the left look crazy and evil, he couldn't do it better than this.
Step 1 literally commands supposedly "white people" to completely submit themselves to the authority of "PoCs". Surrender your own will your own dignity as a human being to these people.
These idpol tumblr SJWs always talk about loving yourself and being unapologetic about your own self, yet here they demand the complete opposite.
This cancerous postmodernist intellectual authoritarianism is one of the main reasons why the "popular left" has been co-opted by liberals and why right wingers thrive.

I would congratulate the alphabet agencies for a job well done, but… What's their endgame here? Do they not know that this game can't go on forever? Do they not see that there's no future in liberal conservatism? It just boggles my mind. They've killed the left but what else is there to keep the decadence of the elites in check?

Cointelpro surely?

WTF? I thought porky loved disruptions.

trannies can NOT into imperialism.

Don't be fucking stupid. No one person is in the same exact rut as another. Sure, the distinction between base and superstructure is important on a macro scale, but people's problems come from both. Any individual is going to be dealing with capitalist exploitation and an array of other problems. Those problems are going to be at least exacerbated by capitalism and at most fully dependent on it, but you're going to get nowhere by telling people their problems are the same as everyone else's because it's simply not true. It's not useful to say "the only problem is class" in the same way it's not useful to say that class isn't a problem. You're ignoring part of the equation. Acting like black people and white people have the same problems will just turn them against you. What you should be doing is speaking to their specific problems and then relating those problems to class. One of the biggest emotional challenges to these people is the sense that there is nothing to be done about the problems they have. Racism plays on these fears by blaming another group that has different problems. If you want to fight racism (as in attitudes, not just structural racism) then the best thing to do is to tie people's problems to class and remove the anxieties that get exploited to turn people racist. TIE PEOPLE'S PROBLEMS BACK TO CAPITALISM TO GIVE THEM A FOCAL POINT INSTEAD OF TELLING THEM TO IGNORE THEIR ISSUES AND CARE ABOUT SOMETHING ELSE BECAUSE REASONS.

did you not read the words right next to it?

Race isn't tangible you fucking retard, in other words, stay spooked, moron

How is the justice system biased? Is there any legislation that allows for this?

Yes it is, just because the borders between races can be edgy doesn't mean it means nothing

A thing being a 'Spook' doesn't mean you gave to dismiss it, by the way. A notion you faggots seem to not comprehend.

Define race

Fuck off, your pretentiousness is counter productive to anything you're trying to achieve. You know exactly what it fucking means, it doesn't matter how artificial it seems to you.

I've only seen a few transgenders in my life. It was at a gay bar I would go to for dancing with a girl I was fucking and her friend. I saw the two of them checking out my general direction and made eye contact. I offered them a cig and asked if they wanted to join us (I was rolling on molly at the time and felt very social) they said "they come here to get away from normal people" and that they were "disgusted" by how many straight couples have been coming to the club over the last 10 years. Not sure verbatim what they said, but they used the word "disgusted."

Well it should be easy, then

Not gonna entertain your bullshit, I've had this conversation 100 times on this shithole
Btw, I'm not the retard you replied to who claims """PoC's""" are suffering.

And yet you haven't found a definition for race

After seeing how many people who go completely trans and have the sexual reassignment surgery, and then fall completely depressed (from painful dilation and other physical reasons, to phantom pain/social stigma and other psychological reasons), why are people defaulting to encouraging SRS first and foremost to people with gender identity disorder?

How have we gone so far left that to even encourage proven effective treatments of GID before SRS is to be bigoted or transphobic? This is the problem with liberals.

WTF I'm a nigger now

They have gained strength as the side that's 'pro science'. Now any emotional idea they have is 100% pure science and anyone oppose to it is just a religious bigot.

What can go wrong?

I've always wondered the name of this orchestral piece. Anyone know?

It almost seems like CNN/MSNBC/NPR etc are forcing people into adopting right wing views. I cant tell you how many people i considered center and left of center I've spoken with voted for Trump just because of obamas "tranny bathroom law" as they called it. At this rate, Trump will win in 2020, and dems will not take majority for the next 8 years

I think it's honestly just blind arrogance. SJWism breeds incridible self righteous arrogance. This has been boiling in the west since WW2 was 'won'.

If the Democrats don't make some sort of gains very soon they are finished as a party. Expect another party to displace them if Hillary runs again in 2020.

I'm of the opinion that you don't have a right to be a soldier and that any needs of the organization comes first. Now, it may be good to weaken the current US military like this, but I don't think trans individuals should be our pawns in the matter. They have a high enough suicide rate as it is without the stress of being in the military. I say this as a guy who has worked as an infantryman, and I really don't think we should be pushing for more kids to do shit they have no idea about. We often forget that most soldiers are just fucking kids.

Do people really encourage SRS first? I thought you were supposed to go HRT before you even did anything that fucks with your pee pee.

Bernie 2020!

But I'm afraid the centrists would never vote for him because theyre programmed to be afraid of the word "Socialism"

Bernie just wants to give more money to blacks because he's a literal cuckold gangbang fetishist

Lol now I know you're full of shit

as another user pointed out here:

I failed to include HRT first. Even so, my statement stands.
Why suggest castration to cure testicular cancer when you could at least give chemo/radiation/some other proven effective treatment first. I'm not saying don't castrate, i'm saying don't jump the gun and take it step by step. Any good doctor lists all the available options to their patients first.

one time i heard a richard spencer interview, where he said "white people need to take part in indentity politics" the black guy responds "i think white people should talk about whiteness more"

so all you guys chant the same thing over and over …….like a cult.

I think proletariats should talk about proletariatism more

what is leftypols version of 1488?

Am I the only one who finds this slightly disruptive?

They're right though

Only working-class solidarity is disruptive

This is normally what happens though. My girlfriend had to wait at least a year to consider SRS and in that year she was required to see a therapist and psychiatrists regularly. She still hasn't gotten the surgery either because burger health insurance is utter garbage and when we do get the money there's a year long waiting list.

how effective is female to male SRS? I know male to female can pass it off all most perfectly, genitalia wise, but never heard any stories of female to male.

I don't have any personal experience but from what I've learned through osmosis they don't have any good options unfortunately. Everything looks exceedingly horrifying or unnatural.

There was never any threat of trans people being banned from the military. It was a fucking retarded tweet. Trump does that whenever he fails at something, he tweets something that triggers liberals and the failure is forgotten.

Fucking Holla Forums with a paint job. I hate this board.

t. Guy who didn't read the fucking thread

I don't think it's the majority opinion tbh
More than likely it's Holla Forumsyps shitting up the board because it's a big news story.
Although I know for a fact there's a tankie and ancom that sperg out everytime trans people are mentioned.

What makes you think male to female can "pass"? Have you ever seen that horrifying cthulu monstrosity?


And how'd that turn out.

trans people are definitely spooked/reactionary. we all know gender is performative and socially constructed, so could you please just stop making such a fuzz about it already? feminists and queers spent decades trying to deconstruct gender essentialism, and now its wrongthink to even question it.

It was alright all things considered :^)
Lasted longer than the German Empire and Third Reich anyway


Is it really that great to compare one totalitarian regime to another? How much economic freedom did the citizens have? Was there even a concept of economic freedom? Or any freedom? Could I distribute pamphlets critical of the secret police?

it's ok if you are a man and want to have boobs and look pretty, hey it's your life, but don't go around calling yourself a lesbian and saying you feel authentically like a woman, that's pure nonsense. How can you experience something that is socially constructed?

Gender doesn't exist. It's sex. For the naught-point-'x' percentage who are born with hormonal deficiencies, sucks for them. They are still within the definition of sexual categories. There are conditions which describe them. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, for one. It isn't a figment of your imagination, it is objectively proven.

Do you have autism?
I just fucking told you I don't have an issue with you making clear arguments for your position (I'm not even trans).
I have a problem with all these shit no effort posts specifically shitting on trans people.

Gender roles are biological
The father and mother figure and roles are important for a strong worker class
Stop being retards

I'm sure there are plenty of examples that can be found online.

just because sex and gender have a 99% correlation doesn't mean we should use them interchangeably

You're right. Gender doesn't exist, it was coined by a quasi-pedophile whose experiments lead to the suicides of two innocent people. Sex is objective and real. Gender does not amend your cell structure.

'gender' is just a set of stereotypes and roles associated with sex

Do you mean the freedom to be a slave or actual democratic workplaces and economic planning?

Oh, so all you care is that the rich no longer kept getting rewarded for being rich, therefore totalitarian commie slavery.

I want what you call freedom to be a slave

How about you stop bring retarded? Gender Roles are entirely a social construction

Gender specifically refers to social symbols and stereotypes expected of a sex this is by definition not the same thing as Sex stop being retarded.

You aren't answering the question. How much economic freedom was there? You are just attacking the concept and not answering the question. People don't like it when you take freedom away from them, you will have to use state propaganda to convince them otherwise. That's how totalitarianism works. Soviet Union was no stranger to brainwashing its citizens, and apparently you, into thinking 'economic freedom' is 'slavery'. Do you know what a slave is? Nobody is 'property', that's the exact opposite of individual freedom.

explain how rhesus monkeys got that memo

Do you know what a social construct is? Do you think society serves no utility? We design law for that reason. I guess laws are socially constructed by the vote, let's just go break them, I guess…

law is an instrument of bourgeois domination. gender is an instrument of patriarchal capitalist domination.


you are sort of correct
The color pink being associated with women is a social construct. That stuff is arbitrary.

But men being masculine and women being feminine is determined by biology.

I guarantee you I can classify almost any government in history as 'Totalitarian'
An extensive amount considering the majority of Soviet citizens worked in cooperatives and state run industries run by unions democratically. They had a lot more control over there own labor power and work then in the US anyway.
See above
Nope point to me a society where you could.
Yeah the country where the internal security agency spys on you at all times and actively subverts any dissenting political organizations.

Law predates the 'bourgeoise domination'. It has been an agreed-upon set of rules for a society. It tells you nothing of the economic practices of that society.
Gender is also a recent invention, malleable and largely irrelevant as it relies on subjectivity over objectivity. Again, how you feel you identify does not tell you about the economic system. I can feel that pink is for men, it doesn't tell me anything about the proletariat.


I'm not attacking the concept. I'm simply asking what said concept actually is because the term "economic freedom" has historically been used only in reference to free-trade and deregulation rather than in relation to actual economic freedom.

monkeys are social animals too, you know. But only humans have the ability to consciously shape their own lives.

private property is enshrined in bourgeois law duh

Excellent, so shoot some off, I bet we'll agree. But that doesn't mean some restricted more freedoms than others. You have freedom of religion in some nations, but not in others. We can examine the scale to which freedom was allowed. Economic freedom, in some empires, was not allowed at all.
I'm not talking about the US. I don't care about what the US does, I am talking about the USSR. Did the workers have the freedom to leave the cooperatives or the unions? Freedom isn't only about the freedom to, but the freedom from. If you cannot leave the union, you are bound by it. What I do with my choice is none of the USSR's business.
This presumes that most societies have a secret police. Do you know what the secret police in the USSR did to political dissidents? As if there is a lack of critical hit-pieces against states across the world. You can't talk shit about Erdogan, but you can talk shit about Hillary. There are clear divides in the freedom allowed.
You're confusing two separate things. State spying is different from the right to criticize political officials/the police. Of course, the US is abysmal in that category. It doesn't mean we can't examine the upper scale and the lower scale. I would much rather live in the US than in North Korea if I was concerned with state spying.

That is what actual economic freedom is. Can I trade with people I want to? Or do I have that freedom restricted? If you set boundaries on acceptable practices, you lack freedom. If I tell you that you can only sell green apples but not red apples, I am limiting your economic freedom.

So you don't mean 'law' as a catch-all, you are concerned only with property laws? You can have law while changing/amending certain parts of it you don't want. 'Law' isn't mutually exclusive with private property laws.

t. reddit

You're an idiot
Gender and it's expectations are molded by the material conditions of your environment not due to your chromosomes. They specifically mention they took monkeys already living and being socialized in troops lmao it's fucking useless.

Yes you idiot, read Stirner

Utility is not destroyed because something is determined/defined by society. I thought democratic decision was paramount? What of a democracy deciding the law, is it still subject to revolution?

the spooks are everywhere in your mind lmao

If something is derived from societal agreement, it isn't non-existent. Freedom of speech is a social construct, too. Doesn't make it non-existent.


read dude read
ofc you're a moron rn, you don't read

both law and gender roles are historical and intimately linked to socioeconomic structures. 'equality before the law' was a product of the bourgeoisie revolutions, you know. maybe read a book for once. The family is a place were capitalism is reproduced. Engels wrote about this in Origin of the Family. the signifiers associated with 'femaleness' like dresses the pronoun 'she' and the colour pink are entirely arbitrary products of social construction.

Do you think the best way to convince people is to toss a book at them over citing passages that prove your point? As in, actual citations? Or just calling people idiots because they are critical of your position.

are you really that retarded man?

In so far as those decisions are made in their interests. But if laws are found to be against your interest you should break them because they're only a spook. An abstract notion meant to control me in this case against my interest.
Sure if a democracy decides to euthanize all non whites it's subject to revolution just as a kings edict

Lol freedom of speech doesn't actually exist though. It's a muh privilege afforded to you that can be snatched at any time. Freedom of speech is real in the sense that if you're alone in the woods you can say anything you want. But as far as a 'right' it very clearly means nothing. In the US you have a right to free speech. Right up until you threaten the established order then you get assassinated by the government like hampton.

What does it mean to be 'historical'? Law has existed in the past, sure. How does this invalidate it/make it non-existent? As for wealth, law exists beyond the individual. Courts determine guilt and the concept of biased judges has always been a call to revolt or immediate change. As for gender, a poor male can still identify as anything he chooses, this will not change the fact that he is a male, by definition.
Yes, because people didn't like biased verdicts and laws, so they were changed. This is true of all wealth statuses, even more so for the wealthy with more influence. That's why I said law was an agreed-upon set of rules in a society. If anybody disagrees, they fight to change it.
Not if they don't make any money. If they refuse to work or trade/own a business, no. 'Family' is not mutually exclusive with private ownership.
Doesn't make them non-existent/invalid. Social constructions reflecting biological realities of femininity in females. We use language, another social construct, to communicate. 'She' refers to females, 'he' to males. That is their definition. I don't know about 'pink', that is also socially constructed. It is based on the societal conditions at the time of conception. Kind of like how boys like more aggressive sports. Simply because one group prefers a set of behaviours does not invalidate anything, least of all if members of another group tend to engage in those behaviours, too. It doesn't negate the general trend that is observed.

Yes. Are you gonna start reading or you're going to stay that mentally inbred. Your choice homie.

Not knowing the difference between the right to freedom of speech and the fact that you can use your voice, your hands, etc how ever you want is really worrying. Where you dropped head first when you were a baby… Probably.


Is God real? serious question. answer me.

'female' is biological, femininity is a set of socially constructed roles and stereotypes. what if the 'general trend' is a product of social conditioning?

Then law isn't 'destroyed'.
If you can. But the laws, being a set of agreed-upon societal rules, will put you at-odds with society. People don't care about your interests, law is to determine rules for the society, not just you. Just because you want to 'x' and the law forbids it doesn't mean you can break that law, it just shows that you act on impulse, which the society won't really tolerate.
See above. If the other people cannot, then they must leave really fast. If the law is protected and supported, it stays. If not, it goes.
Yes it does, otherwise we wouldn't be talking. The state police would seize our computers. It exists.
That doesn't mean it doesn't exist right now. Also, I really hope you won't point to an isolated incident with no extension to our current social climate to prove this point.
Aw man…

Ah, so you haven't convinced anybody. Insulting people who criticize your ideas isn't very convincing.
How is this relevant? I just told you that rights exist because law allows them to, now you deviate to this and tell me to read a book that you can't even properly cite?

It is defined as the female qualities. Females personify what it means to be feminine. From physique to life choices. Motherhood is 'feminine'. A male can act feminine if he wants to, but he will still be a male and still demonstrate 'masculinity'. You will still have to dilate yourself if you choose to become a female because the physical feminine aspect is very much so not 'socially constructed'.
It has a lot to do with personal choice because of sex differences. Males and females pursue different paths in life and make different choices as a result of their sex. Of course, this can change, but no society has ever successfully used 'femininity' on the front lines of a war and had female foot soldiers. This is because females are not fit for war, at least if males are around.

Is god real yes or no? just answer

Yeah you could change employment just like anywhere else actually
They do
Just because you can call Hillary a cunt doesn't mean you're free. Try and expose an overreach within the government and make a substantive criticism and you'll get black bagged and sent to a black site or put through a kangaroo court like Manning.
I think you're being willfully naive. Just because in places like The US and Germany you can make inane criticisms and say stupid shit that doesn't actually challenge the structure of your society doesn't mean you have free speech. You COULD argue that it's freer to a degree but I would argue it's just a better tactic for social control.

How come I am suddenly supposed to be direct and forthright, but you are allowed to dance around my critiques?

So instead of being on the commune or in the union, I could till my own land and, say, sell wheat to my neighbour at a lower price than the wheat the union produces? Was competition allowed?
Shoot some examples off, then. Try and include the first and third world, just to be sure.
That's actually exactly what freedom of speech means. I can say what I please.
Chelsea Manning? Not everybody leaks information, and Manning was found guilty of espionage. This is like arguing why a criminal does not have freedom of association: your rights are limited when you are indicted and found guilty. You aren't leaking information, you can still state whatever it is you please. Freedom of speech isn't up to your interpretation: it is up to the individual. What you find important isn't what I do.
See above. I might think criticizing other things is more important. You are still free to 'criticize the power structure' if you want to. If you are found guilty of espionage, then you have your rights limited. Not just freedom of speech, all of them, to a degree.

Is God real yes or no? Don't be a bitch. It's a simple question.

Robots will make the opinions of the population irrelevant.


Just because a law is useful to me does not make it real
It will put me at odds with those that support the law not with society. You're making the mistake of thinking society is monolithic rather than people with competing interests.
They don't care about my interests but they do care about there's that's what revolution is. People coming together in their interest. These rules mean nothing if we reject it regardless if some accept them. They do not constrain us if the king feels the law is in his interest because it is not in mine or my families, or my neighbors, etc.
Yes because people feel that isn't in their interest. You're proving my point. The biased judge wields abstract authority but it is impotent the second the abstraction is simply disregarded.
This is entirely dependent on what we're talking about and how many people reject it. The law isn't real but people think it is so they act on it. But if the if the laws are jim crow it doesn't serve in the interests of black people or Any person interested in their freedom and it loses all power when those people disregard that abstract notion. The law is never real only the force behind the abstraction is.
Exactly the law is never real only people who believe it does and act on it are.
That's just retarded the degree we can speak is different but we aren't actually free to make real criticisms of the structure of society
It literally does
If you think what happened to feed Hampton was 'an isolated incident' you're just completely uninformed about US history.

Oh so you think a market is economic freedom? Wew
The FBI, MI5, literally any equivalents to these in any country. That is literally what the NKVD was. The Cheka doubled as a military structure but it was also an FBI equivalent. The KGB was the same but it was like the CIA and FBI in one. Please don't tell me you got spooked into thinking "secret police" was anything other than an internal investigation and security organization just like it's western equivalents.
Uh huh I'm sure Eugene debs was praising his freedumbs in jail and Hampton was reflecting on his freedom when his blood was all over the floor.
Are you being serious?
Putting aside the bullshit and trumped up charges she was put under she wasn't even tried under a jury lmao.
She was literally hauled off into a military TRIBUNAL where we weren't allowed to see. You CANNOT be this fucking rulecucked.
So like I said it means nothing you're just telling me that if you don't say things the government doesn't find threatening to their political position you're free. Fucking wew

No wonder why you're retarded.
Anyway the individuals representing the Church believing in god doesn't make god real.
Just like the individuals representing the Law can't really make Rights real.

You assuming there is a possibility of god existing doesn't makes god real either.

Believers don't make imaginary shit real, imaginary shit will always stay imaginary no matter how hard you believe.

Whats real is the power of individuals, non-believers and believers (if they have it). Whats real is what I can physically do, I can submit you to become a believer, or to force you live under authority, rules of my beliefs but that will never make the belief, the rules real.
And if I'm the oppressed I can also get rid of the people that want to submit me if I have enough power to do so. Since I don't want my self interest to be fixated according to these rules. My interest stays unique, mine by my force, by my friend's force too who cherish me.

Because I can.
You stop yourself because you believe in bullshit "rules of debate" that really no one else has to believe in.


I strongly agree with this. It's completely absurd that in student activist circles people will simultaneously jack themselves off about "abolishing gender" and at the same time wear lipstick and skirts because "I'm a pretty girl and that's what pretty girls do ☺️😍😋😚"

To be fair if they just said "I think it's pretty and I want to be pretty" it'd be consistent

Absolutely and I wouldn't give a shit in that case but I don't see how I can support the abolition of gender while simultaneously supporting my transgender "comrades"

Hi Tina. It's Laz.
Have a good night grul, I'm off to read and then sleep.


I hope you know that some of these people probably have very serious physical dysphoria and just calling themselves girls and being called girls helps them cope.
Granted this isn't always true (to be honest it sounds like a trans trender from your post) but sometimes it's just a matter of feeling comfortable. I don't know them so I can't really tell you if it's the case or not. But don't resent them too much it could be just a cooking mechanism.

Maybe stop obsessing over what the brainwashed drones are rambling about as if it ever made a lick of sense, and present a positive party platform that entirely ignores their retarded drivel no matter how mad they get about it. Their shit's coming undone soon anyway, the way the tide's going.


Yeah yours. Exactly.
If you can't see the irony there you're definitely missing a chromosome.

Were you the kid that tattled on everyone in elementary school?

What the fuck is wrong with these people

Get your own tripcode, faggit.

Going to bed
Seriously guy read Stirner

he was the reject who was bullied but he thought there were sacred rules that school was going to take to protect him or something but nothing did

in the end the bully with more friends got away with fucking with him


Do you think the left should spend its time coddling people who are literally insane or should we actually be organizing for real material change. Which way, leftist man?

All the largest leftwing orgs around me make "trans liberation politics" a major part of their platform. Don't pretend this will go away if we ignore it.

Since when is not being a dickheads to your comrades coddling? Obviously i think you should create a positive platform for real change. That doesn't mean you have to alienate your members by being a cunt.

So then you think the left should no longer pursue the abolition of gender? Sounds pretty fucking spooked, comrade.

You've got to make your own org that doesn't cater to them in any way shape or form and has the courage to stand up to these idiots or the new right will continue to fragment the actual working class along ethnic lines. Work with and for communities of real people that are hardest hit with economic trouble. The millennial virtue signaller cancer are all but MKUltra confirmed at this point, you need to isolate them from yourselves real people who want nothing further to do with them, fueling the current mood of reactionary-lite politics, which will end badly for any legit socialist movement.

sounds like something the right would accuse of actually wanting along with screaming about soros

You can keep it in your platform but come the fuck on. You've got WAY bigger fish to fry. You said you wanted real change how about focusing on changing the base of society first before you Try to fundamentally reorganize something in the superstructure. If anything you should probably drop your idpol and focus more on class you faggot.

No it isn't.

Based on what he's said they're only crime is saying they're girls. Wow truly so terrible for him, how will he ever recover?

If you can't accept that the abolition of gender has been a radical leftwing idea in the west for the past few decades (and that gender is a spook) idk what to say at this point.

tbh I think it's fine. more friends more power. Unite, explain, take.
You talk about "the left" as a single entity but it's just a generality. There are obviously a bunch of individuals involved, every single one of them pursues their own interest there, they're not your personal army. Thats Holla Forumstard thinking.

I see the problem now you suck at explaining yourself lol. What do you even mean abolition of gender?

No my problem is I look like a moron when I march with a bunch of overweight ugly guys who think they're fucking princesses and wear costume jewelry

Nah tbh I think understand what he means and what he wants to say doesn't alienate trans individuals, or anyone tbh.
He just sucks at explaining it.

lol forget what I said you're fucked up. You talk of spooks when

Is your spook. Jesus man. Get your insecurities solved.

There's your problem. You really think the western radleft isn't controlled opposition with ludicrous pie in the sky narratives injected on purpose then i dont know what to say to you lmao. No one cares about the abolition of gender except students who read Butler or some other bullshit, especially when their lives are in ruins from economic turmoil and they can't even eat. Get your priorities in order.

besides you have never went out to protest, I doubt you have the balls for it. otherwise post evidence fuckboy.

Then leave the org
I'm sorry you just can't bear to be seen with your comrades it must be so terrible that they embarrass you.

don't you think that guy is a Holla Forumstard through? they're dumb enough to believe "divide and conquer" shit works on the internet. That somehow he is planting the seed of "disunion". Whateven the end was, his argument was pretty retarded anyway.. gn


Fuck off, stop applying stirner to your social justics delusions

You're fucking faggot, you prancing lala-homo.

Only half of a man, as expected of a pozzed communist. Good thing you'll die in 10 years tops.

Fucking liberals.

Gender is a spook, your sex is biologically determined (including the structure of your brain) and anyone denying that is mentally ill. Anyone that thinks they can be another sex because they feel like it is very very mentally ill.

Don''t hit on me silly cucks~

Narratives (of subjective experience) from different identities are inherently valuable. This obviously reduces a person to their identity and denies agency and chains rather than emancipates the individual. Identitarians truly are the enemy.

for clarity, this is how the modern socjus logic works:

Bisexual actually :^)

how deliciously provocative


Identiarian politics are just pursued by people who are too weak to be individuals. Trans people can't live lives worth living by virtue of their own actions taken so they decide to define their life around a gender identity that gets coddled by the left. Sad that socialism in the west is being handicapped by addiction to trap porn :-(

t. Autist
Gay people and trans people may focus a lot in their sexual status etc. But that doesn't mean that's all they care about or it automatically use that to define them. Most of the time the reason it's such a big deal to them is because everyone else makes such a big deal out of it.

Are comrades. I'm a terf

Kill yourself my man

Sorry that triggers you friendo. Pop a xan and you'll probably feel better

I'm very actually reactionary for a lefty (if that's possible) but I despise terfs with all my soul

Not really triggered TERFS are just hilarious to me
Nobody likes you from Holla Forums to tumblr

i wish someone would put a bullet in this disgusting tub of shit

I thought he had a vagina ?

So, Socially.Conservative is filtered as reactionary ? Mods are SJW

So genetic fuck ups? Really all you're arguing is it's complex and prone to error so sex doesn't exist. It's like the race argument where you use individual genes that overlap or don't as an argument that there arn't any differences which is a fallacy.

trans people are spooked though

There was a time when we got endless threads every day people asking "I'm social‌ly conservative but economically leftist can I be a socialist" and retarded shit like that, the filter was put in to make fun of these faggots.

It really burns when you can't use your weasel words and euphemisms huh

it's a pathetic unfuckable woman pretending to be a man

tons of people on this board like to act like they are amoral egoists but half the time their arguments for why you shouldn't do something is "don't be a cunt" it is not even necessarily bad it is just dishonest

I understand that, but there are degrees of reaction.

The argument is that there isn't a dichotomy but don't let that keep you from grasping at straws my pathologically spooked friend.

Kys btw

Pointing to aberrations of nature is not a good way of proving it, it just shows they're fucked physically as well as mentally.

Stirner is useful as a critique of retarded nationalism/racism/groupthink, but it should be a tool you read and use critically.
The philosophy isn't sustainable for everyday life.

There are degrees of conservatism, degree of progressivism my reddit friend. I have absolutely no problem with LGBT people (hell, I'm one myself) but I dislike their activism and victime culture.
This (>>1910335) is reactionary.


I'm not a centrist by the way

No? It's the presence of ovaries or testicles.

you're referring to the activism in the west right?

Don't forget to sage shit threads and report Holla Forumsshit posts.

Yes, segregated festivals, "queer as in fuck you xDDD", and the right to difference in general. I'm for right to indifference. Your gender, sex, and so on, should be your doctor's and your own concern, nothing more, unless of course in very special cases.
Guess that makes me a bit reactionary.

And every last one of them is reactionary.

Fuck everything and every single tradition, norm, and ritual, right ?

Yeah, and fuck you especially.

some people seem to care more about burning everything to the ground than building something
They have that Phoenix fantasy that everything good comes from the ashes


Well ok then.

I'd just like to be able to walk with a bf by hands and not be harassed

Me too
Please be in Paris

Oh, sorry I'm not any close to Paris user

Good luck to you nonetheless. I just want a qt bf to read books and go to gym with

Tip my hat to you xir

strong boi

Way to ruin a sensible post

Now our board owner can't join the military. :)

A tweet cannot change the law
Nothing's gonna happen for now

Nah its standard anglo PoCo drivel; no french buzzwords.

I found out xir name a while ago, I guess I should have made a thread, it would have had potential.

Dean Hutton, the most unique snowflake of them all:
