Trump banning trans people

So, Holla Forums, what are your opinions on Trump banning trannies from being in the military? I know over half of this board is trans including the BO, so you must have some thoughts on the subject.

Other urls found in this thread:ć

Jealous of trannies because while I get drafted by Le Drumph to fight Russians in WW3 Trannies will be able to escape and won’t have to fight. If there ever is a war with the draft in it I guess I’ll “identify” as a girl despite the fact that I’ll never ever do HRT or chop my cock off.

The discussion is all over the news thread.

I wish people decided to get upset about bombing of innocents and arming of jihadis in the same capacity as they are over this.

My opinion is that it doesn't deserve more than one thread. Mods please delete.

For reference, this is the worst thing a trans person can do as the penis is needed for successful SRS.

You know what I mean.


The left has all the best traps


Good. Less people to kill

I don't

Like all sane people, I have no opinion. Don't care.

le radical center strikes yet again

Radical Centre consists of taking the worst opinions possible, such as actively defending the status quo.

I ignore. I don't say "Actually this is good", I say nothing. Except to make conspicuous that I am saying nothing when asked.

It's a good first step, he should ban non-trans people from the US military next.

Should just ban the military all together

Trannies are at least a risky population, psychologically (I mean, look at their suicide rates). Arming and training such population can't be a good idea.
Also, they need a lifelong medication (hormones). As soldiers, they're extremely vulnerable to a sortage.


This isn't a liberal board, you're looking for /liberty/.


They aren't mentally fit to serve.


I think it's a blessing in disguise. If Murica forces drafting again, people can pretend to be trans to counter this.

If they change it again, then you can still resist forced drafting etc.


Tbh I think a bunch of battle trained trannies being pissed off sounds like a boon for the radical left. Hopefully one of them assassinates Trump and we will enter the post post modern ultra spectacle as she is in turn assassinated by enraged Nazi furries


If there was a trans insurrection doing damage to American infrastructure through a campaign of bombing and sniper attacks I would be 100% okay with that

Hello fellow leftists, aren't you worried that the wrong people in our military won't be able to keep us properly safe? I mean we only pick the best in and the brightest to serve in the totally important and ultra-difficult jobs so is that a risk you want to take?

Of course you would because all leftists at the end of the day are faggots, so I guess you'd be on himxsefer's side right?

start arguing any time

I too, want MtF trannie berserkers in the Red Army.

OP shows his true colors.

Lol I'm a cishet. I believe in generalised insurrection. I even believe right wing insurrection is a good thing provided there is a much larger left wing insurrectionary movement to crush it once the status quo are crumbled. General chaos is a good thing


Hello fellow leftist, while mentality doesn't matter in the military, as noted by the mass acceptance of niggers, physicality does. While faggots and fat harpies screech about acceptance of disfigured hormone disrupted cracker-bones and testosterone deficient hole bleeders, they never once consider that the military is glorified construction work. Women and weak boned low muscle infection risks cannot do construction work. They cannot dig, they cannot carry, they can't jump out of planes and land without being injured. In fact, women cannot even survive a few days without food without permanent damage to their reproductive systems. This is ultimately why women and shims are stone walled.

I don't think most people in there are. Tons of nutcases who want in simply to hurt and kill foreigners. I think someone who wants to change genders is the least of the crazy shit army people tend to do.

Something's wrong there

don't fucking jump then retardć

proof once again that only yugos and socdems actually have a clue.

Your argument is from a position of wanting the US military to do its job better. You should immediately hang yourself.

Most army chicks could probably beat your ass neck beard. I'm not saying all chicks, but army chicks are butch as fuck, so unless you spend time making yourself butch, chances are they would be your ass. Anybody trained beats anybody untrained pretty much.

Isn't your position that trannies are just LARPing men anyway? You're such a dumbass

While that is a good example of being lucky, unfortunately it does not apply universally.

If you think the U.S. failing is a good idea, you should hang yourself immediately. The United States is the only super-power capable of transforming into a leftist state in the next 200 year.

Probably not I'm 6'4 215 and can deadlift three plates.
Video related, your answer is no. And regardless, even if an 'army girl', which doesn't exist in the real world like it does in hollywood fantasy, could beat me it, it wouldn't matter in the slightest because at the end of the day I can move things better, longer, and quicker, and am thus a better soldier.

reminder that not all trans people have dysphoria or take hormones

You're asking me a question then calling me a dumbass before I can respond. Perhaps you're confused.

Reminder that not all niggers rob and kill but chicago is still a hell hole

The united states military has never been a force for leftism even when it wasn't a superpower. Now the interests of the state apparatus will never be aligned with leftist interests as it represents the center of global capitalism. What kind of a naive faggot are you?

I'm sure I'll be blown away by your response then.


Well no shit

Probably not, you're the type of person who frequently gets told they're wrong but never really believes it

No shit, but militarism is the only thing that keeps the U.S. in such a strong position. If the United States falls the world goes to chaos. If you really want communism you need to work with what you have. The problem is that half this board is annarkiddies who just want to destroy things when that is the exact opposite of useful. Communism is a evolved form of governance, only a highly developed state can support it. But I'm the naive faggot? Kill yourself. If you got your wish your great grandson's great grandson wouldn't live to see the beginnings of the next cycle of political discourse leading to the beginnings of Marx-like ideology.

I can't imagine what could go wrong. I mean maybe he was wrong about that. send them to the frontlines too. watch Arabs laugh at us, and I'll be laughing with them.

are any of those subtitles real?

HAHAHA another entirely deluded Americlap. Do you have any sources for that hot take?

I don't see the problem, gender doesn't exist. Transsexuals can still get in, surely.

Most of them, yeah.

the fact that not all trans people have dysphoria or take hormones proves the law is about discrimination, 'muh practical concerns' are just an excuse to deprive trans and gnc people of their civil rights.

Complete bullshit. IF that was true we wouldn’t support the New England Workers Party and there quest for American Balkanization.

no, and choke on cock

Post your body He man

Not really impressive. Most guys at my shit gym can do that.

Lmao everyone gets told they're wrong all the time unless they live in a safe spa.ce like you do, fucking SJW

As far as I can see, it's blatant discrimination.

Yes, you are. You are a simpering, bootlicking retard who's never read a book more advanced than harry potter in his life but is sure that the pledge of allegiance is just as good as any theory.

My imperialism better be intersectional, dammit

????Communism is the end result of socialism and is a STATELESS and classless society.


It's great. I'm sure some will kill themselves over it. Hopefully they will livestream it. Tuck Jobs have no place in the military.

it's bullshit. there's maybe like 5 trannies in the military. doesn't make shit difference to the budget or readiness. It's just a distraction to fire up culture wars because he's floundering on healthcare and russia and all the rest.

Revolution time boyos

It's a classic use of marginal impact politics being used to distract people from worse shit. It's not a coincidence that it happened so close to the health care vote. Don't get me wrong, it's awful and shouldn't happen (the "muh US military is bad" thing is fucking stupid, one of the acceptable things it does is act as a jobs program for people in bad circumstances like trans people often are), but this is like a hostage taker threatening to shoot a kid to distract you from his buddies killing many more other hostages.