What is your opinion on marijuana? Should it be legalized or no?

What is your opinion on marijuana? Should it be legalized or no?

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i like it and id like to grow my own without being murdered by thugs

I grow my own, helps me a lot for anxiety/depression. Going to have to stop soon.

Yes it should be legal. Anybody who says otherwise just isn't looking at the cold hard facts. Legalisation means less use and safer use and less gang involvement and therefore knock on effects.

I don't smoke but I am completely in support of everyone having the freedom to use weed at the leizure.

Yep, In my region People used them as an ingredient for hundred of years and sudden Gov stopped everyone from growing or having them around 60 years ago.

pro legalisation in theory but don't care in practice

An individual should have total autonomy over their own bodies. If you want to do drugs without harming anyone else than that should be acceptable

If you're against legalizing weed in the current year, you're dumb

Both industrial hemp and cannabis should be legal. It would take the money away from the government cartel and give it back to the people.

grow your own home

vast number of medical uses

Collectivized Marijuana farming is the future

Legalizing weed has been a great move for Portland, Oregon.

I would say that it should be legalized, because it's from what I've heard and read even less harmful than alcohol which is legal, but I'm against use of it, just like I'm against use of alcohol. Still like I've said before it should be legal because the fact that us illegal just makes the use of it first of all more dangerous, and also gives money to thugs.

and also the fact that it is illegal makes it hard to get for people who need it for medical reasons, and are not even going to smoke it or get high with it, but use it strictly for medical reasons.

I was going to chastise OP for this thread but I realised that in the UK such discussions won't be taking place for years let alone, our actual government debating this in Parliament any time soon.

It's legal for pharmacutical companies in the UK to grow and sell cannabis medical extracts, including THC.


Wait, anyone here would be against legal weed?

Yup Socdems are fash

There are some str8 edge faggots here that think it's the devil's lettuce, yeah.

It should be illegal for anyone under 21 to use it as their brains would not be fully formed. Otherwise it's basically fine, unless you have a mental illness.

If Marijuana is legal, the edgy kids looking to transgress the law will turn to something much more dangerous.

Therefore, it should be not be legal but not criminalised either and also there should be an official distribution agency to avoid traffic.

People should be allowed to consume anything for recreational use, their use of their bodies should not be legally constrained. It could even said to be unethical to prevent people from using substances that they self-medicate with.

I care about the number of people in prison in Britain, I doubt the majority of them are in there for weed. and in the vaguely authoritarian semi-ironic but not quite fascist fantasises it is quite nice to fantasise about jailing reddit neoliberals because they had a little weed. the only real crime is thought-crime…

Indeed I'd wager even of those there for weed could be removed if we wound the clock back 40 years, kept weed illegal and skipped the whole neoliberalism thing leaving GINI where it was in the 70s. Which is actually perhaps another sort of argument all in itself: The majority of crime as economic crime, as opposed to whatever crime is the official reason for being in jail.

There is likely some truth to this, though I don't know that we've seen this phenomena happen this way in states which have recreational cannabis.

My question would be, what do you think that next, more dangerous thing would be? Cannabis being illegal isn't what draws people to using it, it's being high. What else gets someone as 'safely' high for just as cheap that the cool kids will move onto?

I've seen some Amphetamines and sometimes Opiates circulating in student circles in a way that made me feel very uneasy. If Cannabis becomes mainstream, they will turn to that.
I've always been boring and straight-edge on that matter (catholic education, I guess), so I'm a bit biased against drugs and laissez-faire on that matter.

My fear would be opiates as well. Definitely enough people dying from overdose there - however regulating that market would probably keep people from adding fentanyl to the shit.

Students taking ADHD amphetamines isn't as spooky to me - not that it isn't potentially unhealthy and not that they couldn't get addicted, but after knowing a handful of students who tried dosing adderall to study more effectively I'm not as concerned - their results weren't much better than if they'd just had a few cups of coffee. Experiences may vary, but I wouldn't go to war with people to ensure that they can't take adderall if they want to.

This question I believe we will eventually end up at - what if all drugs are legalized? Do people who want to be edgy then seek out shit-tier synthetic/designer drugs/research chemicals, or would we just have more people doing coke?

Low THC weed, MDMA and psychedelics should be legal

Yes. But i have a theory that if humans ever reach a communist society many won't feel the need to smoke.


How shit was it?

There is no better feeling than harvesting your own homegrown hydroponic weed my boys.
Can't get it rated because it's forbidden in this retarded country but I think this one rated around 17% THC content, it's been theorycrafted to hell and back to produce the highest quality.

Harvesting weed is fun, but I don't know anything about getting it high quality.
Any tips? So far my method was this:
Put seeds in paper thingies that are supposed to work well.
Put them in soil when they've grown a bit.
Have a light hanging above them. 16/8 daytime/nighttime for them.
Have the light do 12/12 when they're big enough.
Don't give them fertilizer a week or so before harvesting.
Put them in darkness a day or maybe two before harvesting.

I just used Reddit. /r/microgrowery has a ton of weed harvesting veterans who know exactly what they're doing. I made a very intricate spreadsheet to monitor my budget and really just tried to get the absolute best bang for my buck.

And what counts as the best bang?
Which growing lights did you use? High pressure sodium or LEDs?
Would you say r/microgrowery has all the literature I need to improve on my method or do you have some specific sources or shit you would like to recommend?

I think I could have saved even more if I did bother actually DIY'ing most of my stuff. I bought a hydroponic tent online so I didnt have to make my own. If you need tiny solutions (like growing in a bucket of paint) check /r/spacebuckets.
Anyway, fairly basic hydro setup, relying on coco coir mixed with perlite (to make it hoard less water else the coco coir just gets moldy you really need to be retarded to do that). Nutrients are your typical Flora Tri (Gro, Micro, Bloom). Make sure to adjust pH each time you water else your plants just die.
Lights, I just used a 300W MH bulb for the growing phase and a 300W HPS bulb for the flowering itself. Same electrical setup so no hassle there either.
No major issues but do monitor them often. I was obsessed with my weed plant so it wasn't hard to notice when things start to go wrong (I got some tiny flies that started eating mold growing on roots) but you have the Internet to help you anyway. Just Google shit you don't know, that's what I do and people think I'm a fucking genius.

Pic related, this is the end result, still smoking it right now because it's the stuff of legends.

Everyone I know who smokes weed daily is a zombie. It may sound like I'm a strawman of some old conservative but I've seen people become docile; if not docile, paranoid and aggressive.

Dont care really.

This thread is proof that Holla Forums is nothing but liberals larping as communists

Weed lowers your Autism Level over time and makes you stupid and slow within seconds. It probably helps capitalists more than religion and racism does.

I don't think you're being anecdotal. Weed makes people subservient lemming tax cattle for the bourgeoisie when consumed heavily.

My performance is consistent whether I'm high or sober. I actually do handle my cannabis consumption and plan to rid myself of it completely by the end of the month, so I have about 3 days left of hedonism. On the bright side, I've worked a lot on myself, because while it may be taboo for you, but for me, weed was a huge help for introspection and insight. Maybe it's antidepressant properties allowed me to consider past the daily gloom and doom of postmodernity. I suspect it also helps tremendously with anxiety (I lost most of my hair and I'm not even 24) and therefore enables some conditions that are necessary for personal improvement. I'd love to keep exchanging on that matter if you really care but I think you'll keep hiding behind that smug holier-than-thou attitude which is hardly a bad attitude towards drugs in general. But some individuals are exposed to more violence than others and some of us are more sensitive as others. You cannot forget this. I'm considering drugs here in their widest notion, from TV, MMORPGs and other MOBAs, eating disorders, cigarettes, weed, sport, partying, alcohol all the way to heroin really.
Cannabis and sports make for an easy transition to an healthy and balanced lifestyle. But I'm going to cut weed entirely

Since this thread seems to be unanimous, I'm going to be that guy and say no. At least not for recreational use, just medical.

Do you think cannabis could have medical properties in cases of poor psychological health?

Its a bit degenerate but I don't really care, so yeah it should be legal

For the sake of destroying the prison industrial complex, yes.

You have to go back
>>>Holla Forums

anyone who is against legalising or at least decriminalising drugs is NOT my comrade

Why only low thc weed?

uh that sounds like being high, except for the aggressive part, that's completely wrong.

oof nigga get the fuck out of here
iq point drops are temporary, unless there is heavy use during brain development
uh yeah that's called being high nigga
yeah so does food, commodities and everything else porky can make people believe they can only get from porky

may I ask why?

Don't use /r/microgrowery for anything other than the basics. icmag and rollitup has the indepth shit (but its horrible to navigate)

You want 'cool white' (4000k - 5500 k wavelength) during veg which is Metal Halide lamps and 'warm white'(2200k - 2700k) during flower which is HPS.

LED is cheaper than CFL/MH/HPS if you DIY but more expensive if you buy premade lights from places like mars hydro. "CREE COBS" are the best light to grow with on a small scale IMO but you'll need to research PAR values (AKA Photosynthetically Active Radiation) in lighting if you mess around with white LEDs.

Hydro is way faster than soil; if you cant be bothered fucking around with a full hydro setup you should change to passive hydro witch is essentially the same as soil, Coco / Perlite "hempy buckets" are the easiest.

Environment control is the single most important part of your grow and the variable that will effect yield the most. Adding CO2 will increase yields by huge amounts (far more than any fancy nutes).

Make sure to train the plant properly to optimize light exposure / install CFL deep lamps

Pretty crazy yields for 300w; what strain?

You should try curing in violet mason jars fam

Because if its too high in THC it cause reefer madness

THC is the main psychoactive constituent in weed that generally causes the "high" that is characteristic and most noticable in sativa strains. The "high" peaks at about 45 minutes after consumption in strength. It can help creative thinking and productivity, but may also cause anxiety in people. Especially in large doses.
The other psychoactive stuff in it is usually called "CBD", although there are over 50 different components that all have an effect on mental funcitoning. This is why there are so many different strains.
The CBD causes more of a "stoned" effect, which helps the user relax, but may also cause the user to sink into the couch. It peaks at about one hour and a half hour after consumption.

THC in pure form is just shit. It causes anxiety and temporary psychosis even. Though I would like to note those effects can also be caused by simple overconsumption of weed. For example, when people underestimate edibles.

The other components all counteract some of the side effects pure THC has. It also causes a lot of the positive health effects.


Master Kush. I'm pretty autistic when it comes to growing weed, thanks.

How large were they when you switched to 12/12?
How often did you cut the tips?

I waited about 5 months before switching. I did spend a lot of time cutting them. I think I did it like 4 times overall on all of them, I had those gorgeous structures with like 16 colas. I think I have a talent for this. I grew this is my own shitty 12 m² student room.

It should be legalized and decommercialized. In Mongolia you'll find weed on the sides of the roads, since it's just that: weed, it grows everywhere.
Regardless, everyone can have a plant in their room/balcony/garden and produce far more than what a stoner might smoke in a month.

why 21? where did you get that number from?

I think it's because if you take weed when you're too young it can affect the development of your brain and it can also trigger the onset of schizophrenia in those who were already vulnerable. As for the number of 21, it's kind of an arbitrary limit as is any fixed limit like this. The basic principle is to prevent people that are too young to smoke it.

Legalized? Nigga shit should be mandatory

But literally the opposite is true in the real world, nice posturing though

Fucking link try this one
