Is trap x trap straight?
Is trap x trap straight?
Only if they both thought the other was really a girl
still gay. Two dudes will always be gay
i really like this video
If i didn't have my hand on the camera, I'd be able to make it play something.
Kitty so damn adorable ;_;
Something about this is pretty disturbing.
How are two lesbians straight?
It was right after it almost freaked about that brush. It jumped some at first but realized it was more like a toy.
Pretty sure it's homosexual no matter how you look at it
What if they both think the same one is a girl?
Fill me with (you)'s cock
i would like some tea. but.
green or black.
hmmmmmmm. help me
Then I don't think you can just call them both traps, whatever your definition of that is.
green a shit
Make me a London Fog.
Oh. Okay.
The term is so far removed from meaning anything specific and I hate it.
I miss cute girlish boys being called traps.
This is too much link
i like green hot better than i like black hot.
but i wante iced. (i like black iced better than green iced)
i need to see if i have. vanilla extract. and then i can make some
We need to start appraising traps on cuteness and not merely on the ideological ethic systems used to derive value
this tbh
femboy will always be the best term
trap as a term is annoying
it just doesnt even. sound good.
femboy cuts right 2 the chase and you know everything. nothing to be argued. its a fem boy.
tranny is best term
Femnoy only covers the ideological labelification of flat chested girly boys usually tall ones. What of short girly boys with bewbs? Again step away from ideology. Instead of traps or femboys or trannies we merely call them cute.
Doesn't seem like it reacts a lot to things.
kinda weird for a cat
this is actually what i agree with most
terms n labels are stinky
it's a mix between and indoor and outdoor cat. i let it come in and do its truck stop thing of bathing itself and sleeping. Someone that lives around here feeds it apparantly.
Labels label me not. I use the labels to further my own interest the labels do not use me to further their interest. The individual is greater than the labels used to abstract them.
Looks like my cat Jill
honestly im way too tired to continue this conversation i just want tea
good poitns are being brought up but i dont wanna discuss contact me again later whe nim not so tired
I like dogs more tbh
As far as I'm concerned that's all traps are.
Trannies != Traps/Femboys
Theyre the same in the general social sphere. We need a new method to appraise.
same thing
Its not a trap if I can tell you're a dude
I remember I used to take offense to tranny because it's derogatory but then I realized it's only insulting if you let it be.
Since then I've begun calling myself a tranny because it's just way too much easier to type than Transexual.
Again, no they aren't.
Traps/Femboys don't have a mental illness.
Wanting to be cute and/or feminine is not equivalent to wanting to be a girl.
No, it really isn't.
A bad trap is still technically a trap.
They browse image boards though...
I mean lets be real, who expects traps to actually trap people?
The very definition of a trap is some dude who's not recognizable as dude until the dong comes out.
Trap is a meaningless term. The thread is semantics.
this one i tried to get to my friend's house so they can keep her inside for the winter. she got scared and ran off after the car trip. Didn't see her for two days and ended up back at my house over a mile away.
I like low key. dogs tend to be more forceful about stuff (barking, jumping)
Keep it up
maybe a cute boy will come suck your dick
Also who cares about labels. I just want someone to cuddle
Technically agree.
Im not attracted to traps though
Are you attracted to girls(male)?
Labels are important enough to be aware of but not so much that it's worth it to actively denounce, or exonerate them.
I had two bulldogs
its was pretty nice
Good think I said cute boy and not trap
No Im attracted to Males(male) Im a tranny
I'm transitioning into a F-35B.
yeah, it really is
Im transitioning into a Anonymous internet poster
Wow way to be homophobic
Reported, shitlord
i think the two dogs my neighbor has outside sometimes are a mix of them and something else. they are like rock solid muscle.
Got me
Fuck your dog
Hu's gone btw
God I wish I could be ridiculously delayed and cost billions of dollars like ikt
actually, i don't have one. If I did, I couldn't.
It's sexual harassment to turn down a trans person, even if you are also trans
That's what feminism taught me
I used to think I was attracted to girls and femboys, but then I actually met my boyfriend and he sets my heart a flutter.
Call him an arse for me.
Come out to coffee with me.
Yeah mine would attack cars or anything that moved. that wasn't human
had to keep them inside most of the time
Sorry, I don't date my own kind
I can't believe Revy is fucking racist
mean beasts.
They wanted to be lap dogs
I can't believe you'd sexually harass me like this.
lap dogs that are that aggressive (to everything/one else)? weird.
*VTOLs over you*
I'm cold and tired but if I don't do stuff today my power will get turned off
Winky face
Why is this board so gay?
i think you can answer that yourself its a bit obvious
VTOL is for faggots.
Real men have long, thick runways.
aspiring lap dogs
lol. I can imagine.
nah you seem like a fag
No baby Ill be a good girl
It's pretty common. My dogs are like that.
I've always had bad luck with dogs. They just bark when i don't want to hear it and jump on me when i don't want them to
where can i torrent jrock
My ass
nyaa doesnt have what i'm lookin for sadly
is the girl with the dragon tattoo a good book or is it just a meme franchise
meme series*
im seriously about to break my phone
animebytes seems to have a lot of it but I don't go after it much
is she jumping?
is she floating on her knees?
needs a gif
Good morning! How are you all?
Its 11:38
doing okay, just getting ready to go into work even though i just want to practice not sucking at overwatch
tired and throat feels bad
waiting for a cute person to log onto discord so i can play games with them
Im fine I guess. Im not high or dead so it could be better.
fuck man I dunno it's anime bullshit.
It's 3:30 am and I'm nooooooooot sleeping
who is mister no man
A tranny. so >Mr.
oh man
Im from the internet dosent matter where.
Ban all tranny scum.
Wait a minute
this but ironically
confirmed for furry
no bans :(
So? It's 10:45 here :3c
Working hard helps you hone the skills to get good at overwatch.
Sounds not good :C I hope your throat feels better, and cute games with cute people helps you too!
Amen, brosky.
Why not :C
Weed is the only reason I get up.
someone pls talk to me
Im calling the cops
The cops will tell you I'm in the right here.
what up
I put coffee on like an hour and a half ago and still haven't had any.
Not when I tell them You anime post
Weed lol
why the FUCK should I?
Then they'll just tell you that you're supposed to be patient with me because I have less brainpower than a rock.
Weed us icky desu.
im going to the store right now. to get.
london fog ingredients. this better taste good !
I'm a hopeless addict.
Heck, guys, I think googles on to me.
Weed is alright. DXM is better. Gotta try ketamine.
Heck more like neck yourself
Wanna fuck my throat instead?
Sewer drains don't turn me on.
I got dubs though
I am not a slut. I would happily be monogamous.
You don't have many friends do you?
S-shuddup user!
I'm literally the exact opposite of anonymous.
When we were at the convention me and my friend saw someone dressed as goku trying to take a picture by the water but he didn't have the hair so we kept making Naruto jokes and calling him naruto, we thought he was going to get mad by he was giggling so hard he couldn't take the picture
You know I live in Canada, and I'll tell you that it's Ontario specifically.
IM GOING TO FIND WHERE YOU LIVE AND Cook you a meal and attempt to cuddle
I totally believe you
Least someone is admitting it. Good girl~
Well find then if you want sluts have sluts. I wanna be a monogamous slut.
hey im not a girl
she's got a bf !!!!!! no poly amorous people are allowed in this thread
I thought you liked boys?
gggoooooood afternoon nezi boy
I can cuddle whoever I want.
*has you*
That's not what you told me last night!
Well, that's fair, but I try to only cuddle my boyfriend.
hello dear
how are you today? ^^
grumpy bc i was applying for a job that would be easy to get and i can manage and then the applications closed 10 minutes before i sent the application.
and also my throat kinda hurts. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
otherwise not too bad.
Open survey to all you schmucks- Any of you have a hobby that none of your friends (online or off) seems interested in nor even any of your peers or acquaintances?
does getting a complementary crowbar at a credit service firm seem strange to anyone else?
Cuddles are not inherinately romantical. Hugs no lead to fugs
Can't say that was something I was expecting.
dressing up like a girl but not being trans
some gunpla
fightan games (theres like one)
pipe smoking
being really cool (im the coolest)
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa thats it i think.
Nah man, I've seen some shit. I wonder if banks are still giving out guns for opening checking accounts in Texas.
Gotta keep the cops employed
Tobacco or dude weed lmao?
hihi good morning hu it's nice to see you today how are you doing?
Dude, it's fucking Texas.
Everything's good on my end.
You okay? Slept alright?
[User was roundhouse kicked for this post]
inserts joke about throat hurting
hey I like crossdressing too :3
I like language
so u lie
very sore today on my legs on the inside of my thighs and my arms
also always wake up with a bit of atummy ache bu it wil go away once I get some water.......
I went downstairs and I saw my lil brother and I started shooting the shit with him
I said
back in my day we had to go to school on weekdays
and he ays
I do go to school i just got back
and I says
and he says
ya i go to school from 9 to 12
like damn he truly screwed the system
and he saiys if he graduates he's still getting a normal highschool diploma
That doesn't mean I can't preserve them for the Commander.
It usually isn't.
Gunpla are great, I wish I had the money to afford them.
ZOIDs too.
You like Japanese.
good morning bardo!
I like language!
It's dangerous to go alone
Take these
Oh, my mistake then.
I'll probably take up Russian when I'm comfortable with my Japanese.
weed is bad
oh yeah u got a point
theyre not that pricey....
unless youre getting. idk. very high grade.
i have 3 and they were all around $20..
I have ~ 100$ to my name and need 51$ a month.
oh well. yeah in that case. too pricey. but i meant more.... in the grand scheme of things i guess.
I tried to go over to pipe smoking when I saw the tobacco prices versus cigarettes- My mindset being that it was cheaper, a slight pain in the ass and a bit of prep went into it, maybe one day I could easily say "fuck it" to the whole thing. So was more of a habit for me than a hobby for about 9 months.
When I get my job my first order of business is to get a desk, and to generally just improve the organization of my space.
After that I'm probably going to work on my computer a bit, and upgrade my internet.
Maybe after all that I can see about improving my power level.
Though a friend told me not to show my power level in a donation because I might crash the stream.
put your pantsu back on! >.<
good luck!
I'm not cute though unfortunately so we don't share that in common xd
how the heck is weed bad but tobacco isnt
lol wat. I guess you're getting shorter and shorter days in school in America recently, huh?
I remember going to school from 8-12 in the folkeskole but that's recently changed to 8-16, even all the way down to first grade. Poor kids
well if you want nicotine
pipe tobacco is the wrong thing to do.
if you want to enjoy good tasting tobacco every now and then. pipe smoking is good.
ciggies inhale
pipe dont
ciggies are nasty rat poison sticks.
pipe tobacco is not.
so as a ciggie equivalent. bad choice.
these are good plans.
ill go back to streaming so u can give me some natsuki bucks ! :^)
wowwwwwWWWW i think you just need. to get better girl clothes. we could go shopping sometime. (also thanks for calling me cute i feed off of compliments)
i dont talk to druggies sorry :/
ot's more of a special schedule he worked out osmehow
I know it's not the same for his classmates
I'm pretty sure they still pull 8 hour days
I asked my boyfriend which slav language would be the best to learn and he said Russian or Polish.
When I asked, he told me the best to learn just to flirt with him would be Slovak but that I wouldn't learn that.
considered ! not for me though.
After you've imbibed diesel, gasoline and methanol you don't really taste much, so all around boneheaded on my part in retrospect.
Rin is dating echo?
oh are you and echo a thing now?
yall are in the past this is old news
maybe to some loser like you who spends every day here
this is the first I've even seen of any of it
you can tell by my posts that im only here half a day max. sometimes im gone for a full day. so can it u big dumby.
Loco, everything's disgusting to you.
I think so.
You only found out this morning though.
Or was it yesterday? Idk, I slept a long time.
It's more that we never really saw it worth parading, or mentioning.
People here tend to latch on to low-energy trolls like e-relationships.
yeah I don't really have much :x
I don't like to dress up in public though I'm afraid of people judging me
I don't understand what this means
is an e relationship a troll?
echo is cute bruh
cyka blyat~!
Bashing on them can be.
Idk, we (Echo and I) have the same outlook regarding the whole thing, I think.
It isn't really worth getting excited about.
All I know is do svidaniya.
shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i found out before anyone else. and i also knew i just didnt know WHO
do it no balls
u have to do it now i said no balls.
mfw right now at the moment when i see strange things go on and eat a tasty food
At best.
nope first
Echo is a good lay. Grats rin.
Are you just going to imply you've done it with anyone I date?
O-oh okay.
Did you date ikt?
tfw I finally got my weight under control again
No, as far as I ever knew that was a joke, and we don't really talk out of thread.
I prefer my traps
I'm bored do I play PC or PS2?
i dont meme !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Play Mankind Divided. It's great.
I don't have that, or at least I don't have it installed.
Your look....... ..eyes always cold and sharp as a winter night...................................
You what
memes are the currency of our generation
the lifeforce, the blood of our people
im rich in sincerity and cute bux.
and also. original comedy. give it a few years. u will see who is rich then....
you leave tomoko alone she is doing her best
true, but are you rich in morals and kindness?
Time for the last verse
not like the first verse
it's a whole lot worse than the first verse
Hello is anybody here
Nope not a soul
Hello I'm alive again!
Hello i'm dead again!
Damn you lookin pretty fly for a dead guy
Stop posting that.
what's wrongwwith it..I think it' cute...........
waiting on the new philly d episode like
Buy me food
I'm poor
hey LUKA
get a JOB!!!!!!!!!!
Don't be transphobic.
Doesn't Revy have a job?
bard no
I'm not luka or unemployed
I'm just really poor
a feel way to real
I saw you at the stream, I think.
Thank you.
you what
Just a case of mistaken identity I guess.
fuck T__T
wtf is that thing
its the cutest stranger thing!!!!!!!
bleck ppl
Home is good
Can I post some lewd stuff?
That was the lewdest I have.
Could you not post something that lewd? Thanks
Yuri is puri you homosmexickle.
It may be the purest love, but it's still far too lewd
I'm home for anyone who cares.
a real lack of gote postan in this thread
vagoo > benis
Me too, thanks
I don't but congrats on being home.
Literally a hatchet wound.
That goes against the church of Gondola
I don't care.
Sinni told me going to work and trying hard would make me good at Overwatch so if I still suck it's her fault hi guys
lesbian is literally the only possible way a woman can be pure. a lot stinky lesbians. but some are pure and good.
It's a finally sculpted masterpiece by God himself.
hail lord satan
better uses with your time
How goes?
It's ok. Today was utter shit, but I was able to get my refund resent so I'll have like, 500 coming my way by the end of December.
least im fixing your goat posting problem :^)
Lesbians are like Schrodinger's Cat but for sexuality- Simultaneously existing and not existing, not to mention conceived of in college, most stop existing there too- Just can't be counted on.
Well that's a nice leg up, at least. Puts ya in a better position to make moves.
I don't have a problem I CAN QUIT WHEN I WANT TO.
What if Clint is only gay because a woman hurt him deeply?
I'm putting it all into debts with people.
I'm just trying to get out of the negatives.
That's some real deep thot you got going on, hoss.
That's still making moves, hombre.
Hopefully Chap is still alive when I get to a place I can pay him back.
It's not too late. You can stop your homosexual ways.
Speak to him recently?
No. And I need to.
I miss him.
Ergh, no- It's too late for me! I am CONSUMED by furious cocklust and the full moon is approaching and I feel fabulicious. Save yourself!
You should. He's been really busy lately, but I know your getting ahold of him would just make his day.
Allahu ackbar.
I guess okay
I'll hit him up once I'm not so sick.
We mostly talk on Snap Chat.
So I'm impure then?
That's good.
And a ching chong to you too, pajeet.
Silly tomatsuk, there are no women on the internet.
There's plenty of dudes pretending to be them here.
That really is popular with the kids these days, eh? Once I get a smartphone I'll have to get it, seems like a bunch of people jumped to that almost exclusively.
I'm not sure why. He has my number.
I think he just likes it.
95% of what you'll get is just really boring, mundane shit that people feel they need to show you when you neither asked for it nor care. So no different than any other social media shit.
Which furry are you?
All the more reason.
So I could be like- A normal person for a change?
I just like Asriel
Being normal is overrated.
Liking Undertale innately makes you a furry.
there are some exceptions to the rule.
women who are dorks are 100% an exception theyre really cute and sincere and usually genuine.
theres some other exceptions too i just cant. think of them rn.
What if I only like one character from it?
Still a furry. The game is a dumpster fire of furry shit.
I really owe that man a lot in life.
I'm not a boy pretending to be a girl, just a tranny.
The difference is that I have a mental illness instead of just an overactive imagination.
But then you know that.
Wow, bully.
yeah 95% of it is
i am the 5% of good content. people like my terrible half hour long poop posts on my story. very rarely do i make status posts. usually just loud obnoxious things that sometimes includes making messes.
or just really really really stupid things. you can ask dad he has on me on snapchat
aside from that the most entertainment youll get from stories is when someone posts a fight orrrrrr like something funny or sometimes they post a quick snapchat of their roommate and then ur like hey whos ur roommate and now you guys talk a lot and its nice. (thanks snapchat ive been using you for 5 years)
that's pretty gay
dorks is def an endearing term.
i am weak to dorks.
they are the best.
You're a screamer too, huh...
A tranny is innately a dude pretending to be a girl.
Oh, well, fine then...
What happened to really cute and sincere?
And being weak to dorks?
And dorks being the best?
it's a dude pretending to be a girl by taking poison every day and getting their body mutilated
Trannies are taking over animus.
Us furs stole it furst.
Where's Ben Shapiro when you need em?
On the way to the ovens, with any luck.
It's fun seeing him trigger people though
Then he just has that shit eating grin lmao
I think I broke Lili.
You're the biggest fag here, though???
Jim is better at it and didn't coin some faggy social movement.
"Conservative YouTube personalities" are kind of fun to watch because all it is is them just autistically screeching about things they don't like while saying how bad everyone autistically screeching about something they like is.
Gee Tsuchi I wonder.
i thought we went over that I'm not actually gay, just genuinely homophobic
Now that you're here, he's the second biggest fag.
what a cutie
Now that I'm here?
How did me popping up push you to the first place?
I watch Jim because he asks the hard hitting questions.
Medication is wonderful.
I see why the trannies abuse it so much.
The only Jim worth watching is the Jumquisition.
All of them are just the cringiest shit mixed with insecurities.
Ohayou Echo-chan
Where do you think we are?
The deepest layer of hell.
Gay cunt.
And yet you still love me.
Man at this rate I dunno- I'm gonna need proof you're still the man I loved all those years ago... I accept 'proof' in cash, check, post office money order, cashier's check or Weiand/Dyer's 6-71 products, thx.
Clint I love you dawg
What up boo
Bitch I'm still waiting on a check from you.
Lets see some love.
League, apparently.
Close, but I'm actually lloyd
You would have been around that era though, neh, Waffles?
do- do you want the leash to stay on or off...?
On. Take the rest off.
Yeah I remember them a bit. Dude I've been a part of this community for five years. I don't want to be an "oldfag". That's not a thing anymore right we don't do that right?
Oh boy, good luck
We dont' really have new people join so there's no real need to call ourselves oldfags.
it was always a meme
We need to go recruit kids on Holla Forums again
Nah, nobody really gives a shit- After I ascended into the halls of "Great Old One" all pissing matches about it became rather moot.
I could go for some new people to make hate me.
I'm running out of people here.
Now show daddy that cute ass.
As an oldfag, I can confirm that it's always been a meme.
oi vey
August 18th 2012 was my first day as an avatar fag. God it's gone by fast.
We don't talk about moot in these parts, thank ya kindly, sir
Does Holla Forums take exception to Holla Forums links?
lol Rin I'm older than you
i have no idea what my first day was and never will
Let's not publicly advertise.
Just send some people to make threads and select who we like to come.
You have particular taste in men.
Feb 2011, but I don't know the day.
Whatever day it was it was the day I made a horrible mistake.
Weren't you a newfag the first time I came back?
It's been a mixed joy for me.
Not evennnn
I'd rather have skipped my Alicefag years, beyond that I have no real complaints.
The only current Alice fag I can think of that I like is Kermit.
very nice to hear someone say those words
God damn it
True true
I don't even know who current Alicefags are.
nee thread
Most all are irrelevant.
Not like they have any connections to here.
Someone now
that they wasted there time hanging around with alice
Should I cut my hair short again?
"Not I", said the fly.
definitely not it
I'll have to take your word for it.
I just wanted to have an argument.
Worst mistake of my life.
The heck is with the emoboi look?
i made. the london fog(iced). its pretty good. i like it. thanks for the suggestion.
eomene new threwd;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
I didn't comb my hair that night
My friends just knocked on my window and were like "Soto let's go to TGI Fridays"
My friend who's a nurse bought us drinks, it was also happy hour all day Sunday so I got all fucked up lol
still emo