Other urls found in this thread:

Denmark fucking blows.


It's not even windy atm. Last storm disappeared yesterday

I only give compliments I mean!! I really like everyone here and I don't wanna be rude or waste anyone's time by offering up like half-baked niceties and stuff.

Also, I like how creative you are with some of them!!


No one has ever said "I hope your mom burns your tendies" to me, I think it's creative!!!

Your standards are painfully low.

Nah, I just think it's humorous

You seem the type to be amused by jiggling keys.

its interesting to me that finding a lot of things interesting and enjoyable is somehow a negative trait

luv ya gilgy !!

Go the fuck to sleep Lily

i got up at like

5 today

I have tomorrow off and it's pretty great.

what do you do for a living?

McFucking kill yourself, Desu.

I sell garbage to people to put in their face.

guess we're more alike than different

I don't know about all that.

i'm home

i owe subway money now >_

whys that ?

crippling subway debt ;~;

they were closing, and their till machine was off
so they couldn't give me change for a 50
so i gave them $5 down payment and tommorow i give them the rest

at least i have subway right now~


Lmao Subway debt

Luv u Luka ♥


at least you're not my friend connor who had like $10k debt out of high school



lol wut

"highschool" not even colledge?


-pets your hair- :3



hi eriowatsup

i was talking about you with my buddy rumor the other day

Just smoking weed and posting memes, you?

I didn't know you knew him

Only good things were said, I'm sure :3


Important information

yeah I think we were talking about teaching english

i'm out of weed i was asposed to get more a few days ago but ive been waiting and smoking vape resin ;~;

How's your night going cutie

Yeah, I taught English in China. You knew that :3

Weird, you should get a new dealer


fucking savage



all alone...

ye thats why you got brought up

and its cause i asked my friend t o do it for me cause i dont like dealing w/ dealers and he was busy today ;~ ;

wuat is your day about

all kinds of illegal stuff

How are you alone if you're here? Just think of these threads as an eternal internet high school

What's wrong with dealers? They usually seem to be just normal guys. Even the one I found from talking to a random black guy downtown

And I've just been doing a bunch of stuff on the internet and messing with poetry

Yours? Been doing anything? ^^


no one's playing with me....

I don't have any problem with dealers it just saves me alot of work not having to interact and watch it get weighed out and all that
I just move it from one person to another and take my cut

i dont wanna have any more involvement than that.

and I just layed around all day its too cold to do anything and none of my friends hit me up '~"

It's been so boring
and I think I have a cold........

*middle school

preschool !
daycare !
baby crib !

i think you skipped elementary school

It's 3am :3

I'd play with you if I didn't avoid mobas like the plague

Makes sense, it can be a bit of a hassle

At least your tolerance will probably go down a bit ^^

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎

Overwatch is not a MOBA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reeeeeeeeeee >:(

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a conseq

I'm so triggered and all I read was the first sentence

Oh, I don't know why I assumed you were playing LoL. My mistake

Anyway, in that case, I'd play with you if Overwatch had a price tag closer to $5

i would have been able to spam better but pretty sure test had to lower maximum character limit just to stop scoot's shitposting

Hello friends, companions.

What's happening in here

you should get overwatch and play with us this weekend, i'm going to be buying it my next paycheck

i should not be up but i am anyways

Bruh same

Overwatch is a triple A title and after playing it and seeing the amount of work that went into it, it's easily worth the $30-40

i accidentally took like a nap instead of sleeping and then i woke up and noticed it was 3am and i was like huh i should watch youtube and shitpost

every time i play, i have fun

I send him that copypasta every day

I aimlessly stumbled in and I'm just going with it

How's your night going? : 3

Too expensive

I never spend that much on games anymore

I can't rely on myself to actually want to play the game for enough time to justify the purchase

But are you ultra-casual with vidya games like I am?

If you're going to insist the you can't shell out 40 bucks for a game more than half the thread is playing hey man fine, but i am telling you you are seriously missing out when you seem like you can afford it

it would genuinely be worth your time

Sounds kinda nice! Have any plans for tomorrow?

It's going good! I'm tired but sleepin doesn't sound too good right now, trying to decide whether or not to launch Destiny 2.

How's your night goin?

To be fair it takes an altitudinal IQ to comprehend, nein, fathom Rick and Morty. The humour is extrêmement subtile, and without a doctorate degree covering Bell inequalities, micro-lattice structures, and Schrödingerian quasi-contradictory quandaries et cetera (basically common knowledge among the top 10.3% among the world's best theoretical physicists) most of the jokes will evanesce or float away like Kantian noumena vis-a-vis Kantian phenomena, in other semantic units AKA words to plebes, as they say in some ethno-linguistic communities, but I digress: ありがとうございました. Furtherthus, to neologize a neologism henceforth, Rick’s existential-ideological naysaying, which is ITSELF located within/via Althusserian/Foucauldian poststructuralism along the subversive-critical lines of various neo-Marxist-Leninist-Maoist analyses - his tacit (cf. Polanyi) schemata appropriates affective resonances from Narodnaya Volya literature, AKA 네 엄마는 너무 뚱뚱해. The fans understand this 陰毛, as colloquially known (excepting for Gettier cases), to quote the Chinese media scholar Jean-Claude Baudrillard: "Un jugement négatif vous donne plus de satisfaction que d'éloges, à condition que cela ressemble à de la jalousie" ; they have the Intelligenz/くそ to truly (BUT WHAT IS TRUTH, cf. Sura 2:140, John 18:38) appreciate the Aristotelian-Thomistic-Hegelian synthetic a priori interpenetrative dialogic concealed within and without these tokens of jokes, to realise that they’re not just totalitarian HAHAHAs :smile: in a post-postmodern world of hegemonic HUHUHUs :frowning: - light-hearted Chopin to your heavy-handed Brahms, if I may, no pun intended - they betoken something deep about Heidegerrian Dasein (cf. Mahabharata 5.39.58) through which we can, in the words of the poet William Wordsworth, 一个巫师从来没有迟到,他总是一个有力量的人 (Nǐ shìgè báich for those who aren’t fluent in Korean). m_nkind (note: "Mankind" is a sexist term, see Judith Butler's Gender Trouble published by Routledge, London:London March 1990) or should I say, specimens of m_nkind who manifest disaffection (i.e. βοηθήστε με, παρακαλώ να με βοηθήσει κανείς) contingent upon “their” finite liminal qualia vis-a-vis Rick & Morty’s transcendental apperception via meme-ification truly (but again, WHAT IS TRUTH? お前はもう死んでいる) ARE idiotos (masculine of idiota in German, contra p_triarchal discourse)- of course, necessarily they wouldn’t appreciate vis-a-vis their unity-of-consciousnesses, for instance, the linguistico-Bayesian formal articulation in Rick’s slogan existentiel “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a Derridian poly/hypertextual para-dactyllic reference to Turgenev’s Lacanian epic отцы и изюм (reminiscent of Turgenev's earlier вы используете переводчика, не так ли, сука?) I’m smirking right now in several languages just envisioning in my corpus callosoom one of those cisgendered, capitalist-fascist, hyper-Puritanical, anti-anti-anti-omnicorporatistic biguts scratching their 陰茎 (EXCUSE MY FRENCH) in anti-jouissance as polyglot, Renaissance Zen m_n Dan Harmon’s Minervian owl unfolds itself (Note: あなたは実際にこれを翻訳していたのですか?あなたはあなたの時間を無駄にしています ) at the break of dawn/don/DUNE (semantic balderdash!) on their Lovecraftian-boob-tubes, to subtly reference the semantic units of the Scottish philosopher David Hume who would also say: “あなたのママはとても太っている.” What 아 름 다 운 영 혼 을 가 진 바 보 들 .. je suis tout seul.

Yea, I think I'm going to catch up on some of the other games I have purchased and spend some time getting through all the videos I have left from my subs so far this week before I get Overwatch, and it starts eating all of my time like some kind of exotic virtual whore

play Overwatch! ^_^

It's not that addicting lol, but I hope you have fun!

Having not played it, which heroes do you like so far?

ill play with you when i get it

TF2 is free

Pretty good, I'm starting to get sleepy too. I've just been doing stuff on the internet and messing around with writing a bit more poetry

What time is it where you are?

Tell Bebop to buy it for me

maybe if u arnt good

jesus you havent even played it and you're gonna tell me it's not addicting?

I like Sombra, Junkrat, Hanzo,, and Memrcy in no particular order, mystery heroes has expanded my tastes a little

*children laughing*

It's 2:44am, my bedtime is 3am but who needs sleep!!!!

also, that sounds kinda relaxing. Whenever you hit the hay I hope you have good zzs!!

Nah, I've played it! I'm level 230 something. I thought you hadn't played it before.

and it's not that addicting! It's fun but I've never had an itch to play it.

it's worth the money for what it is. if you don't play games much, don't buy it then.

If the playerbase wasn't so cancerous I'd try it again
The game itself isn't bad, besides the meme crate trash

it might be more of a game guys get particular itchy to play, comparing to your lust for playing animal crossing and i think we have a similar degree of understanding

every time you play a shooter you're putting your reaction time and hand eye coordination against someone else's and even though you are in a safe environment, these are skills we have been cultivating for thousands and even millions of years for hunting and killing, there's bound to be a little competitive investment in who does it better, and i truly believe this is where the root of getting gud has its merit in our heads

real talk though every video game community is toxic

it's the nature of anonymity in a competitive environment

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎

By the way, how's your job search going? ^^

Thanks gurl, it's decided:

That $40 would be better spent on weed

i knew u wer goine 2 du that

When you've got games with a smaller more dedicated following it's not so bad
But whenever I hear bad news about player communities, it always comes back to games like Overwatch, League and CS:GO, particularly these three.

As slow as ever.

At this point I'm sure I'd make more money selling my suicide video.

I think you're reading into it too much? but I like your logic behind it.

Reading into things too much is never enough.

Where do you even go to hear bad news about a community?? like who fucking cares what people do at competitive venues or conventions like just get the game and play it homie


Can I expect a refund if I continue to be sexually harassed?

ill tell you what

whenever i die im not mad that whatever character they were killed whatever character i was, im bad i didnt pull the trigger enough times to drop them first

why would anyone want to sexually harass you homie like turn off your mic dont go into chat dont you have a steam???

i know someone on steam who finds new people to efuck like every day

Would you honestly say your post warranted anything more? :3

Do you live in a small town, or something? Maybe there are good kinds of jobs you haven't thought to apply to yet

Get it!

Bebop! buy erio Overwatch!!!!

that depends on the point of view you went into replying with

it seems like you assume we are like trying to bully you into buying a game for our benefit or something when really we just want you to buy it so you can play it with us

no ones going to force you to buy it and the more you shitpost like scoot the less im going to care about any given interaction

Because of the nature of anonymity in a competitive environment?

It's just a game tho.
Why be mad when you can appreciate how fun the encounter was first.

Nah I live on the cusp of the burbs of chicago, but like 5 minutes in any direction near my house is an overcrowded high school.

Any small job is taken within minutes and the turnover isn't high enough atm that I can slip on in.

I'm still gonna apply! I haven't given up yet, but wew is it not fun.

so what you think people are going to go from kicking your ass to trying to lick it? i really want to hear the logic on this now

uh, no, the encounter isn't fun unless I kill you and like three of your teammates, pretty sure i have people with me on this one

i kno ur feel sinni
i can't find jobs here too!!!

I'm bad at games so I'm biased, I just have fun playing it, not how cool I am in that moment.

I'm rarely cool, sadly.

Don't worry Luka! We'll get through the grind eventually.

It's just a constant grind until then!

The first thing I hear when joining my first game is someone asking me to play what he called "heal slut". Straight away you can feel the cancer.

Now just make sure to remind him on Discord daily

Lmao what? I just meant how you used a "children laughing" meme

You got the reply you deserved

Maybe you should look into working online; that seems like a better way of making money anyway ^^

i feel you, but being "cool" and pulling off good plays for a team, even if its a bad one, feels pretty good in the moment, getting a good amount of eliminations and lots of objective time always feels s satisfying to me as a player and thats all i can speak for is myself, but just by looking you know other people feel the same way especially since most peoiple here play specifically competitive mode

you deserved to get laughed at for comparing tf2 to overwtach seriously actually

yes it is heavily inspired by tf2 but it feels entirely different to play

Woof! Woof woof!

I really just don't understand why it's hard to ignore these people or to just turn chat off and play the game. I pick up the controller, I go into a game, I choose who I want to pick without regarding anyone else's decisions for me and I play the game.

It very simply is just not more complicated than that.

I've been thinking about it! I think that'll be my last ditch effort, I have to exhaust all of craigslist first.

I'm trying to save up to visit moog, but even then getting a job will help me like make progress as an adult!! It's just taking too long for my tastes.

I agree with you for the most part, I just don't see it as something to get addicted over, and not every game you're gonna have is gonna be perfect.

Why not enjoy the fun parts of the game, and the parts where you're doing good can be little sprinkles on top.

yea and i figured addressing you seriously and dismissing your bad comparison would offend you somehow, it's hard to tell when you're going to be sensitive about something

It's past my bedtime friends, but I'm still chugging along.

We've reached the abyss.

Why should it be last ditch? It seems more relaxing than going somewhere ^^



*hugs tightly*


That's the insidious part though. When you get good at a game you become more invested, and more capable of carrying a team by yourself, though it's never possible to just carry bad teams every time. so once you get used to doing good once you start fighting better teams it's just that much more crushing when you realize how bad you are again.Getting competitively involved in a videogame is a lot like a mental disorder I would say xD Addiction isn't always a choice you know

how long have you been up you

I wouldn't end up playing it much anyway ^^ -cuddles warmly-

What did you get at Subway? :3

Part of the fun is being able to go somewhere! Even if it's just to see a part of the city I haven't been to before, it feels more substantial to me.

I wanna save online stuff for when I've like forced myself into staying inside because I have no where else to go.

We can do this!!

Addiction isn't always a choice, but video games don't really force an addiction. You can measure how much investment you're willing to put into a game.

I don't really play competitively, cause I don't really enjoy that kinda stress, but I understand why others do and I think being able to like control yourself in that field is kinda necessary?

I don't know, I'm awfully tired to be digging this deep into competitive.

Since 10am yesterday. Happy Halloween bty

I don't know, I don't like the idea of being stuck in an office building

Working remotely gives you more freedom in general

meatball monday

your super pretty!!!
they have to hire u~

omg it so is halloween

from one green bean to another !!!!!!!!

this is where we are going to have to disagree and appreciate that the encounter happened, because I don't think you are right. someone can choose to play a game or not but I don't think you can always choose how invested you are going to get, or no one would get upset playing games.

unfortunately though, people do get upset, you are right in a sense, if people didn't choose to get so initially invested they would not be as mad, but they would not be as good either =P

Tbh Subway is usually super mediocre when I get it and I don't know why you don't just buy your own stuff to make sandwiches instead of going there

I think that would cost less and be better

My avatar is most appropriate today

it would cost less and be better

liquor stores and gas stations do it

I feel ya, I guess I'm too much of a recluse already, being able to leave the house is kinda refreshing to me, reminds me that I'm still a human bean.

:3c not as pretty as you!!!

hep hellowee

Yee, I get what you're saying.

I've been a casual since birth, so it's just something I'm not really knowledgeable on.

I just want people to have fun when they play games

and thats a good way to think about things! life is ultimately about so much more than games of course, but it explains why you arent too big of an overwatch fanatic

still 230 hours is pretty good for a casual player, it still speaks of how fun the game is imo

oh you said level 230 well still

The pre-made gas station sandwiches at the gas station near me are actually pretty good

Some of them remind me of the good sandwiches that were sold everywhere in Slovakia

I've been a recluse for a few months now and I still don't want to see the light of day

not good enough!!!


you cant choose the investment always, but i do believe. that you can choose how to react.

there is for sure a difference between someone who fought for first place in a tourney and got 2nd then instead of pitching a fit getting depressed whatever chooses to go back to the training room and continue to practice
and people like darksydephil who loses to mashers and throws his controller ...

i play competitive games and i dont like losses but instead of being a lil crybaby i take what i learned from the loss and bring that to the next match

thats because a lot of the gas stations make the sandwiches fresh every day there, and some of them use local breads from nearby bakeries instead of mass produced shitty garbage

I don't know how to check how many hours I have in OW, it's probably a lot.

My attempts to be an Ana main hopefully added up to something in that time.

Kinda same sometimes, I wanna be a recluse in like my own apartment, where I can answer to nobody but myself.

Until then, more job hunts!!


Moog and I still watch DSP together sometimes and it's a w f u l.

What a human.

oh absolutely, but this is expressing a distinction in a difference of play-style that has already been established, but I was more trying to establish that that distinction existed in the first place.

And I get that, from an outside perspective it really doesn't make sense just how much time and effort goes into being competitively good, but like you said, at the end of the day, you are still responsible with how you come to terms with your own failures, whatever they are.

We've hit mach 2 of the abyss, where I'm definitely for sure tired, but am still awake.

I have no reason to not be sleeping, but if I stay up, something might happen that it'll be worth it.

Have you experimented much with the art of sandwich making? ^^

Don't you want to be a good subby yuri wife some day?

Yeah I was surprised by how good the bread was

I'm sure I'll want to do more outside things again eventually. Sometimes it seems like my moods and actions are connected with the seasons a bit

very sweet of you trying to be a good teammate and heal everyone, we all appreciate people who want to play support

a good tip with Ana is to scope less and try to hip fire to heal people at mid range

there is always something worth staying up for

sleep sucks

nothing good will probably happen tonight, only stay up if you fear dreamland right now for some reason

i just noticed how you organize your avatar pics !!!
that is super cute. i should try this.

Luka is on a whole new level of sophisticated avatar organization and we're still posting like fucking CAVEMEN

I believe in you!! and yee I feel that way too. Though my favorite season is winter, so I'm getting all antsy ready to see snow and hear christmas music again.

Aha! Jokes on you, I rarely scope unless it's to aim better.

Amen!! Fuck sleep!!!!

I rarely if ever have good dreams, but I'm also like a natural insomniac. so fuck dreamland!!

Liliana do you ever sleep?

Go to bed, it's past your bed time

Kind of wish I could make good money on poetry

But I don't want to write greeting cards or something; that would be forced and would defeat the point

if anyone would have ascended by now, its luka

just means that sinni is better than i thought she was, thats all :33

I'm sure there are probably poetry competitions you can apply too online. A lot of money in poetry comes from like slam poetry or spoken word.

Tho I don't know too much about making money with poetry.

Thank you! :3c

i have been JAmming out to christmas music since october 1st
as soon as september ends its christmas time/prep for me

not a lot ! and especially not at night. u dont get to experience things asleep and if u do its in a dream or nightmare and both of those make me uncomfortable and i dont like it at all and want to be awake

Her futuristic technology has been hiding in plain site this whole time

I guess it might be something worth looking into ^^

Doing anything for Halloween?

Wait so is Sinni or Liliana the cute trap

I keep forgetting

i missed that part of your post but im sorry to hear about that :( ive had really powerful good dreams before that didnt really make sense but had strange and very strong emotions tied to them for some reason

i had this weird dream where the world was a black backdrop and everything was moving neon color puffing away and reforming in smoke, and i followed some neon weird smoke girl through some strange neon city

very weird dream, but my brain was like fucking me with dopamine when it happened so i think of it positively

lili male sinni female

Lili > Sinni

you would

i wanna say thanks but sinni is cool and nice and sweet...

so like.
thanks sort of but not entirely ?

I've been meaning to but I keep getting distracted with like lofi garbage.

I'm gonna get my hands on like Oliver the other reindeer ost's and rock out.

Whatever happens, do your best!!

and nah, probably be roped into handing out candy. I already watched scary godmother with moog so my halloween celebrations have already been completed.

How about yourself?

A lot of my dreams are just like fever dreams with teeth and air raid sirens and the wheel of fortune.

As of late it's been like repetitive drowning, but I never read too much into it cause fuck Freud and his dream analysis.

I agree

It's your time to shine, new user!!! You're definitely the new best user

truly the most horrifying sentence ive read all night

i'm playing arcade for no reason at all....
all alone
even tho i have every single item.



its too expensive

i didn't organize this folder

I KNOW RIGHT. It's like that all the time, so even if I could sleep, the dreams don't help.

wo w i am honored.

with thishonor i shall post only.good pists and not fox my typos when im on my phone trying to unlock my car like right now

its super nice out. i could eat a cold bag of green beans outside aaanndddd they wouldnt even get uncold !!!!!!

wanna play arcade with a friend ??? (me)

no thats actually why i brought it up, it seemed like you werent particularly eager to go to sleep and i always wonder if thats part of the reason why

ive had some really fucked up dreams too but nothing as fucked up as ive seen in this world


I'm going to dress up as a shut-in by staying in my room

when its more active at 4-5am than it is in like the afternoon, you know you found a good board

Your commitment to that game is inspiring.

Considering the time, I'd find a nice single player game to chill with atm, but that's just me.

Your type of shit posts make me laugh, I appreciate you.

1/2 never tired 1/2 no fun.

I aspire for those coma-like sleeps where it only feels like a few seconds but you wake up not knowing who or where or what you are.

Those few seconds of not living are A+

Sounds nice! I hope you have a good time uwu


you know smells like my perfume now
i keep wearing it and it infecting my car but its not a bad thing at allllll

try lucid dreaming, ive had sleep paralysis so much i know how to break it easily, and i think the two are heavily associated so be ready to not be able to move your arms and legs while being awake

I don't sleep that hard as to be able to lucid dream. Plus of never having to worry about sleep paralysis, but my dreams are kinda whatever they decide to be

thats where you are wrong actually, lucid dreaming is about sleeping lightly, you have to catch yourself in the ephemeral in between state, the body relaxed, the mind loose, there but not entirely sure of itself

its tricky to do but ive used it for a lot of things, your brain is capable of rather vivid imagery, you can tellj just by closing your eyes and trying to imagine shapes, its amazing what you can make yourself see

Friends, have a pic of my cat.

He got a new toy today and is now off rattling it around like a fool.

Guys am I good at drawing?

ur cat is A++++ cute and i want to give it a FAAAAAT hug

i like it and i like you

Strange, I never thought about it like that.

Idk, in some ways it seems really cool but as a whole kinda scares me, I doubt I'd even be capable of doing it. The mysterious wonders of the dream world are forever lost to me.

Nigga looks fat af


why can't you?

thats wrong tho, anyone is capable of doing it, and once you reach the right state you can imagine anything you want...

but i can't lie to you, you're right, especially as someone who might not be very mentally durable, the risks are really great, and you could end up seeing some tripped up shit. if it scares you you should not try it, but i can tell you i have had a lot of fun with it

this is a good drawing.

soto is a good person.

if you can couch co-op and help me suck less at cuphead there doesn't need to be a no homo

Nah I make sure to play with him a lot and feed him the proper portions!! He's just like actually fluffy as heck.

too lazy? Idk. Sleep might steal me soon.

ye no thank you, I will stay away from possible more mental trauma

i'll miss you a whole lot...

yea, its a double edged sword, the more vivid your brain can make things the more enjoyment you can get from them, but also the more fear you can get from them.

then again most people on 4chan just say they use it for lewd dreams :^)

why cant i have been born as an unaging anime magical girl who wears really cute dresses but also really cute modest outfits when not saving the world and instead shopping for christmas gifts

Usually when I try to lucid dream the whole dream just collapses because of how fake I realize it is

I guess that's what the apocalypse will be like

Why shop? There's no gift better than money

Hehe, don't worry I'm not leaving just yet. It's only *one hour* past bedtime, something cool might yet still happen.

I'll stick with my regular spooky dreams.

Does it still count as a lewd dream if you're afraid? unless ur like a sub who likes that or idk

you have to maintain your willing suspension of disbelief like with movies

i mean lewd is lewd, if you have those kind of dreams where it's non-con that sucks though i guess, i actually hear that girls get dreams like that a lot sometimes, and as a guy its hard to relate on some levels haha

That's part of why night is good

Idk, I think I've only tried it a few times

I've put much more focus into remembering/recording dreams that happen naturally

Maybe I'll try harder next time I'm off weed

this is a wrong opinion everyone look

Cuphead isn't even that hard lol

We need to get together and like smoke an ounce and beat cuphead, and maybe order like 2 large pizzas from dominos

Maybe Papa johns, I love papa johns but everyone else seems to hate it lol


Pls don't make me feel all nice and shit while Im drunk af

deng Im jelly

My onee-chans cat is fat af
But I love carrying him and rubbing his fat ass belly

they play into each other actually

keeping track of your dreams makes it easier to lucid dream, but im sure you've read that already with all your time on /x/

i recommend trying again yea keep recording your dreams

Wait, Sinni, I don't know why I haven't mentioned this to you before

Have you played Doki Doki Literature Club? :3

Yeah, it's just that falling asleep high seems to make it a lot harder lol

fuck that man i wish you could just come here if we are doing pizza, its not worth me not being in california but we have this great local pizza place that would blow any shithole chain out of the water with artillery fire and then napalm the remains

cuphead might be one of those games where i would agree to snort cocaine to make up for my old man reaction speed and my lack of growing up playing contra of gunstar hero

Sorry, I forgot you were a girl for a second :3

Some girls are into non-con so :shrug:

I don't get lewd dreams except once every blue moon so I can't really speak for other women, they can be pretty bland imo


My cat doesn't like being held but I still do it cause he's like a little pillow.

When he sleeps he gets especially puffed up and I like rubbin his tum

I have in fact! Monika is my favorite girl.

you're probably right that weed makes it harder to lucid dream yea

n a t s u k i n a t s u k i n a t s u k i n a t s u k i n a t s u k i n a t s u k i n a t s u k i n a t s u k i n a t s u k i n a t s u k i n a t s u k i n a t s u k i n a t s u k i n a t s u k i n a t s u k i n a t s u k i n a t s u k i n a t s u k i n a t s u k i n a t s u k i n a t s u k i n a t s u k i n a t s u k i n a t s u k i n a t s u k i n a t s u k i n a t s u k i n a t s u k i n a t s u k i n a t s u k i n a t s u k i n a t s u k i

Okay good, I was going to have to force you to play it if you hadn't

Yeah, Yuri was my favorite at first, but Monika really grew on me :3

It also makes remembering dreams harder

fucking monikammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

a lot of guys are into non-con, i just never dream about it since it's not really on my mind that i might get a penis slipped in me at any point lmao

yea i mean i was just going off of what you were saying but same unless i am able to steer it in that direction, and lucid dreaming is hard so, i don't really get many lewd dreams myself, what you dream about is also usually a reflection of what you individually experience and i know you read a lot of fucked up stuff already like me


rememberin almost everything really

I think it really affects how "solid" my dreams are too

Like, it's a lot more random bullshit while I'm high

it makes sense, weed effects your short term memory and the way your brain strings things together effects how you dream

i wanna see!!!




I really love games like it, and while it isn't the best ever, I can feel the passion & a lot of the scenes really resonate with me.

Plus monika looks the cutest.

I'm confused what you mean by steering, it's too early in the morning for me to understand concepts.

It's not that fucked up!!! I just appreciate media with darker tones :C.

Also, the more I post these pictures the more I wanna reread punpun

Good morn!

I only have like 20 min before I leave.
Maybe less.

you should totally re-read punpun all the way through again for sure

i just mean steering the direction of whatever dream i am having

go to sleep its late (not really do what you want)

what was the purpose of me posting this

i am about to hit new reply after typing all of this wow what a great user


I refused to spell it that way for years because Wish-chan corrected me once

If she gave me an option to pet her I would have considered keeping her as my eldritch waifu

I hope you have a good day at work, it's almost friday if you don't think about it.

I will! Gotta impress people with my knowledge of my favorite mango.

That's kinda adorable!! I agree completely qq


yea its a great read and theres a lot of hidden details to apprecaiate

Yee!! The highest quality mango. I'm considering getting another tattoo of it, but I can't decide which or where or anything. Just feels fitting.

i'm snuggling my pillow in bed under blankets to keep warm ^^

gonna go skating tomorrow I think
you can come if you know how to skateboards

I think I've heard Dan is planning on releasing updates

I think that attitude makes sense for someone who's studied language as a concept and the history of English and stuff :3

And of course since I'm close with English my relationship with it might get weird and abusive sometimes

Also, because I like continuity. I've hit the no man's land where Moog is definitely gonna be mad I've stayed up this late lol.

If anything, the cool thing that happened tonight is how great you've all been !!

nah nah id hold off on that and read dead dead demons instead, you need to expose yourself to even more things so you can save that skin space for great future influences in your life, not that Asano isn't great or anything

i havent even studied language that extensisvely and i shit all over anyone who gets in the way of waht i view as the primary purpose of language, communicating your ideas

What topping would you order tho

Also how fucking old are you anyways?

Mia loves being held but probs cause shes fat af

Our other cat Jack doesnt like being held but likes belly rubs

Yeah, I always say spelling and everything doesn't matter as long as the person you're talking to knows what you're saying

Are traps gay?

I'm excited to see what he would add? The game is pretty well rounded for such a small vn.

Haha, rest assured I'm familiar with all of asano's work. If I was gonna venture outside punpun I'd reread girl on the shore again, shit still makes me cry thinking about it.

and fuck that, I can use my skin suit for whatever I want. (I already know a bunch of tattoos I'll be getting, no need to start adding more now lol)

Cats are so wholesome!!!

im 26 and we could get four toppings on that extra large bitch for like 17 bucks plus tip and tax

(i sort of do but no really and i keep meaning to go back and skate bc ive been busy the past month and a half so i haven't....)
my legs hurt worse than they did yesterday and idk if thats gonna stay the same after i sleep or not so no promises but... maybe ? ... idunno. i think i might stay in and play mario if my legs suck.....

interaction with people is always a cool thing !!
glad to have u here.

oh this is important.

people usually (no surprise) have to. get used to how i type and/or spell and what words i use. but when they learn !!! my typing and cadence is very obvious.



awww.... sini lost track of my last post

I'm sorry!!

I suck at paying attention.

I'll always love u luka

Dude thats cheap af

Also how the fuck are you 2 years older than me?


Lets have sex

oh right I forgot your legs were kill, sorry :x

I'm gonna be there a long time too so maybe bad idea


He's said that he wishes he had put more stuff in about Natsuki, at least that's what Liliana told me ^^

It makes sense. There was a bit of backstory about Natsuki that was hinted at but not really properly explored

It was never hard for me to understand you :3

I wish people would alert me when I do this so I don't have to find out an hour later when the person's already gone

fair enough ultimately its really about how you feel about what you want to get on you

i have somethign to show you!

i just did this now~

ive been here a little longer than most people seem to realize :^)



Yeah, I think that'd be pretty cool. I'm sure whatever they add, if they add it, will be pretty cool.

I feel like Natsuki deserves more content too, so all is good in the world.

I'm gonna be like noose myself at 35 and be covered head to toe in cool tattoos.

A good ult followed by an even better slaughter of a rein. I'm proud of you!!!

You make a pretty good jr!


pretty dark but hey you'll be like the cat man and he off'd himself too, i'm past the point of caring how dark that is i think right now is just really fucked up posts time lmao

i didn't have much of a choice but to play him
since that's what mystery heros gave me!


This clips features your weird mercy potg and my weird referencing of skyrim.

A true wombo combo of a video.

Sounds pretty accurate.

I'll make sure not to get any face tattoos, I think the highest I'd go is probably back of my neck.

why was it weird?

your tank-control style mercy movements are strange!!!

good idea really you need to have some no go zones, the more you break down boundaries of whats normal or acceptable to you the more you change how your views are from other people

this can be good, positive, but it can also alienate you and make you feel lost

he's just brave he's not really being a tank, he saw an opening to go in and rez his whole team and he took it

that's how i played old mercy i guess
wayy back in july!


yea that makes sense she was even more centered around rezing people then because that was her alt

switching her alt to increased mobility and making rez a normal power was a fantastic move imo on blizzards part


Friends, I think the demons are winning over. The sky's gonna be lighting up soon and I'm worried that if I watch the sun rise I wont sleep at all.

Thank you all for hanging out with me!!! We should all do this again sometime.

I'm gonna replace my skin with ink, I think that'll be a good compromise.

Nah, tank-controls, like the sliding movement without like hoping or flying 'round.

Don't worry! I don't think it's bad. You sure plunged those bastards into chaos :^)

Ok actually goodnight.

much harder to get mercy potg now since you can do full team rezes


-hugs tightly- :3

I just need more Monika


It's cute; it's just an artistic way of conveying your personality ^^

An update that allows you to play it as a normal game where no one suicides and the universe doesn't collapse once you beat the main game might also be a good thing

This, and they're diligent about it too.

oh i see what you mean, yea you are generally really used top sliding and bopping around so as not to get hit so it probably becomes a nervous unconscious thing in tense moments

it really does help for not getting hit though

n i i ii i i i ii ii iiiiiii iii ght goodnight.

rest well bub !!

yes i love adding personal flair to anything and typing. is for sure in there.

liliana pls show me your feminine penis

Sleep well ♥

also jumping can make you more of a target in some cases and mercy cant fly without her ult or a teammate who isnt dead

yuri is cute and imaginative and scifi fantasy worlds and deep and interesting!
just like me!
she has pretty long hair
and she tall
and she uh.... ummmm.... purple hair? i guess?

I'm gonna go to bed too since the sun will probably start coming up soon

Night ♥



soto thats not appropriate....

dont drink. i dont like alcohol or when people are have alcohol... say hi on discord


night bubbbbbb BBBBBBBBB !!!!!!!
have a nice sleep.


i need the crown for "best at discord blackjack"

ill play you for that

Is it bad to toget turnt to the nico nico douga medely?

liliana is just shy about their lady peepee

erio has been filling up vending machines again




when you have to be careful of what you click on every time you post because you keep a bunch of nswf images scattered everywhere with other stuff in the same folder

Ikt lemme lick your navel

Soto getting drunk and hitting on people in thread is one of the constants of this universe


Ikt is it true you like sticking things up your butt?

happy halloween here are some cool skeletons


ikt pls lemme lic your boipussy

wtf homo

i love you guys

or at least lemme lick your collarbone

classic soto

dicks are much better

[citation needed]

I don't want to be awake.


I want to be awake but feel tired


I just don't wanna do any of the things I have to do this week.

What do you have to do

That's the worst form of not wanting to be awake

Just some silly things but I have to wake up rill freaking early on the days I do them so I can make sure I'm ready.

I think I've decided I'm going to shaft future me by not doing some of them today.

It's the form of not being awake that's like "Wake me up when October ends."

pls b a good girl

I will.

For the rest of the week.

I'm just going to jam-pack the rest of my week so I can be sure I don't mess up the plans I had for today.

What were them plans?

i dont wanna sleep because i'm enjoying this game but also i might be playing it later this week with someone and so do i wanna keep playing and get ahead and then make a secondary toon i really like playing it and also i may be a lil tired but i want to stay awake this is my thoughts at this time

So like
Six minutes ago?
Could have just set your alarm for then my dude.

oh also im probably going to be asleep most of halloween

the scariest ghosts exist in the realm of sleep

Just going to a thingu that I'm being told I have to.
It's a silly thing that exists for vagrants but I guess I'm an vagrant.

Sleep - it's way less fun playing through the parts you've already played through.

Unironically, I think I did.

Also there's still, like, 15 hours my man.

I don't dream so I get no dream spooks.

ur a tramp??

lady and the


Maybe vagrant is a bad word - I don't do the travelling or begging parts of that.

So, no, I'm not a tramp.

I'm not beholden to your weird foreigner rules about halloween ending at midday the day after or something.

IT's not my fault you're using an irrelevant time zone.

A nEET then!

I prefer the term "housewife."


To be fair, being a housewife is a full time job if you have kids.

Are you really NEET?

id housewife as a living if it lets me neet half the time

lmao trump twitter meltdown


I think I'm technically in training right now.

whatchu trainig for?

real "i shoulda went to sleep a bit ago but now im wide awake and filled with being emo and im just playing grim dawn until i get tired so i can sleep and not think about things" hours who up

Basic adulting abilities I think.

Like I said it's a thing for vagrants and Ontario citizens who shouldn't be on NEET bux.

Even though I'm not on NEET bux - it's not even something I personally need, but there'll be trouble if I don't partake so I might as well suck it up, y'know?

Ontario is weird
We should do that for Cape Breton
Literally everyone is on EI There

Sup Neets~

Clearly it is, because you don't use it.

I thought you were a successful young adult doing a wage slaving away somewhere.

Holy heck.

I think it's just specifically OW and ODSP that include it.
Unless OW is EI and I'm retarded.


Use a relevant time zone, you cuck.

Isn't that Emma?

Emma student

i dont know actually

I refuse

They shouldn't be on EI is the thing
And now they're complaining because you have to work 455 hours instead of 420 to qualify

I don't do moon roons


Neither really, I just know she's probably the Canadian with the most money.


Good for them - that's less than a week for Christ's sake.

"Not a NEET."

She has money.

I meant the picture, baka

rarararararararararararararararara i have nothing to contribute

Oh, heck, idk.

Some trap on /vg/ I guess.


tfw feeling sad because you don't have a costume but then you remember you have leggings and a hoodie with cat ears and can go as a sexy kitty

low energy halloween costumes are the best.

I remember once I wore a cat-ear alice band to work and that was my costume.

tfw feeling sad and i wanna vomit and i dont have anyone to spend halloween with and its my least favoriteholiday and i should sleep soon or else im just goingto continue sad posting and being a bother and people will continue to ignore which in turn just makes me feel worse which is stupid bc anyone in their right mind wouldnt feed into me doing this

my stomach is in pain

I'm kind of already feeding into it so y'know.

mmmn sexy kitty~

you're doing something wrong with your life.

So you have work!

I've had multiple work over the course of my life.

fuck Halloween tbh

dont be sad little fag



dont be sad

i will spend some of my halloween with you

just go be one with the sleep gods now

I think he's asleep.

he'll see it later
