Other urls found in this thread:
but I like all the characters!! Do I really have to pick *one* cause I don't know if I can
I have ascended
do yall think bd is a virgin
*bullies harder*
Bump! the data!
it's pizza
the greatest minds may never know
im a super virgin
i have one of those chasity belts that my mom gave me
Sounds like a really weird pizza.
i think its pretty fair to assume based on the way he acts around egirls xd
Except Spec
hey thats not fair my girlfriend is an egirl
Hermaphrodites are the only thing possible of having a penis and being female and they're infertile.
Again, such a statistically insignificant number that it remains true that 99.999% of people born with dicks are male.
You are literally arguing exceptions as the rules
He's cute, but he's also no trap
Doesn't that just make traps induced hermaphrodites?
She is an actual girl, not that it matters, just correcting you guys.
oh god : 3
He never showed you his skirt?
Also hah, gay.
They also have a new Partner Branded Ship, this time from Intel, last one was from AMD.
The new Intel ship is paired with the new Intel SSDs, and is a variant of the Sabre. It's faster, has less guns, but a super charger, is stealthy, and may or may not pack an EMP similar to the Aegis Avenger.
Nope, never
your girlfriend is made up
show me her nudes with a timestamp or she has a dick/doesn't exist
I'm just doing my part citizen
No retard, we aren't talking about hermaphrodites anymore, we are talking about the initial start of the conversation where Murder misinterpreted Sinni for a fake girl and the point was for people who would attempt to look like females when they were not.
this has just gone too far
Part of me knows you are saying this in some ironic fashion but it still is painful to read.
Danish Pastry !!!
Guero is cool!!!
Based Guero
the hero we need
I'll come bully you again when I'm done talking about Star Citizen. So SIT. STAY.
That's gross, that doesn't belong on pizza.
Here's a pic of the ship.
this is a real pic of my girlfriend so pls dont laugh okay
Gonna eat u ...
At least pick an edgier song. Is is that hard to believe that I just do not like people?
god I wish i was cool
But it's fucking true for 99.99% of the population that anything born with a dick is male.
What the fuck are you even trying to argue anymore?
ur wrong
t-thanks sni
i just enjoy the irony of bd calling people retard
I wasn't joking
He's just arguing for attention
Yeah but
How's it wrong?
because its easy to remove a dick and make it look like it wasn't there unless you look close, you are arguing with yourself because you don't know how to parse context
You don't have to such his dick that hard.
stop releasing new ships
it's bad enough this has gone full hyper mmo mode
you are a joke though
i want her
paws at ur thigh, u moan
i wish someone would such my dick
Here's the other one. It builds buildings inside it, and then drops them on the planet.
You want too many women, you damn slut.
That still doesn't dispute that 99.99% of people born with dicks are male. How is mentioning trannies or hermaphrodites disputing that?
such my dick guero
what is it you think i was trying to argue?
not that it matters but your dick is a girl
just so everyone knows
tfw you will never lovingly lewd luka late at night on msn
my dick will be best girl
Okay bad dog I am literally analyzing your posts with a crack team of six bullshit experts right the fuck now and NOBODY has any idea what the fuck you are on about.
report the experts to a dog whisperer
I do like this. Which is this?
I'm getting some mad homeworld vibes from it.
I was interning on this case and I couldn't even begin to parse the level of 4d transformation bd can perform on
he has surpassed even kanra
bard x luka fucking CONFIRMED
Relish tastes nasty
Don't stare at me like that
Can someone explain what's happening in this thread. I'm real confused
But you're literally calling a guy cute.
Gay as FUCK my dude.
Consolidated Outlands Pioneer.
Relish is good on some things.
nope >_
you're splitting my sides tonight
Mental gymnastics.
brb my poor delicate heart has been ripped out by bully luka
nope it bad and green
i dont want people to relish
We're all taking turns bullying BD because it's funny
thank u thank u you're lovely
im just real ornery cuz im hungry as motherfucker and im taking it out on the local downy kid
olympic level
look the reason i said that hips are a good indicator is because to give birth the hips 100% have to be far enough apart for the head of a maybe where males have very close hips
the context of the situation demands that the individual would be attempting to bamboozle you about their gender
It's whole different level, yeah. Kanra just pulls off some sick third dimensional, it needs some furry-ass bullshit to pass through the fourth dimension, tear a whole in space time and wind up with his fucking posts.
so did you faggot
furthermore i have trouble believing bd can identify the anatomy of a human female for lack of any actual contact with it in the wild
but you cant prove it without giving me examples and telling me to guess and you're too lazy to do this
There's plenty of women who cannot dilate enough to give a natural birth without dying.
That's why c-sections are a goddamn thing.
I'm not denying it though.
It just looks like the pit of sarlac, right?
you can still tell male from female, my mom had to have a c-section for me, not telling me anything i dont know
not sure why you all are so obsessed with traps all of a sudden
I can't believe bardo hates me now because I didn't bully spec hard enough
also your pelvis expands during pregnancy retard
so she can shit out the baby without having "childbearing hips" at the start
I've just had my poor heart torn to shreds
That's not addressing or ignoring the fact they have wider hips to begin with, bones do not move that much during pregnancy but I mean keep showing me how much you know
too much
why is test using piglet as an onahole now
It's okay I'll bully luka for you
now that's a blast from the past
tell me about particle physics so i can see how much you know about typing things into wikipedia's search field
It was some image that Socks4Hands autist posted a bunch.
I edited for reasons even I am unsure of.
not anymore
When have I ever denied it?
give me some of whatever you are smoking
I had an image titled tsuchi.jpg for like three years and it was just a stock photo of a projector
i'm smoking the spice of life my friend
cyber bullying pseudo-intellectuals is a reward in and of itself
God, I wish I was a Lovecraftian protagonist.
my handlers keep me nice and flea free
Same, the world would make more sense.
those guys barely qualify as protagonists
I have a whole folder of images named after posters for reasons I sometimes can remember.
okay but you need to get good at doing that, talking about particle physics like you actually know what it means just makes you look silly
you're also trying to imply i looked things up for this conversation when i havent referenced google a single time
Several years
show me your phd oh wait you don't have one
I had one named chris.jpg and I forget what in the fuck it even was
I think it was like a 4 foot tall set of medieval armor
To go insane but at least achieve utterly nothing in the process and realize nihilism is all that awaits.
They almost never have any characteristics other than "scared shitless and can't look away from what's unfolding".
Barring things like Rats in the Walls where the protagonist turns out to be the evil all along.
Hah. It's funny because he's a midget.
Thank you for carrying on the Peep legacy.
Several years ago or for several years?
Is there one for me
bd doesn't need a phd to be a science man
he watches rick and morty
I feel like I've soiled this folder by using it to bully a man
look i get it, the person who cares less about the conversation wins because they are less invested and care less, it's just not funny to me because you engaged me with the intent to be serious
a post op tranny added me on skype and talked to me for several months, they got progressively more aggressive in how they approached using me for mental support and even told me they sit on their balcony masturbating towards the road so people in their cars saw it
you want fucked up stories? i got em
Just this one.
All of the results for "bard" just lead to Test's folder.
that's still golden thank you suchi
And then you have people like me
Literally flying up the ladder of success
Nah man, it was always meant for that, you just helped it accomplished its dreams.
not really a friend no they threatened to kill themselves so i told them to remove me
you act like they were my best friend lmao
what the fuck is this post
do you have fucking brain damage why would I give a shit about your skype conversations
I can tell you things that happened in my actual life that are significantly more interesting but I'm not going to because I don't think you have the mental capacity to pay attention to anything but the scent of your own asshole
How the fuck do you take "you don't have a phd" and end with second hand stories about trannies masturbating publicly? How?
Like bruh
When you started making jokes about Phd's it's pretty clear you no longer have any intention to be serious so why should I? It really doesn't matter to me what you do
You have one post to prove you're not a chat bot.
My stomach hurts from laughing like an idiot to this exchange.
I never had the intention to be serious I just really love shitting on people who think they're really super smart from reading wikipedia pages and regurgitating half understood tidbits in an attempt to seem interesting
well i dont do any of that so you're just a misguided shitposter who thinks they are putting pseudo intellectuals in their place, i am literally jsut talking about traps for sexual and deviant purposes
i could have gotten off like three times to that conversation
Daily reminder
where did you to school and is your phd in theoretical particle physics or experimental particle physics
i love the smell of fresh caps in the morning
a g o
Yeah well, SOMEBODY went and ruined that.
i major in virtual particles
you major in beta orbiting
wait was that joke implying im trying to get Sinni or something? Because I actually talk to Sinni about my girlfriend sometimes
you know shes posting right now
Goddamn Ban
Even disregarding the invalidity of that, I haven't even known him a year.
"Having seen baddog, I doubt he majors in anything because if he'd been outside that much eventually some rain would fall on him and he wouldn't look so fucking greasy" - An Observer
I actually talk to sinni every day because she actually likes me and doesn't talk to me out of pity for beta orbiters
Really? Didn't know Archives back in like 2012-13?
cool then you can ask her about my girlfriend
No, I left late 2011 and hung around skype chats until mlpchan circa anonthony's endless parade of next-level awful moderation, which is what got archives banned.
im good
post her twat with a timestamp and guero signed on it so i know its real
post a picture of your face so i can timestamp it
sorry you said her twat not a twat
ask my girlfriend
get one
maybe you wont be so cranky
That's not a good indicator of gender, should have asked for her hips.
I can't even think of a good analogy for just how far you had to reach for that one. Like come on.
im cranky because im hungry nigga i nut in my girlfriend like two weeks ago
no pics of creampie?
thanks i didnt know you had to hold his hand for him
Actual picture of Test's actions on baddog right now.
i'd hold squids hand tbh
what does this even mean
am i banned
He is fucking disassembling you my dude.
Test is alchemist Geuro is not test like what
squid do you even know who the fuck people are my dude
no i was joking, this is all very hilarious, im mad you guys are keeping me up so late.
I can tell from Test's hips she's female.
We're at that stage where we all know it's over but we're still up hoping it gets going again.
isnt that supposed to last like five minutes and not 30
quality post
Go to bed.
I forgot what I even said now.
Something about hushpuppies.
there was someone else bardposting too
im not tired enough to go to bed, that madfe me laugh too hard
hushpuppies tickling their face or some shit
I just wanted to make new friends, and this spiraled out of control
try making friends more often please thank you
what are you talking about
everything is the same as its always been
like nothing changed homie
I sure hope it was fuck I love that guy
can confirm, Louise did stop by earlier
I didn't beleive tsuchimikado who would know better than anyone
better check it by baddog just to be sure
I'll do my best!!
Idk man, tonight's been pretty strange.
well you know since i actually interacted with them after the thread i thought i would give my input
Didn't you say you weren't mad at me for anything in particular? There's going with a joke and there's being a negative nancy.
No fuck you
maybe by your standards
what the fuck even
wait so you have insomnia too? i guess its not that rare for shitposters
* pouts *
definitely still not desperate enough to give luka attention
I'm announcing this meme as dead.
Goodnight, friends.
I love you Luka!! Do your best tomorrow!!
Get fucked bad dog
o-oh, that makes sense then.
what a shitter
Get shat on you trash heap
gee i wonder who it is
you gonna write some more slash fiction for me and squash
Gonna kill yourself
I see test made you look an idiot
you dont seem to need any help doing that every day
also pretty sure that was guero, just because test was there doesnt mean they did anything
Test ripped you a new one
Cry baby xD
okay no, those people were actually funny, you are scoot
if that's scoot I'm laughing my ass off hard
how can you slack jawed retards not tell
It ya boi
The nail in bad dogs coffin
Kek kek
Had to get on data to send that asshole to purgatory
he's 0 and 2 tonight
go easy on him ; /
Nice my friend
ty based scoot
Bardlebee best mem merchant
Hah, fag~
you're obviously projecting
Why would I need to do that?
! !
didnt u have a bf
my cat hasn't turned up in days ;-;
U got a bf
Nah Hu's never had a bf.
We don't all lose our catboys like you
wow, poor Bong
You what?
Well he wasn't a cat
But I guess I don't deserve one anyway
I have severe trust issues right now
friends sure
not boyfriends, at least for now
kill me
bf is best friend~
looks like a weird furry meetup
you got me confused for a moment
well, i don't know if i do have one of those either
Never ever
Aww ;-;
My bank account got frozen last month and had a suspicion my ex was up to something
That's kinda why
I still have a cat left thankfully, even if it's not an anthro or nekomimi type
and she still wants to fuck sometimes, so i rub my finger along there when she wants it
sorry i'll try to feel better
i'll find some tho, promise
Good boy
*wants to be pet*
well look on the bright side it's consensual sex
shouldn't be much harm right?
Sounds awful
It would feel weird if you guys didn't do this
I needed this to happen when I read that post
*rubs my finger along there where u want it*
It's the british version of Squash.
Your finger isn't the body part that's on my mind when I see you
I do not consent.
I do!
Non-consensual stuff is pretty kinky
What? 2012 is back? The apocalypse all over again?
You cannot make such an apples-to-apples comparison with me and him.
Not that I know that person well.
And besides I was goofing you, I actually hate this meme now.
What's your name so I can remember who fingers cats.
-hugs tightly- :3
This is rape
I made a false story about me sexing cats and got everyone worked up.
Someone fingered a cat
Sure, if you want it to be rape ^^
-hugs tightly- :3
We found the ying to your yang.
He prefers petting
Is it "Rape Ikt" hour?
I know what Kyle likes.
Group reply of acknowledgement.
that's my favorite hour
Ikt is a cute girl that has a beg benis.
But when you ask him about it he denies it.
Very unique, you have my approval.
Thank you, Scoots who isn't actually Scoots.
I'm not a cute girl with a big benis.
Come to think of it I would rather be acknowledged as a fake blood-chan for old times sake
You're just a guy with a big benis
yes you are
Oh, I got totally distracted by the cat thing and forgot I meant to go to bed
If anyone I told I was going to bed is lurking, I'm sorry ^^
Sorry, I didn't realize he was your lover :3
This foreplay is getting repetitive
How's your day going? ^^
But you just got here!
Who's this Straya anyway
I just know people and their likes
He is my responsibility.
I should've kept him locked up personally.
Who though?
An hour of Noisia 'n cawfee passed and I'm still not very too awake. How's you?
Ah, clocky.
[x] doubt
I mean, I told people on Discord I was going to bed and then I signed out. Then I forgot about it and started posting
Because you're the thread prostitute and it's your job?
High and getting sleepy
I guess it's still night though cause it's still dark outside, so I might as well stay up instead of wasting it by sleeping during it
ur alway high
sleep yo
Yeah I guess I will
Night ♥
Dobrú noc ♥
晚安 ♥
this is not okay
lmao how
Glad you told Ikt that in English or I would have had no idea what you said
Sov sødt
It's Bart's fault I posted again
Night for real
So when are you going to find a g/bf?
So who are the anons?
I am the terror that flaps in the night.
The joke made me laugh, but it did not help.
When are we gonna bin clockwork?
I like Goggles though.
Clock is precious.
No. I am slightly positive of you.
Doesn't mean we can't bin him.
It's nice to be such a cantankerous ass that people question you on these things.
-squiddy 2017
I more meant to fix his quote of what ikt said but sure that too.
Pretty much this
Links are good