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Well I'm not puking anymore at least, so all my issues are just about me being an asshole and ruining things.

Maybe they were just born with a weakness.

Maybe they've got anal catfish

With the amount of people that have told me, I think statistics point to my immunity



It's like his ass is packed with dick
but it's his dick that's packed with fish

Sorry I missed this; I'm not sober x.x

Anyway, how have you been feeling?

Nice ^^

Please not the runes. I still haven't looked into those much because I've been getting comfortable with tarot cards and have actually started researching how to use them as well as possible

By the way, it's interesting what you can learn by just studying the symbolism of the cards

I know nothing about readings...

That's probably only because everyone from California is a wuss.

O shit tru

I figured you might know how much what I said seemed to apply to you, but nevermind :3

How was your day?

Almost better, then ^^

Why do you believe you're an asshole who ruins things?

Nah, not the one with the runes, the question that I asked for tarot

I forgot it but it was EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. Oh yeah, friendship. Symbolism is neat, mystic or no

I've asked people from other, tougher regions too

Probably as good as I'm going to get. I pretty much just have a headache and I already used to get those daily so...

Because it's true.

Oh shit, are you the fabled Unbitchifier?

I mean whatever the reading was it would probably sound pretty applicable

You want a friendship reading? I don't remember refusing to do one, but sure, I'll do it now

Heyy Eriooo


Heya Grom. If im slow just hmu on discord causd pboneposting is hard x_x

Bitch I might be

Yeah, why not. I don't think you refused, you just left for a bit and I went to bed

No hi for me? Okay then jeez. Oh, nvm you're phoneposting carry on

Pretty sub-par
Things are not great for me at the moment.


I'm not a bitch, you're a bitch!


I made a real good stirfry for me and the girl tonight. You cook anything good lately?

Anything fun going on?

If I am, I'm impervious to myself so HAH.

spiced pork loin with a lil baby rays bbq drizzled on top.


Just chillin. Back at the gf's place but she started work. I got like a 2 dollar raise basically to go back to dq so imma prolly do that for a bit.

Hbu whats good?

Does that mean you can't affect yourself at all?

That's what's up. Good shit ^^


Oh, what does she do? Raises are always good

I'm playing some Fallout rn, chilling. Work's going well, my new boss is chill as fuck and I'm getting a good start on everything, getting compliments already which is always a great sign

Theoretically it would, though I wouldn't know

I wanna bake more but preheating ovens is annoying

She is an image retoucher rn. Ezpz shit.

Tht sounds like youre back on track. Always exciting.

Thats literally the lamest excuse not to bake yo.

Just preheat before you do everything else and it'll be done before you finish dummy.


If you flick yourself do you feel pain?

Haha really? That was my first paying job, believe it or not. It was pretty cool

Back on track and making slightly more money than before :)


I've had bad headaches lately too; I guess they're part of my cold

How is it true? I don't think you're an asshole; you just have a bit of an attitude sometimes :3

You should at least read it :3


Yeah its for a realty firm. Not her favorite thing compared to what she can do but it's like the only industry related thing for ber around here :/


It was good. I was treated like a princess on all accounts today so no complaints.

How are you this fine eve?

Then you're either not a bitch or you're not immune.

It's because of the sudden jerky head movements.

Because things that happened that I don't want to talk about.

Hm, interesting... I caught that joke you slid in there btw

I did it for kid's sports/school photos lmao

I can be immune to bitchiness and not pain, duh


Neither do most people. But good things come in time. Like cookies!

Time to go watch the new South Park episode

Bye for now ♥

That's good; I'm glad you're happy ^^

I'm still sick but great other than that

Yeah, something like that at least

And okay, that's fine. I hope you feel better soon, Wish-chan ♥

How would you miss it? :3

I thought of that because I read that it's helpful to imagine a story in the cards

I only pay you to read MY story

Nothing really. Just need to be more productive.

Isn't that your story? ^^

You should work on that drawing, then :3

Depends on what that is

Obviously I mean that the mode of transportation you guys take to anime cons is definitely horses

That cap messed up horribly


Have a good day


Pet me too, Hu.

*pats the Emma*


The Knight of Swords is Tsuchi

-hugs tightly- ♥


nice rearrange

How're you, cutie?

bout to gotoschool

Good luck, eat breakfast ♥



How did your parents find out you were gay?

I wonder, if you downloaded at max speed 24/7, and just downloaded hundreds of gigs of data a day, would your ISP contact you or try to do anything about it?

From my husband at my funeral.

But gays can't get married?????????????



Oh no

I guess he has to come live with me

California is probably worse tbh honest.

The only thing thats really worse are the prices of everything. also people

It has too many gays already.


btw there's a $20 bounty on my networking problem if anyone thinks they can fix it

open ports

port forwarding?



which things arent not working
is firewall rule blocking something
or maybe your routers settings
or maybe some kinda restart somewhere is required for the os or network adapter or router
maybe you have a background program interfering with your connection? (like some kind of background antivirus or firewall program thingy)

yeah sure no problem let me just add all these separate fucking ports

god fucking damn it


port forwarding didn't work, deleting all these port forwards now since it's not the problem

firewall permissions are set properly

it's not the router

already reset computer, router, and network adapters

no background programs interrupting

ethernet/wired connection works fine
just wireless/wifi and only with games is there a connection problem

likely a driver or windows networking issue
or something to do with the wireless adapter card

yeah... i use ethernet cords because it's a direct stable line.

and i use the DMZ setting
in my router so that i don't have to deal with most configuration settings.

maybe you could try physically re-seating the card back into the socket?
maybe your PSU isn't driving the power to it?
i dunno
does the card have some kinda special software tied to it?
and yeah, maybe re-downloading the driver might do something.

heh, even my routers wireless antenna didnt work because it was bent a lil

so i went an got a external wifi thing and chain them together for just my mobile

and now my mobile gets just as fast wifi as my wired ethernet connection

just because i got an external wifi thingy hooked into my modem router.

Did you just post a link to an image on an imageboard without posting an image?

could be a hardware issue

a physical chip on the wireless card mightve got dusty or worn down in some way


might make the wireless connection less stable


I'll try the reseat tomorrow

tried updating the drivers a million times, just says it's already up to date

PSU should be plenty powerful for my setup

dunno about special software

router is brand new

wireless connection 72 down, wired connection 75 down

was too lazy to download and upload, easier to just Ctrl+V since the link gets auto-copied to clipboard

I'll check it but it's pretty new, I just bought it last year when I built the PC
my room does get a lot of dust though so maybe


maybe let it 'full reset' too?

like the modem/router unplugged from any wire connection for like...
i dunno... 2minutes up to 30 minutes????


all i can say left to do is do advanced unistall of the driver by going through your adapters properties and clicking the Uninstall button
(But! only if you have the good driver to re-install saved and ready?)

so like:
1. true unistall
2. reboot
3. install fresh driver saved from befdore you uninstalled your internet
4, ???? profit

thats all i can offer neziwi
its all up to you now i guess

(P.S. also note: the driver you get from microsoft is different you get from the manufacturers site, so like i could have this atheros driver, but my computers maker supplies their own tailored version for my specif model)

I need to reinsyall my internet

oh well....

i tried helping

but i don't know all the answers...


"computers maker"

I don't understand what you're referring to there

I keep uninstalling the Atheros Qualcomm driver and then windows just reinstalls it

I go to update it manually with a driver I found online and it says "windows has determined it's already up to date u fuckin idiot"

your physical card inside your case has a 'model number' and 'maker' ?

also you mentioned wired works fine, but wireless act different?

for me i found out my router supplies 2 different IP addresses to my one computer on the local network
just because they're two different connections

soo that means any settings to my wired connection
arent working for my wireless wireless connection

this is my adapter card


and you got the most recent (2014) driver from here?


or wait, is your card the n900 or the ac1300/ac1900

Love you, luka.

hopefully the modem isn't struggling with the 802.11a/b/g/n


You're a sweet person

i like strawberry cheesecake

i don't have a lot saved


if you're running windows 10
then the rest is beyond me (cause i run win 7 only), but this guy in the amazon comments might be the solution:

of what?



ignore that link neziwi

it was a reveiw for the TCE card, not the n900

im tired, so i missed that detail/


looks like a lot of people are angry at the n900 for the same lag issues you're getting
so youre not alone

the card isnt perfect i guess:

yeah might be ordering a new wifi adapter if I can't figure it out

seems like the card might be the issue here


oh well, i guess i couldn't fix it...

nini neziwi my freind

i sleep now


gg wp

offered me more things to think about, so I thank you


hello hu, how are you?

Lusamine seems like she may just be a ditz in the anime.

Am alright. Just got home.
How's you?

Have you been playing the magireco event?

Not really.
Just ストーリー and エピソード

They're not going anywhere any time soon, the event is temporary, get your priorities straight! :c


any plans today?

I've played enough MMOs to know that there's no such thing as a low level event !

The enemies start with 2k hp, you'll breeze through them~

aww.. I'm sorry. Still your feet or something else troubling you?

no, none. Not anymore anyway, just cook and be here

You're just saying that because I have based Poseidon ???

Nah, even if you just had a high level not-Madoka you'd one-shot most of them

My notMadoka is level 17.

Based Poseidon level 19.

Have you been putting light/water EXP gems into them?

And rainbow.

Though I also compulsively hold on to rainbow because of the "I might need this later" mentality.

Well it's fire+light EXP gem daily until it resets in an hour, you could spend some AP on that

Yeah, that's the right mentality to have until you get a 4* which you already did lucker :3

Do I need to buy her boosts before I can advance her or just keep shoving gems where the sun don't shine?


I'm home early 'cause I got really sick at work.

How goes?

Just keep shoving gems into her most precious place
To go from 4* to 5* (and increase level cap to 100) you need to put in all these items, and hit the button in the middle

So I do have to buy the boosts, got it.

Rainbow gloves (the ATK +7% one in that pic) are super rare, try and buy all the ones you can from the event shop

How trash are event waifus?

They 4* so they gucci

The one I see shows with two stars under her name?

the goddamn kikes are at it again

Oh, the difference between contract and event buy?

Screenshot me fam


Also I just ordered 5 light ships to be made with all my cubes.

Please just give me a ラフィー ;;

no I'm just legit sick

congestion, coughing, etc

have appointment on 19th for feet

what are you cooking? :3

yay we can be sick together!


What did they do this time?

Only 2* but you should probably still buy it, if only because she has a chuuni eyepatch.
See: Event Shop reddit.com/r/magiarecord/comments/75fxhm/event_and_so_the_azalea_blooms/

Then there's a bonus chance to the 4* water girl from contract while the event goes on

How many tricolour marbles do I need?


US quits Unesco over 'anti-Israel bias'

I'll probably just go play Switch.

I guess they're materials for advancing the event girls?
I haven't bought anything yet so idk ;;

Hi hi






so tired and sleepy and my left side hurts for some reason

なに それ?

Good morning everyone! Hope you're all having a good day






no capacity



My legs hurt too after yesterday.
Wanna give each other massages?


long time no speaky

I think if I had to pick a second fursona it would be a deer.

you know you can find the full text of the UNESCO resolution about occupied palestine online

all it says is it reminds Israel to please stop violating international law in excavations in East Jerusalem and gaza strip atrocities

how is that anti-semitic


Hiya! How ya doin?


I don't know

When are ikt and Hu getting married?


Hey there, darling!


I thought You were?



This is 環いろは.

He clearly likes you more.

u 2

how art thou

im so drained


good mohning

O-oh, well thanks.

kill me





Shiny and RGBy

*tugs on megumins eyepatch*



Work sucks.

I could offer some suck to make it not suck so much.

what kind of SICK and FUCKED UP mathematical equation is this

What do I pick..


If you have a minute I can probably tell you what they say. Otherwise you're probably rolling a die or better of asking Emma.

I can't she's at school :c

when your hands still smell of last night's lube

Something about supporting?

葉月 is confusing me.

Consider it a bit more

(I think) Konoha is negotiating



Google says
"Leave it to Hazuki."
"Think about it more."
"This will decide it."

Also Idk why my せる became せ宇

I definitely think you should rely on her.
Trust breeds trust or something, right?

The secrets to a man's heart is to post pics of his waifu


That wasn't subtle of me.


I think posting her more than just for the bit would upset the person I made the folder for though, so.

Wow, how unappreciative

Idk it might have been a joke but I'm genuinely concerned about it so I'm just sticking to my avatarts.

Subtle let me see your ducky

pls post your own ;-;

When the sun goes down :3


It's too clicky to use ;_;

Subtle, please show me your puella collection.

o-oh ;-;

Buy me a d*o it yourself*!

Well that failed spectacularly.

damn son


After dinner!

Whats her name again

hi rin


*buys you one*


Ty its hard to copy tiny links on mobile

Hi, grim.

ラフィー can't you read?

go die in a ditch


arent u supposed to be good with small things

Model M

Yuh but cant copy it. What game is it from?

Suggest an easier option pls. Kinda traumitized by rope tho so not that

I only fap to little girls

how's you


There's only, like, two porny pictures of her on Pixiv, and there's probably not many doujin of Azur Lane in general.

how many trannies has grim murdered by now

Hi Grim

Gun, aren't you American?

Very clicky clacky

Alright, you?


That wasnt my intention but thanks

What if i miss :o

I wanna buy a new keyboard.


Fellate it, slut

But why? Is your current one not good enough?

I want one of these with red switches and nice smooth keycaps but that's just for fancyness



about tree fiddy

very relaxed
had my first professional swedish massage..so many knots in my back :s


Why you no use this name instead?

I have no way of obtaining a gun anyways.
I was thinking of climbing a really high cliff and tiring myself out to the point where I wont think about my decision and just collapse off.

does it have a ballsack or something

Goddamn rice!

man btw~

from the pic you sent me, you're a boyo


Because I'm not a stupid foreigner.

Assemble one.
Hmm, I suppose that's an option too. Though should probably choose to sprint and jump than to fall off, as falling off it might result in you crashing against the wall of the cliff a few times before you hit the ground

I'm a MAN!

boy i wish hu sent me pictures of his manhood too

made an appointment for next month because my masseuse was such a sweetheart

do you have hair on your chest

there are some sinister implications going on here

And arms, hands and feet too

boy I wish hu fucked me with his cock as well, like he did to you

I wish he'd fuck me with his massive throbbing penis in my asshole

like you

i like rice

oh god...........

I-I'm not sure I haven't seen it

Joe Hogan said the bush looks like the ufc fightnight logo

Potatoes or pasta all the way

I'd be railing hu in this hypothetical scenario



One of my barristas last week punched my order in as two coffees instead of a coffee and hot chocolate.

It was fun.


Which one of them?

You know when you're on mic with someone and you lowkey have a toy in you, but you don't want them to know, and you accidentally move around a little and it pushes into your button and you moan REALLY sexually loud and they're like "what was that?" and you have to say like "there's a SALE at AMERICAN LEATHER" or something

I wish I had friends like these

*Smooches (You)*


B-b-b-but I thought you liked men !?

*Smooches again*


Idk if i would have any strength or care left to run

What kind of things do you like that keep you going?

I mean the 拉菲 one

are your images bugged, daddy?


This image calms me. I like it a lot.


for some reason none of your imgs are loading for me : (

So i can mobile post on TOR.
This is a drag.

What is that image?

It's just an elk character.

Meant for Fek, I was going to yell "I need an adult" but got distracted 'cos his kanji doesn't say anything.

that's cute

have you ever seen an elk in person?

When I was up in pennsylvania i saw one at a small zoo thing and it was pretty big

Any hobbies easy to get into?

Idk if i spelt it right but it's in the image

You clearly have not ?


You should figure it out and use it weeb

Sounds soul sucking

It's literally just "Latin" though?

Just like Canada is Canada.

Why are you trying to make it harder than it is, 馬鹿外人

Like gays

brb degeneracy

Not my fault blame the picture

No i think thats dick sucking

*ring ring*
*ring ring*


Same thing!

wow laying in bed is nice

Oh, sorry I didn't look at your image.

Non-jp ships never have kanji names.

Great place to be at this hour~

At the zoo.

i was bed and did phone browse reddit

At least you didn't post from phone

have you ever visited the Henry Doorley Zoo in Omaha?


Why would I do such a thing to myself


Some do. They must really, really hate themselves

need a full desktop to shitpost properlty

Got to spend the night in the Leid Jungle and the aquarium with the church group before. Desert Dome is my favorite exhibit.

Absolutely. Nothing else will cut it

Hej do you know c+=1

Can confirm do hate myself.
Also if i had a laptop id use that for fap post instead


how come weinstein is in trouble but trump isn't

get laptop
go outside!
healthy posting

oh :(

That fuckin desert dome was amazing!

and the aquarium was beautiful as well

did you ever go and see the caves? there was a spooky ass hole in the floor with a glass pane on it that sill scares me to think abiout years later

Laptop most definitely superior to phone

Why? Need someone to review your code?

I wanna make a vararg ripoff logger thing.

Outside has evil sun

It's only like 4 inches to the glass and the glass is about a foot thick.

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