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They've done that a few times. I remember it being $2 a month. Now I'm paying $25 for three.
I'm alright with it though. Same price as a phone subscription
can't you run it in a vm anyway?
so like weed.
is it like that noobs thing i asked about before?
tell him to gimme some of that gud stuff
my pc can barely run explorer.exe
i think thats morally incorrect.
GTA:SA? I believe so.
Doubt V works well with Wine
Not even gonna try
I mean GPU passthrough on a VM.
NOOBS allows you to install a bunch of different distributions, so you could say so.
Okay, I will.
Well, explorer.exe is fucking trash too if you try emptying the trash and there's several gigabytes in it. For some reason, that will take a huge amount of RAM to do
But how? Wouldn't that require two GPUs?
that's assness
you gotta be a member to even do anything in that game
What's the problem :^)
Not really. You can do more, but you don't have to be a member. And that Dragon Slayer II post also mentioned new F2P content
Even though only members can vote in the polls, this will very likely still pass it
I only got one GPU
Actually that's not true, I got three, but there's no way in hell I'm gonna poison my desktop with a Fermi card
What cards
My friend kind of confirmed to me yesterday that Brown is basically my only colour.
Are you so bland, and nondescript that brown is basically the only colour that suits you?
I'm yellow because I'm Asian.
R9 270x Dual-X is the card I'm running now.
The other two are GTX 460s
What did he mean by this?
Give the VM a GTX 460 SLI
how do i take out the trashes?
my dick is purple
Not gonna happen. I won't touch it
right-click → empty ?
Also, I think this day is the first one I've seen you post images
Have you been edging?
Why did you get the housefire card in SLI even?
Wearing clothes.
The colour that looks best on me is brown.
Because I'm plain.
And unimportant.
Alternatively I'm just shit.
which one is the trash
its not actually purple i havent fapped today
Thats gonna stop soon cuz i dont save anything on my phone. also brb shower. also brb fap.
i cant edge to lolis anymore. whenever i see them i just start going really hard and my brain loses control of my pace
You're not shit!
What if a cute cousin attackhugs you
I bought a pre-built gaming desktop and wanted Nvidia because AMD no drivers so picked 460 rather than a 5850 or 5870 build, the fucking retard I was.
Then I got a 120hz monitor because 3D Vision!!!
Of course, I had to get twice as many frames now due to how 3D vision works, so I bought another 460, which led me to replace the motherboard, the case and the PSU.
Not really worth too much since the shitty cards gave me artifacts in every single game with water in it. All drivers did the same, disabling SLI didn't fix it, and it was the case with both cards. Reinstalling Windows didn't fix the issue either.
What's even more odd, is that this stuff hasn't happened to anyone who have borrowed the cards off me.
Aww, come on now... Shouldn't say that about yourself.
You know what else is brown?
Chocolate. And chocolate is good
An icon on the desktop I would think, lol.
Enjoy both, lol
lol that will never happen cuz i dont rl
i just did the delete thing and i think there was like a gig of things
any suggestions before i do it?
You're just bad with computers!
Should've waited for FreeSync :^)
Yeah, don't think about anything gay
Really sure? Not having the risk of being tackled by a cute loli going all "nii-chan play with me!"?
I got that stuff in 2011, nobody knew what GSync or FreeSync was back then, lol.
And I don't know, I've witnessed the weirdest fucking shit with computers equipped with Nvidia GPUs
I'd swap my R9 390 for a GTX 1080Ti any day :^)
Even if someone offered me that option, I would keep the 390
How so? Much better performance! This R9 390 doesn't overclock anyway.
Is there any exciting GPU news anyway? VEGA was a disappointment and GPUs are still expensive as fuck. I would've gone for a 290X if not for the horrid coolers.
i might fap to a trap or two just to spite you
nah 3d icky
At least I can play some games I never play at 30% more fps, I guess.
No, not really anything exciting out there. I suppose Nvidia will soon release a new Tesla GPU equipped with a V100 with Tensor cores on it, but that's about it guru3d.com
That doesn't sound like a good time
*pat* you're 3d
But then who uses Linux anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I do~
Might as well buy from the companies that actually cares about your platform of choice.
Companies cause Intel's driver is pretty good too
Depends if i find any good ones. Sometimes they're disguised as cute girls
Living is painful
Traps are never good!
What kinda 2D would you be anyway?
That's why using Windows is so neat :^)
But Windows sucks.
See, 1080ti is definitely a downgrade from a 390
Windows has a great WM and runs everything.
I thought you are gay?
Also cant you just open the window on another partition thing
An okabe rintarou
Not more of a Kazuma
I was writing a list of the games I own and I at some point put "A thousand different Otome game (They're all the same tbh)
Not exactly github.com
I am, hence I don't like traps. Traps are too feminine
But how many of those games do you play?
Science is for nerds!
We're nerds, slut~
ugh my schedule is fucked
I'll stuck to Windows for games :shrug:
Good morning Bort
And just as I'm about to leave to cook some dinner. Dammit.
Good morning Bard
To each their own~
Use what you're most comfortable with and what suits your needs of course, anything else would just be silly
I'm gonna go cook.
morning megumim
it's so hot up here in my room i've been steadily losing weight since I moved in here
i HATE waking up because I always feel gross and dehydrated and sweaty
how ar you today?
make me some bekkfast
morning and bye bye hu
Enjoy food!
Take a shower!
And open a window :3
Tfw kuro makes you nut instantly
welp i guess I'll do another round
Yeah but that's Kuro.
is this you
doing all the fuckin chores you had to do over the weekend because you're still a procrastinating pos in some way
Fuck that. What's up"?
End your life and be free of regret.
Had something you could eat!
Hope you slept well
Was yum
hmmm what was that?
Also thanks it was an okay sleep but itchy i hope you had a nice (schoolday)
frikadeller. Easy and yum.
It's Saturday goddamn, no school!
So far so good, just posting here and also runescape~
Good you slept well enough. Why itchy?
The assholes who lived in this house before us left it with fleas ;~:
my mom got someting to treat them that hopefully will help a little bit
Goddamn ass, bleh. That sucks.
Hopefully it helps
brb hanging myself
wtf is frickfiddler
Oh i see you're having some fine swedish dining tonight
What is Sweden?
its like Daneland except the middle east
open the pill ? y/n
Oh yeah, that place.
No, looks too cute to just split in half
so what youre saying is . . . traps arent gay?
yumeko would be a better character with half the breast size
Feminine guys are still guys and therefore gay. They just aren't attractive
I s2fg
Oh. Good thing I didn't fap to any.
That's a good boy
i creAMED
stop calling me boy. idk whether to feel giddy or disgusted
Wow, do you want to be the cute girl?
so THATS what she looks like
She kinda qt.
i made this
Ikt is kinda qt.
p l u m p
no i just dont want to feel inferior
Post more you fucking faggots
Nobody I really like is posting though.
except boys are superior, but if you insist..
Sleep tightly
going to town
There are definitely too few people present
Have a good one
Imagine, liking squash
Imagine sharing a name with a fucking MLP character
Mmm tight loli pussy in my dreams
What did she mean by this
Yeah, I bet you'd love that, slut
That you're a fag
Takes one to know one faggot.
posting anme
That it does
who would have thought!?!?
i'm not a pedophile, i just hang out with them
And just give them what they crave, right?
Post penis, faggot.
I bet you'd like that, slut
I crave tig ol' bitties
Of course you do~
wrapped up in a nice ribbon
To slowly unwrap whenever you feel like it?
yes yes
Oh man
Can't blame you there
makes me pretty thirsty tbh
Hungry for some breast milk, huh?
Fills you up all the same
um i guess so..
Does. Babies get nothing else after all
dumb whiny babies are so annoying
Yeah, but those whiny babies get to suck on them fat tits
New headphones
yay :3
Er det en legit karakter du poster eller er hun bare lavet til porno?
Im not gay
too many denmarks
oh my .//.
Kur ska qka me bo sex ather gzohesh.
I understood this btway
Hun er åbenbart bare en baggrundskarakter, så man kan vel ikke kalde hende for legitim. Men halvdelen af det art som er lavet af hende er lewd, og resten er porno.
Så man kan vel godt sige hun kun er lavet til porno
Looks pretty comfy
Eh, she's not really a background character...
She's definitely made for lewding though.
is that ram
There's TWO
Also boobribbon-chan is kinda not a side char
Helt sikkert brormand
Nå ja du kender heller ikke noget til weeb shit
in it for the pr0ns lmao
But that's what you told me!
But the guy above you told me so
Nemlig, kender ingen karaktere. Jeg poster bare
oh stop that >//
I said it was true for the "second season" because it's more of a spinoff that focuses on different characters, and she only pops up like twice in that one.
In the first season she's a main character and competing love interest to the main character~
You don't really want me to~
Oh yeah, that was what you said. Whoops.
Explains why there's so much of her
Everyone fell in love with her. ...and her tits.
Just maybe?
Calm down with the gay, jeez
Can you honestly blame them?
Is it a good anime?
It was okay I guess.
lies, you would suck on these tits too!
Ask Spectre, he has watched them all
Hvad laver du til hverdag?
Whoa gay
Studerer på AAU, så ikke specielt meget.
Arbejder du eller studerer du selv?
Oh certainly.
Begge dele. Det er travle tider.
checks out
Fedt, godt at finde et arbejde tidligt så man ikke står bagefter uden et og bare tænker "øøøh?"
not my style
Jeps, har lige smidt nogle nye jobansøgninger afsted i dag though. Forhåbentligt kan jeg lige nå at vride det sidste, har under et år tilbage på studiet så er jeg done
Right, no squeezing then
Er det så til bacheloren eller kandidaten?
not like that
It's alright so long it doesn't hurt
Kandidat. Lidt uhyggeligt, skal aflevere 60 sider til maj måned.
isnt colbert a homovan
Det bliver intet problem hvis du arbejder i et par timer hver dag. Aldrig været et problem for os at aflevere godt over 100, som er skrevet over 3 måneder. Men okay, vi har så også været 5 stykker til det.
Tror dog stadig på du får problemer med at koge det ned til "kun" 60 sider
I didn't think you liked this kind of stuff, are you high again?
Nah, no mehs
Går ud fra at en side hos jer også er 2400 tegn? Modeller, visualiseringer mm. tæller ikke, på trods af hvor længe de kan tage at udarbejde ;_;
y not
That was the last one...
Faktisk er de gået væk fra det. Det har været sådan tidligere, men sidetal er nu realle sider. Printer du enkeltsidet og dette resulterer i 100 sider, så er der 100 sider.
Sidekrav her er også meget mystisk. Nogle kræver flere 100 sider, andre ser helst du afleverer en rapport på små 20 sider fordi de ikke gider læse mere.
Ved ikke hvordan det kommer til at foregå på kandidaten.
Og ja, lyder skørt. Det er relativt hurtigt at skrive en side, men at lave en tikz figur kan sagtens tage meget længere, også selvom denne kun fylder en halv. Underligt disse ikke tæller med, da de i sidste ende er langt mere værd end ord.
Cause meh implies you don't care
Good, now delete them
Relax Satan
Doesn't matter. The one with the biggest dick gets the final say regardless
I see what you're implying with this, and I don't like it
b-bad to the bone!
What could he have meant by that?
Ja okay, der er store forventninger til indholdet af de 60 sider, så nu må vi se hvordan det går til den tid.
It doesn't make sense in this context!
Jeg er sikker på det ikke bliver det store problem for dig
It doesn't?
Maybe I'm just getting tired
oh sorry
How do you mean?
Go to sleep silly
That was a good doujin
And yeah, it's a guy
called it
E lash punen si rriqna mu keni bo.
It is a good doujin tho.
night night
Is alright~
I will now.
Wow, you're 14 minutes over bed time!
My quote meanie.
Certifiably dead.
'shot... =w=
sleep or anime
NEVER anime
Bed with waifu.
And by waifu I mean your trapfriend.
I'm not ready...
But cuddling is always nice...
Be gentle
tfw no rin cuddles
Of course.
Sorry daddy.
guero on suicide watch
Imagine. If Nezi or Rin were actual girls
No suicide watch.
but then they'd be girls and girls are gay
tfw move to michigan and then take 8 hour roadtrip to smonk weed with bardo
I keep getting lost trying to beat ALttP in 5 minutes.
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are you speedrunning loz now? had no idea you were into that kinda stuff
I'd still be shy and have no friends
but at least people might be interested in me if I was cute
Good morning :)
imagine if i actually were an attack helicopter