What is he trying to get you to ask me?
do you ever feel
like a plastic bag
These threads are always the weirdest threads on this site
You guys are still going this late huh
i got to talk to my buddy colbert about music theory today
That was fun
It's been a while since I got to discuss music stuff with anyone cause my best friend has been lazy with guitar for the past few weeks
we used to be 4ch but they kept banning us
You've always been the weirdest poster on this site.
I don't sleep well.
See people do find this fucking shithole by accident just by clicking around, it's just that 97% of the people who click here by accident probably leave immediately.
Sounds like you've been having a good time, that's good.
What are you still doing up this late?~
i wish i had people to discuss thing swith
bam, im a person, lets discuss things
I hate stuffed bears.
whats up, how are you doing?
Woke up.
Sippin' coffee. How you?
Fine, eating a brat, what sort of things did you want to discuss?
Plushes I love, just not bears.
Oh man I'm just fed up with an artists block except its about programman because idk where to continue.
show braadworst
what if its not the typical stereotypical style of stuffed teddy bear? are you just bear racist?
we're not going down that road
well just learn whatever looks interesting to you, start from whatever you do know and branch out till you find something you don't, tackle whatever looks interesting, no particular direction will call to you, you just have to attack what you want to know with the intention to learn it
Yes, I just hate bears.
I like sea creatures.
I pretty much just cover my bed in a mix of sea creatures, pokemon, and cats.
I like those jap style ones alright actually, better than the typical western one.
im sure going to bed is a very spiritual venture for you every night
Is it tasty at least?
can i haev a smol bite
Well no it's not like I don't know how to start, I have a pretty complex and complete product and I want to release a next update, but I'm really unsure about glaring bugs and stuff.
It's a long experience. I usually lie in bed and read bad isekai manga for an hour before sleep. Or if I am not feeling that I'll just curl up and activate self pity mode.
Most of the time I wake up after 4 hours or so anyway.
it was good and i already finished it so no
how can you be unsure if the bugs are glaring? it doesn't make sense to me that something glaring would be hard to approach unless you have to shield your eyes and curse to yourself as you ask "where do i even start?"
i know bug testing can be one of the most intensive phases of production
dang man that sounds rough, id much rather read than sit in bed and feel sorry for myself, hey if nothing else pal, you got a good eye for cute if that means anything to you
i mean just look at the massive size of this
Plus R* is gonna release some shit which probably breaks the mod in 1 day :(
why not just fap 2 slep
ooooooooohhhhhhhh, im functionally retarded in that sort of stuff but even i understand what some of the issue is there, even if you do want to work on any of the problems you see, the patch is still going to render most of it moot anyways
well good luck to you pal i hope the patch comes and nothing goes wrong tomorrow
I mostly read or watch stuff. The real problem is how often I can't sleep right before work.
I kept waking up the other day from dreams where I left work and was going to my car and someone mugged and killed me on the way.
Really gets the adrenaline going.
I don't do that ever.
The 3d girl is horrifying.
3d is the worst.
wow thats pretty paranoid, and no fapping before sleep either. you're really hardcore with the PG cutesy stuff safe mode, not to say you don't have any sexual desires or anything like that but you must be pretty careful about it
kill me
feels good but stiky
but hey look on the bright side, the block isn't really your fault, you have clear goals and ideas you just have to wait for lots of other dumb shit to fall into place sometimes before you can do what you want, and that's a very relateable problem.
I'll just release it as-is prolly after patching it :shrug:
I will not larp as asexual or something stupid like that, I just have a low drive.
I have dreams of dying fairly often, that and ones that I overslept for work and I wake up in a panic of being late only to find out it's super early.
I don't like sticky.
find a girl who does this
this is me and you
That's pretty gay.
its the waiting game that sucks, all this potential for thinking that can't be immediately spent, it feeds back on itself and goes in loops
that just sucks, but dreams about dying never usually bother me too much, being late or back and school? oh please bring back the dreams of death, makes me think real death won't be so bad you know? it's just all the stuff leading up to it, now i'm not a death seeker or anything, but it's interesting to think about how much our brains love to throw that stupid bullshit at us
at school*
I don't mind the death dreams, it's just a pain to wake up from them. I used to have one where I was riding a bike down my street and get killed in various ways before I make it to the end. One time I made it to the end and died anyway.
The only dreams that bother me are ones of my dog that passed last year.
i just want pats
yes, let me join you.
well its kind of empty here, so as long as you don't tell no one *gives pats*
what the fuck is that vaporeon cutting itself for? no one wants to be its trainer?
how did it even hold a knife
Dunno, but there are a bunch of cutting vap pics
I like them
well you shouldn't cut or do anything dumb like that, leaves lots of nasty scars you end up hating later on, got a family member with self-image issues and she has a daughter now so it's sad to see those lines on her arms, even if shes doing better now
i guess with art its acceptable but the culture surrounding the creation of such art confuses me since i have never participated in activities like that
I don't cut, not my style.
Between the scars and the anticipation of pain / mess, I am not into it.
If I were to cut it would be longways for results, not sideways for attention.
Even then, not my style.
oh yea? how would you want to go out then?
Want to go out? Any way I can. I'd need something like nitrous or cyanide though. Easy and painless to start, but once you do it you can't take it back.
Well you can get cyanide in jeweler cleaner and if you don't have a record wouldn't be hard to get your hands on, must not want to go out that desperately.. but hey as long as you're still bouncing around on this little blue ball with us, you can toss me on your discord if you feel like it, mine is BD#8815, just posting it now because i won't be in thread too much longer
try to beat my 59.1 miles I just got
I'm not allowed to add people on discord.
I'm more likely to overdose on my prescription medication even though I know it won't kill me when I"m on a low then end up with my parents making me get help. I would rather not bother doing that though.
fair enough, what do you mean not allowed? does someone check it?
tried to go to sleep but started getting sad about my dog again ; ~:
My husband does not let me make new friends.
"husband"? sounds more like you're their pet, well.. it's none of my business
Darwin is very controlling.
Oh, it's Darwin, wait are you guys like officially gay married?
I am his lovely wife.
wait you're a girl? never knew that lmao
i can see you share some of the same infuriating vagueness darwin has
well whatever, i can't say that its particularly healthy, but you are of course free to do as you choose, i can't say you seem particularly happy but i hope you guys get on well
We are the bestest of partners.
Okay, it was nice talking to you I will head off now .I have work tomorrow which I should be at least slightly rested for.
dont get the wrong idea im not saying you guys dont seem like you are happy together, as a pair, im saying you, as an individual don't seem too happy
sleep well i have to go as well
i want to fap but i cant get bothered to :////
Can't just steal a girl's panties like that
you need to gt someone to do it for you
That was special
Funnily enough Youtube is cluttered with versions of that with Rasputin played over it.
And they removed that version once, so I had it saved and converted it to webm.
ra ra rasputin /
lover of the Russian queen
Is Batr any better today?
I'm having trouble sleeping and I need to start moving in 4 hours and i need to work in 8
Get some chamomile or vanilla tea, or just warm some milk.
The thought of warm milk makes me gag.
fuck, almost missed
fuck i wish i had people to discuss shit with :C
I need a huggo
RIP Ikt.
poor girl
Ikt is a cute girl
Where is proofs?
On the internet
Too lewd!
I need to take a shower
how 2 deal /w stres
by posting more Megumin
i need somebody to talk to
Soon you will, in school
Talk to this twink faggot
Not at all, I just got out of bed
hey now...
Bed is comfy though.
Slept alright?
I slept
That's about all that could be said for it
Well I guess it can't be helped then...
That sounds pretty meh
That's pretty much how you could describe all my sleep
That sucks
It's all good
I've never really slept very well, so I'm quite used to it
Good nights of sleep are still needed
After long enough, you get used to not sleeping enough :)
God I want to mate with Anastasia
She is mine
Duke I have some bad news...
Yes, we uploaded those ourselves
I want to cum in her ass then lick it out
I would ask that you not make such comments about my wife
I want to make her wear a collar and lick my cum out of a dog bowl after sucking my cock
Tfw ougi is so cute but i cant betray nadeko
Owari S2 spoilerino Ougi is Koyomi tho
It's best not to pay that one any mind.
It was upsetting
My husbando is better anyhow.
i had a cousin who could do that with a cherry stem, never met a girl who could do it tho..
lemme move in
lemme smash
They do say males are better at sucking dick
Illegal though
I also wanna fuck that guys waifu.
and handjobs, i also hear a lot of happy lesbians with sex and such, who would of thought that having what your partner has would help you understand it better
of course i'm not trying to say homosexual masterrace or anything, we aren't whiptail lizards
I'll be your waifu.
I'm only interested in other peoples waifus.
Best way to live life
I already got a roommate, and the contract I signed states that only two people tops are allowed to live in this kind of apartment
You're my waifu.
What now, huh?
I'm about to move out but anxiety through the roofio
God I want to breed with you
Everyone has their own preferences
why do you even want the kids though? for gene security? passing down your particular seed?
Mine just happen to be better than anyone elses.
I guess i'm into myself ?
everything is going to be okay
I don't love yours, and yours does not love me. That's the situation with my waifu
Wait what no
Me on the right you on the left
And moving in with a stranger from another country would somehow make you feel less anxious?
You're silly~
To preserve the superior white race, of course!
i mean you're making the assumption that i'm white, and even though that is correct it was a dangerous assumption to make and one you probably didn't know for sure
I'm gonna go fuck myself so you get cucked to death.
imma dude
yeah but you're a huge weeb fag so its ok
wait no
It's ok im a girl
This is the internet, we're all white and males here, until it has been proven to not be the case
But I've never watched anime
are you gonna cry ?
I told you, am no a cute
I killed quite a few of those
Luka :)
If you really wish~
you're posting 2hu
Gonna go for a fap.
just like that
Touhou is a game, not an anime :thinking:
They are precious.
This but unironically.
Blame Speccy, he made me do it
Until recently, I didn't even know what Touhou was, and that momiji was from it. And I didn't even know her name either until after I started posting here.
That's how little weeb I am
Go play robots
Hu is just a weeb, don't listen to him.
That's okay Hu, she's a cute to post so it's all good
You're not allowed.
Also, Touhou is Chinese, I'm pretty sure
i have like an hour left of this and ive never played shenmue so i guess ill be doing that
a hentai game
You watch horses!
I'm already done though.
Literally not at all
And pretty too
Nippon it seems
Not since 2012 actually
Isn't it a SHMUP
But you DID watch! Ha!
Boolet hell thing.
Pretty indeed, yes
So it is. Oh well
Did you sleep well? :)
That just makes me a horsefucker, not a weeb
Could well have been Chinese, not that it would change much.
Chinese character fits perfectly on an image board where people are posting characters from Chinese cartoons~
Not enough manual (You's). Keep going.
*pat pat*
i had a dream
Was it a good dream? :)
Hu a bull ee :(
was that even a minute ?
give me more
One of these days someone's not gonna let you get away with this lie anymore.
lots of death.
That's me
You wish
That doesn't sound so good :(
I have bad dreams as well, except when I dream of my waifu
No more bull :(
is that a rubber piece of bread
I'm not your bull though
Yep, she's a wolf, she eats anything
even partially used squeaky toys
What makes you post awoo tho
16 seconds max
You're a partially used squeaky toy
*spreads navel*
Spit in here
I need to get a MAGA hat a MAN is not complete without one
This faggot over here made me save some and told me to post them
Same reason I've also posted some Megumin your way
So you just do
she's cute too
Last I checked I couldn't find a place to order one from either
I wanna piss off liberal idiots with a single hat too
Get the woodland camo one.
These are also lies, he was literally posting awoos at me before I ever suggested using it here.
eh ive been called worse
You can get cheap chinese knockoffs off Amazon I think, or at least you could at some point. Nobody will know it's not the real deal anyway
uh.... no?
Yeah I'm pretty proud.
Of course the best girl ever is.
I was referring to Momiji though~
Gonna get one of each style
But the real ones are made by AMERICAN workers in AMERICAN factories on AMERICAN soil and that is why that stuff is GREAT
But you are bull me :(
Hecking bamboozled.
arent trump hats made in china
Whatever nerd.
One of these days the curtain comes back.
There's so many meme ones now. But you missed out on the good'ns like Green and Black.
The $30+ ones on the official site say made in USA.
The $5 Amazon knockoffs say made in China.
Good luck getting it shipped, not sure they do so.
But I agree, wouldn't like a cheap knockoff either
You love it~
Megumin is too though, shh
Not at all ; - ;
Would hug the Momiji
Wouldn't we all?
I'm sure some people wouldn't want to
i wanna pat it
what if they are made in china and the label is put on in the usa
Some people aren't people
Everyone is people, silly
corporate govt espionage
mercy is a clone
I don't think you've met a gypsy before
A fruit fly is more of a human than those subhuman degenerates
The only real choice
Do NOT touch.
its dry
Still so young~
yes you are
*opens exhentai*
You were a Mercy clone? :o
Never met a gypsy before, no
The name just doesn't match
Everyone is people, but people are disgusting for the most part
heres a wet face cloth
good g irl
the original mercy was assainated
It would be too big a compliment for some
thanks keyboard
Sure it does, it ain't like I'm a cat.
Poor Mercy ; - ;
You'd be better anyway
Such as?
But then you're saying that Holo is Cato?
Good dog!
Of course
Jack kind of stated some already
i wasn't anything in the dream
also not allowed
not the same
Shouldn't it be doggo then?
Hmm, I see
I still think you would do it better :)
If cato had anything to do with cats, yes!
But catos are cats
man im so stressed out
Ban post smooth plump thighs
hmmm... okay
i'll use this spray bottle
huh? why are you trying to make it about me?
I'm not. I'm just saying you would be a better Mercy than Mercy is :x
Where will you be moving? Would you be moving in with someone, or just in a new apartment by yourself?
not the same
what's up?
Eindhoven, near school. Free travel stopped this year and I've been postponing shit for way too long, so I gotta make decisions now. Travelling is pretty damn expensive but so is moving out. Not sure what my plans are at all :(
Koume's smooth pump thighs.
Nothing pleases Ban, clearly.
Yet you're all trying in vain.
i require healing
what do i do?
i'm thinking about Minecraft
I sure as shit don't.
What about it?
Just wait till I drug him
Maybe some fellow students are in the same position as you, whom you can move in with to share rent, food and things
Only you can please Ban
Heilstrahl aktiviert
Soto do you have a sister named Jenifer ?
Sure as shit don't what?
fat face
Good afternoon.
Hi Hu!
i wanna play it with everyone
those eyebrows are dumb
why is that style a thing
SOunds nice
pls no
Literally Lewdka
yes hello to you too
what are you up to today?
i want more summer vacations that last all year
lets go sob together
All my sisters have weird names lol
Bored, which is a feeling I haven't had in a while.
you didn't even answer
It's true
Would you like to play some later? :)
i want
I like to cry in public so I at least get some attention out of it.
What are they ?
anime tiddies
You saved my Anyan
It looks so cute with that edit ^.^
they were only my knees
Whats your bra size ?
nope i saved it ages before i knew you existed.
average enough for me. thankfully not too big.
You want what?
But that doesn't increase self-loathing.
That's even better! We have simiilar tastes, perhaps
But whats average ?
Hi nezi!
but it ain't even pronounced like that!
and ?
flat is gud 2
How is it pronounced? :)
why is this image so perfect
you do you
That's an interesting way to say it :o
I do
maybe your more like me than you think.
not too small
Also flat chests?
I guess we'll have to talk more so I can find out :o
Give me an example.
That's how the name is pronounced, though
There are a couple generally unrelated origins, but the Roman one is the most common here.
That's rather interesting. I only have lame names, as you can see :(
That's a pretty aweoms ename.
It's rather uninspired though
its a good thing why sad
better than ikt
i dunno
Luka do you live alone
Those are pretty big
post tits