When you've been here so long you can identify whose ass it is being posted
Other urls found in this thread:
I am not proud of this
Hi bard
Hello bard
derry berry is a staple though
everyone should know that butt
squiddy is bullying me
watch the mods do literally nothing
grim bullies me non-stop
God. Fuck capping new folders.
How did I use to do this shit>?
what is this thing you say...
i dropped my aaryn folder on Holla Forums and it's kinda nice seeing at least someone using it
its true
every waking moment I dedicate to making tp suffer
I've been using the same 10 images for 2 weeks.
I'm just now capping more.
you should like cap irl
it's cool
why tho
I'm not attractive enough to use my face, and I don't want to use other people's faces.
poor sayla
and her dead voice actor
There is no proof of this
come on squash you don't gotta be cute to selfwhore
dude can i vent to you for a sec
one of my old loves is like married to a balled dude with a mustache
is she like taunting me?
I truly and honestly don't like myself.
Other's affection is really all that gives me a positive self image.
She might just like the guy.
Bard geuro wants to suck your dick
Also bye bard
well she did marry him
worst vent ever
Then I doubt she is worried about taunting you with her current love interest.
my parents took away this album because of the i want to fuck you like an animal line
you'd actually be surprised
she dropped some bait shit about drinking buddies the movie
which if you watch it is about me and her
but she's just now watching it and blogging about it
i did not reply
I have no advice to give.
holy fuck i need to break from marathoning how i met your mother
you don't have much life experience
I lack interest.
You're IP is showing\.
oh drats haha
It's okay
not too bad
not too good
evnyan hupony
hupony grimu bullied me
please ponish
American should go to bed
We're all bullies here
come on it's not even midnight
Rolled 36 (1d100)
I made cheese ravioli and it was tasty
at least she's perfect and elegant~
thankfully luka is here
the pure non-bully
sup gurl
at least i rolled the perfect description one!
I got married to Luka.
struggle snuggles
eff you dude
is it true about ban?
watch the n-bombs bro
I'm fine with open relationships
the only thing opened here is your ass
Who did that ?
Should though, and bring TP with you
hu knows
why are you grouping me with based grimu?
he's hella creepy
I kinda doubt that.
Not made for petting
I mean, if that's what You would do
Good evening
Come on, we all know you and Squiddy are getting it on!
seems like that's all you are made for tbh
oh shit
he said it himself
struggle snuggs are the best luka
What gave you that idea ?
i don't even know
how you been
My ass is still closed at the moment.
did you slam it shut like a rickety door
luka you do realize that grim doesn't mean his snuggles right?
My butthole is tight.
Stop implying it isn't.
luka don't listen to tp he's a fatty piece of shit
fucking haggard lying left and right
Wow mean
No pets allowed
You both stated so while drunk
Oh, did that happen ?
that was your whole thing
slowly backs away....
dont be a skunt
grim i can't believe you think you can defeat me in a luka battle
she knows you just want to destroy her
everyone saw your angry subway bathroom webem
look away love
yeah and everyone sees the pure shit you spew about luka behind her back too
It never was!
I'll be a skunk then
Enjoying your evening?
Grim is trying to tell me I have a loose asshole.
I'd believe it.
I don't forget anything.
loco is mean and horrible
not really
what did loco say
and succeeding
smelly ole hu
But if i'm always the top a dick never even goes near my ass.
But you just did
How come not?
A great way to ensure you'll be forever alone
oh shit sorry
assumes puts an ass u and me
I'd believe it.
Seems like a thing you'd do.
or something
If I don't remember it, it didn't happen.
bad posts the past two threads ago
Are you threatening me, master jedi?
Even you don't have my side ?
let it rip
The Senate Will Decide Your Fate.
when he was copying you?
so you're a power bottom then
luka what about grims bad posts about you
all the many times he tried to destroy you
and you were bully too
Name one person whos dominated me.
What's the next line?
js i would watch that one
all those people you baited when you were drunk
or are you telling me they sent you pictures of their dick thinking you would be fucking them??
"In the name of the Galactic Senate of the Republic, you're under arrest, Chancellor."
"Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?"
"The Senate will decide your fate."
"I am the Senate."
"Not yet."
"It's treason, then.''"
i do
Forgetting won't change reality
Never. Just nice to be yourself
We're all bullies~
Wow thanks man
You've probably got enough strength in your sphincter to close it up though.
You're both wrong.
luka i think if grim reaches a point where he actually is sorry about the things he did
we can council about forgiveness
until then he really has to prove himself
If I force someone to cum and send a dick pic then that doesn't mean i'm getting dominated.
they literally did what I told them to do.
Make sense ?
I mean
you didn't tell me context until now
did you force them to cum with your asshole?
I'm trapped in this love game.
Remember that for next time.
That sounds pretty fucking tight.
luka I went to thread
what in the actual fuck
Learn your gay internet sex.
i dont
don't respond luka
you're asking a bit too much here ban
am pro
You brought it upon yourself
Should. Bully the bully
Like a vice.
What the fuck is this avatar?
see here lies the beauty of luka
luka won't reduce herself to grim-tier bants
I did a good
Its Sugar.
Shes a villain from One Piece
Should be able to
You did a Squid, and a Squid did you
Should go to bed
honestly i think luka could if she wanted to
I'm into beaks and inks.
Also I like the way the suckers hook into my flesh.
eventually luka will have the thick skin she needs to survive the world
just be patient
Yeah, and right now too. America should go to bed
Could, but just refuse
o-oh my..
Doesn't surprise me a bit
Why on earth would you do that
how bad are you?
You know he won't even avatar as a squid though ?
Whats the big dealio ?
i think the worst thing i've done lately is lived
i like drink organic soymilk
it's sickening somewhat
Depends on what you mean by bad
He's an Aussie, of course he's weird
i mean tastewise it's bomb, just i guess i became one of those
Bug just got Hu!
Probably mostly mine
been arrested?
things you did that would be shitty if someone learned
Remember, its our autism now.
So cute
What bug just got me?
Don't think I ever did something like that. I'm quite a boring person
ban you ever been detained at the pool?
am wolf, not bug
Hands off my autism
cato is literally a Weta
can't say I have.
oh come on
like a time you went CRAY at the pny chan
You'll break it if you try and take it back.
Don't even try.
did you ever have to detain anyone tho
god i fucking hate cato
But you said bug
I didn't though, I only stated my opinion on the matter. Not something that would be shitty if people learned about it, or something that could get me arrested
Retarded people
I'll do it nigga
I'll take us both down
i just want the funny stories
that is not funny
But there aren't really any funny stories
tell me new things u did today
This give my life meaning right ?
I had a purpose.
Even if it was just ruining your autism.
I made my mark.
And it wasn't fun.
i guess it's all about timing
i imagine not
what more could any one man dream for
new things?
Before I went to bed I just browsed the internet and farmed in Runescape. Now just woke up. Nothing new here~
Done much yourself other than avoiding bullies?
I guess there might have been more if I cared about the place in a whole, but I don't
that's the way to be
the whole is not that great
good food
i didn't
why only run escape?
Stop fapping
Only really went there, because that's where people went.
Which is also why I'm now here~
And if something bad happened to the whole of 8ch, I'd probably not really care either. Would you?
It's fun :3
it's a play on runescape
how smart
no except luka
i would be glad that kyle would be done lying about having like 5 jobs lol
but i would be sad him being dead
How lame
its old
Do I go get in bed now or later ?
run escape is old
it's like only colbert
and also kyle is scheming
luka you aren't jew gold scamming are you?
I legit thought that was how it was pronounced a long time ago
Kyle? And why would he be dead if the site was dying?
And still receive updates, it's nice. Just don't play the new version, go oldschool, it's much better.
Besides, old games are good, else we wouldn't see all these HD remakes of old titles.
i just realized that kyle and luka are in cahoots to make gold in runescape
p disgusted tbh
TP just because you have a shit work ethic doesnt mean everyone else does.
That nigga legit works like 3 jobs.
nope it old and not hd looking with pretty graphics and cute characters
Going to bed
oh snap sistah i work a 7 to 330 everyday and am ALWAYS fucking on time
don't wave your finger at me
I'm not at all surprised
Make all the gold they can, it wouldn't affect me :3
Scamming, day trading and pk'ing?
Good :3
Bring Squiddy with you
im js
nah he does actual irl work
Impossible to stop what you ain't doing!
me neither
just kinda dirty
.grim you're a fucking dirtbag
Tp you're 20 times jankier tbh
Oh hi
Nah. Too high level if he did
What's keeping you busy then?
no you are
was vidya!
Didn't they stop developing that?
Oh? No more?
why are you sad little man
hey bro i know we've had our differences
but like look at what grim is doing here
it's just flat out mean
Hi Nezi!
Just finished
deciding what to do
inb4 nezi only replies to cato
Go to bed of course
speaking of cato
cato has a boyfriend
i am happy for cato
moving on from rocks to dudes is a real step
Cato has a boyfriend?
that was like a well timed clean joke
grandma fell again
haven't been sleeping
my disease is really bad right now
started stress eating again
hello cato
how are you?
pretty sure
Might anime!
I'm doing pretty well
good, relaxing weekend
Never listen to anything TP says
seriously nezi you're going to tell grim about your grandma?
that really sucks btw
one day you will die
you should probably start getting used to that eventuality
you literally said you had a boyfriend
don't make me thread dig you cuck
hanging in there i guess
what have you been up to lately?
listening to any good music?
lol cuck one and cuck two
Go ahead
Says the one posting anime now!
I just moved to Albuquerque to start grad school
I have been listening to some really eclectic music recently, apparently
Yes, hello???
moving on from rocks to getting his rocks off
looks like cato will be cummingtonite
your the one that's out of date
cato is my bf
Supposedly it's not even "real" anime
what are you sick with man
is she stable
whers my boy dusty
I wanna play some chess
Maybe that was another game then
Ui is not lying
It is a video game
ay boss
how are you QT?
I missed you
any links?
thanks luka
genetic, incurable disease
don't wanna talk about it really
there's worse things to have but sometimes I feel like it's ruining my life
she's in pain but didn't break anything this time
might have to do more x-rays though as she fractured her spine last time
So I've heard
yes we get it
thanks for play-by-play
ouch man
hang in there nezi
sup nigga
pew pew!
what game?
oh great nezi has a fake terminal disease
i have a problem too...
i can't quit liking luka's steez
Absolutely nothing at the moment.
What's you doing?
I can't remember the name of it. Underwater minecraft or something
i wanna know moar about it~
tel me tell me tell mee!!!
God I wish i were nezi and cato...
I wish it was me
Doing real well, sweetie
What about you?
I'll have to dig it up!
still waiting on evas cancer to kill him
drunk as all hell and causing a ruckus
That's all I think I know. I can't even remember the name of it
dang missclicks
yeah, trying not to get depressed again
staying happy helps a lot when life gets rough
what have you been up to?
how are you, luka?
I love new music so I would appreciate it
see nezi,
we all know you are lying for attention because that is what you do
but luka has a pure heart and will always give you the benefit of the doubt
shame on you
But cute!
God I wish it were me..
Nezi I love you almsot as much as cato.
That's the best way to be
I should head that way too
lol ui
She is
also Hi TP you raging alcohol. I lvoe you too...
i love you
it wasn't supposed to come to this
give me a hug faggot
now KIss
did you expand your folder yet?
I don't understand
the actual chain noise is a bit overkill but wow first 30 seconds I am very impressed with this
this is really good so far, great sound
i fucking love all of you, HOYL SHIT.
I thought "this sounds like something from red dead redemption" and lo and behold...rdr2 has some of this artist lol
Thank you my dear sweet elder sister
I think I will hit the store do you have any reccomendations of what is a good midniht snack?
when are you going to corale some fresh t-girls
tfw no actual fags are here to ruin the chat.
Man it sure is nice in here right now
I have two actual GF's right now. I cant be assed to do that atm...
Who counts as actual fags?
With like 5 or 6 pics or so. But on laptop now which has even fewer
scoots and people similar
You should just give into the anime
how do your two feel about each others
and are they actual born girls?
my boy boog safe from his gastric bypass
you are dating a man
so like you are a fag
firstly, yes they are actual girls. Second, I am still in a poly relationship but I get hwat I need sexually from one and I get fuck tons of cute cuddles from the other. I can post pics if u want
I actually have no idea where you are geting this from
poly relationships are the devil
Do it!
my only thing is I think 8im slowly becoming a furry. they are both cat girls and im working on gettign an actual awoo girl i nthe mix.
hmm not as big of a fan of this, it's good background music but I'm more interested in catchy music, this doesn't really pop as much
sounds like jazz
you being a liar
Sorry I had to post this before I do anything else. forgive this drunk idiot for his taste in music.
well yeah, kinda is jazz
that's why there is a walking bass
which is the best
I mean, you would probably know if I had a boyfriend.
If you are talking about the British guy, I just had him over so he didn't have to get a hotel room.
cato your 'stories' change daily
so do yours nezi
you both mold yourself to whatever will get you replies
w--what about me tp san
Ill post a few of girl #1 that i mostly cuddle with first
It's not terminal.
Ui post loli's who have cummies dripping out of their butt
you're practically perfect in every way brad
Like I said, prove me wrong
Fuck you soto
that's aa penis
Quit posting traps
That's my shtick
oh hi
no traps lmao
rawr XD
well at least i'm play a kewl new vidya game about underwater and building stuff and surviving!
and meh
but at least people are posting~ ^_^
this has been one of my favorite pictures of all time since I saw it
god it's so cute
thank you buddy
cato: you can't prove me wrong
me: cato you have been banned from every board you tried to post on for being a creeper
yes hello.
yes that's good
a dead animus is a really boring place
good to see some activity
Newest game I've played recently was American Truck Simulator!
It's about driving a truck in America
Oh, you're just fucking with me
I'm too easy, TP
all the dubs
GOD... this thread
thank you for replying to me nezi
i would like to squash our beef
completely clean slate
if you're up for it
no you're a piece of shit and i hope you get federal time
pls leave my BF alone
You're great too, TP
sure. be polite and you won't get filtered. simple.
i think i can handle that
no guarantees with being polite to cato though
he is trash
Maybe peoples' 'stories' would make more sense if you had the basic coherency to understand what people said in the first place, you literal fucking retard.
here.. i'll give u my awoo girl if u really want. we are hooking up next week. She hasn't been tamed yet so I'm a bit scared
I'll just kidnap a Hu, then
steve pls b nais we are burying the hatchet
Will never happen
cf: you thinking I'm stevean
you are dating a tail model
what is your life
that is fine. I don't expect all of my friends to get along
kinda looks like monroe
and youre alive too! good to see. :)
you should try something new!
it doesn't really matter
non beta aussies are either steve or brian
I dont think so at all, but I understand.
She is pretty un tamed and shit. She is a nudist.
New things cost money and I'm a jew
i've been making a real effort to be nice to people
and the more i do that the more people's true fangs come out
like i would be careful about grim
he's up to something
oh pls... Grim is under my control
shhh not everyone knows about the e-trap house
for now I guess.
you know which monroe I referenced, yes?
i guess
no, im drunkies.
would someoen pls wash my back and give me a massage?
well regardless i am sorry for my part in our beef
maybe you will forgive me genuinely one of these days
wow... TP is legit apologizing?
Im screencapping this
I wanta cutie guitar gf
was leaguing man
fucken mess but we won
im on vacation spending it w my familia
what im doing rn
Never really got into LoL. I'm surprised it still lives
its thriving
mobas are gross
you might not want to to start getting into LoL with grim
next thing you know he's buying you skins for e-blowjobs
wow, eww
I really hate that name for such games.
Quake is a moba
I've played it before, not gonna happen again.
Besides, far too lazy to fiddle with Wine to get it to work
pic related
me in tthis situation
What the fuck is that?
good morrnign i was wondering where you were tonight.....
if you're popular you get free shit
no more FARTS now
Gosh, I was probably returning videotapes.
Pretending to be female worked for me with the randoms.
it's tru
nice bro
i bet grim legitimately believes he is popular in LOL land
you and your dirty videos heh........
I mean
the screenshot
ah the medal
you pretty much win the award for biggest douchebag 2017
Someone tell Wish Koi to Osu is fucking garbage
*creeps super hard on darwin*
Inside Lydia's Ass is a masterpiece by all accounts.
ur rich!
i love you soto and darwin
just wanted to clarify that i love you both and there is no beef
naaah, not even
why not?
luka did you see me reconnect with nezi?
this being nice thing is out of control
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