Young nigga poppin with a pocket full of cottage woah kemosabe chopper aimin at your noggin

young nigga poppin with a pocket full of cottage woah kemosabe chopper aimin at your noggin

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pop pop pop watching moogs drop

how did you come up with your filenames?

I don't remember a lot of it.

im so vane


Hopefully nothing you regret lata

I bet you were lewd

I can remember some parts that I do.

im like weirdly high in a not fun way and i just feel a little anxious and discontent


but that's your baseline you schizo

oooooo like what

I know that feeling

imo you need to get into a social situation

you're never fun

I don't even wanna say

Its put a bad taste in my mouth though

cocksucking joke goes here

tbh my baseline is pretty normal now

alcohol tends to solve this but i think i'm going to try to go to sleep instead because i have stuff early

yeah, right

Good night

i see you found your trip and thank you

great to hear
have a peaceful sleep

I did not

You wish.

did anyone get hurt tho

nini socky i hope you feel less anixous

I don't know

I didn't get hurt


where oh where has my kissy shot gone

oh where oh where can he be

I can tell you life certainly gets easier when you are served the same three meals at the same three times during the day. Why, by the time I swallow my cup of pills after dinner at 3:30 P.M., I'm filled with such a sense of paralyzing calm that before I know it, it's 5:30 A.M. again

You were voice and being gay as hell.



yeah my bad

You don't know what happened in voice though.


ty actually I didnt think you would apologize .//.

Didn't mean to abuse you.

Just can't help myself sometimes.

I see how it is.

Me, enjoying a nice hot meal with my buddies!


I did not.

I just put a name on because the people were having a mental breakdown, tearing themselves apart from my lack of name.

And I never will. Two subby drunk faggots in voice doesn't sound sfw


yeah know your place bitch

The Church does not approve of your interaction with SPs.

How would you know ?

You can't even talk to people without having a breakdown.

Wonewy :(

Because you both stated so in threads.
And who would go here to tell lies?


I didn't state anything gay.

Telling Squiddy to beg for you to play games with him, is pretty gay

It isn't.


60½ dicks

I've been a baaaaaaaad girl

I'm happy you see things my way.


I'll just ask Squiddy when he wakes up


why... I... I don't know : (

Go ahead.

Everything hurts and I can't sleep

why aren't you? :3

Who is the other 1/4 dick?

a particular tranny

Not a bad girl then

Oh I will

I know lots of trannies

haha you really think so~?

Multiple ones. They all add up to an odd number.

I know one tranny with like 1.2 dick

KEK. Soto said that ethanol's looks like those little lunchables meat.

Ethy was so kawaii

If you can't state why you have been, it must be because you've been a good girl

probably took good for everyone to post anymore.

have fun

please then
give to me the good girl pets

y-y-you too



I can't have fun if i'm not involved.


You won't be here? Going somewhere?

A-are you havin a nice day today?

I assumed it was gonna be in private.

So far so good, being 11am the day is still young.
Are you feeling well?

Nah, that's boring


I'm actually really excited today
I got an offer for a high end guitar trade deal today

it's such a pretty guitar and it sounds nice too so I'm super excited, it' getting shipped out on friday!

and I kinda forget that youre on the other side of the world

tbh i wouldnt have been able to tell you're danish if not for your flag

That sounds lovely, no wonder you're excited!
Time to play a lot of guitar once it arrives~

Aww, that's sweet of you to say

guitar is my passion
are you passionate about anything?
or at least have any hobbies?

Even more reason to be excited.
I don't really have too many. Hardware, Software and Runescape, that's about all of them

you ever play with colbert chan or grim? I see them talking about le runescape all the time

hmm hardware and software, you mean like computer stuff?

Are you a programmer?


On at the same time, but that's about it. There aren't too many things you can do together when you're an ironman.

Yeah, just general computer-stuff, really.
Wouldn't call myself that yet. I'm still studying and never worked a job in my life, but I do know a little about it. I'm far from being a hacker like Ikt, I think

so if trans cant serve in the military

and gays can serve in the military

trans are not gays

and if traps are trans

then that means traps are not gay


oh you sweet innocent little soul.

how old are hu

too old. 25

older than me

but lukas older than you

and tp is even older than luka

s-senpai .//.

Seems we're all old here now.
Difficult to find the motivation to look for work, when the state doesn't at all give you an incentive to

You are happy with government checks...?

socialists like their welfare



When you remove that necessity...that urge to survive...that is where progress stops...

Everyone does it, so it's not really a taboo or anything like that. And so long you study and attend your exams, you're entitled to it.
Pays enough for you to afford a place to live and get good, healthy and filling meals on the table every day. So it gives you a lot of spare time.

You're funny~

I've been living in poverty for like six months because I'm too shy to go get unemployment money

I'd pay you to be my maid

Being paid to go to school is pretty rad

as long as its from the school stuff..

i thought you sucked cock for money

lol 'maid'

hehe thank you i feel funny

And going to school is paid with tax-dollars too.
You literally get paid to go to uni here, and yet people complain about the benefits being too little.
The nerve of some people....

LOL thats human nature

I dropped out of college because it was expensive tbh

Just make sure you become super friendly with your professors and shit

like don't beef with ANYONE cuz you never know who might be able to hook you up after you graduate

I got my job through an old prof referring me 8)


you should be my maid

you should be my maid

wait no

Always wanting more ;-;
Yeah, looking good. Jesus, I keep forgetting that the Amulet of Chemistry is a thing. Should craft some of those.

That's pretty damn sweet!


loco I will legit pay you a weekly stipend of $300 and let you live and eat for free

Just about 20 minutes until it'll be live

He's probably gonna kill you like that American Psycho guy except it's all tranny bodies in his closet.

this was weeks ago tho
I might pass out


getting paid to get fucked in a maid outfit is my fetish
can i get this on dvd

Fuck dusty and his poke'gimicks.

Would I have time to draw every day?

woah wait what

where did fucking come into this

You'd have to cook and buy groceries and clean and do laundry

so yeah most likely


Aww... Going to bed soon?

You'd do it for free, don't lie



Hey sunshine, how are you?

Actually I'd probs cook half the time
or I'd teach you my secret recipes and techniques after a while


why not

what does the title entail?

code my waifu

actually I'm not gay........actually


Of all the infinite possibilities you can't think of one thing to do with it that's better?


i feel like this discussion is too real and so is my boner.

I appreciate the offer grim. really really. but I'm doing okay for now. maybe in a few months you can make me beg for it.

Cooking together can be nice too.
Be sure to sleep in a good position this time, don't fuck your leg up again~

Doesn't make a difference :3

What's got you going?

ty! I'm glad we could come to this understanding!


Its the same fucking thing.

std::string userName = "feku";Waifu *waifu = new Waifu(GetUser(userName), GetUserVerification(userName), MALE_TRAP, false, true, 12);GetUser(userName).AddWaifu(waifu);

But I didn't do anything.

But it's free real estate

Heheheehehe! goggles! >///<
*runs away*

I was just testing the waters

Hey. He said he was poor. I'd like to change that in exchange for legitimate services.

I'll try lol

thats the joke

see above

how ya doing lil momma let me whisper in ya ear

but youd have to be grims ass slave

whoa really ?

didn't know


hahaha that was a good joke grim


excuse me for five minutes.


what the fuck I said nothing of this

that was a good joke I liked it too

Good, can't have it hurt more than it does already.

of course

Note I gave you a pointer to a new object so this should give you ownership about them. You need to delete them yourself though if you want.

I woke up at 10pm Grim.

Kill me

imagine grim pulling your panties down and spanking the shit out of every time you fuck something up. that is if he even allows you to wear panties


cease this

why is your sleep schedule so fucked
are you working your new job yet?

itai itai itai

This is what Loco will say when you spank him.

y-yeah that would be something wouldn't it?


I am not.

oh nah if you're wearing panties grim wont be able to see your butt plug when you bend over to dust the coffee table

aaaand im out


Actually is CPed : CPhysical : CDynamic : CEntity

Sleep well


/r/ loco x grim fanfic

I already miss Grim.

what does the 12 stand for

Take that bud out of your mouth this instant young man

George my favorite thing about this Isaac guy's speech is when he tries to say "purpose".

thats just rude


He can't hear me.

t-that piercing stare....



wow perv



hey daggos

hey bardo how goes

I'm excited!!
I got offered a trade for my guitar!

Here's the one I'm gonna get :3
It has a super cool beveled arm rest and is engelmann spruce top and cocobolo back and sides

how are you daggy

esh, been better, but keeping busy with work so meh. nice, what are you trading it for?

my cousin has a $50 guitar from toysrus that looks just like that one

Dags you gotst to stay away from those bad benzos >: (

also there's a video of how it sounds i-if you want >//<

My current guitar is nice but it's kinda quiet and small so I'm trading for a bigger louder one!

what brand is it?

idk its a toy nvm that back looks fancier

does he know how to play? .//.
do you play anything?

This one is a custom build which is super cool because I've never played a custom shop guitar before!!

lol no shes like 8 or something havent talked to her in years


is that custom built one like one of those 1000 dollar ones that rockstars use

It is kind of!

Its a Taylor guitar, so if you see a guitar on a live television performance there's a pretty big chance it's the same brand

If you see an acoustic on tv it's likeley to be a taylor, martin, or gibson

This one has a used value of about 2.4k and Cost 4000 for whoever originally got it custom built

ahah, i'm trying to, been a couple days!

So what are you up to my man?
are you at work? :/

naw shift finished 2 hours ago, home chilling and stuff listening to tunes same ole shit

wow youre so rich

whatcha listening to daggo

haha ty! but actually this is the only nice thing I own!
I think it's only fair that I have something nice to show after working 4 years in fast food ;/

whats the rest of the money for rent? or are you saving up for another giita

oh no silly I only need one guitar
although in the long run i wanna get a new computer and some stuff to record!

the rest is just for foods or various spendings or rent or whatever

what a cute kud


dags this is a pretty song

that sounds like fun. i wish i could have fun but im scared of people and idk how to interview

social interaction all feels so fake to me :(

the end bit has pre cool solos

I'mma tell you what the whole world is gonna tell you

You gotta buck the fuck up and do it or you're gonna fucking die of starvation unless you're a good thief


Luka at least goes to interviews.

after working a bit you tend to fake social interaction because it's easier to work with people that think you like them then know you hate them.


feku have you ever watched welcome to the nhk?

whats working fast food like?


i tried to interview 2 times before but id get nervous af and start sweating. even when they call me my phone gets all wet from the sweat coming from my hands and head

yup its one of my favorites

Maybe you should get out more.

have you werked

i gotta admit, interviews are the worst.

i mean not like i have

sometimes i leave the house when no one will notice

ive done volunteer work and ive no problem with that since theres no official paperworks and you just do

im self concious of my fake smile my fake enthusiasm and i dont have the confidence to admit to being good at things

So like at the middle of the night ?

my job is super easy
I am a cook though so I dont have to deal with register people

I get free food and drink every day
my resturaunt is actually a mix of 2 fast food resturaunts so thats a nice little perk i can eat at either place

it's definately first job material
but also ggood enough to get by on if you work enough

:o volunteer work!

good community boye!

mm, it's even harder when you don't have previous employment i guess. still, just go for more interviews, good learning experience, you never learn in comfort

i went outside once


o n c e

I went outside long enough to become immune to sunburn.

yeah sometimes i walk my dog in my yard in the middle of the night

but no i wouldnt actually leave that late i mean like when people are out working

whats it like working around all that oil?
are they lax about what you eat and drink or do you have to track it or something

i kinda wanna do more of it just cuz it feels good to be doing something but its not worth my time if i dont get much out of it and id have to interact with my family first before i could do somehting like that

idk if my volunteer hours would help but i need to get on speaking terms with my family first :P

There's an inverse relation between having a big dick and going outside

People aren't really working in the middle of the night.

Maybe less autism

I'm only 16.5cm x 13.5cm

i didnt say that tho

how to deautist

at my work they are prett relax

we're supposed to have a 5 o dollar limit but i eat way more than that all the fuckin time

the oil kinda sucks

it is irritating on your skin
and i get burned occasionally

be careful around it
but its not too bad

nani the fuck

oh god.....i'll never fit that.....

meaningful human interaction

what that's average


i might be retarded

I'm not very experienced....


n-not my fault.......

as long as you dont hate living i guess it works out

i dont consider walking my dog in the yard at 3 am leaving

i do have real excursions tho when ppl arent home

i wish i could talk to humans theyre such a fascinating species

i mean according to reddit im p avg

cute megamin w/ average sized penis

i dont understand the connection
work doesnt help much with that ;/

oh there wasnt much of one i was just thinking about life in general

a-about that

wait from the pelvis bone?

that'd add some

i wanna measure my dick but i only have one of those half foot rulers

why did i get dirt 4 now i have to change to uncomfy chair

when you think it's all in but secretely ikt got more

what's the issue here

My room kinda smells like beer and I wanna kill myself.

i wont get an accurate read past 6 inches


I am surrounded by dicks

at least i have ice cream

Does it taste like beer?

It taste like ice cream.

How does non-flavored ice-cream taste like?

Like ice and purple.

but im nowhere near you proximity

Like Blackcurrant?

feku is big

Just had a fap at work. Now I'm browsing memes and drinking coffee.

Its not that deep of a purple.

How Lewd

I don't have a clue then. Enjoy the ice



just a little above average not big big



massive porn star-big

It's pretty neat when everybody is gone on holidays.

Living the dream

Lewds are you going to visit Hu


dont be shy : )

Why is Bard being lewd?


I don't know, s-sorry

Rub one off, might make you feel better




dont be shy : )

You seem the type that would be interested, ever watched any of "Isaac Arthur" on Youtube?

good boys sleep with both hands above the covers

Life of a student assistant

If he stays cool I could be convinced. Gropy was cringy and clingy.



like....from r9k?

Guess I'm a bad boy then

Are you really just an assistant then, or do you end up doing just as much work as everybody else?

what if i sleep with no covers cuz id die from heat

oh yeah the elmer fud guy!!!

^_^ ....i randomly found his vids while randomly clicking random interesting vids

mhm i woke up over 20 minutes ago!


uh lol wtf weirdo

learn to sleep with a fan

And just got here

just sleep naked yo

Some Danish dude who posted here maybe a year or two back. He wanted me to come to his place and fuck him.

No idea if he posts elsewhere. Probably? He would fit in

Small company yeah, they rely a lot on us students.

George linked one of his vids last night and I've been on an eight hour binge or so.


i think he was from /lewd/ also



lel what'd you expect?

i knew about him before i saw the george link.

the is interesting and talks about kewl futuristic stuff


woof woof


Yes yes. Good morning and such.


Got work today?

Makes sense. If it's available, then might as well pick the cheapest labour.
Though I don't think that's actually the case. Comp-sci students/majors are in high demand after all.
That's what you did, wasn't it?


Managed to sleep well enough?

California is my city

Around like, 4 or so.
It's only a 4 hour training shift though.
Want to call?

his videos and talking about stuff..... feels



That won't really happen on an average of 8 bucks an hour.


but you like it?

run on setences?


nini friends i sleep

cute animeted gif

Sleep well Bard

Yeah, it's pretty good

My first job is nice. I'm learning still, but I get to feed dogs treats in the store if I'm on the check out area and stocking is relaxing.
Haven't started the other one yet. Doing that today.

Blessed sleep.

wouldnt that just get me sick



i hope you are all awake and energized to do the stuff when you get there!

Pretty cute pic too


I should be soon.
I have like, 8 hours before work.

A lot of it is attempting to break down very complex concepts into layman's terms. It's impressive how quickly he's able to break down or dissect some of these things and present them in a way that is easily digestible, especially with such a wide breadth of topics, and link many of them together in some wider fashion. I like it.

I won't say the existential crisis series gave me an existential crisis, even watching the whole thing at once, but the ancestor simulation video definitely did give me a relythink, and the way he presented the technological singularity made me rethink its likelihood, even in the longterm, as being a lot lower. Plus I'd never really considered just how truly likely it is that we are completely alone in the universe, considering if any species was even just slightly further along than us in terms of technology they'd probably be blotting out the sky. Good shit, I'll keep watching.

Sure, I've been watching videos for too long.

what are you up to?

time for a micro nap or something if you feel sleeepy?

when i saw his dyson shpere vid
i felt like he was repeating certain things over and over

I always feel like this when I wake up.

should i clik circles or fap

Best way to spend ones Summer Vacation~
What about you this morning? Got any plans for today?

how do you feel better?

cooking this pizza

Prostate stimulation.

Water and chilling.

but thats kinda dirty


Pizza for breakfast? Sounds pretty good.
What's it got as toppings?

we should treat our friends better. We should treat Kanra better.

What did you do with Loco?


white cheese
and spinach

Good enema first and some lube later!

huh, first time I've heard about spinach on pizza. Is it good?


Yeah that's the place. Disgusting!

No idea. I guess I'm only gay for convincing traps

Something like that. IT consultancy.


Interesting, might try it sometime I'm out and I don't have the option to cook anything.

Oh boy, do the people who call you at least know what a window is?

guess i'm gonna have to grow my hair out now so lewds will fuck me.

Luckily, I'm not support. I would kill myself.

That's terrible

Some people are legit stupid


Did you pass the accept and silent flags




