we came from nothin' to somethin' nigga. i don't trust nobody, grip the trigger. call up the gang, they come and get you. cry me a river, give you a tissue
We came from nothin' to somethin' nigga. i don't trust nobody, grip the trigger. call up the gang...
Other urls found in this thread:
grip and sip
Oh no
Jack and SteveAN
its majin buu vs vegeta bro
Who are you and what are you doing in this shithole
Relive the good 'ol days?
I'm kinda mad stevan keeps showing up after perm. quitting like 3rice
retard fight!!!!!!!
someone get kanra quick
Nigga are you high what are you even saying.
So one of them is gonna feel the need to blow themselves up for the good of the thread ?
Which one would that be ?
I didn't read what they said then and I don't know if I will now.
right on the dot bro
Jack has a special place in my heart so I wont let him blow himself up
steb is a bitch
send kanra nudes
The autism trifecta
Kanra is a respectable young man how dare you insinuate.
I never had to calm my bitch down.
She was always calm.
id honestly obliterate kanras ass dont tell him though
You stop that.
if you try to have a legit conversation about something you will summon kanra
hi luka
I'd also fuck Kanra but he has to analyze everything thats happening.
hes a little skinny asian shit
wtf do you see in that
yes luka
you are lukaposting
hey I heard you're into underaged girls
like irl
is that true
Kanra please analyse this dick
If u insult kanra i will devour your soul with petty insults that strike at the heart of your deepest insecurities.
Well excuse me for not coming up with something to say.
he looks little and weak and fucking that boi pussy would make me feel powerful
like a god
yes or no
phsychoanalysis game theory donald trump
chris hitchins chris hitchins chris hitchins chris hitchins DONALD TRUMP
Go to bed Grim.
you know kids can't consent right
what is the youngest age you are attracted to
out of curiousity
I'd probably feel like a god if i starting torturing small animals too so for the sake of the animals kanra better let me smash his asshole
I have a serious question to you guys. What's keeping you going. What's keeping you from breaking away from the rigidity of these communities.
fuck off nobody likes you
no don't he actually will show up
Idk I think I need kanra to help me with my answer
here is a representation of Kanra psychoanalyzing something
*gulps* StevAN..
No was this works
its just a silly myth
im sure youve thought about it too...
I want some answers
Go to bed.
I killed animals and all It did was make me feel bad for the animal.
silence just makes me assume the worst
With every reply you put off answering I'm just thinking the age is gonna be lower and lower, daym
did the idea of hurting them appeal to you before hand? how did the killing go exactly?
this kind of thought passes through anyone's mind when they deal with defenseless things
it is a natural response
now your action on that thought is what matters
Well I don't. Jesus, what kind of meming is this? What have you been smoking?
Hunting was actually pretty boring because I wasn't old enough or smart enough to think about drinking while doing it.
I shot it with a gun and the cut its skin off and ate it.
tell me it's okay that i dream about murdering people.
Memes aside. I'm not some pedo cunt.
That's all you had to say.
The fact it took you so long to say it makes me highly suspicious either way.
its cathartic huh
Whats up with Luka liking small girls anyway?
I've personally found it's the nature of reliving some aspect of your ancestors experiential reality which provides the most emotional nourishment to hunting. What did you hunt?
Fucking kill yourself.
why do you do this
look we can't all bash steve or it looks like a group thing.
SteveAn gangbang.
Such is life in the zone.
no, luka just blankposts crying emojis because nobody gives them attention
there are many paths to catharsis.
animals cant beg for mercy though
I love it how every single Aussie is a shitter. There truly is no exception to the rule
this one's begging
tfw you expound your psychological reality and are verabally assaulted by the psychosocially impaired inset group
Prison people.
Our country is in sliding into an economically socialist nightmare and our first parliament was comprised entirely of actual convicts, this place is a fucking nightmare.
Well I could tell. But I was just sleepy posting. And I just woke.
Kanra is a liberal cuck
The rest of you are depressed sleep deprived shitposting degenerates
sure as shit feels good not to be either
its so pathetic
What about me jack.
What about your pathologically lying, emotionally disturbed old friend.
I faintly remember you bothering the horsefucker scum so I guess that makes you okay
imagine being jack
Jack, I love you. Lets hold hands.
I systematically destroyed their entire community through leis, surreptitious manipulation and just plain being a dick.
I think i deserve at least a "How have you been" bro.
lol imagine destroying an entire community through leis, surreptitious manipulation and just plain being a dick.
i sent kanra into a yearlong spiral of depression
where's my FUCKING MEDAL
gives me a half chub tbh
you internet sociopath you
No, dude, i really did it. I actually did it. The absolute madstevean.
I love people
what are you saying?
in all seriousness I despise the human race and how, as a whole, they defile everything they touch. My hope is lost in them as a whole.
Individuals are different story, though.
He totally did.
Can confirm.
was the bottom part with merc posting pony ass really needed ?
thats great man im really proud of you bro
thats okay i think everyone feels that way
Good job then. "How are you" bullshit is for blogposting avatarfags tho. Neither of us cares. Let's leave the pretentious charade to these sad faggots
Make him an hero. That'll earn ya one
im just reposting
you dont have to look at the pony ass
That gave me so much nostalgia, good god, thankyou.
I hope one day we will correct ourselves. If we cannot, I wish our termination to be swift.
I've been exposed to his pictures anyways.
Come one now, you would do it
Do you have any more caps of me being retarded.
Does anyone have the cap where he shit his pants?
that optimism can hurt ya
I almost refuse to believe i was that retarded, holy fuck.
That was just to manipulate some guy named desertponi.
Unfortunately i wasn't THAT autistic.
I laughed harder than I should have. Thanks for that
I too am interested in this
♩ You still are ♩
I wanna get railed by BigMac
"some guy"
We know who he is
Yeah, let me be known as the dude that od'd and shit himself so I can troll some outcast no one likes.
Totally not autistic, I was just pretending to be retarded.
I am nothing but humbled. Thank you.
Just exhausted
I will return to normal after some rest
Desertponi perfectly reflected the avarage IQ of a casual horsefucker
Did you know he's a paedophile? I do.
I told everyone. Glad i did.
But i really was, bro.
You got me.
The last guy who got fucked by a stallion died. Sounds like a terrible idea
All that chit chat is gonna get ya hurt.
I had no idea he was.
I know.
thats fair i get sad when im tired too
[awkward laughter]
I just gotta find one with a small dick.
Alright, bye guys.
Thankyou for reminding me i was once legitimately retarded.
Hi Test
Goddammit, some people....
Maybe a colt?
Or heres a crazy idea. What about a human ?
Nothing much. Waking up too early.
That's gross.
I already miss Grim. :(
But no human happens to be a horse, and definitely not BigMac
Test wants to cum inside Rainbow Dash
That's what coffee's for.
How's life though? The neet life is spreading like a disease, has it got you?
I want Rainbow Dash to cum inside me with her futa horse dick.
God that's hot.
Still not a horse
I thought I knew you-gara better.
He has a horse cock though.
The neet life has been over me for the last... Two years if we exclude all the jobtrials I've been through to actually get a job.
Hopefully things will get better next week when I start up as a gardener.
You wish
Good luck. School starts back up for me in a month and I spent the whole summer on my ass, so it's basically been neet life for me. Best life to be honest.
I don't actually though.
I was just pretending to be retarded.
That wasn't Desert, that was Cyan.
sure, I believe you~
Well I must admit its not bad, but I need to get something soon. Its starting to get boring. Anyway I better head out to do groceries before it starts raining.
Oooh. Guess I don't really remember those twats after all.
That seal is so damn cute.
I want to raise it to defend itself and protect weaker things than it, and I'd ride it through the sea, with a heated wet suit on and an oxygen tank, and we'd hunt down people that kill animals for fun or torture them.
If you eat animals that's okay, as long as they were able to breed first, and you're thankful for the animal, and the animal had a good life.
Been raining all morning here. Hope you make it
They just thought you were being pretentious and trying to look cool by looking smart.
Then why the fuck are you here?
As for me? I came here to laugh at you.
This will ruin my reputation though.
welcome to the club
life sucks
Very impressive burn, I don't even know if I can stand up from this
Why don't you turn your petty attention towards your kind and enjoy the inane shitposting. I bet that would satisfy your simple mind too.
Don't wanna be apart of it.
Time to get your reputation back on track
like, get a life fam
That and all of mine went full-retard commie in the last year and a half.
you guys could always meet up
Did you think I was trying to insult you? No, I was just mocking your retarded superiority complex or whatever the fuck is wrong with you.
If I wanted to insult you I'd say that your life is meaningless, no one will ever love you, you will never be happy, you will always be pathetic and weak, you will die alone and no one will remember you.
But I didn't, because I just wanted to have some fun. Now please learn some humility like the rest of us kohai, so that we can all be frens
r u ok
im ok
how r u?
part is actually a life long dream and goal for me.
Thanks for believing in me bro, now fuck off. As I stated above, go and mingle with the like minded insects in here.
If that is all part of your goal kill yourself now to achieve it faster.
I believe in you, you fucking cretinous subhuman waste of flesh.
Jack is bae
The joy of my absence won't come to you or others that easy. I live to spite and spite to live
You must be new here. See how the others are not giving a fuck? Don't you think they already know some things you don't?
Hell, man, do you even think?
Oh, I get it, they all have you blocked. Okay, bye, hope you either die soon or your entire personality is destroyed and recombined into something not broken.
I don't have Jack filtered or anything, it's just difficult to care anymore.
But who is Jack?
The hungry boi
im not jack
Oh hey, it's that boi.
P R I ï¼ã€€ï¼¥
E N T E R T A I N ï¼ã€€ï¼¥ã€€ï¼®ã€€ï¼´
a code monkey! ^_^
Why is Megumi so cute and sexy?
Finally! Took you long enough to finally get it. You must be genuinely retarded. I don't wish anything bad for ya lad, life already must be living hell for you. Must suck to be defective
police we have a pedo
But will he get bullied out of the thread like Hotwheels did ?
Only time will tel
Jack I don't think anybody has you blocked.
I only saw Hotwheels make like three posts.
Oh sweet. I am surrounded by idiots.
Wait, isn't she 18?
Okay, once she's 18 Megumi will be cute and sexy.
14 m80
He thought the thread was for like just dumping anime girls or something.
He was bullied :(
Wow, rip
You're in luck, she's 17 in the web novel.
its megumiN
it would be a fake if it was megumi
Cool. Is it because it's been running for 3 years and she's aged in real time, or did she start off that age?
Oh, sorry. I haven't seen the show in a while.
On a scale of cool dude to extremely autistic, where would you place someone that watches the currently airing season of the Pokemon anime, and is also in their mid 20s?
At least thats how I remember it happening.
Don't talk about it in public/10
somewhere between pee and diaper fetish/10.
It's because the web novel is a bit further along than the anime, so she's aged a bit.
Real men watch QUALITY anime like Eromanga-sensei.
I don't even really watch any other currently airing anime.
I just watch Pokemon because it helps me remember what happiness is like, what being a kid is like. It helps me remember that life doesn't have to always be shit, and that it isn't always.
I would never tell anyone in real life, and I don't pretend like it's the best show ever or anything.
Since it's me that finds that pretty cool, you're probably extremely autistic.
is it bad that I like fakeMegumin
No she's a good loli too.
wtf bro
Luka no.
Gee life must be real shit in canada
here take two
what if by like I mean sexually attracted?
She likes cocks so you're fine.
It kind of creeps me out that my duck is dead in the trash can right by my room outside the window.
Is this one of those "lucky desu's of Haruhime High"?
no proper soil burial ?
"Luck Star"
Aww, it really died? Give it a proper burial somewhere cats can't reach.
Nah. It was dead for a day or two so maggots got to it.
Too messy to do a bury. Had a heat stroke and we just found it last night.
Is that a Korean electronics company name?
rip little birdy... :(
no cremation for it...
google is smarter than u
good morning is it cold still
why wont you call me a pedo like you did with the canadanon
yo you threw it in a trash can? thats some psychopath shit
*hugs and pets you comfortingly*
At least my prime minister is not a legendary cuck ridiculed by the better half of the world. Who is also a drama teacher and a huge degenerate who legit married a pedophile. Actually yeah, it must suck being a canadian
it not cold enough ;~;
You can't really do much with it.
We can't have it attracting coyotes.
I was joking.
Because LG is "Lucky Goldstar", and "Lucky Star" is that, but without the word gold.
The pedo marrying degenerate cuck is Macron
Eh, all liberal fuck-ups are the same
defeat the evil sun and be the hero
does it have a dead thing smell to it
google raven eating sun
It's an established fact already.
Because the koreans merged companies I think, and so it became Lucky Goldstar.
I don't get it what am I looking at?
Wait no this not how I wanted my reputation to pan out
why are you laughing at me whose the airhead here
Feku is.
It's okay, we all know and we accept you for who you are.
Eww, the Squid is awake
air bud
the doggy movie where he shoot hoops
why does only one have squigglys
thats just my online persona not irl
thats just my online persona not irl
I don't watch normie movies just weebshit
wuts luka doing at 6am
I do not fuck children irl
luka woke up a few hours ago
and now wonders that too
*noms on pumpkin pie*
watch animes and nommore pumpkin pies
i do the same but with instant ramen
i wann play video games too
but no one's Online anymore... u_u
for what game ?
overwatch... or something ;~;
It feels fuckin' amazing that we have none of that shit
No niggers
No goatfuckers
No liberal parties alive
Hungary - Livin' the dream
not really interested
Minecraft with pokemon mods.
Don't you earn like $400 a month or something?
wow that magic wand is really small.
do a singleplayer game with a good story
No, thats the avarage wage
I earn like 800
But a decent beer is 80 cents here
i want interesting
with who?
witcher 3 only runs at 10 fps
literly unplayable
howbout witcher 1 and 2?
people told me only witcher 3
sounds complex!
I can't really think of a game I would wanna play all the time at the moment.
I've been playing GTA Online recently, but it just got really boring.
I can't really think of any games that I want to play right now.
i want a freind that wants to play with me
but how play a game if u dont know story of other game before
jack spicer only makes $4
they told me thats not important as you might think
but atleast its something if you cant 3!
I got Hollow Knight thinking that might kill some time for me.
got bored after 2 hours
Make some then
i can get a 1.5l bottle of Alhambra for a euro and the average wage here is still 2k.
the witcher 1 might be one of the worst games I've ever installed
What makes someone a friend? How do you make friends?
More like HUNGRY
Life is cheap here tho
Rent with electricity and all that is 250 bucks a month for reference
figure it out
i want something else
where :(
Rectal stimulation will stop hiccups.
Videogames are fun.
You are infected with niggers and goat fuckers tho
You have a muslim mayor who thinks living with terrorism and people getting slaughtered is the norm
With streets white men can't even walk.
That automatically makes that place a cesspit
Clean those streets, purge 'em all
damn, a decent beer costs 320 yen here.
See, thats what ya get for being a gook
So fun you post here, then forget about it completely.
hang yourself
I'm not playing them right now am I, you faggot?
sadiq khan. the mayor of Britain.
i want video games
But you did when you posted
I just drink water and then hold my breath at the exact moment I'm about to hiccup, and then keep holding my breath until the hiccups stop.
It always works.
God i just want to be fucked and beaten.
I want a cute bf and 3 million dollars :(
what do we do now?
♥ Sharia Law
If you signed a waiver form before hand so I could be clear of all criminal charges I'd that to you.
You're not making sense.
What are you fucking gay?
you dont stuff your face with loads of junk food to get rid of your hiccups?
Go back to bed
What are those thing attached to strings he's pulling behind him?
Videogames not made by piggi are fun.*
..How often do you get hiccups ?
Are you real?
Why do I exist ?
Why would you ever do that?
Not that often. Maybe once every 2 months or so.
Just shove something up your ass next time while'st eating a bigmac.
His teammates dead mechs.
His sorry excuse for a team.
Why not kill two birds with one stone and shove a bigmac up your ass?
That's not a game yet.
I'll shove my penis up your boi pussi while eating a big mac if you want.
it keeps crashing just fucking end me
I'm trying to lose weight.
Nani the fuck ?
Sounds disgusting.
Okay, I'll fuck your boi pussy and then eat the big mac after, and also some fries, and you can have a borger too if you want.
I'm vaguely curious if you'd even gain weight from that but not enough to bother to look it up.
I'll have to pass on that.
Just try it out yourself.
Should only take like 1 bottle of whiskey.
What a disappointment
I'll have to pass on that.
Doubt that would ever work on anyone.
Write a fanfic is you're so disappointing.
Its clever because I said it.
Have you been drinking a little?
I was just expressing my emotions.
And my emotions are booooo
I'm glad you can understand, it was a pretty complex joke.
you swear worded
No but its almost 8am and I haven't gone to sleep yet.
Somebody should go to bed
When have you been awake since though?
For me I've been awake for about 15 hours I think, but most people are awake for 16, right?
I don't really feel like sleeping though.
Get yourself a dominant boyfriend, then you'll then like sleeping for sure
snuggling with you as the little spoon while I pat your head
I've been the dominate one in every relationship I've ever had.
You're the one typing like a drunk person now.
Now say fuck
I realised right after hitting the New Reply button. Whoops.
And nah, not anymore
And why not ?
You aren't being the dominate one if you're being railed hard
why utensils?
i wont say evil things
I don't remember getting railed hard.
Fuck isn't even
this word only has power if you give it power
its letters
I never said that, just said you wanted it
it means that I want to hold you in my arms
You said that was a bad idea.
And then you said it would be just fine if it was a human. Still not that dominant
it means bad things
society say it bad
people will look at you badly when u say it
oh, so a hug? :)
Fuck society
1200 calories is based
Ethiopian diet ftw
But I've done way more dominant things which should cancel that out.
Do people look at me badly ?
It won't!
Oh really? Guess I gotta become a subby little bitch now.
i dunno yet
You should have an idea
We all know that's what you prefer to be at the end of the day
good for you man. Keep it up.
It doesn't matter what I prefer though.
I just do what i'm told like a good boy.
What a cutie
I want master to choke me so sometimes I act naughty on purpose.
i keep forgetting how good it is to have someone want me.
That's lewd as hell
do you have an idea?
I wanted to do something and I completely forgot what.
That was the point.
I know exactly how it is.
awww... ok
No one wants you because you are a substandard peice of shit
i think literally every person here wants my dick.
Well, you know a few who live nearby who could give you what you desire
? ? ? ? ?
I can't think of any.
Your taste in men is bad
Its been a learning process.
he cried
I'm sure of that.
No go to bed
I have to pick someone up from the air port at 4.
Its a tragic story.
Family members coming back home from vacation?
My sisters friend.
friend or "friend"?
Just a friend and nothing more.
okie dokie~
Hope they'll have fun together
A nihilistic side of me I never thought legitimately existed comes out.
Fuck people.
Nobody is worthy.
I passed out
Tell goggles... then they can become the REBOUND
The world has become an unwaking nightmare. Everything is fucked.
except me ffs
But I hate Goggles.
Good morning
mornin hu
Slept well enough despite passing out?
well its 1
I passed out around 7
I feel ok but I'm still in sleep debt around an hour
post more petted momji
Gonna turn in early tonight?
this is the last one I got
Can somebody give me modern black people music?
Boy, wish I had some one to suck this dicc
Was that to hard ?
probably ill try
Good boy~
you're too hard
nani the fucc
this isnt how i remember love live but i could be wrong
Hes from your city
identity crysis
You liked it.
Legit thnaks
this is too black
yes but
Everything seems like it worked out then.
But this is JDM ghetto stuff
after years of toil
It has been achieved
gl with urs
its fucking lit bro
I never agreed to sending you exactly what you wanted.
i mean yes but
eww, osbuddy~
But congrats!
t-thanks, just need 1.5mil additional crafting exp. That took me somewhere between a week or two last time..
this cheating
It's too moe.
never should have asked
Imagine... Being gay...
You may say I'm a rimmer...
but I'm not the only one
yeah fuck that
i'm going to become a hip hop artist
Who ever thought a white boy would save hip hop.
Official client best client :3
Yeah, it's about 14k orbs that needs to be crafted. Time to gather 14k seaweed, cook that to soda ash, then gather 14k buckets of sand and ...
Living it atm
everything is pink
Filthy Frank tbh
He's asian.
And Lund.
plus Joji is just a poor man's nujabes.
Knew that cap would be relevant someday.
I remember when this had 2k views. now I don't like it anymore.
Remember when loco's opinion amkttered? O wait, IT NEVER DID.
God I wish my opinion amkttered
It feels pretty good to workout and shower after being up for more than 24 hours.
Its like i'm wide awake now.
I have to take out my anger on something.
Too right bro
watch how me and squiddy are gonna post in the same thread but act like we don't see each others posts
its such a sad love story
new thread