Other urls found in this thread:
I wouldn't spend the majority of the time with you guys anyways :^)
Good luck bringing loli merch back to Canada with me. Would you let me stick my dick in your ass?
This one
Soto how have you literally never had poutine?
is that primarily a loli anime
poutine is fucking gay
It's literally Ro-Kyu-Bu meets K-On!
Fucking poutine is gay
do you even make it with real cheese?
What even is fake cheese? Like processed cheese? Ew...
You use cheese curds.
which are?
id eat poutine without gravy. gravy seems too runny
I'd be off partying most of the time so I doubt you'd want to be around all that noise lol
I can show you where the sweet deals are at though since I've been going to AX for quite some time
Only if you call me by my first name while doing so
Never have dude
We don't eat that shit here
In America they're called chilli cheese fries or Animal style fries
No they're not lmao
Curdled milk?
How the fuck do you make your gravy?
Exactly fam, I want to be around the lolis man.
Sweet deals? You know all the good merch spots? :^)
I would :^)
Nigga there's a Smokes 15 minutes away from AX
idk thats like white people shit or something i dont eat gravy in general
They call me the joke killer
I'm actually gonna call Ian Joke Killer now.
What? Do you know how cheese is made?
Must suck to be black.
im not a nigger
Please don't use such offensive language.
its da internet i do wut i want
Fucking sand niggers
that might chafe
I'll stick my dick anywhere it'll fit.
Which is less places than the average dick btw way
You think that if I ask nicely Wish will stick her dick in me ?
Probably not, that's gross
Got one of them fancy curved dicks, eh?
It's awful, it sticks straight up when I get hard and pokes out the top of my pants
I want to die
July 19, 2017
(C84) [Tohonifun (Chado)] Ijin-san ni Tsurerarete Going with a Stranger (Touhou Project) [English] [DB Scans]
(Kouroumu 12) [Happunzaki (Toyosaki Shu)] Murasakiiro no Yokkyuufuman (Touhou Project)[SMDC]
(Nishi Asuka) Someday, We'll Get There ch04 [yuriproject]
Gudako is sick of apples - Imgur
Hang in there Homura [Gagantous]
[Takano Saku] A Rainy Day [TZdY]
(C90) [あんず屋 (山口杏)] ラブライブ!総集編にこまきメモリアル3 (ラブライブ!)
(C91) [ネコ☆探偵団 (緑野はる)] OLヒミツのザンギョウ~その後の話 (NEW GAME!)
(ぷにケット19) [EDGE WORTH (ハムハム)] もう!うちのワンちゃんたらはしたない... (ふしぎ星の☆ふたご姫)
(砲雷撃戦! よーい! 二十九戦目) [ひつじんトコ (ひつじん)] 弥生と望月の本 (艦隊これくしょん -艦これ-)
[ASTRA'S (アストラ)] PAっとお手軽おが! (みつどもえ)
What's your favourite anime this season yuri-bro?
I finally got my robes.
But I can't afford the DLC...
You mean expansion? ^^'
It's way more than just DLC..
It's a tossup between steampunk spy girls and horse pussy.
Is Princess Principal really that good? I suppose I should pick it up then :3
I should have know.
Did you watch that Zton hentai or is that not yuri enough for you?
Wild and pure, and forever free :c
your lala looks awful
Does your soul weigh heavy?
Are you between jobs rn?
$40 for 60-70 includes the 50-60 expansion, it sounds steep but it's been worth so far for me
Yeah, because you still don't your last lakshmi acc or susex doggo :3
I hit 50 in WHM.
Working on cooking.
I can't afford the DLC so I'm doing other shit.
Forget I said anything!
1-50 in any of the crafting things will take you hours so it's not like you're wasting time
It can be fixed..
By the way the price of those materia are well above 2m now and still selling.
I fucked up.
I know. I wanted to level WHM though.
I'll level other shit first though.
I prefer my horsecunt attached to a human torso.
Ohh fuck..
700k difference x 3 is what more you could've made?
It's lame but it's not the end of the world since you still made a profit on everything
isn't the DLC only 40?
I only have about 15 bucks right now...
Delay buying alcohol for a few weeks and use that money for videogames
Hmmn? I assumed so.
Zton is centaur.
Would have been more market tax, but yeah around 2.1m extra profit.
I need to pay bills and shit.
I suppose then the only thing you can do is keep begging for others to get it for you until they do.
Ii yo, don't worry about it..
"I fucked up" would be losing money. I think if you play the market and win, you should be happy with that much ^^
Probably losing money on crit one though :^)
I guess.
Wish, buy me the DLC.
that girl needs to shave
Blow me
If you buy it for me I will.
I'll even fondle balls.
Cause that worked out so well last time I bought you something :^)
Pff :3 That'll be 10s of K's, shouldn't hurt you too much at all
What did you even buy me?
Illaoi I think.
I suppose it'll have to wait until more research is done around stat efficiency.
That much isn't bad
any is too much
body hair is gross
Oh? So your loss isn't even set in stone yet, it could still work in your favour
Oh yeah.
Hey to be fair I'm now not exclusively mean to you.
Buy me this and I'll be only nice.
Even on guys?
Well it'll still go down naturally as more supply becomes available.
Especially on guys.
How would I convince you of my genuine plea?
Suck dicks in front of a Subway for it.
Is there like a market aggregator site that has graphs, averages, etc. or do you have to check the prices manually?
If you think it's gonna go nowhere but down then might be best to sell asap :c
But most guys have leg hair at least..
Suck Tsuchi's dick first.
Cleanly trimmed girls > complete shaved > full bush
and they should shave it off.
They don't have an open API or anything for it so if someone wanted to do a site like that they'd have to set up a bot per server to manually retrieve price data.
You only like men, you fucking fruit.
Hard to please :c
SE are bakas sometimes
People probably do that already with bots, but for personal/FC use..
Smooth shave>Cleanly trimmed
Yeah, but you're like 12.
I just use a spreadsheet tbh.
Paying for another service account just to run a bot 24/7 sounds bland.
Plus it's probably an ip ban
I thought you were exclusively homo.
So you're gonna sell them tomorrow?
Well the gold-selling sites do it :^)
Is everyone in that group one of the midget things while Test is a normal height person?
I am not hard to please.
exclusively homophobic maybe
That's kind of funny.
I thought you were just an older Goggles.
hi oobles
he likes lolis, so no
weren't we talking about grills yesterday
We'll don't lose too much gil :3
Ooh. You'll have to link me to that tomorrow. 1 and 2 are there? That should be fine for us both! The hard part will be finding a pug with everyone on the same page..
3 and 4 are ridic to me tho ^^'
You were talking about your love for subhumans but I still just figured you were gay.
gay shit is disgusting and a mental illness
literally just failures as living beings
Dusty, there's no need to hide it. Just admit you're gay.
Okay, Grim/Jack. Keep praying away that gay.
Dusty damage control...
I won't drop below 48m.
v3s is easy too, just with more gear.
that would be lying though
Tell them about how we make sweet sweet e-love.
i'll dig up the logs
but am in hots game
People actually play Heroes of the Storm?
So when are you gonna do it~?
I rip on normal o3 so I think I might be screwed for that one :3
Fucking nerds.
I'd play it more if I didn't get routed through the east coast for some reason
I wonder if this is how Test feels all the time.
Lucky little bastard.
[9:17:24 PM] Clockwork-Goggles: Lets make love, not war.
[9:17:47 PM] Dustyny: gaaaaaaaaaaaayy
[9:18:20 PM] Clockwork-Goggles: It's not gay if one of us wears a skirt.
[9:18:26 PM] Dustyny: yes it is
[9:18:33 PM] Clockwork-Goggles: Nah.
Many wars were ended that day.
That is almost like a reprise of how he tried to get into Smiles's panties.
He's right you know, it's not.
Honestly, Goggles doesn't even shave his boipussy
He needs to step his game up
This War of Mine
I had a dream for the first time in a few months and it had Test leaving the threads in it
Dream was 2 spooky
Can't sleep
Test had to leave because everyone kept saying nice things to him and he couldn't handle it and kept passing out.
The others poster (who will not be named) was trying to use Test as a way to make feel bad for purely malicious purposes.
I didn't work and was very confused as to why this happened.
It didn't work and I was very confused ***
Luka tell me what my dreams mean
im thinking about it
why'd you type a square box?
your dream meant you you were dreaming about worrys in your life, and feeling powerless to do much about it.?
Is that what it meant ?
Yeah you have some things on your mind bothering you that you don't try to notice yet.
Oh no
What do I do?????
look for the thingy
and try to fix it IRL
since your dream warned you about not doing it
Not fixable
2 broken
bored as fuck
did you search for it at least?
Not even a little.
I am not a super human and shouldn't have to fix everything.
I'm on strike
luka wooka
Guess I'm getting out of bed at 3am now
dont run from everything
*hugs tight*
post nudes
*runs away from my problems*
oh well....
you're still young.
Luka is diamond w e w
I'll come back to it in a year or so and fix it.
sounds risky.
do you ever wonder if bestiality irl is as hot as it looks.
I'm willing to lose it all.
dont lose
*cooks mac and cheese*
Entertain me before I pass out.
You wanna date for like 5 minutes and then break up and make a huge deal about it ?
I mean not really but it's not like I have anything better to do
I guess
Actually the whole over reaction part sounds like way more work than i'm willing to put in.
I'm having second thoughts about this.
Yeah that's what I thought but it's too late. You're mine now, faggot.
shiney :3
i flipped a burger too!
Is this an open relationship ?
can I cuck you and have everything still be okay ?
*claps* :O
I mean I think it'd just be easier to pretend that I'm surprised upset either when you wind up getting dicked by like ten guys at once and end it tbh.
Moo moo
2 at once has always been my maximum.
Stop trying to get people to milk you
I mean I'm pretty sure 10 people would just be five lots of 2, logistically speaking.
boreder than fuck
what's wrong with it's faaaaaaaaaaace
Just me, myself and I
Is this a problem ?
No. Not at all.
also look
Hes such a slut
ikr :o
Aoba is not Kamuu!
*does double takes at my boiling pot to make sure it doesn't boil over*
it is a slutty muu tho
Neko tho
fluffy muus tho
lol :)
leaked fish nudes
omg no plz no doxxing me plz
yan don't look bby
i want games!
i want gays
Me too.
There *points at luka*
what kind?
Not important.
My boyfriend went to bed without telling me goodnight :(
you have a boyfreind?
woah... you picked 'him' ????
He can take the abuse I can't stop myself from dishing out.
mutually beneficial~
A tilde ?
thats lewd !
u are!!
now gimme controller
Tiny asian numpad for tiny asian hands?
I pray twice a day.
I'm not lewd and you're being rude.
Woah! Super gay!
Why do I pray or why are you being rude ?
only you
No you
Just fuck already!
That would be lewd. :(
Is that a problem?
What is this ?
Oh well, it's your loss
what am i losing? ._.
scary ;~;
A good time
MongoDB is web scale
doing what?
such a pity.
That's up to you two
impotence mismatch
You're fidget spinner
two whats?
this video & game made me happy
I'm not clicking it
lol xd
owo daddy
Now that's lewd!
Yes it is, agent 007
i know right? shits crazy low
im not doing more than like 100 bucks for a keeb m80
Houses have a lot of flooring, who knew.
so make an offer
Why do people never expect the drone rush from drone rush, or orc tower rush from orc tower rush?
Both of the posts you've made are very confusing to me Rin.
being the girlfried is the best. straight or gay.
How did you guys tell your boyfriend you were gay?
Cleaning a house top to bottom is a lot of work.
And I watched a video of someone drone rushing with the name Drone Rush.
where the fuck is ucleby?
No one expects the drone rush because his mind games are on another level.
You can get egg rolls to go with your fish 'n' chips!
Cream cheese wontons? :D
wot r thos
Cream cheese, onions, and spices stuffed into a little shell and fried, served with sweet and sour sauce. Maybe it's just an American-Chinese thing?
Well. I would certainly try... But it doesnt sound aprticularly enamouring.
also what up
They're ok. Kinda rich for my tastes, but good once in a blue moon. I'm all about that General Tso on lo mein. :D
I'm just workin'. Same as usual. Boring old 'Brina. You off today?
He looks so sad. :-/
s a d b o y e
I finds things that makes him happy.
What an adorable little prevert.
I love him so much.
Yeeee I finished earlier, have tomorrow off rota so bought some beers. Never did get that nap though.
And you know what you should have for tea... right?
Also, its nearly the weekend. Rejoice!!!!
why does a shota have a 70's moustache
I want him to be the star of a show about a bunch of misfit FF characters who get into Seinfeld/Curb Your Enthusiasm/It's Always Sunny schemes and scams. ♥
I don't know if I can handle a big meal like that today. It's too hot! I won't want to run in the heat, so I'll get pudgy and sleepy!
I had plans this weekend, but I think I'm going to cancel them. Nothing gets me higher than cancelling plans. :3
Because he's a little balla.
LoL. I'll take a bunch of funny pics and you can jot up a script.
Well, you know, that is sort of a shame, but if you dont want to do the plans, then good on you!
But... Sabrina.... I'll still love you if you put on wei- ACTUALLY-good point... heh heh
I'll definitely try to make your character the Larry David type. That's the best type.
Scoot, my doctor said if I put on any more weight, they'll have to cut a wall out of my trailer to get me out.
We should make like a pair of potatoes and SMASH