the wild hunt
The wild hunt
Other urls found in this thread:
Oh boy, so captcha doesn't even work and I have to leave it off.
Thanks Hotwheels.
It works with the quick reply box.
It doesn't show up for me.
Who're you
It was working in the other thread.
cyka blyat
Windowskey, tab, tab, enter.
Pressing that should make your quick reply box work normally again.
i'm lonely
I'm happy
Les filles canadiennes affichent vos tétons nus
Tétons d'ours
Song name ?
not sure. This is a slightly bigger/normal version of it.
just figured out the opening lyrics to Walking on the Sun by Smash Mouth by watching daytime television
Enhance it further.
check the semen banks for a match.
can't. It would be puke bank after i was done.
Don't sample the semen.
*pets you too*
The proximity though.
You've probably shaken someones semen covered hands already.
You can't go back.
nah. the thought alone.
Bear cum is probably waaaay too thick for me
detroit sure seems like a shitty place to live i'm not sure why black people act like it's disneyland
i'm not clicking another link
Heres a picture of me in my bra and panties.
i don't wanna see that gay shit
No one believes you.
about what
Keep your mono to yourself.
make me unbored
Epic meme
the comment section is depressing to read
Not my job.
Then don't read it.
it helps me understand the general range of sentiments towards a given thing
helps me understand the world a little better
people don't filter themselves as much online
quit being a bitch
Yeah i'm sure you're getting some kind of deep understanding from it.
from one comment section from one video alone?
are you retarded?
do you watch this guy?
He is a literal cuck.
do you consume any politicized media?
for Chiri
vroom vroom
He failed to get it so it just looks sadder that he had to double post for it.
we're all literal cucks. watching people have sex is hawt.
you didn't even try
shet get
Gee, I don't think maw would let me watch the tel-o-vision
nihilistic memelords seem to be a common thing
are you one of those?
why are you sharing people footage of someone driving through Detroit at night, checking out KFCs?
I don't need to have a reason for doing something.
when you set it to capcha per post you need to make a new thread for it to work
kanra post selfie
sounds pretty nihilistic to me
never got around to forming an opinion?
I'm not allowed to have an opinion.
according to whom?
I'm not allowed to tell you whom'st
July 2, 2017
(Akuta Fumie) The One I Love, part 2 (Hirari 14) [yuriproject]
(C71) [Logical Zero (Yuuki Minori)] Memories POPS (Mai-Hime) [English] [Appolyon & Hunter Nightblood]
(Reitaisai 9) [SHI SHI Shijimi (ica)] Nitori no Kyonyuu Daisakusen! (Touhou Project) [English] [DB Scans]
Toki ch13 [Akio]
Virgins' Empire Chapter 84
Virgins' Empire Chapter 85
Yurucamp Chapter 6
[Horitomo] I am not a Succubus! Ch01
[Sosou Shibu (Yorita Miyuki)] Her Kiss - Infectious Lust - Taking Cover from the Rain [English] [Yuri-ism]
(C90) [DOGYEAR (九条だんぼ)] love is blue (ご注文はうさぎですか?)
(例大祭13) [おもち☆バズーカ (Deego)] 濃厚☆さなみるく (東方Project)
(僕らのラブライブ! 11) [びちゃびちゃる (晴)] そしてさいごの (ラブライブ!)
is that a
curiouser and curiouser...
Don't ask again.
you last night
thanks for the tip
No that was Thursday.
Last night wasn't even that bad.
kanra ur avatar is shit
kanra a shit
oh shit
I got a lil tipsy at the beach this afternoon,
mad relaxing
Deadpool is already pretty shitty but making him a girl is going overboard.
possibly. have you considered the problem might be your perception?
gwenpool also thinks the Deadpool comics are shit
I literally cannot fathom a reality in which anything I say is wrong
I perceive a generic bitch with a fuckin shitty mask on her head
Your beaches seem weird to me
Is Kanra Grim's new fling?
At least she knows she spawned from shit.
you'd assume a generic bitch
but you'd assume wrong
my current new fling position is open
you are free to apply here
the one I went to was a small one
grim lives in an eternal state of trying to fuck anything that moves
especially if it's canadian
that shtick is 4 years too late bruh
I'm not honestly sure what the rules are about beer at the beach across the street.
guess i'm gonna find out son though
how does this place have nearly two million posts?
was it literally just spam?
Like 5% is spam
sounds good
Aren't your beaches full of fucking sharks ?
too cold for them.
by doing that
you defeated the purpose of 'shh'
I was looking at a beach in the wrong state.
you're obviously lurking now
might as well say something
Is that Kanra I see?
I won the waifu wars
maybe you're not so good with non-generated words
sure be disappointing if your first words were lame
probably best to wait til you've drafted some good ones
better to remain silent and be thought a fool
than to speak out and remove all doubt
gl, whatever you decide
what ?
the Turkish poster probably is not
obvs padded post numbers just to make this place look important.
sup wichu tonight
anything new
Grim, if that's Kanra tell him I'm surprised and delighted to see him since we all obviously thought he killed himself.
I won a waifu war.
He hasn't gotten to the Wikipedia Simple article covering that yet.
Give him a few months and he surely will.
I was being sincere.
I missed my Kanra. My poor simple Kanra.
what is this meme Fool
I don't think its a coincidence that Gacha sounds like got ya.
It's from the name of those little plastic balls you get for a quarter with toys inside.
I think the name means nothing.
I know what its from
I am a weeb
You're a weebner.
Don't be a fool.
1 ]\[3\/3R ]\[071C3D
|-|0]/\[ |_0\/3|_Y ]/\[3R3 7|-|3 4|_13]\[5
|_0\/3|_Y ]/\[3R3 7|-|3 4|_13]\[5
Wasn't louder than the metal I have fucking my ear holes.
Pretty good times.
Holy shit. For some reason that never had full audio in my browser when i played it. I hear bits of it or just a knocking noise.
Then I put it in my encoding software to get rid of the noise and it blew a hole in my ear drum and made my brain smoke. No wonder I got bitched at for posting it.
Do you make all of your webms?
You missed the stairs and got stuck.
You smell like sweaty garbage and you look like a pile of old spaghetti.
nah, some i do but others I don't. I might redo some
You should at least check them before posting them.
At least my replies don't take five years.
i do. it's just that my system didn't play that one correctly... ever. The software i finally looked at it with actually normalized it at 0.2 which means someone encoded that one at 598098664896394698548694890348960439839059054 decibals.
I was making faces at Eric because Eric is important to me.
post one where you rekt them all with pistol
Did you look at what you posted?
I would kill it.
He is a precious angel and I love him. Really, he is a total sweetheart.
Hes not as big as I thought he would be.
He is a big handsome boy.
i don't have one of those
and this is a dog
So big and handsome.
thank you~
i have a 60 year old panda teddy bear
with it's own blanket to sleep with?
Hope I multipost
You'll get it one day :3
wat hapen
uh.... sure
Who are you ?
dont u wanna look super pro?
I used to frequent this place. They called me frenchie/lewdfrenchie.
oh that guy
He was the dude in love with Desu, right?
i healed them intead
Something like that.
dps is cooler
Aaa feku I forgot cute lesbians came out 15 hours ago
help me
i cant speak japung
And I got bullied for it.
why are there so many words
i'll show u wat happens to "DPS" when i aim at them
wow youre so cool :o
ryuga waga teki wo kurau!
the first line says nantsuttemo btw
youre so fast i didnt even see you op
i nuke them
thnx for typing it out now i can interpret it with my copy and paste
i think it says no matter what small dreams. try using that in the bubble
Yume Puchi is the name of a show.
Dream Petit or some shit ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
eww that dva skin makes her a western pig
did u finish dat whole page yet
the last line in the first bubble says lily is or something but idk what it means cuz i cant read the two in the middle
I haven't even started page 1 yet :^)
Ya see, I made the same mistake originally. Her name is actually Ririha :^)
does dva have any non ugly skins
cant u do that page in like a minute.
loli names are weird
do u hav to do all the erasing and cleaning stuff by yourself too?
I ate today
I almost didn't but I decided I should
Now you're gonna die.
Yeah, fuck that text at the bottom of this page
use your osu skills to draw it back in
Gonna turn into a big fat blueberry and have to get juiced
I 2x missed Kira Kira Days HR today.
veruca salt please
by butt
Veruca was the bad egg. Violet was the blueberry
wtf r u playing offline or multing
I don't remember that movie, clearly.
how am i supposed to stalk you
Should probably try stalking someone closer to your rank ^w^
but it has to be you cuz ur femael
I'm a boy
* Intimidateurs le canadien *
Even better!?
Should probably try stalking some other boy closer to your rank ^w^
rank is just a number ^w^
So is age but I still gotta sleep if I want to slam down the birthday cake later.
happy whoevers birthday
Honestly had no idea it was already so late.
Go to ded.
How hard do you think its gonna be for me to get a job if I shave on side of my head ?
kill me
Depends on the job?
Probably should kill yourself.
It wouldn't fly at the place I probably just got a job at..
I really wanna do it though
I have a plan if I somehow don't get the job and it involves shaving one side of my head.
Good luck, send pics.
Send a topless picture in exchange.
I hope he gets aids.
Thats what he gets for cosplaying as my fucking avatar.
what the fuuuck
is that really soto?
Heres a pic
Hoping that I end up looking like my pony OC FireShineSparkle
How does that sound in real life ?
Just like ronnie-senpai.
Only Scoot understands me.
Ronnie Radke
No idea, never heard of 'em.
This is why I said
He has a poster of him on his wall.
We are Kin.
I'm actually a boy.
I didn't forget you dated a man.
I try to forget.
But then I also wouldn't rule out doing it again, but more locally.
Everyone who posts turns gay.
Member when I wasn't gay ? I do
You can't remember things that never happened.
man i was eating
I wasn't gay before i joined that vent server.
I should of known I was but I didn't yet.
rip Vent, those were good times.
is that a ventrillo harassment joke?
Back when Pepper talked and Urza hadn't be raped yet.
Not a joke.
I had the most awkward feeling in the world a while back when someone else had a voice that made me nostalgic for David's voice over Vent.
And lel, I still talk to Urza, he hates everyone from back then.
He won't talk now because hes scared he won't sound like a girl or some shit I bet.
Urza has no good reason for hating me.
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I wouldn't know. I was supposed to get a taste of it like a year ago and never did.
He hates everyone just in general for being degenerates now.
Only white people emojis work on Holla Forums.
emojis a shjt
He was super edgy.
remember when he wrote his name on the wall ?
was edgy
oh okay
Good. No niggers allowed.
👖👖👖 👖👖👖
👖👖👖 👖👖👖
👞 👞
Now you know how I feel.
And how.
what even is that
but i never do that
minion made out of emojis
You mean when he carved it into the wall in giant letters when he moved?
He's still super edgy. He's gone full white nationalist lately.
Isn't he almost fucking brown ?
I know he was cybering Jordan for a little.
No. He's white af.
He just always seemed really weird to me.
Never really tried to be friends with him.
Are you always high ?
now time to get a clean install of windows 8 and hope I don't have to go through this bullshit again
not rn
you just reminded me
it's what I have not what I want
Regrets every moment of his degeneracy now.
I can relate tho.
I bet he still is one.
Understandable, have a good night.
Deep down it never goes away.
It comes out when I drink a lot.
You must drink pretty often then.
Alcohol is like a kiaoken for me though.
You're gonna see some shit when it goes past 10x
You am no real super sayin ka-ka-carrot cake.
recently I've started drinking tequila more often than other liquor
this was a wise decision
why do you ask
I still have the same folder from years ago.
just realized I've been user posting
gotta make a new trip oh man
I had a girl come over to my house and she said she could handle tequila.
I had to carry her out of my house and throw her in the car after one bottle.
Because you don't seem to understand a lot of what I say.
Lucky you, mine got nuked.
At first I was happy, but now I'm missing some choice memes from that time.
Who is the one who posts gwenpool?
I mean I'm a lightweight since I stopped drinking so often so a bottle would knock me out too
I deleted most of mine by choice.
Or however you spell his name
I can't carry your fat ass
what didn't i understand this time
The other one is like Loco or something
Loco and amy are the same person to me
so idk
I enjoyed the comic
I read all of them in a sitting.
I don't know.
getting on an appetite suppresent soon so hopefully I'll be less of a gigantic fat bucket of lard sometime soon
Not fucking listening to that.
What did you even keep?
support the creators
Tripe codes and my vegeta folder.
Lost my main trip though
the idea of not having any of my shit on this clean install is scary
I mean I guess I have this one still.
Ohh, that's who that is.
That's the plan. I'm going to buy all the comics when I get to Albuquerque.
Forever rest in peace Archives.
Hey Archives, give me hepty
been at 2 seconds for an awfully long time.... quit spooking me computer
That wasn't my trip though
Think I deleted it by mistake.
ugh why is everyone so white
All is lost
As it should be.
Why don't you have it ?
I could probably find it in REALLLLLLY old skype logs buuuut I don't think I even wanna peek at those.
It is actually buried in my gmail, but I am using my shitty little prepaid phone right now so I don't want to deal with looking for it.
This man knows.
I legitimately have trouble remembering what it was.
boring af