Other urls found in this thread:
what ?
The perfect car doesn't exi-
avoid teeth
i wanna try a little teeth
y this
you're already dead
(h) (u) (h) (u) (h) (u) (h) (u) (h) (u) (h) (u) (h) (u)
hi squid! :3
is that a jojo reference
I think thats fist of the north star.
Fist of the North Star is a jojo reference.
My bag is empty
I have no rebuttal
But your countertop is the same disgusting granite that ours is
dk never watched it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
is it good stuff? can i fap to it?
no it's trash
So is Eromanga-sensei.
and so am I
Probably the best fap I've had in years.
then i guess its a good thing i don't watch that shit
don't bully hokuto-chan
it's fun to watch with other fags and meme about how dumb it is
Wowie normie
I saw you playing Robloz
far from it
whats not trash?
yah i was playing the hip new csgo mode
Would you prefer a Sagiri or a Kirino?
kirino is undisputable trash sagiri is rapeable
How many robux do you have ?
I bet you get all the women
my opinions are facts
idk i just logged onto an account that has a black avatar and used that
Big square dick
Don't bully the anime
Poor, innocent anime
I don't know wht you're talking about
Keep bullying Goggles yay nay?
We already bullied him to death
it's enough
make him stop posting that stupid slut from oreiomo
I didn't cyber Kamuu
He can't help it he's a bogan.
Kirino is hotter
It's a highly enjoyable trash.
You called ?
Why not Ayase as your yandere imouto?
No, you're just ordinary trash.
This is a step in the right direction.
Odd goals.
My goals are only known by the gods.
Much hotter.
Kirino is just ordinary trash too.
Please stop, I can only get so wet.
When Echo ignores you and calls you trash in the same day.
but still not the best
You disgust me.
it's not my fault your taste sucks
My taste is pretty good.
Other than all those times I had bad taste.
not right now
The whole show is a dumpster fire.
My taste is always bad when i'm with you.
when are you with me tho
Almost never.
Which is why I have such good taste.
when you steal my avatars maybe
I never save your low quality garbage.
thats why you will never be as good as me
I'll keep that in mind.
don' lie to me
I know its only 3:45am but i'm sleep early tonight
SLeep night.
Ems, play 'My summer car'
I have it.
The controls are so frustrating :(
I plugged in my ps3 controller for the game. Sooo much more easier to drive.
I keep dying by hitting those damn trees.
Don't hit the trees.
I have a riddle for you:
you have to install a new operating system (in this case linux because windows is being a cunt and not letting you reinstall windows 8.1)
you do not have a blank CD, DVD, CD-R, DVD-R. And you also do not have a USB
how do you do it?
Slow down
I kind of want to start working on my car.
i dont have a car
I thought you were a car?
I'll ride in a ikt.
That's lewd.
do you have a blank hard drive?
I lost 10,000 souls because I fell off an underwater cliff...
10k is paltry.
met the dragon yet?
I stole his tail.
10k Sodomites.
think youll try styling on some nerds with it, or will you be going the gwyncuck route?
Make something happen.
It's so fucking dull here lately.
Hm, but what to do... raid? doxx? DDoS?
I uh.. what?
Nothing like that.
Did you not watch Comrade Wolff from that video from last night?
Can't say I did. I passed out pretty fast.
Incase it was lost, if anything its a brain exercise.
I'll check it later maybe.
I'm still waking up.
Trully the most distressing feeling in the world, right after that feeling you get when listening to Capitalist Advocate pigs or Anarcho-Capitalists
Clearly I just didn't have my skill turned up all the way, right?
... r-right...?
Part of me honestly wishes that a true communistic society could happen within reasonable success.
Isn't Communism one of those things that doesn't work in practice because it's impossible to enforce?
Capitalism, though.
Money talks, and it speaks to all walks of life.
Except to those monks who eat less than Ugandan children.
Pretty much.
I would say Cuba is relatively successful, when you consider that it has been embargo'd by the World's premier capitalist society for going on 50 years.
Especially when you look at their literacy/education stats and healthcare per capita in comparison to said embargo'ing nation.
If memory serves, hasn't it been proven to work, and work well, in small communities?
Or was that just a meme?
It's also been under a pretty harsh dictatorship for the last, what, 40 years? I don't know.
I actually really like this song.
What does this say about me?
Besides the fact that I'm an irredeemable normie according to Emi.
I feel like in a small network it would work better because there is more need and incentive to work together as a community and to be self sustained or something. Larger groups makes for more slack work.
The more I read, the more I work, the more I live... The more I realize Stalin was right. He, alone, did nothing wrong. When you see the façade faulter, see the mask slipping off of this "society". When you see the ugly face of capitalism, day in day out, that is when you realize something needs to change. You start to smell the stench. The stench of greed, of the parasites, the fat cats. The fat cats who take all and give nothing back.
For example, Dictator Mayhem aka Theresa, "There is no magic money tree" she says to an NHS nurse who is so chronically underpaid thanks to her 8 year wage freeze that she needs to visit a foodbank to just survive... but then a week later "finds" 1billion pounds to bribe anti-gay radicals in Northern Ireland to prop her shit up.
There is something wrong.
And you know what. We are NOT going to take it no more.
In his colors we are united.
The blood of the working class.
I suppose.
I clicked 2post" when I meant to click to start typing. lets try again;
An alleged Dictatorship, and even if it WAS adictatorship does it not perhaps seem like a necessary one? Especially considering its bullying and imperialist neighbour. The one with a penchant for regime change, the one which has upwords of 100+ attempts on the life of your leader... When the wolves are at the doors it would be unwise to open the door and offer them tea for simple politeness.
Lady Gaga looks like a super villain hell bent on world domination, in a twisted sense of making it better and cares for a small injured animal she found when she was younger because it reminds her of her own futility.
But she is also bae.
She is amazing.
That nose too... makes me dokidoki
Stronk Jew nose hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
I'm really bad at listening to Nuzlocke rules because the idea that my bad call actually killed this critter is absolutely gut-wrenching to me and drastically lowers my mood.
So naturally, I'm going to force myself to Nuzlocke a moemon romhack, because making them all look like cute girls will only help the matter, right?
This is Whitney the Charmander.
She (♂)'s put a lot of work helping the others come into their own.
This is Mystia, the Pidgey.
I named her (♂) that because she (♂) looks like the TH.
She(♂)'s made me remember that the Pidgey family is really stronk.
Thank fuck I have not got that to deal with anymore, though they were less snotty and snooty when they looked at my actual CV and realised I was far more qualified for shit then them, for less of a willing victim for their miniature egotrips int heir miniscule fiefdoms.
Midori the Caterpie.
She's not very strong, but she tries.
I named her that because I wasn't feeling creative, and she was green.
But I realized afterwards that she's going to be purple by the time I get to Brock, and I immediately regretted the name I gave her.
What a cancerous series of posts.
And Nano the Mankey.
She's a tsundere.
I don't know why I named her Nano, but it fits, I think.
I literally already said here
i more or less got the annoyed mother of 2 students for my "work coach". first thing she asked me is why i didnt have a job at university.
dd > nano
What the hell is all this you are babbling about? Is this some kind of homosexual agenda? Is this the Alt-Right?
I'll alt you right in the homosexual agenda.
does that hack have suggestive lolis
That was literally one hit.
I want to cry now.
None that I've seen yet.
is it patched over a certain game or does it have a story of its own?
It's just a sprite patch, but I think there are moemon patches with their own story.
Fire Red and Leaf Green.
There's one for Emerald, Heart Gold, and Platinum as well.
I can not say for sure the quality of those ones, however.
Ima becomes a harem king in pokemon
Feku going for the monster loli harem.
Monster loli harem has a nice ring
Ravioli ravioli always fuck the monster lolis?
nope, just a partition
use program
oh fuck you
I'm straight triggered by how pantsu on head retarded you are 99% of the time
Says the chemically messed up freak with a broken computer
I was perfectly fucking okay with windows 8.1 but then windows just says "NAH NAH NAH MATE, YOU GOTTA TRY THIS" and installs it without my permission
How much do you want to bet she just didn't update her drivers to Win10?
There isn't really anything wrong with Windows 10 for the standard user.
nigga if that was all it was my computer would be better off than it is right now
pretty sure the hard drive is fucked from all the dust that got in it but i want to try moving to linux to see if I can make this computer last until i get my neetbux
Considering they're tranny scum, I dare say they are anything but standard... Significantly below, judging by experience.
I have a few spare HDDs if you want one. nothing big, but could last ya, I guess.
Computers are a bitch.
They're beyond my skillset, hence why I outsource it to people who know their shit. Would rather a job get done right.
Windows 10 made me uninstall steam to update
I know enough to get by. Anything more is just superfluous for me.
Shut up, Dexter.
in terms of storage my hard drive seems to work just fine, but when it comes to programs they're starting to run slow as dicks and crashing all the time, and when something does crash it brings the entire computer down which is why I wanted to try installing a new OS on it to see if that helps. gonna pick up a USB soon and try linux on it.
I mean shit as long as I can play this one shitty game from like 2004 and runescape on wine and use discord I'm all good.
Another thing that is definitely contributing to the slowness is my CPU is overheating like a motherfucker recently because of the massive heat wave here. gonna be picking up some thermal paste when I go to get a USB this weekend
I am a saint and you should be glad I bless you with my presence.
Heh, Would be nice to know more... But I feel my brain dying when I begin reading.
Shut up, Dexter.
Clean your hardware, defrag your shit, maybe see what programs are taking up too much space.
I don't know. Could be a lot of stuff.
Who is Dexter?
Wait Kobayashi-san has an OVA?
Where do I get it I can't find it oh paniiiiiic
whenever I try to defrag it crashes after a while, which leads me to believe it's partially my hard drive as well as my OS
man i knew I never should have gone with AMD but they didn't have any processors that fit my chipset so i had to get a whole new mobo
I'm dexter.
That's what you get for not using glorious Nippon steel.
Hi Dexter.
Shut up.
I still get a kick about Dexter threatening to DOX me.
I regret promising Guero I wouldn't DOX him back.
You should still Doxx him
George would kill me.
I suppose I will have to make the sacrifice, then.
I would laugh my ass off, but don't do that.
I'll be a good boy. Achachachach
Like doxx still worths shit these days
It's the thought that counts.
Beep beep
Rust today correct comrade
Im here
Give me attention
More than likely
Shouldbe harts
life goals
Shat dup you goulash-slurping bohunk cromagnum
Yo, Luka
Auntie Air
Lol well crap, we can play whenever it wipes, think I am going to be a dork and watch animaymays/capping
It won't wipe until the 6th
But they've busted out an update that changes how your body/loot decays when dropped
Sweet! How is the body/loot different?
Gee what a neko thing of you to say!
whatcha thinkin about?
Luka keeps trying to be me?
How many bitcoins would you want for that?
I know some people who would find that information...entertaining, to say the least.
Fuck off question mark
Vidya and guns and machetes.
I couldn't say. I've only seen Luka meow the once.
just buy a fucking flash drive, fish
what about them?
what do they do for you?
yan I found the picture of my butt I sent amy!
Mostly they go bang bang splat goosh and chop chop slash.
post it here
do you want my butt too kanra?
it's from back when I was a little chubby so it's wide and loveable
just post it here you fucking gay
Ya don't say.
why do you like it?
well today is just not my day huh
Luka does it a lot
I need more of this.
how do you know it's not a good drawing day?
the drawings tell me
ohh, didn't see you mentioned me. yes. send butt.
what are you trying to draw?
weren't you friends with amy?
We were lovers for about 3 years.
are you being ironic rn?
About Amy tragically dying?
about her lovering you for 3 years
and if she's still alive, knock on wood
Bet you feel like an asshole now huh.
How did you not know that.
sincerely hope you're being ironc rn
someone else comfirm/deny
Is this part where I do the
How did you not know this.
or this one
oh I thought you meant the lover thing
Wow he really sucks at league, lol.
BTW Ben doesn't have a copyright on If You Seek Amy
it's fairly common
I figured you guys were lovers
that Sylvia Plath song
why'd you guys break up?
If you were really smart you would have gone to ED and found the /x/ article to get his dox and look him up on Facebook, which is what I do. Or check the obituaries.
He doesn't even play league
He lives faraway.
wow casul
he consistently wrote it LF U SEEK AMY, originally to bypass the trip ban
also, that leaderboard is for Britain, and I did know he was into vidya
but mostly a shot in the dark
Also, guess who got a Game Gear and Sonic 2 for 10 bucks.
wow stalkerinos
Oh shit it probably is then. The mad bastard.
He knows I don't use it.
fair enough
for some reason, the gfur couples always ended up pretty well
some still exist from years ago
where couples from animus never seemed able to get their shit together
it's because gfurs are actually gay.
Oh god not the gfurs
But yeah he never seemed to be too secretive about his real life self.
Ikt's real name is Hung Phat.
He has a hung something.
they're just better adjusted
like seriously, rooting for those fags
how do you know when it's a bad draw day? do you only draw realistic figures?
No? I also draw cartoon porn and anime.
are you at a point where you can consistently draw stuff that you, or others, enjoy?
Everyone loves my drawings. They are the best.
post one?
Then draw nerd
You guys are gay and Ioco is Hank Kim Jon Hil because he doesn't pee or poop and has no anus or butt.
IS that Spoilers back to bitch about trivial shit like a spaz?
You already have my blog.
I'm not that large.
I do.
but they're all realisticish humans
not Crystal Gems.
So like when does this speed up? Or is it always this slow in 2017?
speaking of
I don't draw a lot of gums.
if I go user maybe people will take an interest in me.
No they never do
Eva's imouto famously was killed by a Canadian tornado. Eva also has cancer and is on chemo that's why he's bald and fat. be nice.
Anons are boring as fuck.
Did you never hear his rants about how his made up sister was killed by Canadian tornadoes while dying from 59084595480 different cancers?
Ioco is gayand starved for attention because his mother molested him as a child be nice.
Anons are life
I thought it was his sister that had every cancer ever, not him.
Eva's posts were retarded screeching.
I never really gave a shit about them. Liked them for a bit when they were Spoilers, but then they just became retarded beyond reason again.
I just wrote them off as worthless when they lied about literally everything.
only because later on I've found its helped when people gave me honest feedback about stuff I was initially proud of but then realized it was very underwhelming and sorry if you were having a bad day but...
that looks very underwhelming
and it's all about how it looks, right?
Another one of tsuchi's autistic memes
No he had cancer that turned into lupus. This came out after people started posting pics of him from when he cammed up and looked like a shellless mollusc.
LOL i hope this is true
Show me your labia.
I died from cancer while my house was burning down while it was sucked up in a fire tornado and there were sharks that ate me too.
I have a penis
I had some lupus in my ass.
Show me your scrotal seam.
I never understood those types of people here, the ones who lie about so much that they actually have started believing their own shit. Like Murder, Eva/Spoilers, SteveAn, etc.
It's like a poorly written episode of House.
That is improper.
Holy shit, i've missed a lot of lore.
Any attention is still attention.
Guess they just needed more.