scoob gib book advice
i am weak to the allure of boy pussy. dont do this
I have a nice one too~
i know
you showed me
Give attention please.
Thank you.
play ark with us
I really don't want to get into a game like that right now.
Plus I'm dead ass broke.
I remember john stuart mill and jeremy bentham, Utilitarianism is always a good lark.
same tbh, but these lystos arent gonna pet themselves
note to self; Buy ARK for ps4 when payday arrives.
Make Scoots pet them.
PC is better fam, dont do it
sugar daddy for moogs when payday hits*
But... RL frans play it on PS4
You want to chill in call while I game?
I don't have much to say, but I'm kind of not wanting to be alone right now.
what game
FF15 probably. I'm just grinding for that sword still.
fine ill see you in the channel
fair does then, but theyre getting shafted too
if i were you id maybe grab a copy for PC while its cheap, and get in PS4 later, because PC players get the new big ass fucking map for free and its half console release price til august hits
I could stretch to both tbh famalam
just saying the PC is a better value proposition as it exists right now, but if console lets you play with irl friends then by all means
also, you should know that the UI for controller input takes the piss right now, at least with keyboard you dont have to navigate layered radial menus.
btw scoob, did you build that PC in the end?
Yeah, well, had someone else put it together. But i got all the bits
whatcha rocking now then? iirc it was a while in the making
It is corrupt to offer someone recompense for providing a service they are physically capable of providing, but otherwise unwanting, or unwilling to provide?
yeah, easy legit enough to handle ark, more or less on par with mine save for your faster single threaded perf
Bosh :3
How much did that SSD cost?
just beware two things with ark:
- regular updates ranging from several hundred MB to a couple of GB
- extremely unoptimised perf, ark does not run good on anything short of a 1080ti, and even then its not solid
Til this is from a music video
What music video?
Huh. By Porter Robinson, of all people.
The more I listen to this track the more I like it.
It's kind of really depressing after watching that.
Someone buy me games.
I hate to say I find the music kind of annoying, but the story and animation that go with it is pretty cool.
That's fair enough.
No one thing for everybody.
The only crystal I need.
scoob, ive a question about rouseaus the social contract
what aboot it?
on page 9 he rejects the notion that men can derive the right to kill from entering into a state of war, because there can be no conditions in which two men can engage in war.
do you know where this reasoning derives from? he hasnt cited anything to back it up, and it seems to stand in stark contrast to the kind of reasoning locke offers.
Not entirely sure here, but I would perhaps forward the notion that he does not believe that there is any right of anyone to kill another person, given that having such a right is paradoxical to what he wants to assert with the social contract, which is human harmony, safety and gregariousness.
I can only assume he would forward such a thing without citation as it may seem self-evident.
I'm speculating here as I am rather rusty as all hell with rousseau
i mean i havent read shit of the people hes citing, but its definitely a different train of thought to locke
Man, ive tried to reread the passage... heh I need to retrain the mind for that stuff... There is something wonderful about the waffling the old philosophers could do.
eh, as long as they get to the point its not too bad imo, im more interested in the subject matter and the reasoning on offer
afternoon, ikt
This was really nice. I feel like this would have been infinitely more fitting with the animation at some parts.
I know what you mean.
I haven't fapped in over a week.
whats up?
fap and send video of cumshot
Kinda done with school.
Kinda done with life.
i knew that feel
We totally fucking destroyed the guy that didn't do shit tho.
come again?
did u drop out
Stik voorzichtig.
Hi, Luka
self terminate jfc
Internalized Termination?
Why are you in Australia now ?
'cause Cato's used to being caught down under.
Straya is good
so, you studying to be a geologist?
I am vacationing for a month
Start grad school basically as soon as I get back to the states.
It would be interesting to see traces from Rodinia and even earlier.
I did my undergrad in the apps, so most of the rocks there were around that age. Alaganian orogeny, etc. We're planning on going by allan hills and I'm going to pixk up one of tue conglomerates with the zircons.
wow. Have you seen the series on nova about the formation of earth?
Nope, but it would be interesting to compare that to what I have learned. One of my favorite things with science is outreach.
here's one thing
What type of outreach?
Outreach is a general term for presenting science in a way that someone who is not in the field will understand and actually get excited about. It is more a term used in the NASA sphere, but I think it applies to most disciplines. Documentaries would generally count as outreach.
these days i prefer facebook and discord over threads
i've been dropping happy bdays left and right
dusty i think the threads are legit dead lol
never seen it quite this bad
Yep, dead and buried
colbert i need auto insurance advice
perfect timing
Don't get into car accidents
i don't
perfect driving record since i was 16
been getting basic liability on my beater cause like i'm a perfect driver and it's a volvo tank
buying a 5 year old jeep. obviously i need a more comprehensive plan
this chinese dude at work recommended geico
is he cray
It's really dead
But I dunno how to fix it
Why buy a Jeep
'Cuase Jeeps are cool.
I want a Jeep.
Jeeps are kinda cool
But they seem really impractical if you live in the suburbs or city
Depends on the Jeep. They have more daily driver soccer mom esq cars now you know Dusty. It's not all Gladiators and CJ's anymore.
it's my sisters and she was looking to get rid of it and i need a car
TB you need to be nicer to me
Beep beep, I'ma Jeep...?
Go fuck yourself.
Well I guess that makes it pretty convenient
beep who got the keys to the jeep
what did i even do bro
except i still had to ride the bus for a month
with blacks
but yeah... it is pretty fucking convenient isn't it
sometimes i really really love my family
You were yourself.
Only if the service they want is something that would degrade, humiliate, or cause suffering to the person offered the money.
I guess my last workplace as corrupt, because I 'ain't ever suffered like I have at the hands of arrogant customers who think the world revolves around them.
I hope you have your ccw
So that's kind of about losing everyone you love, your home, and being completely isolated and lonely, huh?
Geico is competent
Make sure you get a low deductible
is it me being drunk all the time?
i'm not always drunk irl
i just like to get blacked out and thread
it's fun
what is that
that track was banging
yeah man i was surprised
as many lizard commercials i see
i figured it was trash
but this chink dude is really particular about things so i'm pretty apt to believe him
how you been
Carry of Concealed Weapons permit.
Yes they were.
Seize the means of production
you really should be nice to me
i am a very pleasant fellow to know
oh no man i'm not really into that
i want to get a gun
but just like to shoot
not to protect myself
that is fucking stupid
I've done well thus far.
Fuckin' beach sucks anyway.
Fuck you.
Just do both. Shooting is fun, and I'm on the side of things that I'd rather have it then not. Of course I'm probably never going to have to use it, but I'd rather have the choice.
well i can't reciprocate the rude cause T bro
dude when i'm in public,
and god forbid riding a fucking bus like i just had to do for a month
i want to carry as little as possible
if you can't defend yourself without a pussy gun you got issues
hey bro
liquid neko is dead btw
How arbitrarily idiotic.
Ski-beach day?
what happened?
I am FUCKED up
I mean I'm a small dude
I've done some MMA stuff, but I'm 120lb
If some 6'2" 200lb dude comes to beat my ass, I lose that fight every time
Go to Mt. Baldy and ski in the morning, eat lunch, go to the beach for the evening. Ski and beach in one day.
Seems things are a bit more lively here tonight.
hey there
whatcha doin
tfw 6'5" 280
Yeah well, I can put whatever I want on my rifle.
Lord giveth, Lord taketh away.
i like certain letters and numbers irrationally
sue me
nice bro
getting there with the crossfade
like the store closed
fucking wasn't producing enough for meijer
such bullshit
i think that is the crux of it
society makes us scared through media propaganda
honestly like you don't have shit to worry about and if you get shot it's a fluke
it's because of me
like a boss
Are you behaving today?
Show me your tummy.
Were I could sue for ignorance, I'd be a rich man.
babby boi
I've drank like 6 corona's a glass of royal crown and red bull and 5 bong fulls
now i'm going on to the second glass full rn
i am just drinking beer so i think i will behave
no way it is so bear-like
but honestly you wouldn't even like my girth
totally naturally hairless
i'm actually pretty smart
i think you would really like me
damn nbomb you need this
All tums are precious.
Playin' games and relaxing.
this is untrue
your fetish is so funny
like if i were gay i would dangle my belly candy in front of you more
be a man nigga say nigga
I'm watching forest gump rn
this movie kicks so much ass
I've never watched it since i was a kid
the big ones are gross and should be fixed.
yeah it's long but a solid watch
fucking jenny was a straight up ho
yeah kinda reminds me of someone
nvm nigga
whatchu doin
posting here and with the horsefuckers
don't get why TB hates me
kyle wanna cam
who is this user
shit man
that beat switch tho
June 16, 2017
(Our Love Live! New Year's party 2017) [39xream (Mikuta)] Somehow, I can't sleep tonight. (Love Live! Sunshine!!) [English] [ono-senpai]
Cutie Beast ch03 [Sexy Akiba Detectives] (English)
[Gisele] Morpheus' Dining Table - The Strange Bedfellows of Heron and Tapir (Touhou Project) []
[とってもだいじ (だいじ)] HEY!! (東方Project) [DL版]
pls hug me yuri bro ;;
i'm so alone ;;
luka if you snake a yuri-bro reply i think i might lose it
Why are you expressing sadness about hentai?
i am tired
it's lewd.
nezi come on the board is inching along
surely you must reply to me now
i can relate to this aversion
i have been fapping to strangely vanilla porn lately
I go through phases like that, where I fap only to romance hentai, or romance monster girl hentai.
But then I remember that I can never have that so I get sad and then go back to fapping to traps and other fucked up shit.
fuck that made me lol
.yeah porn is like music for me
phases and always come back to the oldies but goodies
loli is always gud just stick to taht
Nah, I can only appreciate cute shit when I feel good. Lolis are too cute to fap to when I feel bad.
dead board and the only ones left are pedos
that is just great
let the cute shit make you feel good
Is this song ironic or something?
None of the shit that he says is true
2D lolis aren't the same thing as real children.
Real children are cute, but they're essentially asexual, whereas I only 2D lolis that are actively trying to get the dick from their onii-chan, raping lolis is one of the worst things you can do.
stopped reading sorry
Telvanni, Redoran, or Hlallu?
what did you just call me
thank fucking god eisen is here
bidyo gaems
fuck arizona
not gonna lie
the reason this community is dying
is because petty people like nezi and cuckshit can't put their differences away with people for the greater good
discord probably has something to do with it too
The reason this place is dying is because it's the same five people posting the exact same thing day in and day out. It's like a strange loop.
Why tho?
Because it's the most pleasing to say out loud of the three
tbh i prefer facebook and discord over threads
All three houses of the tribunal are garbage tbh.
ilu fool
discord is great
really fucking not a gay dungeon
I'm not even on the discord server for this place.
have some trash
there's like seven
what is your email
i am all about writing of late
I'm not on any of them. I have my own private server for just me and the people who let me yell at them.
i left because there was absolutely no reason for me to be in any of them
or be here really
me and the people who let me yell at them
sounds like a dope room
not gonna lie
I was in two, Grim kicked me out of his because he was trying to leave or something. I left the other one because it just got aggravating. I come here once or twice a month.
My server is the best server. It's not very active so I don't have to be bothered all the time and I get to yell at people.
eisen you were never here
you were always a pop-up kid
feels good man
Eisen, Hello.
what an allah pussy
i mean i consider you a reg
but you know what i mean
you are not here
pls response
for the betterment of the community
Here, you can have this cover I found.
nah I understand. there's just no real converging interests so I just chill on the outside.
that is not a response you retard
it's better than a response
it's mogwai
Mogwai is pretty alright. I prefer Dirty Three or Gregor Samsa as far as post-rock/shoegaze is concerned.
I cannot find sheet music for it that would work well on a violin.
dude you shoulda seen me earlier scrambling for posts
this place dead
i was like attentionwhoring on Holla Forums and ponychan
pls response
i am kill of lonely
you and me need to come together to save this wasteland
i sound crazy
but you know i am right
I like research directing.
yeah when did it get so quiet?
what did you people do?
you and i*
I hate leadership
I just get angry at everyone else's incompetence
Too much time spent seeing a functioning coc
got me man i only get down on fridays
what they do the rest of the week is their shit
What makes it brilliant, is that you just tell other people what to do and make it look like you're busy.
i'll ask squash sometime then if i remember
the furs are dead too
but i mean look at this shit
cuckshit will not even acknowledge me
he is a fallen mod
Yea, but irl they actually do it
In spessmen they have a 95% chance to fuck off and not do anything
Then the shit rolls back up
NEVER let shit roll uphill
Only down
They ain't dead, they're just only active very late at night.
i mean yeah, but all the avatars are gone
how can you be that fake proud that you can't type words at someone on the internet
my waifu is still best
Worked out well in low pop.
who dat
I think the aussie time games you play differ dramatically from 50 pop ones
I swear it's like everyone expects perfection nowadays
Feels bad as usual.
based aaryn from big brother
do you actually watch that
Nah, Badger, Scales, Dom, Snuggles, Squishface, Katten, Eddy, and myself still post there. I've seen Dotter pop in before. There's also a new crop of them, but I have never talked to them.
Nuh uh, nigga. My waifu is the best. Image familiar, it's my waifu.
but there's never more than 2 or 3 of them posting at any given time
it's one of my favorite shows actually
new season starting soon
during bb i am mostly on Holla Forums
there is actually an active community there who doesn't fake filter like cuck does
There's usually a good amount of them posting. Most of the new ones don't have namesync.
But what if he is for real filtering?
oh fool
thoughts on new shins album?
well then i must have been dropping in at exactly the wrong time every time for the last 3 or 4 months
the only show i keep up with nowadays is silicon valley
also curb your enthusiasm this fall HYPE
yo fool
yo eisen
dead community bro
It's okay. A bit too popcentric, but it's not bad. New Gorillas was also kind of meh. I dug the shit out of the new Grandaddy album though.
Nah, you probably didn't notice them because they don't have name sync and sort of blend in with the rest of the anons.
i'm like 2 eps behind silicon
just finished kimmy schmidt
not really realling orange
mostly i've been johnny come lately'ing sons of anarchy
that show is rugged
oh, you're talking about porn posters, aren't you
i don't consider them real posters
or even real people
i was talking about the furs but yeah, here too. what did you do
Hello, Grim.
based grimu ;;
silicon is really not that funny anymore
i hope it ends soon
They're avatars since they use specific images.
that fat ginger has always ruined it
and he thinks he's funny
i honestly just still watch for amanda crew
it doesn't convey any sort of unique personality though
its just ugly animal dicks
you're the only person i've met who hates that guy as much as i do
i'm so glad he's leaving
he's an even more obnoxious dane cook
also thomas middleditch is way too different irl from his character
it weirds me out
It is just gross animal dicks, but I post pictures of my work or of garbage or whatever. What does that say about me?
Or maybe they just thought you were a piece of human garbage.
how can they be avataring if they don't even know they're avataring
i've never found that asshat remotely funny
seriously like in anything he has done
and now he has a netflix special and a false sense of prestige
They do, they just do it in a way that doesn't aggravate the perverts.
i hope his personal life catches up with him
he's already got a sorta bad rep
fuck if i care
like you already had big head
you didn't need two idiots
btw i love big head
big head 2nd best character
gilfoyle best
that chinese dude is positioning for third lately
nah he can fuck himself too
i hope he leaves
luka are you here
bottom line is you're right
it is a bit stale
goodnight hug?
i started house of cards too though and that is fucking excellent
i plan to slowly work through all the good shows i was too busy to watch
so stuck in sons of anarchy atm
I thought you said you were watching good shows.
Sorry, TP.
I was asleep. I don't even own a web cam though.
*rees softly*
i know it's a bit cheesy but i still got hooked
it's a solid series
no problem bro
i do not own a tummy as it turns out
tp post tummy
I just haven't had a reason to get one. I only ever do voice chat with the group anymore.
squash post tummy
I just did lost tribe cuz I wanna get to kalphites easier
add me Holy Fervor
major based grim
My lights are off and I have no intention of getting up to turn them on for a pic.
As during the day.
what is "the group"
flash is a thing
nice try nig
The Hitler discord.
I am not blinding myself for a pic.
my blackberry classic does not have a camera
you are both disappointing in more ways than one
grim are you drunk?
that is not hallal
I could not imagine video chatting on a phone.
you could not imagine not video chatting on a phone*
words are meant to convey meaning
thanks love
(Linkless image post)
(Pity (You) for your bump)
the community is dying because you fucking retards thought it would be a good idea to isolate yourself on your own board, a board which has no reason to ever be found or sought after by external people
the only new people this community has a chance of attaining is either from randoms finding it due to it threads often having one of the highest velocities on the site (and appearing on the frontpage because of this), but people who come in due to this are greeted with nothing but fucking pointless circlejerking garbage that is even more pointless to them as they have zero context as to what the fuck is being discussed as you people often refer to people by names that they aren't currently using or referring to events in this community that mean nothing to others, as you are such an enclosed community you have no reason to explain such events, so a new lurker will never find an explanation and would have to go through the effort of asking to get any context, but all they will find is that the context wasn't even worth the effort of asking in the first place and thus they won't ask about future instances of this happening due to lack of interest, this lack of interest will drive them to leaving
this leaves the only other way this community can get new users, from members inviting other friends into the community, this presents two problems, one being that any friends who would come in will likely just circlejerk with the friend who invited them and anyone else that friend already circlejerked with and then borderline ignoring other posters in the thread, but really that problem is fucking irrelevant as the other problem is you people don't have other friends in the first place
this community cannot and will not get new members, it can only lose members (and thus it is perpetually dying), but i guess the fortunate part of this is that so many of you aren't capable of moving on and will stick around, so you will probably get to the point of only losing members at the same rate as the rate at which the members kill themselves for being fucking FAGGOTS
Hey, Bebop.
slightly buzzed
hitler discord? nani the fuck
pretty fucking retarded if you think we're "isolating ourselves" on a board on 8ch
8ch is made to give more freedoms than 4ch ever could
sure we could go to 8ch Holla Forums but we would be at the mercy of 8ch Holla Forums mods, would be a repeat of the 4ch days when mods got ban happy
not everyone here has a dynamic ip and even less people cbf to evade.
our own board lets people come across it on their own, mostly through the frontpage since the tight knit community tends to create very velocitous threads like you said
there is a sticky for new people
the reason why community is dead is because theres 2 things we need to thrive
1. new posters
2. social posters that help get new posters in and encourage discussion
most "good" posters who do this have moved on
meaning they dont post daily
people like bern, loodz, soto, fuji, wish, and sd come to mind
these people are unique/very welcoming
either way its still nice to pop in and shitpost every now and then
btw you're a nigger
am fatigued by drunk
but awak by caffeine
never going to mix these two again
tbh anyone who posts in avatarfag circles deserves to be hung up by their dicks
yeah you like that shit don't you huh
I trick horny nerds into giving me money in video games because my character is a pretty girl.
"hur dur we're not isolating ourselves"
you such a dumb
there's a TED Talk about how prostituting yourself for meta-economies and then converting profits into real money will be the job of the future once we have robots taking over all of our current jobs
I didn't even start any of the conversations but with in about 1 hour 3 people pm'd me and ended up giving me gold.
I spent it on shit for me and my friends and then blocked them.
Is it just Grim samefagging?
whenever scoots wakes up
tell him im kinda digging next gen paramore
oh how i didn't leave
i wanted to blaze on 4:20
sorry luka
really gone now
i was like doing some other shit and forgot i said i was leaving here
my bad tho
i'm sleepy and and and..... not having fun in most video games anymore
You should find something new to play.
i would if i could.
Why can't you ?
i don't know what i want.
and i don't know anyone to play things with.
and i can't run all the kewlest stuff half the time.
Why are you typing a stutter?
At least posting is easy to run.
i get to post cute anime pics and type words at people.
and uh... wait for kewl things to happen.
Its a pretty good time sink.
also listening to these~
asmr is weird
I won't say
*lonely nerds