good. your tears are delicious.
being dead inside is fun. you'll learn to love it.
your tiger face will not sway me.
Hi Luka.
Your reward for picking the pizza toppings is future cringe ammo. Njoy
close up of pizza pls
don't swear.
Frackin' darn.
hiya spectre person
that widow screenshot is totes adorb
that's better.
spectre person. pfft.
How's you?
pale skin > blue
cup pls
it looks really yellow. does it have sauce?
;~; i have her and her husband ingame spray... rip
Alfredo sauce.
What does that look like even?
Ah, see, she's lookin' at the camera with them eyes.
You can tell she's evil.
see how she's looking into the camera and he's looking at her? she's the dominator in the relationship and he'll do whatever she says.
how rude. maybe I will and then you'll feel really silly.
no :(
"Haha, that'll show 'em!"
Sad but true.
not true
pizza and beer makes me .. zzzz
Oh yes.
G'night Luka, and Cup if you're still here.
nini mysterious spectre user person
honestly it seems if Mercy floats around with Pharah it's a bad move, which kinda sucks
pls like me
pls like me
do you think people don't like you?
am bored
gib music pls
pretty good
that sound is so grating
how do you listen to that
it makes me feel edgy so i embrace it
I love dnb/trance remixes of mainstream female singer stuffs.
Since it's summer have this:
Hmmm, I need to summer-ize my PC stuff.
these sound good
I think I like them too
what does summerizeing your PC stuff even entail
Getting a nice wallpaper.
Usually I just do dis.
wut kinda wallpaper do u haev now
aw man
Windows 10.
I'm p much a normie just don't look through my exhentai bookmarks
Hey fuck you shitter
Hifumi says hold on let me think keep being a cute trap fag
what kinda things do you bookmark on ex? i dont have bookmarks i just go with the flow
whose hifumi
ene you retard
Play BDO
sorry i farted my brain
how do you play like 50 mmos just one is usually hard enough to track
Fish you should fucking kill yourself
- Isla
What's that word or sentence when you say "that judgement call would mean very probably death of something".
Death wish?
oh boy, isla lies to another person that I "raped" her because we got drunk and had sex
bet she's sucking Ian's dick too
shit aint free
I haven't played blade and soul much lately because the daily runs take like 10 hours and right now there's no new content past where I'm at other than scrounging for the best gear and hoarding gold for costumes
I haven't played runescape in a month
honestly I can't even think if there's another MMO I've played in the last year
wait a minute
I'm not salty I'm saying isla's a whore that would lie about being raped just for some attention
you dense motherfucker
give me a movie to watch
preferably not a shit one
Hotarubi no Mori e
the first movie I saw when I opened netflix was hellboy
doesn't actually sound that bad right now honestly
amy i would rather suck ians dick than see your pig face again.
also, never called you a rapist, i even said you didnt rofl
how was this not illegal as fuck in germany?
idk i watched it on netflix and it was hilarious
it was a satirical film not nazi style
the most alive this board has been in the past months, and will be for a long ass time
death sentence, actually.
wow i suck english
oh shit, now I remember
I'm an ass
it was all chijo stirring up shit because he was salty we kicked him out when he flew into a rage over sarah being friends with his internet waifu's ex. also because I fucked his (engaged) brother.
sorry bout that
Well you speak viet and dutch too so I wouldn't worry about not knowing some random phrase
its ok i didnt know what you meant either. were both suck english
yea lmao i was just bantzing then you got hostile yo
chijo is jist a shitter
I was pretty sure even jokes ABOUT nazis were illegal in germany
germany treats nazism like he who must not be named
yeah my memory is just a bit shit. I just remembered it being a complete clusterfuck and the reason I left mitfug
fish post dong
nigga i said watch, not read.
never actually watched hellboy, ill go with that thanks
mein fuhrer will have you gazing in awe ungrateful cunt
Ah I didn't realize you were a drooling retard, mb
can somebody please alert Ian that I'm muted
it's time to stop
i just remember being too high and drunk to be coherent
i was so fucked up
its time to git gud
o hai
*crickets chirping
rip u
*le croak
Overwatch anyone?
nobody here but us chikuns
This place sure kicked the bucked
I'm trying to farm the fuck out of the OW event but my slavic friends can hardly take a defeat
Had too much of that lately
luka wants to play with you i think
you lost me
If Luka doesn't mind going to EU servers and play with a bunch of low lvl slavs who just installed the game we are in
Will be a full premade with
Get overwatch and play with us its free nao
have to leave for work in 20 mins...
Oh snap.
Well, get it when ya want fam
I have time to play one with ya now if you are up for it
Luka thats Hots
Everything travels with you in OW
sure? QP or arcade?
Your pick, gonna go switch to murrican
Mystery Heroes
Well meh
Come if you want to join us tho
This is why random sucks, they got a pretty good comp
pls carry
We need quick play for that so I can road
Got like 5 golds with him the last time
oh right
till i get all the major ones outright.
Gonna play a quick one after the next randum victory
Just how many boxes did you buy or got this time
I see you already have most of the stuff
i have a few of the stuff but not a whole lot.... loot boxes have been messed up on blizz's end they even confirmed the drop rates were off.
i've been getting wayy too many dupes for things i have already.
(even tho i've found the secret way to pull tons of golds and purples)
I never got a single fucking drop out of like 20 box
No emote
No skin
u prolly click in the wrong spot when opening your boxes~
Tell me your secret
Also lel they stand no goddamn chance so far
pls watch your flanks
it's literly killing me :(
i click a secret spot to pull purps and golds (too bad most of the time it's just dupes
I won't claim to have a 360 degree sense because I don't. I wish I could have eyes all over my head. Ya gotta join us on discord and say if somebody wants to be up your ass and then we can adress that issue
We kick their bloody arse but yeah, I'm usually pretty busy up front
the internet guy will be here between 8 and 10 they said
it's 10:03 they said
Cloudy day
but lots of shopping to do
my day
chill day
Shopping for what?
new fridge (just ordered)
new cookware
Ooh I love cookware shopping.
There are these hella cook ceramic coated iron pots but theyre so heavy/expensive
now I want pastries.
Yeah, I want some of those ; ;.
My kitchen is sorely missing a dutch oven too and I want one.
I'd get a cast iron one but theyre so much effort to take care of
thats a family home pot if anything
A motherfucking Tinychat aaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
i just got done with it
Well, thats not very nice
They're not very hard to take care of. My problem with mine is that my parents refuse to let me use it on the stove top because they do not want me scratching it.
Glasstop stoves suck.
i miss guero and obble
it's a shame they got in that accident
Same, stuff was alot more fun then. RIP parents
they're with jesus now
This is a meme right
i wish it were
those mexicans
kill me
theyre screwing each other at anime north right now
wish and nimf should be up there too
I miss lora
down 3 beers and make new friends
O I didn't know they were going too
m8, theres a concert going on and town center isnt equipped to handle an influx of people 10% of the citys total population
probably would be you
it's a good guess for wishu and nimfu
I've had enough cons for a while ahaaa
probably gonna go to ax '19 though
pretty much
the main road through the city center is apparently filled with queuing taxis. given my last experience with cycling past cars on tightly packed roads, im gonna give that evening cycle ride a miss.
kill me
play dark souls instead
I've played it to death though
play at sl1
thatll breathe some life into it
9k maps are like trying to jack off with nothing but your left pinky
Why no ax '18? :3
I'm 100% going to the biggest London one next year
going somewhere else next year for the summer
somewhere even more expensive than ax :o
damn are you gonna cosplay?
To visit your qt?
If I'm not the only one of my friend group doing it.. maybe ^^
you should go for it anyway, be the star of the show
"Diving accident"
Nature killing off the retarded.
hey girlfriend
nigga probably slipped and hit the back of his neck
it happens dude
If he can't handle being near a ledge like that then something was gonna take him out anyways.
sometimes things are wet and you cant tell until your foot slips off of them
you should know this better than me
So you're telling me its wet near a pool ?
Never would of guessed
Slippery cunt
probably the diving board he might have leapt off of had a slick spot
They are covered in grip for your feet
Hi honey, how are you?
About to play some stuff with my friends sooooo i'm P good
Oh nice, what'cha gunna play?
Heros of the storm
is kill?
is kill
Lets overmeme
Dead community.
Blame Cupcake's anus for devouring them into some dark abyss of Overwatch and Discord.
US hours worst hours
I've been busy all day and now that I'm not I don't really care to post so I'm just lurking.
Discord more or less killed lots of places.
Is cupcake's anus that expansive?
this tbh
There are fewer people I care to talk to here every week it seems.
I just post because I have nothing better in my life currently.
Larger and denser than even supermassive black holes.
You have a cat.
how can an anus be both large and dense
that's a contradiction m8
make new worthy peeps mebe?
Kiss has become worthy recently for me
How horrifying.
She does not really care for playing with me, she prefers to just sit on my bed or window sill.
Still better than this.
I have been here for nearly 5 years. I have my friends. I don't really give much of a shit about most people here.
I'd rather keep the few close friends I have instead of trying to fill a gap for the sake of being here.
ur large and dense
having good bantz with the people here is part of the whole experience tho
its aiite
we've been in steady decline since erin stepped down tbh
It can be very large, but also very packed with things. That would make it large and dense.
There isn't really a correlation there.
I think most people either get life going for themselves or realize this place is kind of garbage.
Greatclub isn't even pretty.
everything is pretty when you pair it with a minotaur helm and butterfly wings
I miss DS2 sometimes.
come on back, we have mems
i lik mems
some days i miss 2014
me too
well rip this then
good times, he hell was only just beginning but the pizza and vidya weeks at a time were good
I miss being 4 years old and playing legend of zelda ocarina of time over and over and over and over and over again
i miss being 4 and dying on the exact same levels of crash every day
Nitro is one hell of a hazard.
take your gay ass n64 shit and swerve, we playstation nigga
i legit forever had my shit kicked in by the rolling ball level
N64 is better.
I miss 1999
2016 was such a simpler time
I loved those, and the dragon riding parts in Warped, but boy did I hate those ice maps with nitro containers.
Yo Squash wanna OW with me and Dusty? Shits on fire we kick all the asses
i liked the native levels tbh
I can still hear that background music for those, and the dark temple kind levels.
shoulda OW with me, I just cleaned house with rein and got POTG in a row
Join us then
Ha. No. Hard pass.
I'll play with you and Scoots though.
Squash is the good boy.
We just finished his placements won all and he got plat
I don't know what your deal is and I don't care. I see a competent team and we either do that or we do none
Because he's a moron.
Invite me I guess, but I might be lagging because Snuffles is doing shit in the other room.
say hi to snuffles for me.
I will get through to him eventually.
blah words autism blah
I wonder if Lobster is working on new stuff.
god i hope so...i love that man, will bear the seed of his loins
no homo... naturally
I hope he does too, how's Sam-chan?
hey yea im good... peaches and kittens and shit
hows u
I'm glad to hear that, pretty good myself too nowadays.
thats good...
feels like i havent seen you around in a couple months. chu been up to
Haven't felt too talkative really, but I'm better now.
lol is that machupichu?
antidepressants or pain killers?
its heroine isnt it?
you know it
the giza plateau is beautiful... have you ever been?
im on psychoactives and wear womens clothing im out of control somebody stop me before i kill someone
Don't take any, just wasn't feeling like talking.
...i like the fact that doots has a folder dedicated just to me
what did you do instead?
i mean you know i missed you... and various other guilt trips
one day
when that extremism dies down,
i lurv egyptian history
The usual really, gym and playing games with or without friends.
Missed you too Sam-chan.
recken we will both be dead and gone before that...
oh? whats your workout like?
thank god
...and i will probably outlive you.
I generally do monday and friday for arms and upper torso and wednesday for legs and lower torso.
It's a workout I've done for about a year as my friend taught me it before he quit.
Still casually see other friends at the gym from time to time.
Is that a bet
a friendly wager, lets say
yep... its a good idea letting those muscles heal after workouts... good way to build muscle. are you trying to bulk up?
ill wager 50 shekels
I'd like to think that I'm toned, but I wouldn't mind some extra muscle mass.
tone is the way to go for longevity... im at 138
a little body fat is fine... youre on the wrong routine if you need more mass tho
I'm at like 165, but I'm 6'1".
5'8" here...
6'1" is too tall
That's not too bad.
I'm shorter than most of my irl friends.
Anyhow I'm back until I go play KH2.
Then they are all too tall.
Welcome back.
tall enough to rise above ass, short enough to need a stepp stool for my kitchen cabinets
sama I'm fucking 5'5 you're manlet as fug
Too tall for what?
But isn't 5'8" quite the norm there?
bich ima put you over my knee...
fuk u user, ur first.... whore
quite average, yes... completely unremarkable
It's alright, but I still wonder about those kitchen cabinets, don't they build it so it fits there?
I recall seeing a few doorways that were too close to my head abroad.
How comes?
they go to the ceiling... the top shelf is pretty high up
By the way
Which one of you faggots visit the waifu morons
Those idiots think I'm actually one of ya curs
Oh, a tall roof?
muh dick
kitchen ceiling is 10 ft
No reason, I just would not want to be 6'1".
RIP, at least got a chair for it and not some improvised dangerous way?
I don't mind at all, although people ask me to reach things for them even in stores.
I would kill myself.
a metal step stool with handrails
How comes?
Good to hear that you're not risking it.
cuck this dick
I am very dramatic.
in my advanced ago i cant risk the fall. might break a hip
Metallica all the time
Why be dramatic about it?
You're still young.
...ive been compared to giza
when i was a youth i used to burn cali weed in a rizla...
Maybe, but I still think you're young-ish.
I am dramatic about EVERYTHING.
And all roads lead to suicide.
awww.... its cute that only you feel this way
You shouldn't be like that.
I think other people feel like it too, at least someone does.
It is my charm point.
I go for people attracted to damaged people.
That's not good, you should just be yourself.
now if only my scrawny old ass could get some strange...