Should I keep watching this shit? Is it worth?
King's avatar
I couldn't keep watching it because Chinese is hard to listen to compared to Jap.
And having multiple sets of subtitles in multiple languages take up interchanging parts of the screen got really fucking annoying.
Otherwise I really want to watch it 'cuz the 3DCG stuff looked cool.
Watching anime is always a bad choice
SAO is pretty great 7/10
both seasons
though the creator has a thing for doing unbecoming stuff to incapcacitated people
But why did he have to become le trap meme in Season 2?
later he has a thing for boys turning into girls.
So he's an Holla Forums poster?
He's an original gangster of Holla Forums
really, it was not as good as the first one... but it wrapped up a few loose ends and gave some cutesy feels at the end.
almost finished brushing
bed in a soon
I'm just content
and im a little teapot
There was a first one?
Are you both short AND stout?
spout and penis jokes
and if you consider the chick with the sniper rifle a thing theres a 3.0 or something... the lines are a blur
swords and shit
then fucking elves
then the gun thing
But he was making a comparison, saying that King's Avatar (Quan Zhi Gao Shou) was like a SAO. Which is a totally fair comparison because it really is a Chinese SAO.
I was just wondering if maybe I was out of the loop enough that there was already another Chinese SAO/King's Avatar that this is a follow up to.
Enter the rapp game
Piping hot
a welcome return from what i was expecting...
also where are you getting your snack boxes from, i need gift ideas
I shudder to think what you were expecting
woa woa you completely lost me... and i just dont care
thanks colbsy
Np, it's a neat novelty
yah and for around 150 a month... its the gift that keeps on giving
is it strange im holiday shopping, its not even june
or... 150 6 months, my bad
maybe one could order just from one country... like japan lets say. could just get all fancy and go to the grocer for a box of pocky
There was actually no pocky in the Japan box
its a common item widely available at most markets in the us...
I know
my dads b day is coming up end of next month... was debating on this or like dollar shave club or something. maybe just sign him up for bang bros
...its bad my typical gifts are always e-gift cards
last year it was an amazon card... idek what he got with it
Does he not have anything specific he likes that you can get him?
Just left this thread hours ago here to make my Mexican things and now it has a lot of replies what the hell is going on here? I thought there were no people on this board
Didn't watch second season for the popularity that this got in my country and the deception for season 1, anime started very great but it just kept turning annoying, suggestive, and love centered.
Yep definitely I will remain here for a very long time even if I'm not welcome for being Mexican (^:
we go thread by thread
We're not "people", so that's technically corret
There weren't any users*
was just debating that... hes a touring musician. so a gift card to some music store for strings and picks and stuff.
think he writes those off as a tax expense
And abusers
Oh, that's really neat actually. What does he play?
Hungary is marginally better than Mexico because at least they're barely white.
hes a frontman/guitarist... kinda a thing in alberta and bc... doesnt do much stateside tho
Later, Norwegian Luka.
...mexicans are underated
Oh, still cool tho
Where do you live again?
Ayyy lmao at first glance I thought this flag was from Tajikistan
the american south... originally from canada
but then you didnt ask that
I was trying to see the connection to Canada, figured maybe you'd lived in one of the border states or something
...still trying to learn hungarian. jack
its not going well
no one to run my work past
until a few years ago i lived on prince edward island... my old man lives in bc
I didn't know people lived on Prince Edward Island
No people, only potatos
only around 150,000 or so
That explains the baldness
So like a block in the Chinese part of LA
except more white people and arabians
indian actually...
I thought they'd be concentrated in the French part.
Curryniggers are just as bad as Arab.
At least Arabs don't shit in the street.
lol racism...
speak of curry and he will come...
With the blazing fury of a thousand anuses after having eaten spicy Indian curry
Like a fly to not metaphorical but literal streets awash in shit.
making the connection to shitting in the streets and spicy indian curry
the crocodile rock was really a survival method in the mean streets of delhi
white people did nothing wrong
manifest destiny was a brilliant idea
mi amor
but it was tho
user_sama! Please stop your samefagging. I'm obligated to use my flag as an avatar because I'm the only Mexican here please don't be hard on me
and these things are associated?
ill do nothing of the sort...
i say we huddle all the mexicans up in internment camps... only tell them theyre "refugee camps"
whilts secretly building tools for mass genocide.
...maybe inoculation that sterilizes, just tell them its for disease or something. MANIFEST DESTINY!
I feel so retarded right now...
well we have vylee
i for one wish to visit cancun without fear of cartel interference
>tfw this game dev made these 3 pretty neat flash game RPGs but then went full retard and instead of continuing the series and the universe he built alongside it that his other flash games were a part of, he decides to reboot the series in a design made for 4 year old's
man it's been 7 years since the third game came out and I'm still kinda salty about it
Don't worry! If you are white and (the most important thing) you have money everything will be alright amigo
Today you all have a new compa!
...i for one preferred it when mff just posted porn
or wake up in an ice filled bathtub missing all the money and both kidneys
there's one car hit in there that is blatantly fake as shit but I keep seeing it posted in every "lelelelelomogmogmgomgomg rekekekekt" thread like people are blind as shit or something
was good muchacho
I thought that was more of a Columbia/South America meme, not Mexico.
Mexico seems more like a place where people just like to hang from bridges.
ive been making john copypasta threads on 4channel...
whichever.... its a good tourist deterrent regardless
for my next vacation ima just camp out in the backyard, maybe burn a cross or something
Something like this?
hey yea, that works
much better...
just something to do on a friday night
It's just for roasting marshmallows.
smores are delicious... wholesome family fun all around
TFW youre white and you want to join the KKK but you are Asiatic and Mexican citizen ;_;
im sure theyd take ya lol
And "melting the chocolate".
By that I mean burning black people.
why is it I have not seen a SINGLE facial where the woman takes it in stride and doesn't flinch?
dude... woa thats racist
i bet it smells like bacon tho...
I don't hate "black crazy boyz" but I'd join for the lulz. Probably they don't want an Asian guy who speaks Spanish and barely can say a word in English...
hmmmmmmm im not really sure what to make of whats happened to this thread
meanwhile sukasuka has fallen off of a cliff
whatcha doin luv
at this point the value of the thread should be clearly evident
i bet you can cook up some killer asian influenced mexican grub tho
That man is probably actually a genius or something. Must be.
i need bullying topics for posters other than grim
Ironic racism.
everyones always like "authentic mexican" food is better... and im all
its more efficient in cleansing the bowels on account of the cholera
"ironic shitposting is still just shitposting"
life is shitposting
well thats an interesting theory
on that note
wouldnt taco bell be a lesser expensive way
maaaad wooorld
Drinking some water and shuffling around the internet.
Kind of hungry, but not hungry enough to go find food yet.
eat some cross-roasted nigger... just like bacon
the dreams where i'm flying are so awesome though
What mongrels will the world give us next?
A little.
How are you?
i dont remember my dreams anymore
arabian indians?
Dream a little bigger darling.
Please don't discriminate white Asian Mexicans kek white Asian Mexican pride!
meh... they invested too much time in this
watching southpark
New stuff?
I bet ur one of them bad hombres I've heard about.
I haven't seen anything past season 19 so that's where i started
i love pc principal lol
I don't even go outside or talk to people. I'm somehow discriminated in my own country ;_; I'm not a bad person ;_;
oh god why live
I watched some of that season. I have not watched the show in a long while. Are you enjoying it?
same reason i dont notice the stars either... dont look outward or within, rather just focus on all the shit thats killing me
yes it's pretty funny
Ichigo mashimaro?
Just like, move to Cali or sumthin'
They like Asians AND habla Spanish. And you can be a massive weeb, or mow lawns... your pick really.
Your home is calling to you.
My Reiki session went great. hru guys?
trumps wall will keep him out
Well it fuckin' better, then we can staple the bill to his deportation papers.
oh boy am I glad I followed the donald on twitter
Excellent. I will get around to watching all the new ones at once in a year or something.
inb4 "wall tax" at border crossing
moe anime is trash
K-on is the epitome of moe trash
you can see the threads and everything
my theory on k-on still holds water....
my avatar is from that yes
we can watch them together
sick gore
looks like somethign that id use to scoop drugs out of al ittle baggie with
Rasmussen is alone in their polls with it being that sky high even. It's probably why he quoted them.
Tax dem remittances and entries fam.
Reminder that this is the best anime girls group
either they pay legal like or climb basically
I can't argue that.
Still not better than yuru Yuri
I see the people cramming themselves into a big city as the retards. easier for a monster to attack and kill them all and being in a big city makes people crazy mentally.
yeah I just looked it up and it's more like 39%
its shiiiiiiit
is that what happened to you
do you quack like a duck when you suck
yuru Yuri is overrated
yuyushiki>yuru yuri
they both good tho
Am I the only one sick of hearing the name netanyahu? it sounds like a name a 4 year old would give to a cowboy drawing
Nichijou trumps them all
This one is good too
He had a nickname that was more fun to say, but I forgot it.
vaginal orifice
Real women are shit
NIGGA sour means that theres an infection brewing up in that snatch. ABORT
vagina's are actually really nice if they're clean and not roastie
idk what's with all you faggots that don't like vaginas
trap dick is nice too
I like vagina... I don't like rotten or sour pussy.
when a pussy is sour it means acidity levels are too high and that usually implies infection.
human beings in general are gross tbh
feminine benis is pretty nice too
ask a q like that to me again and you get the backhand
fat tranny*
oh daddy
no daddy
only hurt
I've fallen from the graces of my weaboo status and admit the only anime I've watched in the last year is monster musume
what are some 13 year old on xbox live?
I'm not like them.
I'll never be like them.
I conceal carry a firearm to protect against normies moog.
the fuck is this insane person talking about.
The point was, I'm not crazy.
He's not crazy, he's crazy with a gun.
for you
I've eaten nude art model pussy and damn that shit was nice
acid problems can be fixed with a milk product usually.
guess we are overdue for another dylann roof
that problem couldn't be fixed with a fucking 2x4 cement block. Holy shit my eyes
>I admit the only anime I've watched in the last year is monster musume
Then what are you doing here? On an anime board and specifically in like Holla Forums? I don't want to believe you're the kind of person who watches anime not because he really likes but it's the trendy thing to do in their social circle. One is not supposed to watch anime to draw attention to oneself, that is being disrespectful and anyone who uses anime with that purpose deserves to die by commiting suicide by seppuku
What about this model?
I need more coffee for this shit. Holy shit help
Stop posting 3D women, they are not important 2D>3D
where's the penis?
I just haven't found anything I've been interested in in a while
have you ever seen 2.5D porn?
shit is fucked
delete this
... I need more
Normalfag detected if you have a Facebook account with your real name and your face as profile picture you don't deserve to use this site
this is a circlejerk board sir
I don't have a facebook
or a tumblr
I only have twitter to follow them spicy bantz between youtubers I like
Remember when animus was more anime oriented and less circlejerk?Neither do I
Wish it was though.
wish ui would go to heaven lol
yeah sucks man
daww, how nice of you to say.
Ayyy it was already on the top
yes, hello.
this hispanic gentlemen is so cute
Can I masturbate to this image sir!?
of course, do you want more?
Fuckin' filename
aw you caught me! hehe
You always seemed liek a blogposting angry demenist tumblrina to me. I guess I was right?
thats still not spelled right
:) hi
well fuck me i'm tired
youre demented
Aren't you the demented one posting a satanic goat?
Hey wait... If yuzu and Yukari pantsus are the same color as their hair shouldn't Yukari pantsus be yellow?
iunno i have yet to see demons
I meant you pantsus
Mugen pls hispanics cannot be cute.,
she likes to keep it plain and simple, plus yellow reminds her of bodily fluids.
pantsu lol
The white race is unironically superior.
calling anyone demented when nobody ever called me schizo is just nuts
iunno i wouldnt mind a little black in me
is this a "i want to be mentally ill too" episode
I'm totally fine, I was just method acting.
*I was only pretending
To be retarded
meaning i wouldnt mind a 12 inch sweaty black cock obliterating my pussy
good one
boy pussy
lets talk about fucking shuumatsu man
It was far better than retarded!
My dick is so cold, I think I need a warm hole to cool my dick...
thats a weird way to spell sukasuka
what are you saying
nigga what
have you gayed before
you dont have a 12 inch dick
fuckin' rekt
i aint clickn that shit
I would, but i'm going to bed. My birthday is almsot over in like 45 mins and I gotta do my volunteer job tomorrow. I'm running a booth.
brazzers must be the google of porn
fucking everyone loves working there I bet
i can still get it going like a jackhammer
Ok this thread ended up being shit so it's time to delete it
we have measures in place just for this.
youre making me feel all funny
brazzers makes me laugh more than jack off most of the time really
moogs teach me to dance like shantae
I started the thread
this is normal bby
I have standards.
I said the same thing
then I watched it
it seems really offputting at first but it gets
hella good
are you trying to put a hex on me
i-i like it
if anything it would be the other way around
don't tease too much
is my satanic sex magic paying off.
i wouldnt dare
I bet you could pull of that kinda dance ez too
Please do.
fuckin fag
how is dancing gay
or too little
the implication
well arent you a horny boy
Sombra the cutest of the bunch. CUTEST.
but these are gross normie shows, wtf
the implication of you dancing is not gay either
however if there was an implication that that dancing led to some gay shit
then it'd probably be gay
get your mind outta the gutter moogs
I'm not even going to mock you for being a retarded normie hunter
i feel tricked
don't make things hard
ooh id hate to do that~
Why though? tell me
internet's for normies
Holla Forums's for normies
onionchan is for semi-normies
if more than 10 people know about something it's ultranormiescum and deserves to be burned alive in the great meme war
Kek I didn't know there were more videos of this guy.
d-don't look at me like that .///.
I think it's the hair, and the eyes, and the beauty mark... and the accent.
gimme da dic pics
I came across the video this is from and this was the least disgusting thing on it.
it's not that big
i dont care
well i came already
why didnt anyone tell me we werent using the meme thread. i was on it for 12 hours
welcome home
wait cum back
simple fact, it did right, what sao did wrong, hence, worth it.