Official Scootalooo Thread
Get Hardest Edition
Official Scootalooo Thread
Get Hardest Edition
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Make this your last.
Do I look like Chelsie Manning?
not yet you havent
ur gay
Does Chelsie Manning have a potato for a head?
I don't know what to feel
Holy shit wat
god bless SFM
is there a doujin of the dog raping satania yet?
I saw an image like that, not gonna post it tho
i'm rotten
of course youd save something like that you degen
degeneracy at maximum
Rolled 4 (1d20)
Do I win ?
I can't tell if you actually like the webms you post or not.
idk why I have that
not really that one
tricky lu
Eat a Zombie Girl's Asshole or Suck a Futa's Dick?
Hi Goggles
Zombie Girl's Asshole
Creepy girls best girls
They're not creepy they're cute
I'm ready to unleash a blizzard.
What if the zombie girl has maggots in her butt?
Ewww, no.
Fill me up with that futa meat
What if she has worms in her bra?
Oh wait
she doesn't wear one
thisone is pretty hip tbhhh
... i like.
Go away moogs we're having fun
Thats not a word.
Hey bunny.
Why are you online online when I'm tired and sleeping
Online online?
It's called onomatopoeia you nerd
No I'm a birb right now cirp chirp
im tired and online
did somebody actually submit that to the booru
there is only one true bunny
goo away
Pretty fucking rude.
Watch you're fucking language too.
It was in this one the Bee level.
you cant make me
Just leave
I'm about to grab the belt.
Even a dog has the common sense not to be where it isn't wanted.
I love vinny
do they really
Its not a good thing
I am binny
Sorry. Tired.
Oh, uh, yeah, I mean... nooo please not the belt. Gee, anything but thaaaaat...
Okay I won't get it.
No one will ever know the truth :O
Good, you dork.
Why's it matter to you when I'm online?
If you say so.
...Just get the belt.
i guess you are the viceroy of dog trivia
No thanks.
Gosh moogs you sure are fukken... dumb
Are those cartoon breasts supposed to be that big?
oh well
You all suck at posting Scootaloo.
one mirrion troobs
Rottytops huh
truly a tragedy
help organized people
I'm not sold on the stitched leg
yes hi
Why ?
what about her normal human form ?
programmery people~!
i know some trig
That's cute.
Make a good program
I will market it
But not as good.
Imight bed
She has little porn, is she from something new?
Gonna go take a nap
Go sleep.
No not really.
Ijust have to prepar for bed
Rest well
brushy brushy
Mixed feelings on yes/no pillows
that butthole looks weird
post urs
send tokai nudes
Left-foot braking
left-wing barking
working class guinea pig
yeah it does now that you mention it
here's a better one
did sum bitch say LEFT WING?
Good night left pride
Btw, Yamada Elf-sensei is a total tsundere chuuni.
Is there anyone more perfect?
Jack, why are you such a closet commie?
it's like they're not even human
♪agriculture know-it-all
i sew it, hoe it, grow it all
i toil in the soil in my guinea pig overalls
i haul into the motor stalls
rusted motor overhauls
squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak♫
I'm literally the only conservative here
Real people don't count!
wow softie
patently false
I'm not a real person so it's okay.
what is the correlation between being a tranny and choking redpills like you wish they were aderall
Classic case of self-hatred and repression.
MIGHT and AUTHORITY sums it all up and it ain't soft lad
i have that too but you don't see me dressing in girl's clothes and being a dick on the inter-
edginess I presume
Are you one of them there whatchamacallits?
Artificial Stupidities?
No one hates faggots more than me.
and memes
i think those are called ryan goslings
Y'all Repressed AS FUCK
we are not in the same thought then
Conservatism is 90% hatting faggots.
Eh? What do you mean?
maybe in texas
Oh, my mistake.
No I'm oppressed.
Because I'm a white non-cisgendered non-heterosexual tranny.
I don't know anymore.
Who the fuck wears a hat nowadays?
My family is all from Texas.
there you go
You need to man up. Trash. Tranny trash.
Hipsters, fashion bloggers, and Kentucky Derby attendees.
Now that's what I call general haberdashery!
You'd think this would be more helpful
Excuse me, that's Queen Tranny Trash to you.
I want to wear you as a hat.
How bout you go munch a dick for satan?
It's a fun word though, isn't it?
You're not the Queen of Tranny Trash
Though they exiled my Mom for a long time for being a faggot.
What else would you expect?
'cos wieners are gross.
Yeah, you're right, I just wanted to feel better about myself, and my mess of a life.
I always thought it had something to do with vegetables. Doesn't haberdash sound like a veggie?
A field of haberdashes. haberdash stew. lightly charred haberdashes with avocado spread.
I expect some are ee esspy ee see tea!
Also, if they don't cast Eddie Murphy to voice Mushu in the live-action Mulan, I boycott.
Haberdash Kids!
No there's just probably someone else more deserving of that title.
permanently in bed
Sour mash haberdash.
mashed haberdash hash browns.
i'm morbidly obese as well.
Stinky wiener lover
I god damn agree! That would be a travesty! I would boycott the SHAYZEWANNE sauce from McDonalds...
Oh. You.
Though I just see they'd recently released the Fifth Millenium series book title, and apparently have someone inline for the Girl with reboot movies.
What up slut, how are you today?
a stash of sour mash haberdash hash browns inside an empty box that housed a 6 cd collection of Best Of the Clash.
i've maybe taken this too far. sorry.
But you have no ideas who that might be?
N-no !
I mostly just like girls !
I thought southerners were poor
do we really need three adaptations of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo in one decade?
are they making her black
Probably Divine to be honest.
Erin is the princess.
I mean, SONY were too lax and the project for the other 2 movies was beset with writing problems. Which, you know, seems dumb as fuck. I never agreed with having Daniel Craig. Atleast Mara could pull off doing the Swedish accent/attempt at it
Craig did no even attempt it.
They shouldve gone with a slightly more obscure actor.
Who the hay is that?
Hundred-yard Haberdash!
Go further. There are no limits!
You itchin' for a squishin'?!
Scoot, you ignorant slut. Google says Claire Foy is the studio's pick. I haven't seen her in anything, so I don't know what to think. I thought the casting in the first 'Murkan film was fantastic, and I hate that they abandoned the series.
Also, I liked Daniel Craig. My favorite movie is Amadeus, and none of the major players in that made even the slightest attempt at an Austrian accent. :P
'Cause girls are hotttt.
Nooooo don't squish me!
Sabs knows what's up !
How's it goin'?
I mean, he was alright in the film... but thats it, to me he was a little young, too good looking. To me Mikael is a tad bit good looking with his charm being the ace in the hole that gets him over the line.
Every other casting choice in the movie though was well done IMO.
Especially the geezer they cast for Martin.
Yeah, though ive that reservation of craig, the fact they shelved the original line up after this BS made me angry.
They even had House of Cards wifey as Erika, heh.
Claire Foy's been in The Crown apparently.
i worry i might get habberash from eating all this haberdash. lashings and lashings of haberdash.
please don't make me go on like I'm 30 seconds away from doing monster mash jokes
I mean if that's not the Queen of Tranny Trash I don't know what is.
Hey sabs when I have internet again will you watch the Uncle Buck reboot with me
all eight episodes
That kitty girl snuggling everyone would be me if I ever met all y'all guys.
Just slacking off at work. I really should be doing stuff, but...eeeeeeeeh.
What're you up to lately, hon?
Did you know that the DVD release of the American movie was crafted to look like a bootleg copy, and prompted thousands of complaints to Blockbuster stores that rented it?
You're joking, right? They...remade Uncle Buck? As a series?!
thanks for reminding me existed.
and yes, absolutely. with an all-black cast.
like the ironside reboot
remember ironside
Geez. That was before my time, and I'm, like, 50.
Same with the UK version too.
When I got the DVD i chuckleded as it looked exactly like a burned homemade copy.
Still actually pleasdes me now you mention it.
One of the things they did right
I wonder what direction this will take. I mean, they do have the dude who did Fede who did evil dead reboot directing.
They need to remember the origin and the core principle behind the series. Sure, its about Lisbeth being a badass. But its main theme should be her being a badass in the face of the adversity of Violence and hatred towards women that the books have at their core.
I used to watch it on itv 4. that and columbo and Batman.
Columbo though.
how do I become a moe anime
first become moe
Drink a pint of bleach.
This one?
columbo is great
become liquid
What is the deal with chris pratt
Is he like a money laundering scheme?
The one with the crown, no?
Basically the same.
Taking a bit better care of myself now; I just cleaned a bunch of my room and fixed my bed. It isn't perfect yet, but it's definitely better.
Kinda need to get a new job, but I don't know what my schedule will be like in the forseeable future so I'm holding off until that's a bit more clear.
There's no crown
Just a ring of semen dried into your hair and the smell of shame and disappointing your parents.
Which one was San4 again?
Oh, I can't be the queen then, I don't like seamen.
No no, semen as in cum.
Given the current climate here, it'll be seen as something made up last-minute to attack Donald Trump. Like the Handmaid's Tale.
Did ya ever watch Matlock? I watched sooooo much Matlock as a kid. Oh, and In The Head of the Night and Perry Mason.
Close your eyes and belieeeeeve.
Yeah! ♥
I've been working on keeping my room more tidy lately too. What kinda work do you think you'd wanna do? You don't have to say if that's too nosy a question.
teach me ida pro
Sabs why is there so much bad shit in the world?
Everyone Poops
Come where?
Nothing involving dealing with hungry people.
I just need something to make some money; and hopefully be able to support myself so I can actually move out again.
And hopefully regain motivation to train the skills I lost back in high-school.
A fair bit of Magnum PI though.
it's because of you
Was I really that girl who signed every letter "With Love,"?
I need to delete literally all of these.
Probably. I don't care what random douchebags think. So long as it stays true to the universe/book I will be happy.
It is indeed one of the few series that I am an absolute madman about.
By the way, did you ever get around to American Gods on Amazon?
C-U-M. S-E-M-E-N. Seminal Fluids. Ejaculate.
Look at the acting in this stupid shit.
I did that. It was me. I was the acting coach and I taught them the accents.
I also did the fish eye lens, the marketing, the makeup, and the costumes.
Oman I remember that episode.
I loved that one.
Oh heavens, Yan, why would you talk about such crude thing !?
I don't know for cheap laughs I guess.
Oh, in that case it's all fair game.
Because God is a thousand-foot-all wizard who lives in a mountain and never lets us win.
I could never work in the food industry. I would have a nervous breakdown. I try my best to be really nice to waiters and clerks at restaurants 'cause I can't imagine the awful people they must have to deal with. I know otherwise good people who turn into huge jerks at restaurants too, and it's always embarrassing.
Anyway, I hope you find something that keeps you stimulated and motivated. Maybe find something that requires making spreadsheets. I forgot all the tricks between high school and now and I'm regretting it!
Duck, Magnum!
I've DVR'd it, but I haven't had a chance to watch yet. I'm so behind! Is it good?
Wasn't it something about she's not satisfied with her haircut because she's a shallow cunt, and the hairdresser is a gay gypsy and he curses her to see who she really is on the inside whenever she looks in the mirror? The final reveal was that shot, and it was pretty creepy because for like an hour or something you have no idea what she's looking at, but it's enough to throw her entire world into disarray because her entire world was just her outward appearance.
Good times.
Like your butthole.
I wish I was a wizard. And a spider.
Then I could wear like, 8 monocles and I'd be all powerful.
Ive not seen it at all, just wondered. Might catch it later tonight if I remember.
Ive some old songs on now and I am being ambushed by feels.
I'm pretty sure it was the Outer Limits reboot
Oh, it's the worst. You put on a pretty smile, and try to be nice for everyone because "they probably aren't really like that," but that somehow makes it feel worse.
So many people will also just raise a fuss to try to get free food and it's like, come on guys.
I have a dream recently where I'd kept all those skills and hobbies I'd enjoyed, and recently moved internationally with someone dear to me on a job offer; it was really nice. And kind of disappointing.
No, sorry.
My bum hole is strictly off limits.
Mhm. And a few episodes of The Incredible Hulk. I think I told you about the one with the underground midget wrestling federation. TV used to be weirdly obsessed with making sure little people got adequate representation. Good times.
It was Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction with Jonathan Frakes and it was the greatest tv show of all time.
You mislinked.
It's rude not to invite people in you know.
Yeah I just went through the episode list for each season of the Outer Limits like an idiot.
It was a great show. I remember watching it on days I had to stay home or the holidays.
If I were a wizard, I'd make you a spider wizard so you could do them things.
I got like that other night 'cause someone played Mazzy Star.
We'd both be world-traveling career women if we'd only practiced the fundamentals!
That's me after a night out drinkin'.
Also, that post up there somewhere is for you. I just googled and the midget wrestling episode is called Half Nelson. lol
I only want to invite the right one in.
I often wonder what kind of person I'd be if I'd never lost sight of the things I enjoy.
With everything thats been going on, ive been having a melancholic few weeks. It was inevitable really.
The immediate future is looking brighter though.
Though, what could I really expect, listening to The Cure.
Mazzy Star? Any reason why?
Make me half man half spider
Like a centaur but a spider
And also with boobs
That sure was one horrifying life for a little boy to live.
Turned into a girl, and then turned into a vampire.
Sounds like an oddly enjoyable life to me.
Nice linking me.
The only comfort I take in living is knowing it won't be forever.
I think some of my greatest anxieties come from the fact that life is impermanent.
The best part is when it's over. It's the most romantic, the most tragic, the part we choose to give the most meaning.
Plus literally nothing to worry about afterwords.
Ioco lets you me and Sabs watch a movie some time
have you seen kubo
Yes. I liked it. I was hoping the twist wasn't what I thought it would be, and I thought what they did to the Moon King was cruel and he's probably going to become Darth Revan again.
My favourite part of Kubo was where they got buttons for eyes.
And I'm pretty mad more people didn't pay to go see it because I really like these movies, even fucking Box Trolls and I'd like more of them but they aren't turning out to be profitable...
Blame Sabs. she didn't go see it.
I told her. I told her, Sabrina, you're killing stop-motion.
The bitch.
I may have to stream that some time and see if I can resist cringing. Unless it's actually sensitive and presents little people in a positive way. If not, maybe I'll hulk out.
As a bitter old woman, I can relate.
It just takes me back to a simpler, more innocent time when I was a child and everything was still new and vibrant and beautiful. Plus it's just a sweet song.
That sounds absolutely revolting, but I just want my little brother to be happy so *zzzap*.
it's in my netflix kway-way!
I see, well, we can all do with a little sweetness from songs now and then.
It's midget wrestling. Like.
There's a scene where David Banner is invited to party with all the midgets. He's in this apartment surrounded by about thirty of them, the only tall person there, and they're all dancing around him like. Then another scene he attacks this lady dwarf as the Hulk and her dwarf husband starts whacking Lou Ferrigno's kneecaps.
It's amazing.
This is kind of embarrassing, but when I was little bitty and I'd think about getting married some day, I wanted this song to be my first dance.
That sounds tacky as fuck. I'mma love it!
You are a sweetpea, ya know.
Nooo! I'm a huge bitch! I swear!
Because no matter what I do, or how much I accomplish, I know I won't be satisfied with myself.
If I were a vampire, I'd always have more time to do that little bit more; and once I'm satisfied, I could just stake myself.
You don't seem very bitter.
Maybe I need to taste to notice it.
I like to think I'm bittersweet. Like, I sometimes resent some friends who are far more successful, but then I remember that they worked hard and smart and are good folks, and I just try to be happy for them. That, and stay cozy so they'll feed me fancy stuff sometimes. :3
Well. Okay. If you say so. Meaner.
I think you should be a little okay with yourself.
You're not the worst.
I'm this now.
She's so irresponsible.
One time she let me have a cookie and a whole hug.
But ya do know I love ya to a million pieces, right Scoober? ♥
Hm...well, ok. Not wholly gross. You may be an abomination, but you're my abomination and my friend. Happy spidering!
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