I hereby claim this board for Our All-Holy, Immaculate, Most Blessed and Glorified Lady, the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary.
I hereby claim this board for Our All-Holy, Immaculate, Most Blessed and Glorified Lady...
Other urls found in this thread:
May 13, 2017
Toki ch11 [Akio]
[Yuriai Kojinshi Kai (Yuri Ai)] Yuritou (Tekken) [English] [Digital] [desudesu]
(C55) [お子様パンケーキ (アルラウネ)] PMex.<完全版>:狂少女シリーズ (プリティーサミー)
(C68) [CHARM’S ROOMS (SOFTCHARM)] SWEEP-08 (ふしぎ星の☆ふたご姫)
(C91) [黒鹿亭 (海野螢)] 熊の子モフルン (魔法つかいプリキュア!)
[Fukazume Kizoku (Amaro Tamaro)] Marusugi (Mitsudomoe)
[小町屋 (犬)] ROCK’N ROLL KIDS 2ND Wave (ロックマン)
[泥酔桜国(Maruto!)] BH
what the heck, yuri-bro made a thread?
is this in honour of Yuzumori-san day?
He's evolving
genji desu ka?
based yurbro tho
Sleeping is a good idea.
Am I genji?
Why do they try
everyone knows the answer already
why make someone say it
I meant to type 'genki desu ka?' but my index finger went where it usually goes when I'm typing gen-i
oh boy
Stooop being such a whiny little bitch
Why would I do anything other than complain?
Because you promised you'd take me minigolfing...
have you been drinking enough water? .-.
hope you feel better
i lied. i actually like it when darbear is a whiney bitch
hello dear
Please respect my fursona.
sorry mooss emma
My schedule is full right now, but I will try to move some things around to accommodate this.
Yes. I am going to go buy an Excedrin or something.
Consider yourself deleted from Steam.
oh crap
but on a real tip i don't think i should have been deleted to begin with because we were good friends
but whatever i guess
Sorry, I'll just not delete you next time I quit forever.
i just realized i might be tripping lol
*kisses your head to make it better*
fuck my life
Nidoking is such a beast in RBY
hey ian ur cute have a nice day
/me blushu
Are you doing something nice for your mom tomorrow?
I haven't spoken to her in probably 2 months or so.
Oh, well that's unfortunate
Tomorrow I'm driving like 3 hours to take her out to lunch/dinner and bring flowers and whatnot
Shit I didn't read your post body, sorry Nezi, just thought that video was funny
wow the argument even carried over to twitter
it's too perfect
My whole family, especially my aunt who's a psychologist/counselor/whatever, wants me to talk to her and shit but...
I don't think it's healthy to keep someone in your life that made you depressed for years and pushed you to suicide.
Like....sorry you blew it. Bye felicia.
I've forgiven her for her actions but still don't want her in my life because of who she is and how she behaves.
RIP Nezi
I said it was unfortunate jeez
Unfortunately for you I'm rather happy now.
Ah. Gomen.
is mercy like janna
Hiding in blankets
No skeletons to be seen
It sounds very nice.
Not your fault, I hope you repair your relationship
Like a mobile Soraka with a damage boost and Zilean ult
I mean the kind of people who play her
I don't.
She's dead to me.
Kinda, but also with Soraka
Okay then
mercy players are usually one-tricks that don't know how to play other heroes, play mercy because it's a really easy hero to learn, or they're a girl and they want to play a female healer (and mercy is a pretty swiss girl too).
they're often toxic as they don't see or understand the game from other players perspective because they only know how to play mercy, so they misunderstand what their teammates do or mistakenly think it's easy to do things better than they are.
Of course this does not apply to all mercy players, but it is especially true for most of the mercy one-tricks, which there are a lot of
Wow, what happened to all the bullshitting that life was fine? What's with this edgy nonsense?
And here we see a prime example of cumdumpster envy
Where one submissive male expresses his disdain for females who receive much more attention than him for desirable males.
I play Mercy tho because I suck at shooters
Mercy is such a badly designed character, like holy fucking shit.
She can do literally nothing by herself.
You hide in a corner and hit Q when the team fight is over
there are plenty of heroes that don't require you to be good at shooting other than mercy
Winston, symmetra, rein, lucio, torbjorn, junkrat, roadhog
and to some extent zarya and dva
Oh she can boost into the air? No wait you're right that totally doesn't make her a target or disable her from actually healing anyone besides Pharah, what a great mechanic for her to have that completely ties in with her other abilities.
She's not as terrible as Symettra or Tjorborn but still.
Pretty bad fuck up.
It's actually frowned upon between Junkrat mains if you actually ever see the enemy team during a match.
Winston would be good for Ian. You literally don't have to aim and you become Frederick Zoller at the same time.
I play Roadhog if I don't play Mercy lmao
Though I haven't played Overwatch in months
nigga what
d.va seems like she's finally in a good place. I just don't like playing her for some reason.
Iwould probably be hanzo main
I'm thinking more mei
torbjorn is insanely good and a lot of players don't know it.
You included it seems.
Did I mention I have a 75% winrate over six hours of playing torbjorn only?
That's on attack, King of the hill, maps that torb sucks on, everything.
If you're good at torb it's like having 7 players on your team, and a ton of damage plus armor packs.
he sounds pretty fun though and stuffs
also among the better looking characters
mei is too bae for me
this is also with no mic, as I never communicated on that account (didn't wanna listen to people whine about me playing torb only).
I've got like 60% winrate with torb in 4100SR GM
Everything Torbjorn can do on attack there's another character that can do it better. Bastion, Reaper, Lucio even.
I'm not saying he IS bad to play as, or he's unplayable, he's just so BADLY designed that it's mind-boggling.
Just pick d.Va or something
widowmaker and deva were the next two Iwould consider
Nezi Torbjorn's turret is one of the worst things I've ever seen.
Look, clearly torbjorn is just too high skill cap for you.
If I wanted to sit behind Reinhardt all day and one trick I'd pick Mercy.
It probably takes more skill to play Bastion since you have to actually aim the turret, but no, that's not even relevant to what I was talking about, which is shitty character design.
Reinhardt's a fucking amazing character. He's good on literally every map in every game mode. Solid design, simple, effective, maybe a little boring to play.
this is cute
Don't mock Nezi.
He'll just eat away his feelings again.
Reinhardt = best OW
Abd then theres tracer
I never learned how to break that habit but I also haven't been really upset in a long time
been happy lately
I used to think brock was like grownup
centipede demon should just be renamed camera demon because holy SHIT
For some reason Centipede Demon reminds me of Volvagia from Ocarina of Time.
if volvagia had a lovechild with gohma I think centipede demon would be what comes out
easy boss fight but jesus christ the camera was triggering me so hard
Usually easy and optional are mutually exclusive
But Centi is one of those oddities
find it kinda weird in such a boss oriented game you are given official ways to skip a ton of them
It was made like that so your friends can make fun of you for doing it on the bus to school.
Of course, nowadays we make fun of you on image boards.
shhh shhh, it's okay, the first playthrough isn't meant to be perfect
also decided to kill gwendolyn for shit's an giggles
Killing Ladyboy is fine
However, killing spider waifu is an unforgivable sin against everything decent and holy.
You are truly damned.
Murdering the fluffy tail is a crime against nature.
Also killed anor londo firekeeper
Next play through will be PERFECT i swear
Yeah don't even try tha-
Dark sun is mai waifu
perfect in my eyes is completing the game "100%"ing with as many people alive as possible
How can you 100% if there are still people alive
ignore the retard talk w/ me instead : 3
is it even possible to kill frampt and suill beat the game?
Yes, because you can side with the other serpent and travel between bonfires anyways.
There's another one named Kaathe.
He dwells in the darkness.
oh shit yeah, read about him on wiki, didn't know he actually did anything other than teleport you from the abyss
Nope he's how you get the other ending where you let the fire die.
hmm, murder everyone, let the fire die, seems like a good ending
Yeah fuck those guys right
spread this poll until the Earth is salted and barren
god damnit quit making me want to jerk off while I'm trying to finish dark souls
pretty gross
Put tracers booty on the list, deserves a spot for pissing liberal triggerinas off
widowmakers banana
Got plenty of weird gross shit you can fap to
i caught malcolm reynolds legit DaS1 stream the other day and bullied him a bit, was fun
Tracer's ass isn't worth mentioning and neither are year old dead memes
turns out he cant parry the stone greatsword, and forgot you cant roll after the magic r2
I'm not a footfag, get your shit together
memes age like wine tho
memes age like swine
dark souls got me fucking mission oriented
IF you keep it under unproper conditions they do.
Kind of want to blow through DS1 again now.
Dont be that way, Jack. Yan and I have a pure love.
I'm probably going to jerk off here in a sec.
kyle it's huge
summon me
O-oh. I'll be here when you're done.
rabid faggots
Bite the pillow.
is u a bish
I am back.
That was quick, how was it?
Good. I had frosted flakes.
i feel like a script kiddie
i love horses inside and out but mostly inside. - reagan - pence
atleast your bookmarks arent a bunch of random shitty memes you saved for years
I only blow properly linking posters.
I am unrest.
My bookmarks tend to be a bunch of videos of cinematic torture shit.
havent slept yet
Want to call while I play games?
These are tabs.
Anyway race car time!
im good still drawing the jojo pose anyway and blasting music so i have little to talk about
nani the fuck are you one of those that keeps all their tabs open
i thought u were pointing out the fact you had a google search on bookmark
Bah. Nobody ever wants to call this early.
Is cool.
Yum. I am eating some tuna and crackers right now.
anyways ggez no re
get fucked gwyn
time to pirate DS2
It is usually on sale for like 10 bucks.
Just buy it. It's shit solo.
guess I'll do a perfect DS1 run and then take a break until I have money to buy it then
I'm sorry is this supposed to be harder?
dont buy ds2
speaking of waiting for money, I forgot to check the mail last night, time 2 go
It is not, I like Tuna.
im not kyle
just grab them both on a steam sale, theyll be dirt cheap and network functionality is nice
It's awful.
Don't buy it. Or play it.
Yan. George.
We should do a DS2 run.
no i hate ds2
you never stay in those fuckers tho
There really isn't much else I can make this late at night anyway.
I'll do it since I can make passive aggressive comments about moogs not playing enhancing the experience.
wait a sec
I have prepare to die edition
but I never once ran into any additional content
what gives?
Go to bed.
I'll force him to play.
But I am not tired yet...
You have to do specific obscure stuff to trigger the DLC it's kind of retarded.
Let's spitroast him.
me, yan and you were supposed to be doing a run on 2 like a year ago or so
you didnt explore and werent curious enough about the shit you found in the playthrough
enjoy oolacile on NG+
the fuck do I have to do?
There's some bitch or her ghost or something in a little cave behind the Hydra in the woods go fuck her pussy or something and it should send you back in time
D-do you want me gone that badly?
I fucking better, games been a god damn cakewalk since after I beat capra demon (which I did after quelaag and all of beastbog)
i saw a picture of a vaporeon in a blender the other day
how does that make you feel
It's cute. Zac likes to post it at me.
if you do some gitting gud dark souls isnt that hard
also post character
I played though it like, 8 times only to have people quit around the cove.
I got so tired of it.
I want you well rested.
cant vape just become water and ignore the blender
I like the choppy-choppy ones.
I'll go get some sleep then >//w//
fair does
me and yan got to the iron keep before we packed it in because dark souls 2 hates people having friends
They really need to fix that.
blocking OP
Veigar and Evelynn are the best leagues! BEST!!
youre playing on easy mode
also I literally never use the bow for anything other than poking shit or in the very rare case I actually need range.
eetis time to tootbhrush and bed
youre complaining about difficulty, and playing with the cheesiest of cheese builds
if its really so easy do a sl1 playthrough
i want difficulty not artifical limits
then haul arse to oolacile
also SL1 playthroughs are pretty standard at this point
I always liked using 2H Zwi and have a shield on the back.
i find the claymore is pretty legit
Claymore is alright. Not my dig though, ya dig?
its versatile af with great range
the massive damage on the demons great axe is nice tho
I tend to stick to simple shit.
i may of accidentally anew thread so don't blame me
but like
Eh. It's no Zwi.
vastly over rated tbh
It was my first real weapon in DS1.
think I might go greatsword this run for the fun of it
time to haul as to sif tomorrow
post wiki stuff
Wiki stuff
honestly its a basic bitch tier weapon, literally every casuls first weapon
doit fgt
like honestly the hardest part of my first run through was tomb of giants because the bonfires are well hidden so I was doing it ALL the way from secret bonfire in catacombs down to nito
and I still beat him after 2 tries
Thats not wgat I meant,
nito is piss easy
Wat then?
Wiki stuff?
the how to pictuees
nightynight neru
That was a good race.
needs more feet
needs more feet and panyhose
toes sans hose
That is what that was.
I don't even know
well the first try I had no fucking clue what I was doing.
obviously, but now its time to git gud and use a proper build
pls work
I feel like I'm operating on a patient but I'm blindfolded, using oven mitts and I only have a hammer and a spoon. Also I've never operated on anything before.
is that a promo poster
i can't even whatever it is you'er saiyng right now
No idea, you never know with these Japanese perverts.
Also hello and good morning!
Me neither 👌
Japanese perverts
wtf which season was that gif in i need to fap
Yes it is hello and good morning too or evening!
Danish deviants.
I don't know, I just want next season/movie and I cba to watch other fate stuff since it doesn't have loli x loli x loli anyway!
you just woke up?
That's me
How you doing?
Good! Just had a friend over for coffee, but now I'm trying to figure out what this popup is that minimizes whatever I am currently running, and then disappears before I can see what it is!
I watched zero stay night and ubw. Am i a heretic?
Nah i woked 6hrs ago. How was race?
Oh no, you might be infected by that massive ransomware campaign.
Is it good?
Race was kewl though rip verstappen
Don't think it's that serious. It happens rarely, but now I just thought it bothersome enough to try to look into.
Been looking at task manager for a while but nothing comes up. I could imagine it being something silly like a driver that needs updating.
I am virus, give me all your money
Stay night was confusing
Zero was good
Ubw only works if you watched zero
Did you wonned with super dorito futa moves?
*Anti viruses all over you*
warning ur filez r gunna b encryted
pay up
RIP everything!
Better have a backup ready.
*formats u*
Huh? Verstappen got hit by Raikkonen got hit by Bottas and the first two ended their race in the first corner of the first lap.
Why didn't they respawn from quick save and dorifuto to victory?
I'll find it eventually!
What'd you do if your loli was encrypted?
Hack into the mainframe and decrypt her.
Wuts dat 😮
But fate/zero came out way after all 3 stay night routes.
brb eat
I wish I could be as pro hacker as you.
Something you don't see often.
The first one did i think but ubw was after iirc. Besides chronologically zero was first anyways.
Im fapping to illya and kuro futa and it made me think wouldn't it feel better to get fucked while playing with yo your dick instead of just fucking with your dick
The source material for all three stay night routes came out in the same VN, zero was written afterwards. The anime adaptation of zero came out before ufotables adaptation of UBW but there was still an UBW movie by DEEN before that too. The last route of the stay night VN hasn't even had an anime adaptation yet, ufotable is making a trilogy of movies for it right now but the story in that is still older than zero as well.
Get a load of this guy
That is no guy.
Do you sex any of the girls in the VN? I only watched the anime and i just thought ubw flowed well if you watched zero. I just want more content with gilgamesh. Kinda sad about ubw cuz he was portrayed as a generic bad guy.
There are sex scenes but they are super awkwardly written.
what the fuck vs
yah dude you feel better in two spots instead of one!
This is p gay yknow
drinks and helicpters don;t match goodnight