New thread.
New thread
Other urls found in this thread:
I totally didn't make two threads...
A board with only 2 people is sad.
Who cares.
Badfox is literally the manifestation of sad
why doesnt anybody know assembly except of wizards who dont talk to other people
I was over there out of curiosity.
Nobody has to care, Goggles.
IKT, do you use ASEDA at all when you program?
Who is the other bitch Badfox is talking with ?
Also does Cartoon network really have a sonic on it ?
No idea, and yes.
What the hell is that?
That sounds awful.
stop exposing me!
Hey Squash
What's ASEDA?
ASEDA these nuts.
Eye have to care.
Subtle do you know x64 assembly and how registers behave when you jump around?
No wh ythe ufkcwoudl Iknbow that
Go to bread.
I thought you were smart.
also use mutexes
That doesn't mean learning weird stuff like that
Squash how'd the games end up?
But do you gdb?
I have won 3 and lost 4 so far. The last game I had was very close. I am hoping for an even 5/5 ratio at least.
I don't into linux
Isn't that the first word for Las Ketchup's Ketchup song?
Well I kinda do but
I don't use it
Windows too comfy
Shouldn't be impossible.
If I don't keep throwing my games that is.
did you watch all the illya animes?
I had a game of Veigar today
I ended up killing people with two spells where none of them was my ult.
That's a very weird image.
I have not seen one of them yet. I do not want to either.
Hi, please give me the source for this.
Guatemala ? real
totes real
( Rin )
i'm getting by.
No, proxy.
I wish.
A strange choice.
I'm going to show them to Neru and Darwin
I didn't test it out, I normally just pick a proxy that is quick enough to be able to post.
I'm still waiting on the source btw, please.
Can't help you.
Wait - did you change your avatar? again
The curiosity is killing me.
So many questions, unanswered.
Keeping quiet for what? What is her secret? Is there even a secret at all, or just an excuse to sexually entrap him?
I could write a detective novel based on this image, but I want to know the story so badly now.
I can't find anything, you need someone that actually knows the name of the source from memory
I saw 1 or 2 guys who posted it but they refused to give the source for DAYS. Not only me but several other posters asked them nicely for the source.
I tried all the search stuff, google reverse image search, tineye, saucenao etc. but nothing showed up.
Tried what I know too, can't find it.
He puts his dick her and cums.
The end.
I also have this image but I don't think it helps much, it returned the same results in my searches (none).
i showed you my dick you can't ignore me.jpeg
I know, but I want to know the whole story.
What is her secret? What if he """omits""" to pull out and gets her pregnant?
Thanks anyway.
0/10 would not taste
Why do you need a proxy ?
Go away, Dexter.
You just blankposted at me lol
I'm just really tire right now and want some attention
Partly paranoia, partly the fact that (((watkins))) is a dataminer.
I usually use tor but I had to post the image to ask for the source, also tor is unusable on weekends here. Sometimes I just feel like posting images though.
find a better proxy
What do you mean by "better"?
bebop please leave
Honestly, who even know ?
I can cast proxy-change spell too.
I lost interest. Attention requires that.
I've never posted on this website without a proxy on.
Everything I've done and said is a lie.
I'm a meme-wizard
post from NK
that's okay then
Me too, I'm a big memer.
I bet you smell like old raviolis.
Wait I thought you're a meme-magician?
No I'm pretty fresh.
I know my limits.
Limits are good.
dunno but its cool
heres a (you)
No problem
Good night
limits are never good
I break my limits.
always good to explore new horizons
his heart is in the right place
ゴロゴロ =w=
You don't know maybe he does taekwondo as hobby.
Is this legit?
It can't be.
nevermind, it is
no shit, I just found out and I already want to punch the fuckers in the face
then again taekwando is for pussies, real men do
Stupid head
I'm not mad! I think it's alright
But I follow a lot of this stuff so I'm seeing it
Lol what's so bad about it?
Did he actually do anything at all or is just because he's a pope
What stuff? Pope stuff or the fighty thingy?
Maybe he beat the master!
Just 'cause he's the pope lol
Pope stuff and people getting mad
Fighty thingy???
Wow, didn't know you were so Catholic.
The pope is a paedophile
Should Trump be given a PhD in automobile manufacturing? After all, he performed outstanding services for automobile factory workers, 50k jobs secured in a month!
Should Merkel be given a PhD in sociological history? After all, she performed outstanding services for bridging the linguistical and racial gap between Syria and Germany!
The problem is that society today is geared towards
This is just an example.
yeah he probably gave the WTF money or jobs or publicity (that later brought them money)
Bebop leave
Doesn't Merkel actually have a Ph.D in physics?
Not fair, I had to go through months of training and that entire clown ceremony just for a yellow tag.
What a smart lady!
They should give Donald Trump a Nobel Prize for environmental research and protection.
in chemistry iirc
see pic
It's the best part of uni for me ^^'
Well.. I did go to the Vatican. That's probably the most catholic thing I've ever done..
Most people should get to skip those low grades, it'd be better
Huh, wait, you're really religious?
Also cookies.
I still have that first certificate.
Yeah the tags up to blue shouldn't really be a thing.
I mean I never got beyond green but it didn't seem like the difference was that huge.
Proven to make you think 110% faster.
Uh, what.>>1750107
Nah, not at all
I do like it though, it's like.. endearing
And afterlife would be legit
Are you?
Shouldn't you be practicing osu, huh? :3
I am.
Can't even get SS on normal flower dance
kill me
Phew. I'm like the opposite of religious.
Not sure if I want an afterlife or not.
Why are these lolis angry?
Either way, fairly impressive
As long as you get no misses and not terrible accuracy, don't worry about SS!
Anti-theist? ^^'
Eh? You think you'd be punished or something?
So tired of being a nice guy.
I always get S's but I want that 100% on all the songs I like
Severe lack of head pat.
Nah, I just can't think of something that makes sense other than to just stop existing.
Now sci-fi uploaded consciousness and permanent life as digital information entity, that ticks my boxes :ok_hand:
Lolis are so craving and needy.
You seem like a fucking idiot.
very impressive, damn shame she put her brain to such bad use, then again that's communists
Just give them the *pat*
Not nice at all assfaggot.
She's kinda in a tough spot. What can she do?
Do you *PAT* a lot of lolis?
All the lolis!
Cry about it.
forgot my picture.
My bad.
I don't want to get banned, anyway I gotta go.
The thread will be better without you.
Whoa that's a lot of pats.
all the pats!
Only headpats.
Let's keep it SFW here.
What is that on her fingers?
Ice cream leftovers.
Nattō strands.
Icecream doesn't do like that.
Oh yeah it's gotta be that.
Damn natto is weird.
Please be patient I have icecream
Japan > Vietnam
I'm just trying to insult ikt for being shit tier Asian tbh.
Vietnam is like only above the Philippines, Indonesia, and the more currynigger related southeast Asians.
Hey natto.
what the fuck dude
stinky natto ew
because they have nothing better to do with their time
Why not?
How can you say you love her if you won't even eat her natto?
maybe this will calm him
i can think of some better things to eat, at least three
ikt's nice and racism's not kewl dude
Stuff my cunny with natto daddy
Food is for nom, not for lewd.
i promise it can be for both
But why does edible underwear exist?
natto is some pretty tasty stuff
uhhh popsicles, hot cakes, boobies, Jackie Chan- AWEH, fuck god dammit
What a bad meme
Hi leds
Whats ur fav meme?
Not hygienic!
Wait it does?
Demo pls
Pervert nyaa
hi emer
is pretty gud
just get in their car already you prude
get out of the fucking road
Oh no, just genuinely curious for things.
Constanze best girl.
we don't have pavements here
yea get off the road and get on the floor, open up that door-
Did you just assume my gender?
Nani sore
That's alright, yeah?
Is it even comfortable.
Why does it even exist?
No wtf
Probably not, no.
Probably for sexual reasons.
That guy has great dance moves though
Do you get off from such things?
look are you guys fucking serious?? who hasnt wanted to eat fruit roll-ups off someone, i mean if they aren't gross as fuck it's fine
What do you usually do when you need to preserve your xmm registers but they can't be pushed on the stack
fuck thats dangerous
sometimes I have to sprint across 8 lanes of traffic because I'm too lazy to use a car
it makes me nervous
If someone pees on it sure
her arms barely even exist, a ghost could rape her
Slit my wrists
Oh well, guess I'll just go do something else!
wow that new blade runner trailer really made me regret buying more data
like what the fuck
Sticky as natto.
yeah contemplating this
what do you mean by buying data like for your phone or the internet? because like do places still really make you pay for a limited amount of data for computer internet like what the fuck
where the camera in the mirror
why her pants not down in the reflection of the mirror
Just kidding, don't
Continuity errors :^)
This is frustrating, all this for literally a handfull of bytes.
Chopsticks or fingers?
does anyone here use chapstick or am i just a giant faggot
So direct
Does this count?
Do you have to do it that way?
It might be impossible/not worth the effort
kind of but not really because it tastes like ass, then again i didnt get them because they were kiwi-lime i got like 8 of them for 30 cents each and they are like mini tubes so when i inevitably lose it i won't have to buy more right away
yea i didnt get the Burts Bees because it seems like one of those items tasteless hipster faggots usually have and ChapIce is actually better because Oralabs uses microcrystalline wax in theres
I really like that one too
lmao you swear like you actually kiss people or something
probably kiss more people than bottles
He isn't wrong though vietnamese are subpar
There was a local place where I grew up that had beeswax candles and lip balm they made themselves. I'm just overly nostalgic for it.
They also sold honeycombs and I fucking loved eating those.
I need to patch part of a function in an existing x64 application. I can NOP the particular instruction's bytes and get the desired effect, but there are side effects if it isn't called one for each object in the world that uses that code.
Since my code runs in another thread, it means I can't handle those/all cases myself unless I do something freaky like getting all object handles myself, and setting some default value, or do expensive lookup for the correct values.
The cleanest and probably simplest solution would be to just made a codecave which does what the instruction did, except it only does it when the value is uninitialized.
I managed to borrow some code to get the code cave working and I managed to also fix that code so it fits my purposes. Previously it just redirected a function to a codecave which only called additional code and still executed the original function, but we're dealing with individual instructions here. It all works neat, I just need the contents now, but inline assembly is a no-go in x64 MSVC++ and the best thing I can come up with is just to write the instructions in assembly, compile it to an object file and grab the machinecode from that and make the code cave actually point to those machinecode bytes.
I'm probably getting too detailed here
there is a coffee-shop by my house that sells organic honeycomb but its far too sweet for me, maybe as a child i would have liked it, seriously try it as an adult if you find it again, sweets sure loose their charm unless you are in the mood
Kiss both for maximum fun
Dude, honeycombs are the shit dude
just dont put the honey comb in hot tea like you would with regular honey, heat from the tea and from your mouth melts the wax so its best to make rather quick work of each small piece
In the Mexican food section of the grocery stores there's always small jars of honey from Mexico with a small bit of honeycomb in them but they taste like ass.
you know say what you will about spain but there's no blacks or trannies so
The moors aren't much better than blacks.
wow that sounds fantastic i want to move there
Well done :3
Daijoubu, it's interesting and I can follow
they have sexier accents, every little bit helps
these are muslims in India.
these are muslims in Kurdistan.
I'm right though
I think I'm almost there, but there are a few syntax errors I can't figure out.
Nobody likes Mohammedans tbh.
They just sort of tolerate them.
good luck on finishing it up, the last few little loose ends always seem like the hardest to iron out
You hate everything Mexican don't you Tsuchi?
except Al Pastor Tacos
Masturbation to me at this point is honestly just depressing. I want to love and feel loved.
at this point I only masturbate to keep my dick from dying and falling off
was this actually what happened?
Definitely not the worst kind of error to have :3
"it's just a joke, I was only pretending to be retarded"
is this an actual wish or just a meme @ this point
I hate all things brown.
No they deleted because of new EU legislation
More like NUTto amirite?
that's why it's generally a rarity for me, i hope you find the sort of person and situation you are looking for though. its cute to play tough and distant and joke light with each other in the threads but its definitely important to have that someone you can laugh with, and feel comfort in just talking to them.
her arms are weak, like mom's spaghetti
That was the joke, yeah.
do you have someone like that bd
oh my god at least someone got what i meant
haha, i guess it kind of shows through in the way i talk, i've definitely felt better about that sort of area in my life lately yea.
(((seething rage)))
m8 are u fokkin b8in me right now.
It's such a nice thing to have someone who will understand you and never judge you.
ok dude
you were joking alright
It compiles with another compiler so my hopes are extremely low.
Oh, ooh love
They'll never break the shape we take
haha well if they do something TOO stupid you have to stop them if not judge them but yea you look out for each other
lately she's been telling me about watching always sunny and obsessing over the gorillaz album which she likes to draw artsy doodles of
what are you david bowie, say hi to someone instead of just flopping into thread
One day I'm gonna make someone happy.
Make it Kamuu.
i am too apathetic and socially retarded
yea i mean im not extremely well learned but, that sounds extremely unlikely to work unless you are ace
ill social your tart
cute. Mine has been getting into a little hobby she noticed me get into, and she did it without me knowing too.
well go on do say more about this hobby
you can do it
Make it Kamuu
not as gay as lots of penis all like up against your butt and junk
i already had him
that's right kids i already HAD HIM
its been awhile
"i did assembly"
hungry butt growl like cavern, lonely moss rock covered walls
I'm just so full of love
and I don't know where to put it
I mean, I guess you can pretend and misconstrue. But deep down, no one loves or has loved loco. Not even that whore nazi mother of his.
This is why he lies. This is why he kills innocent people. This is why he throws disadvantaged families into the cold.
ive always liked the artfags we had, they have a special place in my faggoty heart here, and i think you have some pretty insightful things to say sometimes. i'm sure you'll find somethin
I still don't know if Loco x Doots is a real thing.
I just don't understand how a person can go from being in love to completely indifferent in the span of 24 hours with nothing signiffigant happening.
she only laid next to me for one night, and she wouldn't even let me hold her because it was too hot for her. Everything just shot downhill so fast from there that it almost feels intentionally malicious.
life sucks
look scoots. I get that you are upset about what I did to those women. the prostitutes, that I raped, I tortured, brutally, murdered, and whose labias I ate, regurgitated, and mailed to the authorities and the girls' mothers. okay. I understand. and I'll admit: it was a jerk thing to do. but you have to get over it.
yea girls are just really pissy, and not to sound rapey or sexist but as a man sometimes you just have to be a little aggressive and handsy if a girl lets you in close, of course that very well could not have been the situation and was probably not it
shit nigga
it's a collecting thing
can get out of hand super fast but im trying to hold back so far
I guess that is the source of the angst, the clinginess, the search of a daddy figure. Or a mommy figure. That deep cavern inside. Where love should have been. I mean once upon a time Loco said they were an asexual without emotions/feelings and a general psychopath.
Quite hilarious really. The need to try and be the supreme "broken baby" in the group to try and gain sympathy and companionship in the hopes of soothing the metaphorical malnourishment.
Really. Deep down. At the crux of it all. Loco is just a big disaster. A black hole.
oh my god grim dont become a hoarder, i saw this girl with a bunch of empty White Owl wrappers because she was proud of all the blunts she's rolled and or smoked
i guess i don't really have to say that is some misplaced dedication there
Fill me up.
(cant wake up)
You asked for this. This.
You cannot "fill" a blackhole anymore than you can a broken bucket.
I see the fire has burned out, you are a shell of what little you once were.
Its a pity. Really. You could have been so much more.
More than, a husk.
A burned out trashcan. Trash can full of lies and deceit.
A foul ruse , a blunderbust of hot air and bullshit.
but how cal you fill the trashcan full of lies and deceit when there is a hole in it
Help me
i think now would be a good time to mention ive been drinking heavily
Ask loco. They're the trashman here.
I am merely making an observation.
yo ikt what did you do this weekend
Did you milk him or did he milk you?
no you arent doing that i dont know what the fuck you actually are doing but its definitely not there
i never have to wonder hard why i rarely come
From what I heard, Kamuu is a stinky.
Bebop, you need to stop.
literally everyone in this thread has realized who i am besides you and ill give you a hint its not bebop
if you have me on discord, pm me and ill tell ya more
lol no
I have my own shit to do
I sucked on his nipples but I think it was some kind of pus, actually.
You are an user, why would I give a shit to engage in dumbass guessing games. Until youve a name, you are bebop. Prove me wrong.
i have you on skype post your discord
That you'd even type this out confuses me
or, alternatively, i can just not engage you, and let you mindless pave the most autistic road, as you usually do, of text that i thankfully rarely have the misfortune to even see, yet alone engage with
Honestly I kind of like when Scoots shittalks me. And not (just) in a sexual way. It's like he's talking me up with all this deep lore and backstory.
its like watching someone come up with the plot to fanfiction
You are on form tonight, user. Keep going.
Now listen here, you little shit. I will have you know I am... was... an accomplished clopfiction writer.
who says i was being sarcastic
did muu have some sort of skin condition
people said he smelled weird when they met him
Cows are not clean animals.
they produce about 98% more gas than you do
I don't remember completely but I don't think so
His mum was fine too
[email protected]/* */-Desktop:~/d/ShellBlade$ yasm compareHeight.asm -f bin -o compareHeightw64.codecompareHeight.asm:17: warning: `rbx' is a register in 64-bit modecompareHeight.asm:17: error: undefined symbol `rbx' (first use)compareHeight.asm:17: error: (Each undefined symbol is reported only once.)compareHeight.asm:25: warning: `rbx' is a register in 64-bit mode
??? I don't wanna full object file with symbols but the naked shit but the shitty compiler doesn't allow this for x64?????
imagine having to fart basically all the time
Poor bebop. All this lack of power, backstairs intrigue and blood-chan worship is making you a dull boy.
You are like Loco.
Except loco isn't a pedo.
I mean I guess that is their one saving grace. If any.
I mean, Loco is a pretty damn abhorrent person.
You never knew, the twisted and sick little emotional games he played.
Almost like if he could make someone as miserable as they that everything would be fine.
But it isn't fine.
And now they lock themselves into their Bohemian tower, far in the forests of secluded delusion. Pretending. How Kamuu was the MOST autistic when they had their little meet up.
You do not know the half of it.
you better be shitposting
Is that why global warming?
Actually we cut down most forests for grazing so it probably is isn't it.
Fucking cows like.
Hey did you bang his mum too?
That's a fantasy of mine. Not his mum, I mean. You and Kamuu and his mum. Or you and my and my mum. It's so perverse.
I was pretty autistic
But in fairness to me I lived on a farm in a foreign country and cities and speaking English scare me and I was barely 17
every 45-90 seconds, holy fucking shit, why did i google how often a cow farts?
i wonder who was in charge of that experiment
If anyone was a tumour incarnate. It would be loco.
No just met her for a moment
You still cannot fathom English, or anything remotely simple. You just got used to using words you dont have a clue mean.
Like the philologists of old, thinking if you spoke eloquently it would be enough to buy you a one way ticket to enlightenment. But I guess the flunking out of college woke you up.
That is why you live off off Mommies money,
m8 I'm on venlafaxine(anti-anxiety anti-depressant), lamotrigine(mood stabilizer), trazadone(sedative anti-depressant), spironolactone(anti-testosterone), estrogen(tranny med), and progesterone(tranny med).
oh and I'm prescribed abilify but it does literally nothing so I don't take it anymore
I used to be really scared to cross the street when I was in England the first few times because you have so much traffic and so many lanes. I still get scared doing it.
Do you mean sophists?
Living in bumfuckistan aka Spain will do that to you.
And no, unlike you I know what I am saying.
Well philology is like historic sociology right
I mean
I wonder if subtle is a cute girl irl
oh I googled it
I'm sorry
A study of texts and linguistics.
Fluffers of academia.
Like you.
All bluster, no material.
He looks like the new Spiderman and he's about as flexible if you know how to handle him.
The eternal anglo.
heres THE kicker... SOUTH KOREA.
lol fucking mad
I mean, it must have taken that user around about 30 minutes to consider that retort... One that I just simply scrolled past.
Consider this: Anonymous posters are WORTHLESS.
Incorrect, it clearly states up top that this is a avatar/namefriend circlejerk.
What is this... /r9k/?
Go back to /r9k/ bebop
when did the name attached to the text become more important than the text
I'm here to stay
Bebop, just go hang yourself will you. Jeez. Stop being the 2nd biggest pedophile in this community. The first being Ui.
Because Anons are stupid piles of shit. I mean, loco is just say a smidge smarter. But thats not saying much.
go read a book
or learn how to read
Loco really liked that picture
you are like a living memetic mutation
I may be a broken teeming mess of an individual, but at least I don't announce I'm native american.
Its my superpower, alongside my charisma.
Didnt bebop once fight a redskin pedo... for his tribe... even though he is white as fuck.
oh shit i forgot about that, i can stop pretending to flirt with you now thanks
Hey guys am I doing it right?
very important video
i laughed but it was the choked kind of sudden laugh that also kind of sounds like you are dying
you still havent added me
im still not on a computer with discord
the wonders of discord are that it can run off of anything, browser or phone or w.e
Someone else pretend to flirt with me? I don't want to feel alone tonight.
I want whatever he's smoking
Loco just go to bed
actually wait wait it depends on how indian you actually look because you know i can handle a little since you have good taste in cuteys
i like matthew silver a lot
Fuck off retard.
Sup bby girl
You may have a shitty haircut but what that mouf do
It's not bed time.
I don't
I'm Irish
gib attention
Soto are you just scared of showing affection for people
Like I only ever see you flirt by insulting
I would suck you off if you were nice, like. You're cute.
Someone told me to look here so I did, I guess there's another autist here instead
Nice to see the brits still miss me that bad I guess.
Fuck of Dexter.
oh you were just making fun of bebop, okay yea i can still deal
you're not dead
how goes it?
oh hey its this guy! i did some DnD with you and HAL, we were supposed to be running something else but the guy who was going to DM has been MIA
Why are you so mad? I get messages almost daily about you trying to talk to me here when I'm never here.
Telling you to fuck off when you user post isn't talking to you.
Begone, Dexter.
You're a cunt
Hey Bebop i havent been in erios chat for a while so i figured i should tell you to shut the fuck up and drop dead here instead
k bye
nah i'm dead
but i'm leveling a gobbo warlock
being a huge cocksucker
what about you?
sup man
i haven't talked to HAL in ages but I hope he's been doing alrighty
how about you?
Why are you so mad? Why do you feel the need to try to get a one up on me? Can you not talk properly? I'm trying to have a conversation here
been bored as fuck man ill have to call you up some time man miss having voice chats with you
Nigga, you spazzed out when I rode your ass in called and threatened to DOX me when you got all upset.
You're like the punch line to a bad joke.
In call*
I stopped playing WoW
Too many timesink memes
Fuck dungeons
Also fuck gobbos
Fuck horde
And I could threaten to DOX you as well, but unlike you I'm not a retard like that.
Dox Squash
I want to sleep with him and not have him know it's me.
This is my new fetish.
Yeah no shit sherlock
Showing affection to people from this community is all sorts of bad.
They will just fuck you over and step all over you (and not in the good way)
Thanks babe
I'd probably give you a hickey or two too m8
I miss you too dude
Scoots is just spassing out like always
My last name is Cabbage.
i thought you werent into the furries
i'm hardly on skype anymore though it's kinda bugged for me. only got it on my phone for whatever. use mostly discord now.
i also play SC2, D3, HotS
whatever catches my fancy
but not overwatch
never overwatch
Furries get into him.
There's a guy at work that looks like squash
Kinda wanna snap a pic of him and post it for the giggles but I feel like secretly taking pictures of my coworkers is just weird and I should do that
If it has a pulse I'll fuck it if it lets me
If it doesn't let me well depends if it's a girl or a very small guy, I guess. In Squash's case he would overpower me before I got my antennae into that sweet sweet anther.
The irony being your FB pic looks like a ham loaf with acne.
sure ill add you right on discord i have it on my phone
oh, yea, id probably easily overpower you to then
squash i dont think he was insulting you, the general consensus is that you look alright
bebop already knows he's a pizza face okay
I'm well aware he was attempting to make passive aggressive remarks.
But you can tell me I'm pretty anyhow.
hello I have returned from my meager meal
what was your meal?
Oh so pretty.
alcohol taste bad
weed taste good
legalize it folkarinomaminorfachinoburitofamimelias
griled chicken on a brioche bun with general fixings with some iced tea
how are you doing kissy
its been a while
I have been around the past week or so.
Sounds good. I'm hungry, but I think I am going to a thing in an hour where there will be food.
hope its good stuff :3
I have no clue, it's prob burgers and hotdogs.