hello =)
nosebleeding at lolis is appropiate
do you incorporate autism osu songs in your playlist?
No that's autistic
im not talkin about the actual cancer songs. i mean stuff like image material
No, why would I want to listen to Tatsh or Xi
wut DO u listen to?
Hitorigoto and Koi no Hime Hime Pettanko exclusively
im not asking for your autism. I'm trying to have a serious conversation of what weebshit you listen to and you RUIN it!!!!
What are you, a weeb?
I exclusively listen to clips of Emma lolis moaning.
dont post at me with two worst girls
ngl i could use some moaning lolis. where can i get some?
Ask Emma.
are you RapeTheLolis
You'd be lucky if I ever posted directly at you
Unwarranted bullying!
hello friends, how are you all doing on this fine hump day?
I'd scold you but I do that a lot too :x
well I tried to replace my guitar strings last night but I don't have a bridge pin puller so I'm ordering one off amazon now
I need to wipe all the dust off too...
Why the fuck even?
you use pliers
Or fingers
this but mostly fingers
the only cool way to replace guitar strings is to smash your guitar until it's broken and then get a new one.
I tried with my fingers but I couldn't get it ;~;
then try with pliers
you only need pliers if someone fucked up really badly when replacing the strings originally.
no good
i got myself some extensions, so im not completely fucked, but i keep running into bugs i dont know how to solve
it's a new guitar so maybe that's why the pins don't come out easy?
I will I just didn't wanna mess up the pins with pliers when I heard there's a tool for them
just get some bug spray :3
the code i put in to stop the software taking the piss in terms of time to calculate its next move is making the game generally operate significantly slower, and its annoying
Oh my god the fucking STL is like a whole other language.
wtf bjarne
this is the future you chose
program your dick into my butt
Emma is Bjarne.
What? No
Why not tho
Bjarne Stroganoff
In other news, voter turnout for BC local elections are way up.
I have arisen from nap nap
Why would you want that?
play more dark souls
Why wouldn't I?
Not many Americans in bread... but check this out.
It's your leader. Look at him insult your previous president.
Watch him answer this interviewer.
Listen to him vaguely tell his fellow Americans to look into nonsense claims he made up, that he can't even defend.
All memes aside fish I genuinely like you as a poster and as a person
You're alright and you only stole ravioli from shitheads
I should just pretend to like it. Poutine. I don't actually. It ruins good french fries. But eh.
glass houses
once my mom gets home, when she's away I use my precious bandwidth for blade and soul
for what?
wait what
new phone who dis
Suppose a bit of intimacy wouldn't hurt anyone.
game takes up a lot of bandwidth so when my mom gets home I can't play while she watches netflix
you play dark souls online or off?
offline since I stole it and I can't be fucked to try and set it up even if I didn't
you cant steal software, silly
just grab it for £5 or whatever on the next steam sale, the online potential is worth it
Nationalism was a mistake
Rooting for Macron.
Fish can relate
Having hairy man balls
I shave that shit nigga
The cat is doing a great job at telling the girl that she shouldn't be slutting herself.
The girl is very lucky to have *someone* save her from herself (and from sluttery).
Cats are love, cats are life.
can someone explain to me in precise detail what exactly happens when a player scores a goal in football (as in soccer)?
player kicks back
ball goes in net
player runs across field and celebrate
crowd cheers or gets disappointed
oops ball
yes, but what do the players do after that? do they all go back to set positions on the pitch after the ball is placed back in the center of the pitch and wait for the whistle? id watch videos on it but that takes time and football is gay
Yeah they essentially get back in formation
well i guess im gonna have to think of something sensible to do then, because if thats the case my agents will just repeat the exact same decisions over and over again
Team who conceded get to kick off
well, then i have a grand total of 3 total ways in which things can play out: the way it starts, the way it goes when the reds start, and the way it goes when the blues start
wait, im retarded, i can just randomise order of agent actions
close eyes
prepare for a musical journey
Y'all are all bakas. Especially (You).
close eyes
prepare for musical journey
Close eyes
Prepare for a musical journey
grom, how do i do simple things in prolog?
close eyes
prepare for a musical journey
Good friends good music good memes
What more can a man want
Now I must masturbate.
If only you had one of any
im his tomodachi
Lol rip, with a keychain
super tomodachi
Tokarev is on yt btw
I had a tomodachi
Poor thing
I tried releasing it bac into the wild
I wonder if it survibed?
Im sure it did.
I mean, a year later the outskirts of town were infested with wild ones.
Live free or die hard
Lol you meed a dick implant? Laymow
I'm getting implants to shape out my tits dumbo
You know I will say this about old movies the one thing in technical terms that bothers me is they hadn't perfected blackface. Looks so bad.
I think tamagotchi is the word you are looking for
imagine if we could clone the brain matter of geniuses and implant them into our own brains
That's silly
Naw man
Komodashi is definitely correct
I can't wait for states to opt out of ACA provisions for medicaid so taxpayers don't have to pay for a lazy fat guy's cosmetic surgery.
how are you this retarded?
Hahahaha right on time as always
kinda scared though since my body doesn't produce enough collagen so there's a good chance I'd get stretch marks on em.
they'll look awful either way, just embrace the stretch marks
i just realised i dont know how to sensibly randomly arrange a list in prolog, and i feel silly ow
Actually, just don't get them. Flat girls are better anyway.
I'm gonna get on something that helps me produce collagen at the doctor's tomorrow
also getting a psychiatrist reference since my current clinic decided to delay my appointment by a month without contacting me at all and my meds aren't working anymore
I'm not flat but they didn't grow right so I need them to make them have actual shape
they look normal-ish for like a haolf hour after taking my bra off but after that they just turn into these flabby things which don't stay up at all
also I have ridiculous areolas for some reason
Suicide might be a more worthwhile option
Arizona is a Republican state and the AHCA is two votes shy of enough to pass. It will pass, your state will not adopt any ACA provisions or Medicaid expansions and your fat ass will be forced to get a job to pay for your own shit instead of being a perpetual blight on social systems you're defrauding.
fucking gross
Waking up early was hell, but work was alright.
I'm going to be on disability which gets me medicaid no matter what.
Where mah waffles
what's your new job?
What a disgusting leech
Buy your own damn waffles.
Assembly in yet another factory. 10 hours a day, 4 days a week.
if anyone should be rounded up into internment camps, it should be all of the mentally disabled trannies
A blue collar man after my own heart.
And penis
It was my first day and they already trust me to operate 2 sides of a line by myself.
Ni ni you savages.
That is because you are a bad ass.
I tend to excel in factories.
I'm not sure why.
Social Security reform is likely to happen and remove minimum payments and entitlements. You've paid nothing in and will get nothing from those programs. You're not even disabled, you're just trying to bullshit mental health claims. There's nothing wrong with you other than being fat and lazy.
God bless Tsuchi
I think you would excel at a lot of what you do.
Fish why don't you try to live life as a guy?
I mean, you were born as one
You can't just turn into a girl lmao
It doesn't work like that
It doesn't help that you're fat either
You're making too much sense
I'm good at many physical things.
Wanna see?
Did you research law yet?
Not extensively, but I'm fairly sure you were talking about civil vs criminal, not civil vs common.
I honestly am kind of glad every entitlement program is going to get so butchered in the coming years just for people like him that just want to have someone else pay for their pathetic existences.
what a lovely thread
mitch has no spine and paul ryan/trump care more about making deals than passing good policy. You might get some cuts, but there is a reason the spending bill looked so much like a democratic win. The republicans are so worried about what is unpopular right now or risking a government shutdown (freedom caucus aside really) that they won't even keep promises they made with ACA and the wall.
familiarinomamino I'm getting SSI not SSDI
that's all I really need tbh
Alright, I see where you are coming at now, I believe. You are quite literally completely against a primarily common law system?
Hey squash do you hate trannies as much as I do
Boy I sure do hate trannies
I don't hate most trannies.
I hate the ones that are just awful people either way.
There are like 2 here I can say I have any inkling of fondness for.
that last line is the problem.
Yes. I think the reasoning behind it is inherently flawed.
Just change your race on the application.
Republicans are starting to fall along party lines and whatever the fuck the latest flip flop of the president was/is. Holding out for morals, ideology, or whatever other objections are dropping in favor of, well, actually passing anything. I honestly do not see the Republicans doing anything but uniting.
SSI's pay has a base rate, despite you never paying a cent into what you're leeching off of. The base pay has been proposed to be cut to nonexistent. Get a fucking job, you welfare rat.
And your problem with it is the importance of case law in a primarily common law system, right?
We both know that's a lie
If you really wanted to be a girl you would've actually tried to become one and done proper dieting and work nonstop until you become passable
Not just shoot up hrt and eat canned ravioli
Yeah, it kinda irks me his fatass is mooching off the system but we can't really do much about it
He's bound to die eventually cause of all the drugs he's taking so we just gotta play the waiting game
happy memorial day
I don't hate trans people.
I hate the 90% of them that seemed to be unemployed and just milking whatever social "that's transphobia" bullshit to not do a goddamn thing to support themselves. They have a higher unemployment rate and sense of entitlement than even literal niggers.
Tokai do you have facial hair and a mustache now?
pls say yes
Tokai never do that mustache again please.
They're uniting, but they're uniting to the center. They control both the legislative and executive branches of government, they do not need to compromise. Mconnel needs to break the 60% filibuster in the senate and then we can ram good policy through. Trumpcare is a great example of this, they're keeping a lot of the core tenants of the ACA that make it not work, and compromising by letting it be an opt out instead of just clean repealing it. The recent budget isn't great either. Funding for planned parenthood, but no wall funding. The party line is going to be towed, but where the line is when that happens is what worries me.
Yeah, I grew it to look more adult for presentations and stuff.
But I'm shaving this weekend cause I got a job interview Tuesday.
don't worry it's coming off
Tokai's feminen moose stache.
I am excersising at least 3 days a week for at least an hour, I am starting to take better care of myself.
and if SSI gets cut to nothing then I'll just move to canda where I can get real help
and no I'm not going to try and argue with you guys about how I'm disabled because literally no matter what I say you will never change your opinion that I am faking it.
ah the mark of the tranny
its okay i think youre batshit
Post manly hairy face
I dyed it orange on king's day
You're making it worse.
The problem is that thinking you're a girl doesn't actually stop you from being self sufficient, thus you shouldn't be supported by other people's money.
The centrist forces right now just seem more like "well, we have to pass something" than some outright appeal across the aisle or to at least make it the least objectionable to the far sides of the party. It remains to be seen but it seems to be the opposite of Obama's mid presidency, where the moderate forces were more about that weird legislative unity of "even though these ideas are dead in the middle and it passed and worked, our side proposed it".
Time will tell.
You're not a citizen nor would you be able to get a visa if you can't even fucking support yourself.
As somebody who lives in Arizona, I really don't give a fuck about this conversation. I am more worried about spics.
My problem is the idea that it seems to allow for compounding errors in laws.
like legit I could get both my legs blown off by some jihadi coming up from mexico and you guys would still say I'm just faking it because I'm lazy
where the fuck did you guys get this from?
Same problem, really.
People being leeches on public/social systems they aren't paying into.
also you realize my hormones are like 15 bucks a month right?
It's the niggers we should angry about
It's all welfare rats we should be angry about, even the white ones in trailers.
Alright, that is fair enough.
And you think that sex with a minor would be legal if it weren't for compounded errors?
I mean, fuck, they are all over the place.
Not really. Similar, but not the same. One is a legal citizen, and one is not.
I get 200 bucks in food stamps a month, 15 bucks is nothing
This administration, at the very least from Trump, is kind of a wildcard so yeah. He could at any point flip and start playing hardball with the left, or he could continue to try to compromise so we will see.
I do not like the idea of "have to pass something" just for the sake of looking like they're doing anything. Especially when the things they're passing are not what they promised to their constitutes. If they don't uphold the wall at least, I think they will lose big in mid-term elections.
Then what the fuck is your disability?
I'm all for being a dick to people, but physical appearance and exercise don't really have anything to do with being a tranny or a woman in general.
I disagree, my dear. There is a thick line between woman and whale.
bipolar and extreme social anxiety
we need to build a fucking wall m80
when I actually find my phone
well how else would I fit in Amsterdam??
200 bucks for food?
I'm spending like 15 a week trying to get by
How do I get in on this tranny businesses
Trump is failing us on that bill so far.
We need to have random sweeps to find illegals, and if you can't prove that you are a legal citizen, given ample time, you are shot in the head.
have you tried ringing it
Holy shit. "Being sad :(" is a disability.
To get food stamps you just need to be poor.
I said woman.
Not lady.
Ladies are pretty.
Are you for real
What an amazing country
It's one nothing too much for me !!!
Radical new ideas, women are also lazy fatasses in this beautiful America.
You're going to need more hair, first of all.
No. Tying back to yesterday's idea it seems to me to be an impossible task to enforce a logical law banning the ownership and/or production of sexual images of drawn/fictional characters that are underage.
well I shouted ring ring but my dog barked at me for being nosy
O okay, get help for those. Still shouldn't pay for hormones, no matter how little they cost.
it's based on the fact that I have no income and it will likely go entirely away once I get SSI
I know right, I swear to god my neighbors are illegals (at the very least I know they're breaking occupancy laws)
Accurate as fuck.
I know, we are pretty great.
You don't think that is impossible to enforce, more that it is impossible to make a logical law for it, right? Because enforcement is relatively simple.
Half the kids I went to school with were illegal.
I am getting help for those, I'm on 4 different psychiatric prescriptions but meds can only help so much
getting a new cocktail soon, gonna get on lithium and xanax and see how things go
The dog ate the phone
I think the opposite. If they go through on most of their promises, they'll lose more. Most of the people not in his base are at the very least disapproving on policy and ideals. Showing they can't even pass legislation just shows them as inept. His entire base voted mostly on "I don't like politicians because complicated issues haven't been fixed over night". If he can't even attempt to address issues, they'll probably be less adverse to politicians.
nuhuh my dog is ultra stubborn loyal
You know the real leeches on society are kids
They don't pay a dime into the system and how much money do we spend on schools and vaccines
Just cut them off
I suppose. Enforcement is straight forward given a logical law (although still probably impossible logistically), but yeah the law itself seems impossible to write to me, although mayhap it can be done.
There seems to be straight forward enough laws about the subject. Exploiting a minor sexually is a felony. Knowingly owning sexually explicit material of a minor is a felony.
That covers both production and ownership. Your problem is that you don't think it is logical to make those illegal, right?
Spain has a 19% unemployment rate and a 40% youth unemployment rate.
1/5 of the population needs to be cut off.
That's what trump ran on, but a huge amount of the senate and congress members ran strongly on things like obamacare repeal. Really all I want to see from him is a better version of Trumpcare than what they're currently putting out, some good tax reform, and the wall. Anything else will be icing on the cake.
No, those laws do seem very straightforward. Laws regarding drawn/CGI/'fake' characters are the ones that seem like clusterfucks to me.
tapas is bullshit tbh
you shut your mouth
You didn't even get the concept of synonyms last night.
I'm not surprised anything is a cluster fuck to you.
I might be willing to concede that. It becomes much less clear cut and much more morally gray when there is no direct victim.
I would wager it would still be a benefit to societies to deter people from that path.
I don't support a full Obamacare repeal because prior to it passing, costs were spiraling further. ACA essentially was slowing the bleeding. I favor single payer but I'm not opposed to insurance systems if they're given proper guidelines and regulations, most of which were gutted from ACA by Republicans. The wall is stupid. We spend $2 billion annually across all financial aid to Latin America. Spending trillions to do what is less effective than just making the countries less of a corrupt shithole so people don't flee them is the definition of wasteful spending. Tax reform I'm ambivalent to. I just don't support the idea of giving the wealthy tax breaks "because they make jobs" when that's about as close to mistaking correlation as you can get.
That's looking at effects of the law, which isn't what I take issue with. The concept of the law itself may or may not be 'good', I'm not sure. The problem is such a law wouldn't be able to logically ban any material from what I can tell.
you know homosexuality was illegal 70 years ago
I just find your lack of argumentative and cognitive skills hilarious.
Still should be.
The taboo turns me on.
What are we arguing about this time ?
at least we still have public places
I don't want single payer because I don't want to be Canada. Single payer always ends up rationing and giving shit quality health care in favor of being universal. Then eventually it runs out and rations more like it is in Canada and the UK.
Simplification of the tax code and reducing taxes overall would be beneficial, especially if we cut entitlements to make up for lost revenue. I don't think the rich should be taxed way more in proportion to their income than the poor. It discourages success in some ways, and a lot of the taxes hit small and medium sized businesses the worst. Though a lot of that is by state, like how california is awful for business because they insist on being communists.
I'm still just making fun of him.
No. I want to hide the sin from god.
our reasons to live.
I could really go with a good dicking
The fuck happened?
Well, sincerely good luck with that. I hope it works.
I see.
What if no one actually had one ?
The US is ranked anywhere from 7th to 29th in terms of quality of healthcare and timeliness of receiving treatment for various aspect of healthcare.
Every single country ahead of us has single payer healthcare because a for-profit business isn't concerned with giving you best; it's concerned with making the most money.
The wealthiest being taxed more is because they spend proportionally less on the aspects that fund the government. They pay less taxes in proportion to their income, especially through capital gains taxes. The wealthiest pay between 10-20% effective income tax through those tax loopholes.
Even those shouldn't be paid for by the government if he's too lazy to work.
That would be pretty scary.
So far I'm following my animalistic instinct to the road starting a family
Found a reason
Is it video games?
Is it (You)?
which is why I'm in favor of simplifying the tax code, maybe even a flat tax.
I mean, if the bipolar is so bad he can't hold down a job what else is he going to do?
And then you get to grow old and die.
I would be lying if I said I had one that I actually enjoyed playing all the time.
good shit mayne
yeah it's not that I have trouble getting a job, I'm fucking great at interviews, but holding it down for more than 2 weeks get pretty much impossible
I don't want to think about my future mid-life crisis right now..
then you can spend your time thinking about how we can't perceive our own death and all of existence will just vanish
have fun with that
You don't need a reason to live when you have the cool and refreshing taste of Pepsi.
I think I'll probably end up mentoring people once my kids have flown the nest
Either that or working on a very crazy but possible dream
I favor Eisenhower style taxation: 91% taxation on the highest marginal tax bracket.
He should find a job he's capable of doing instead of just making excuses for why he can't work.
Henlo! How are you all?
Start thinking about it so you can buy a gun in advance.
I did play Hots last night with Lemon and Limes though
Dead inside.
fuck is hots?
same!! how has your day been other than that tho
Heros of the storm
Yelling endlessly on the internet. You?
oh yeah
people were getting Overwatch skins from that, right?
Well I didn't sleep last night, finished a real good amine and stayed up till lunch time and then took a nap. Been up for a couple hours.
I'm in a kind of funk for no good reason, trying to cheer others up to cheer myself up, y'know?
What are you yelling about?
Sounds kind of relaxing? What amine?
I wouldn't know about that.
Hello fur- I mean Sinni
Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu
It's about Rakugo, a form of Nipponese storytelling, usually comedic.
Holy shit Kyle, is this place actually kickass and you've just been hiding it from me?
it ridicules them in public but thirsts for their pantybulges on the dl
Don't sad face. It won't be good for you.
That sounds even more depressing. Go for a long walk or something instead of just trying to cheer others up, hoping it helps you.
Trannies, taxes, and welfare.
The trick is to do both in public.
It would be no different than any other sort of law of similar nature. It wouldn't be a proactive sort of thing, I can't imagine. Just an extra charge if found.
Are you equating two faggots fucking to a faggot fucking a child?
poetry in motion
I loved it. In fact, I can't imagine it as a manga, the voice acting and dynamic of the characters seriously enhances the storytelling that's important to rakugo.
I love Yakumo/Kikuhiko/Bon
I like it but it's kinda meh, y'know?
It is what it is, santa.
Odd, unfun, fun? what started this yelling.
Do you like my cosplay ?
How do we fix this?
Fucking WEEBS.
I'm a simple non-binary gender person just trying to get by.
The manga was kindaaa odd, but I really liked it. I'll check out the anime! It reminded me a lot of Sakamichi no Apollon (which is gr8 I recommend it 100%)
Love it.
You're the one in blue on the left, right?
Hey, nobody has a bigger soft spot for a slick tranny than me.
are you infrasexual or ultrasexual
Madhouse makes the best anime.
I nearly jumped onto the tranny railing train myself
it was a close call
ughh guitar is hard x.x
Yup, gotta say i'm lookin' good too.
I think it was like two episodes into the flashback that I suddenly realized the flashback was my life now. It's almost the entire first season.
Trying to uplift other people when you're depressed just makes it worse since people almost never improve. Put effort into yourself instead.
Boredom, mostly.
She certainly has the nose to be Annie.
Everything they've ever made is shit.
But that would be gay you fucking faggot.
but when your dick is enraged and you're high, your inhibitions begin to slip
Seems about right.
Stop doxing me dude
My bad.
We've all been there.
I moved since the last time you came over though.
Wait shit, this place might not be as great as I was thinking... Kyle you fucking lied to me!
look at this cute anime
Hug me?
Anime is gay.
sounds about right. :p
nah trying to fix people will drive you insane, I just try and make people's day better. If I can bond with them & they can feel less shitty about things then it helps me feel less shitty about my things?
I can understand that. Would Snakes wear pants or skirts? Is a one-legged pant just a tight skirt??
girls can't be gay
I have injected 3 whole marineras this year. I am on a rampage.
You're a loll anime
whats wrong
It works though.
well then
Why can't you hold it down?
why would you even want to bother getting rich then?
That stuff just creates tiers where people try not to go to the next bracket because they would actually make less.
but im not japan
For what?
So....no hug?
you're exotic either way
/hugs the mandy
Ah, that sounds a bit better then. Just don't try to seem to saccharine, otherwise you just seem like you're masking it.
It would just be a sleeve or a sock.
You're a girl now?
Because the US was focused on its future, properly educating its citizens, and making sure everyone was the best to promote industry and development. It wasn't until Reagan that the highest tax bracket went to 50%. 70% of the GDP of the country is from the middle class, not the wealthy. Middle class being +/- 50% of the median income.
Most every tranny here is awful.
Harass them as you like.