yeah you better run
bad taste
inverted phallic shaped>phallic shaped
strap ons always get angled weird and don't feel right
dildos are nice but require effort
dicks are nice cause you can just be fucked doggy style ezpz no problemo
vibrators have no effect on me
honestly I haven't used one other than playing with the tip of my dick with an electric toothbrush
if being up my ass is anything like that then I can't wait
btw first thing I'm buying with disability money is a vibrator
yeah no its not
Please be patient I have sleepy
wow soto. you're so fire how can i be like you?
get a DUI
Holla Forums I have a secret for you.
I'm going to bed, nana.
Wish send me a bottle of you love nectar and I'll buy you that figure
Not even kidding
Holla Forums I have a secret for you.
Wank wank dick cock
Will you live stream yourself drinking it?
k goodbye forever
only gonna spend like 10 bucks on one, doesn't hurt to try
i cant drive or drink tho?
Of course
I'll even ask for okawari
It probably wouldn't make it past customs.
i guess you'll have to make a trip and feed it to him from the tap.
Guess I gotta go drink it from the source then
Thats my line you asshole
Do you have an off switch?
That's not happening.
You disappoint me in so many ways Emma
Muri muri muri, zettai muri!!
how hard is it for a girl to produce a water bottles worth of love juice?
I think I have a crush on you now
Learn how to use Google, virgin.
Nani sore?
Why would I do something that bothersome when I can just shove the mondai onto you people, virgin.
Only if you're peeing in the bottle.
anybody know how to change guitar strings? it seems ez but I've never done it b4
anime character: hasashiburidane?
Google it, dumb bitch.
Ah, dang you inb4'd
basically just "untune" it til the string comes off, take it off the base of the guitar, and put a new on on and tune it
3 more until police diva
i heard squirting is just piss. is that right? or is there some kinda pussylube in it as well?
I pity anyone with the patience to play Heroes of the Storm.
No, that's stupid.
squirting is piss, pussylube is the stuff that comes when a girl is just wet
HotS games are simple minded and quick tho?
but i said multiple things. whats stupid
You're so fucking cute sometimes
I love it.
On a side note I need to ninis
I gotta be up at around 5
Take it easy
Tuning goes E A D G B e
The knobs on the left side on the bottom should start with E then A then D then on the right side the top one should be G then B and the bottom one should e minor
If it's a Stratocaster or Squire then it should go from EADGBe from left to right
Thickest being E and most thin string being e
I gotta sleep tho
GL playing Nezi
its not so bad when its done
Can you do those vs. AI?
diva is quick match only
and requires a 'freind'
Rippp I still need 3 more vs. AI for genji
The first part.
all the time
i can help
Really? ^^
Want me to get on NA?
so like a full on squirt isnt piss? now i really wanna drink it.
will this affect you?
I mean, some women probably use it as an excuse to pee
squirting is the equivalent of female ejaculate, I should know.
peeing, you'd know right away.
id still drink it as piss
Yes, I think so
Better to go EU?
whats it taste/smell like?
the way you say it really helps with the immersion :^)
will i even be able to help you?
i wont have anything on EU?
Oh, okay. Night
Mm, I guess
Dw about it, I'll wait for echo
It tastes and smells like their vagina, mostly. I think it's kind of water-based maybe. If you're into her flavour it'll be a turn-on, I only dated one girl who squirted and she also liked nipple play so I would rub her own juices over her body and flip her over, go to town on her g spot as she came again ripping the sheets off the bed.
good times.
okay... sorry ;;
can i have tennis girl pls?
It's just a folder from the entire movie so only a few of them are her :3
send me footage of your sleep.
huh. i guess ill never know until i touch a rl pussy.
Don't give up!
as many as her as you can fit in a folder
unexpected ending. did he choke?
the haircut
the aliens just send her back or what?
old; repost
they took her reverberating carbonizer with mutate capacity weapon from her for her own good.
She has a lot of dental fillings, you can tell she doesn't care about her own well-being.
I need to get some larger lenses because I'm not pulling off the creeper vibe to its full potential, at best I look like someone with a bachelors degree in the arts (which is attainable if you major in history at university, apparently- so you can have a degree in the arts without studying art, fun stuff!)
well there goes the early 30s lesbian bachelor image you were striving for
isnt a degree in arts useless
one sec trying to make a rage meme but gimp crashed.
You've questioned Chiri's sexual identity.
You have invoked a drunken liberal rage.
I see I came at bad time.
Just discovered this adorable little cinnamon roll~
"don't you ever knock?!"
ware wa nanjii
nanjii wa ware
Can always use a little Tetora sometimes.
alone....; ~:
You're never alone when you have all of the friends you've made.
not even cutest chiri
sorry you're right
what do I name my new warlock?
too late
hate having to go through the tutorials again
ugh, just play BDO. geez.
sure once I've maxed out the upgradeable equipment and level of my main character
yeah but you can't fuck with Battle Angel Alita.
why are we so slow as of late?
could be a couple months, there's alooooota grinding to be done
is hydra bling ling meta now?
it looks fun as fuck
Dying community.
well thats what happens when we fuck off to an Holla Forums board i guess
Think if we moved back to 4chan some day soon the mods would leave us alone?
I'm not attention whoring and stirring up enough shit
some people left and only talk to each other on discord I think?
wouldnt we be better on 8/b/?
do your job then fgt
this is why i dont use discord
I'm active in the discord that sees the most activity. (Ooble's, cause Trevor's is dead and never sees a voice chat) None of those people left.
Several avatarfagging groups got banned there recently. The ponies included, but the ones most comparable to us made the /tripfriend/ board.
If both Holla Forums boards are still hostile to us making threads we could hijack the 4chan Holla Forums waifu threads. They're pretty similar and oddly never get banned.
I mean how do you define left? They don't post very much anymore at least. They got a new outlet for their interactions which replaced coming here. I don't think they're to blame for anything, it's just a reason for why this place is slower as a result.
waifu threads are fucking autism as hell
they have no respect for history and dislike our community
it does mean dealing with nipmoot though, and he is datamining his users
discord becoming cancer
I don't think any of them post less.
I mean this place was always a place of many cliques, but when people started splitting up into posting in different places instead of being forced to post in the same place anyway it's noticable.
hey ASSHOLE!!!!! I DO !!!!!!!
agreed, it seems like a fantastic way to fracture the group
How often do ooble and tristan post here?
It's just EU hours
Maybe guero in there posts less?
I care very little. I go where there's people I enjoy, and people go where there's people to talk to. Sometimes you gotta make a change of scenery. Who knows?
Well stop it.
See above. But guero never posted much to begin with, and Ooble was hardly a poster at all. Was on discord infinitely more to begin with. Wouldn't have become a part of this community WITHOUT discord.
You can't fight progress, or convenience. I've gotten a lot closer to a fairly large group of people thanks to discord, it really put the half a decade of shitposting into perspective, made it all seem rather inefficient. But this is our community even if it slows down, splits up, pulls itself together occasionally. So I'd like to keep it going.
what are NA hours like?
Nah, there's no denying an overall downward trend. It's been a slow and insidious thing, but I went and shitposted in the waifu threads like a month ago with people from here, and it was so fast, and I remembered WE used to be that fast.
When you force communities together
rarely does anyone end up happy
No need to get so defensive. I'm not asking anyone to stop doing it. I think just denying it is silly though. Your clique moved over there pretty heavily.
I liked it better when it was like bans discord when it was the kind where it was open for everyone instead of being more closed inner circle business, but I don't particularly think we're having a board apocalypse or something either, this place is pretty fast during weekends still.
I'd prefer this from going to a Holla Forums board and having people come in and spam trying to get us off their board in any case.
Niggy all over again, huh?
We may end up just being subsumed with only a few posters from here becoming regulars and only a few more posting there every once in a while. That's what happened with the ponies and this community.
What do you think, then? How long should we wait here? To the bitter end, or is there something to be done?
I actually think having a slow board can be better. It's easier to talk about things when you don't get put 50 replies up a thread if you go away for 5 minutes.
you're one of the few people left who would remember how it ended up with niggy
I can't say what to do but ive already tried establishing diplomatic relations with the waifu threads to poor results
Sorry. Maybe you're right. Perhaps my perspective's skewed because I'm talking to those people every single day. Maybe even I'm posting less and it just doesn't feel like it because I still interact with people from here so much.
I'd really hate that place to be open to all. We get voice chats every day with five-ten people, but it's only because everyone gets along.
It can be, and we're still active enough to be worth it, but when there's not enough people to hold a conversation people start to leave. It happened to lewd and tripfag, it's happening to tripfriend.
It was a trying time. It wasn't what killed the ponies, but the bans definitely came at just the right time afterwards.
I'm from the ponies.
I'm only here because you guys got less fucked up.
/g/ get out with your paranoia
I reckon people leaving wouldn't be due to the sheer number of users leaving as much as the people leaving being some they spoke to a lot.
Like for instance, if most people who I felt I had something in common with left then finding a conversation to jump into on here would be more difficult and as a result you'd sort of just end up not coming anymore. I don't know how it was over on lewd and that other board. Where do they go to when they leave?
So many people are fucked up no matter what.
Who cares what hill some people choose to die on?
I have a HUGE DISLIKE of the pony community because of the overwhelming hostility of a majoritty of their posters
why couldn't they just be autistically devoted to waifus and anime- wait...
could always move to /trash/
I don't know, honestly. The community I have more experience with that fractured split up between trash and their own damn website. Some just disappeared. I think with circlejerking most people just leave. Like Yoghurt.
yoghurt was terrrible and I'm glad he left
I picked Yoghurt just cause he's funny to think about.
This group was more hostile when I got there.
Most other places like this that I've frequented have been more topic based, where people came together to talk about a certain topic to begin with and as a result everyone were sort of on the same level.
I suppose bigger communities where people come together just because there are other people get a bit more chaotic. There are still some people on here that I don't really even know what to talk about with. I shy away from some because it makes me anxious.
Is that bard or sci
I don't really have anyone to be anxious about here at this point. I have a fairly good idea of everyone here, whether I like them or not, so I know who I'd rather talk to or not.
Yeah, it's an unusual mish mash of people that just want to blab and blog with varying motivations.
Personally I only have two eyes, and I grew them myself, so I don't see why anyone should go taking mine.
Where do people go when they leave though? There can't be that many other places to go.
wellll I was never mean to you for being a pony :3 at least i can b guilt free about this
Most people don't go anywhere, like I said. They just move on to something new. Like video games, or the real world, or hell maybe they go back to being filthy anons elsewhere.
it's usually suicide
Or norway
I've gone to video games a lot.
I don't know which one is worse.
discord groups are ok, but their size makes it a lot easier for them to fizzle out of existence, whereas if you have a large group of smaller circles in the same place you wind up with people re-integrating after their smaller group dies off.
for the last week or so threads have been lasting for whole days at a time, its pretty bad
he literally has a contract with a big data provider where hes contractually obliged to serve them 2chans data, which he no longer has access to, and yet they havent taken him to court over it. seems a little dodgy to me.
play dinosaur simulator 2017
I return.
time to grind for equipment upgrades in dark souls
I know the basic dynamics of all that, that's why I want to keep this place alive. That discord only came about because of this place, but I also like that discord a lot more than the years of this place added into one big pile.
So I'd never say the discord should move over so this place has more people posting.
How far are you? is there really a point where you have to do that even?
just boss rush your way to the relevant vendor and kill some silver knights and giants for souls, its more efficient
discord bad. discord ban loli. test make discord great again.
maybe we should move to Holla Forums then, i dunno
whats good, ban?
Nah it can stay that way.
We've got options and we've got time. I think we can handle some slow hours for now.
that attitude makes it sound like you dont like lolis
What ?
I still can't sleep.
will you purge loli from thine board
Whats it mean ?
Welcome back.
wait im confused. so you like discord's new policy? what are you some kinda heretic?
how come?
I spent too long on Holla Forums to be bothered by loli now. But I don't really have all that much sympathy for people that post it either.
Thank you.
I broke it.
broke what?
My sleeping schedule
i did warn you
I say let's not go back to 4chan at least.
Hiro is a cock and I don't want to buy a pass just to have it revoked at the whim of some mod.
but arent you a peoples' person?
CHA LA HEAD CHA LA was better
Captcha is a serious bitch, huh?
I'm a risk taker.
is that gonna be your excuse when they find your killua folder?
When I post in the fur thread half the time they don't even go through and it's a toss up on what it even considers a correct answer.
I'll just say I was hacked.
If some people want to try going there and getting new people then whatever, but staying here in the long run seems smarter.
Though I think letting it die is also an option.
Maybe we can all get lives if it does.
yeah 4chan captcha and someone coming in spamming gore and cp at least once a week is not worth any new posters we would get.
I like how havin our own board I can act like myyself but on somewhere like Holla Forums i'td be stressful
if its not notable I skip most EDs. I never skip OPs tho.
I'm gonna cyber Bard.
do it in public
this is the op for me
it's probably gonna be worth it once I get over the hump of being spit roasted by gargoyles
WTH is this CN shit
Wow your head's really in the clouds this morning.
Tell me the last time you ever saw me up at 6 in the fucking morning.
How anyone can think straight at this awful hour is beyond me.
This is why coffee is so great.
well im just about to go to bed silly heehe :3
you said you werent going to tell anybody
I don't care for it.
Use to have it in collage, but it just isn't my thing.
I envy you.
y-you're sinning in front of everybody....
Soda is much more my thing, but it's horrible for you in every single way, and I don't find coffee disagreeable in the slightest.
It's sinsational.
I'm trying to just drink water more.
My teeth are bad enough as is.
I can't hide this feeling anymore.
But complaining about 4 chan datamining while posting on Holla Forums is a little ineffective tbh.
Well coffee and tea don't really rot your teeth nearly as bad as soda does. Still discolors them, but that's a fairly easy thing to fix.
Get out of here Bebop.
Go suck Hiros dick for epower.
jesus christ
do you want me to drop my summon sign or something?
Man, what the fuck is with the people here in the south sucking down tea like fucking crazy?
Shit's uncanny.
way ahead of you
Not a clue, is it really that much more common than the midwest?
Just seems like everyone here drinks it.
A lot more than back home at least.
Oh and I forgot to mention the global rules for 4 chan:
If forcing you to post using your direct IP isn't datamining, I don't know what is.
bro you dont even understand
when I was in texas tea was like water
almost everyone i knew had a jug in the fridge
I blame the port and it's horrible control response and random frame shits
you have to die
does 4chan have names or tipcodes
Man, if Hiro wants to look at my search history and ruin his day, that's on him.
If you use NS.
I don't know who keeps it up anymore though.
All sweet tea though I'm guessing.
That's fine then.
Anyhow I have to head to my first day of work.
See you guys around 5.
see ya squashie
Not clicking it
Was just some nobody advertising, anyway.
Fetus deletus
All the fucking emojis are locked behind a pay wall in hots
ya know some days communism sounds nice
emoji's were a mistake
5:30 am
my bed time
night ban
sonic was fuckin A
they have heated outside seating and the food is tasty
Never been there.
they also deliver on roller blades
they have this drink called ocean water which is like blue raspberry sprite with a hint of coconut
Isn't that a better waifu than restaurant?
her tits are oversized
Tropical. But the drive-in is so outdated.
it is nostalgic.
the blizzards are on point too crumbled oreos blended through and through
unlike mcdonalds which just tops theirs
fast food is garbage. I will be glad when the Russians blow you up america pigs
this is an entire series and it fills me with such joy
Chie actually gave me a fluffy muffler..
Now I finally get what this picture is referencing.
Tell me your secrets, Animus.
im gay
he's gay
I'm the only straight one here
'Bout them black goddesses, eh?
Fangs make everything better.
Doubt consumes me over this, which says something about you or the others.
fangs are distasteful
Take it back and then go fek yourself.
no. fangs ruin lolis. you baka
Oh you're right, I'm gay too
No, no. That's what cocks do in anime to lolis, you bwaka.
fuckin fag
ochinchin daisuki
Can someone please answer that phone?
Because I fucking called it.
Zero's deadpan emotions get me rock hard.
gay for black girl ass
Oh boy I sure do like sticking my dick in dude's booty holes
You tell me why this board had one installed then.
Hah gotteeem.
you're a girlfag you like smearing your axe wound on other people's axe wounds
Jungle fever is bad and you should feel bad.
so is like gay lust so like who are you to judge mister
We're stuck in the past trying to relive the glory days.
I don't see how that's arousing at all. I mean licking an axe would, sure. But rubbing them together? Ehh..
As someone who hates themselves I am uniquely qualified and I have lots of experience to speak on this matter!
The glory days left for milk and smokes a long time ago, I think this needs to be faced finally. They aren't coming back home.
I'm sorry. I wanted to wait until you were older.
clitoral stimulation, I assume.
black ass is pure
the Chinese are such a wise people
"hit aeroplane" in chinese is slang for jerk off
Masaka... Shijirarenai!!!!!!
But you can get that in more reliable ways.
However you have to justify the abomination that is twerking, faget.
the fact that it's mutual probably lends some legitimacy to it. Oral is probably better either way.
daily dose of RAR
I blame you, ever since you came out to the family the glory days never really seemed into the whole scene.
You made them leave.
twerkiness is next to godliness
Praise be to the Beyonce.
I'll have to find a cute girl to try it with.
I'm sorry ;;
Truly life is suffering.
god i wish that were me
Okay I've now resorted to quoting furry pornography written by a man with suspect enthusiasm for cuckolding- We have reached the point where we need to stop. Please.