❤️ Official Scootalooo Thread ❤️
De ja vu Edition
❤️ Official Scootalooo Thread ❤️
De ja vu Edition
and such? :O
And cuddles and stuff
i dunno...
i kinda like having a whole bed to myself comfortably and spacious and
First of all subhuman for even considering that shit, but what did you see that was so good you wanted to clap?
You'll warm up to it I'm sure :3
i actually had a tower of mattresses irl a long time ago that i slept on.
Well then you'll be fine sleeping on me! I'm pretty comfy
why do you want that?
Because you need hugs, Luka
I feel as if you are severely deprived of them
i am.
havent had anything in what feels like over 5 years
That's just a euphemism for fat.
"blow" starring johnny depp
Dont bully luka
Then why do you resist me so?
I am nowhere near fat lmao
Live in somewhere less middle of nowhere
Let's do it
who is TEST
Sigh.. nevermind
i'm not trying to do bad things...
Are you actually flirting with Luka?
What bad things?
I am that is not.
Are you inebriated?
Never say his name aloud
Am I?
Well then, that settles it.
i dunno... sorry.
i dunno what to say.
protect me from darwin!
Oh u...
Darwin is not dangerous
Actually no nevermind he is a shit
very dangerious!
Why even?
Stay close to me for protection
You're my heart, kid. How can I live without my heart?
For what?
Falling to the furry side
healz plis
A really gay midget that's assumed control of the board. A three foot tyrant.
You are posting Soraka.
furries are gross
Darwin should be purged.
*Heals you on cooldown*
And my favorite skin is divine
I bought you that one, you ingrate.
National Socialism actually makes a lot of sense.
Looks a little too serious for my taste, I'm a simple man, who isnt interested in roasting his almonds.
I like comedies and romances and corny shooters and other such lightheaded stuff.
i want stuff
okay nazi
Such as?
stuf that i will prolly hardly touch but desire soo much thinking that it wil pass my boredem thinking it may give me temporary happyness but it won't last forever. i want to have games because... uh... they are supposed to be fun... but i hardly touch them... procrastinating playing them... unsure why...
Wish tsuchi would get perma'd
*perma's Sushi*
Seems extremely short term...
Rude as heck
if test died right now
I would still have beaten him at OW
so I win.
i want what i can't have.
and when i have what i want, they make something new for me to want.
Why is nobody posting Scootaloo?
You need to learn to be content.
Fucking six stacks.
Talking about penis in voice gives you the moral support you need to achieve victory.
More scoot
This is probably how some of the big leaguers win.
I was solo queued and accidentally came up against a six stack of 4chan furries.
So you are all shit is what you are saying.
We're all trash.
Says you
Yes, you all are shit
i am, but there comes a point, where things just don't last forever...
change is good?
we were talking about memes
and dick, I guess
so we win again
you non 6-stack peasants!
Did you just blare "MAD WORLD" the entire game?
Luka, if I had to point to someone adverse to change it would be you. You really need to learn to try new things, or you will continue to be stagnant as you have been for years
Look, I like you but this is indisputably true. Please take my advice and fucking do something about it
you're wastig your (breath)
And here we have our most popular sideshow, the hopelessly optimistic man.
Fuck off, I can try.
There's no such thing as hopeless optimism.
if only it were so simple.
It is as simple as changing your attitude.
Why would I
I can't stop you
It means he can't help it.
As well you shouldn't.
inb4 colbert exhausts himself doing this
i have attitude?
Don't burn him out.
colby more like one bally
He does this all the time, though.
It would save you the effort.
All optimism is hopeless.
I have to act politely towards idiots who drive on the wrong side of the road while DUI and total another person's car and then lie to me that they can't speak English when they clearly do and ruin someone's life and make me only be able to offer the other person $5k for their suffering
This place will never burn me out.
Where do you get cute lolimoutos like Sagiri-chan
You mean you are drunk and have nothing better to do.
But conservation of energy something something.
BARD.... hello.
Winter is coming.
Heat death of the universe something something
This show was the kind of shit I would hate watching today but it's one of those shows that got me into animemes.
It can't come fast enough.
Can you imagine the endless nothingness of space.. Endless...
How far into the abyss could you fathom?
same to be honest
I wet and watched it not long ago and it;s
It will be as it is or whatever
No, I can't imagine
Because is literally unfathomable
most people don't end up taking control of their own lives.
even people with their shit together still don't have all their shit together.
many lives are driven by making enough to afford to do nothing.
we are made broken and told to cope.
if Luka has found a way to cope, mazel tov.
may our own wants be so easily sated.
Neat philosophy, retard
You be nice to Griffin.
Time for socks, wooly boots and scarfs.
I could imagine, everything in our observable universe, including the big bang afterglow was just the size of a quark in a big big sized outer universe.
How wonderfully contrarian.
or kill yourself.
I'm sticking around to see if we create Soma.
Griffin can sit and spin.
Can you?
I won't, but that was a cute attempt to redirect the ire
Hanzo pls don't scatter arrow me ;~;
life sucks. if you got a broken brain, then how you see the universe is broken.
none of us asked to be born.
armchairs don't spin.
A shame.
In my book that I'm reading, a guy discovers an online text file that has values of everything in the universe and is able to edit reality.
I just explained what I imagined. What if we're like inside the hadron collider inside someone else's experiment.
Well, he is small enough for that, maybe.
Then we certainly wouldn't be here
Don't talk.
I don't see why that changes the fact that Luka should get a job.
What if our existence is so small it can't be detected.. or like.. what if the outer universe is so advanced they are studying our universe as a result of clashing particles and that is as far as they know how to simulate reality.
thank you.
knowing the people you're killing makes it all the more fun.
for the easily distracted.
what one value would you edit?
I would edit the universe so that u didnt exist
Then we should continue to live our lives as normal for the sake of science?
If armchairs spun, they would be an easy escape for the easily distracted
if you don't need money, work might still be good for you. instills a sense of purpose and routine.
but if you abhor purpose and routine, as many employed people do, and you don't require money, why get a job?
wouldn't a hobby be as beneficial?
I would set 'superpowers=1'.
No but really I'd probably set some kind of invulnerability or set my age to a constant.
I don't much care about Luka's benefit.
Jesus Christ this is stupid
i like ryu waga taka ryu kajoe wa takey ru
;~; at least cuppers carried me...
what age?
assuming your brain magically doesn't deteriorate and get Alzheimer's.
whom's then?
you were a fine mercy.
thank you for your service.
You'd probably have a mass breakdown of people realising that they were made to pass butter.
I'd maybe probably keep it at an age that follows pique brain development or something. That or just become like a hyper intelligent shota.
the local society and overnement that is tasked with supplying money for luka to live labor free
wtf is a hot dog anal
Yeah, no
Darwin should have taught you how to use 'pique'.
shota is pretty diverse. what age?
But I only care enough about that to say "get a job". One eternally jobless person does not consume my every thought, so let's just end this conversation here.
i like mercy!
it's just difficult making decisions while enemys like tracer hunt me down... hard to be calm and collected with somethign hunting you down.
but i try my best!
i was just off my game because i accidently set beam to 50% intead of 100 sensitivity... so toggling felt outta wack
but i got better once i got rid of the rustyness! Thanks for playing video games with me! ♥
Even I cannot teach retards.
Did you even learn the imagination song?
It doesn't matter.
my government. my province, in fact.
Darwin, I cannot see you teaching anyone anything other than how to accept your creepy overaged advances
I thought you were Chinese.
This is true. I am very impatient.
a genuinely fun game, imo
ideally nobody should have to suffer ever.
you should check out Brave New World.
I got into it because 4chan and now act superior to people that say they grasp its concepts.
But it's an erotic game.
hey cock!
learn to pistol spam. and pick who you heal.
it does matter. Do you really want to be known as the immortal shota?
immortality works better in secret. trust me.
you guys are gross pussy is better
that registered in my mind as stranger in a strange land for a second and then i reallized it wasnt by heinlein
tfw u can't get da pussi
Ikt send help
Was that unsensative of me? I can never tell.
It's not something I'd go around advertising.
ultra lewd ;~;
everyones always getting hurt, not enough time to pistol when there are teamates getting hurt...
must... babysit.... team... >_<
if i wanted to DPS i wouldn't be on Mercy now would i? :3
ur gonna need a cup for all jelly.
are you familiar with Mr. Soto?
Wish deleted me on Steam
Ikt send help
Quite so
My heart and actions are utterly unclouded...!
They are all those of 『in』.
Wish deletes everyone.
My Shut-in Little Sister Not Related by Blood Can't Be This Cute And Also Happen to Be My Lewd Illustrator For my Light Novel Series.
There's like, a muscle pinched behind my shoulder blade and it hurts really bad.
Wat do?
How would anyone be jealous over playing video games with someone else?
tis interdast to say the least.
but not in our lifetimes.
our collective responsibility should be funding renewable energy to power future VR and Holodeck projects.
Let the record stand
I deleted wish before she could delete me
I deleted Ian.
No kidding
You bitch!
Don't you mean with, tho?
My head hurts a little.
do you think he'll stop hitting on traps and younger girls when he's older?
think he'll try not to flirt with them because they're young?
Deja vu!
I've just swam in this place before
Shoulder massage?
Flailing arms?
Drink more alcohol!
if you don't know that's sad.
I'd add you back but I'm going for a year
Have you been before though?
I sincerely doubt it, but time has its effect on everyone
I expect an invite in 11 days
Do you think he's gonna bang his loli not-related-by-blood imouto
Is that lulu poster diamond yet?
I've been drinking nothing but alcohol so far this weekend. I will pass for today and just suffer through.
Let me check.
No she's not lmao
More alcohol to push back the headache for later!
It's like, under the shoulder blade. I can barely move my back ;;
Also it's 5am
Ian do you know how many days are in a year?
also just say step-sister
16 days. Shut up.
yea. maybe he'll hit that age where young things stop being attractive to him.
i think that man will be a predatory character for a long time.
furry go away
Ian I think there might be more than 16 days in a year.
There is always an update every time I open this piece of shit.
osu rarely updates js
Is Ian diamond yet
The buzz won't be worth it. Bring me pancakes and a cappuchino pls
DPS is like healing, but opposite.
Predatory is a strong word. I do not think that accurately describes him
Bronze 4 lmao
I hate Kanra so much
Hey Darwin listen to this
wow go to sleep silly, maybe it'll go over by itself
but that sounds less incesty
coffee and donut good too?
Ramm it in
Bronze is too much fun
I stopped at 0:45.
I delet test
i cast barrier and hold down the Trigger, spraying and praying one of my 200 bullets hits a target at least once...
then you do not know your friend, my friend.
he is an alpha driven beta.
would you describe him as a talker? charming? does he make people laugh?
u wot
Kinda wish I had a bronze account. I accidentally got into silver on my smurf ><
Okay I'll take it.
Ian you're not even making sense anymore
I can't ;;
just say imouto
You didn't even get to the part where he starts singing the main part a riff early and was like oh fucc
aim for their heads.
why does that girl have a dick
Duo with Ian and you will have the bronze experience.
It hurt too much; he is even worse than I am.
here it is boys
100% Pure columbian cocaine
Disco shit.
Pure as the driven snow
i woke up like super early today too!
f1 stuff
hmm, are you somewhat comfy at least or is it killing you?
i'll settle for an imouto
pic related it's darwin using his current avatar
Sing for me again, I forget what your singing voice is like.
It's killing me
Yeah, but Sagiri or Umaru?
Which song?
I know him much better than you do, his flaws and his strengths. Yes, he is a scumbag. He is a people person. He makes everyone laugh by virtue of being himself
Your point?
Math is not my strong suit
they move left and right and jump up and around and hide around corners!
moving so erratically! i can't keep up?
Oh, my.
Girl penis
don't say things like that.
my brain does this thing where it literally cannot believe someone could feel something negative about it, so it translates into a more rational alternative ie. love
It was a gift for Ian
The dream. Except playing league is terrible
Work work?
:c *rubrub* get better!
Sagiri ofc
Watched Formula 1
This one
What is your strong suit? :3
I need to get up and take an aspirin but it's so warm
It is not so bad when you play with Ian.
he's a people person with an ego, he's slightly scummy, but this is all forgiven because he's too damned likeable. no wonder he gets laid. in facts, assholes are attractive. so are dicks.
Send me the lyrics.
warm? Warm is good right
Also who's your imouto?
aim in front of them. or just aim for the snipers trying to line up a shot.
a dozen headshots can happen in a fraction of a second, and make them duck away or die.
Oooh, right you're really into cars!
Was it any good? ^^
Let me borrow your account.
so no one told you life was gonna be this way
Being irresistibly pleasant and attractive
Good job, you've filled in the blanks. Your point?
What happened to the one you had?
I HATE FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what reason does he have to stop being all these things he's been successful with?
especially if it gets him laid.
Good race with nice start and exciting ending on Verstappen's side!
Darwin has pique taste in furries.
Wanna hear me sing?
probably because YOU DONT HAVE ANY
how do i learn to aim?
Yuss, bed is warm.
Uhh, Namirin
Wow, if that's your strong suit then you but be really weak all around :^)
just fucking do it
you cant get bettter at somehing unless you do it
Hamilton #1
You know what I liked?
Conan the Barbarian~
What do I get in return?
what does better look like?
i can't tell.
i'd rather see you dance, but sure.
me too actually
What do you want?
that comic is ok but it hasn't updated much the last few years.
high IQ. jk.
look where you're shooting and the crosshairs at the same time.
I think I forgot the username.
Naisu! We watched some Counterstrike at the bar we were at this friday, was pretty fun!
such goodness
comfyebed. where's the aspirine?
hope there's good competition between him and vettel this year
send help
oh, do they show that now?
Good taste~
I thought Miraclez was a dumpster that we left behind b/ when we moved.
Hmm? Use your words, big boy.
Oh hey, I linked that earlier!
nobody say who it is
I will try to think of something. I would have to be very drunk to do it in the first place.
It's quickly becoming a thing here since there's so many professional danish players. We're like the koreans of Counterstrike
maybe if you shout really loud it will come to you!
did you know namirin is hawaii and feku literally lives next to her or something
Do normies follow it?
You're pretty useless, you know that, right?
That'd just wake people up and they'd be angry...
Yeah, she follows me on Twitter.
just here being not useless.
how do i do it good though? pro players use some sorta trick?
they're called 'aimbots'
bullet speed. enemy speed. your crosshairs. track enemy. shoot.
Elite haxx
soldier 76 has built in aim bot!
i'm having trouble with tracking.
I was always good in games that had both lasers and ballistics, I'd prefer the challenge of using ballistic trajectory and range over point and shoot lasers, due to the lower damage scale of those..
You said you'd need to be really drunk though.
woah you got a famous person to follow you!
you can't predict em all. if they're moving in a straight line, it helps to think where you'd be going if you were moving in a straight line.
Hanzos can read other Hanzos. it's a thing we do.
Overwatch has a bunch of those.
I play Galactic Junk League so there is a hugely awesome balance system between lasers and ballistics, as well as missiles as the finisher for the rock paper scissors dynamic, and I've played missiles and ballistics primarily because I like the range and 'lead' that ballistics shooters have to use to compensate for the slower projectile speed, it requires more 'skill' but pays off in better damage over lasers or missile kills.
I just need to acquire a fake ID and I am set.
I have people with more followers than her following me though
just use my fake id.
Can I follow?
Yeah sure, if you find my handle
i can't find it
I could get in trouble for underaged drinking.
I thought I had a better take of this but no. And I can't record because I don't have my guitar here. (I wrote this like last summer)
be pretty dumb to pick slower bullets without benefits.
I'm making the most out of my pique FPS gaming years.
they don't have pro 28 year olds.
stuff like this seem like pure luck though? ._.
Who didn't like that?