Friendly advice
do not cease drinking for months and then get blasted suddenly one night
you will have the worst hangover imaginable
Friendly advice
do not cease drinking for months and then get blasted suddenly one night
you will have the worst hangover imaginable
That's not halal
clap clap clap
slap slap slap
That's not haitai
slap slap slap
I am afraid
the new album is out
do you like it ?
back left one is cute
they are ALL
aiite imma head back to my parents and we'll have the stream in 4-5hours
The one in the middle has shark teeth.
I want to live this life.
What ethnicity is that guy? Half?
please watch this it is hysterical
Let's hold hands.
So that's why he's wearing mascara..
Is he?
idk didn't even notice
maybe he has really thick and dark eye lashes
New thread
Who dis???
Nah it just looks like it :3
Idk what sort of thing they do on twitch but I followed anyway
I like how that bitch is the reason that Sita destroyed an entire city.
Are you a Mimika or a Yuzuloli?
why is the fbi here
All admins have been pedophiles.
Iri Flina.
The half-vampire in this picture.
And Sita is that girl with black hair and yellow eyes that I used to post, which only had like 20-30 images.
Those poor little boys.
Oh hey, I've actually got a fitting image for that.
i wonder why she makes sita angry :(
RIP in pieces, Test's victim's assholes.
Test was always gentle with me.
Have you read it all?
Chapter 7
wow weeb af
ur a lolicon
She kidnaps the girl Sita likes, and turns her into a vampire.
So Sita stole a sword said to be able to "Undo anything" and accidentally undoes the entire city.
Sita soo reckless ;~;
Not reckless. Just desperate.
To be fair, it's the faction's fault for letting the most magically powerful character in the canon at the time know where such a powerful weapon was anyway.
what is sita from?
The Ramayana I think
Sita and Iri are both from Sword Girls.
same tbh
a card game :)
a card game :)
Those barbell nipple piercing things are pretty hot.
Kind of just makes me want to give them a titty twister.
do not
You'll rip off the nipple
Wait. What?
Is it time for Birdie to save us from the nothing we've become?
no problem
You're gonna run out of nipples real fast.
they grow back.
yeah, same
Their fault for shoving things through them tbh.
Alright, I'll yank off your nipple so you can prove it.
not unless we're dating though!!
Emi and Ban are dating now.
I saw the logs.
Are you feeling it mister krabs?
I didn't know nipple ripping was such an honor.
yan come help me punch this dragon in the bollocks
i doubt that's how that works.
well, nipples are lewd! i wouldn't let just anyone see them, let alone touch them!
good, don't show ANYONE
I even saved the dating contract you guys signed.
though i did get people asking already
fucking perverts, all of you : 3
disrespectful as heck! that's it, mate, i'm gonna find you.
also it's the eighth for me already.
you fucked up on two counts.
You love the attention though.
I'm not the one who signed it.
It'd be dated as per the country it's signed in, silly.
AKA, the United States of Holla Forums
forgery is a serious crime, you know! that's what got Phoenix Wright disbarred!
shiggy diggy
Also its your fault people are asking for them.
You showed them your picture.
Say it ain't so
What are you talking about, forgery?
I just said I wasn't the one who signed it.
>implying the true PUPPET MASTER would let him
Rip. One of the Alice tards banned me again because they got salty.
we all know it was you.
I wasn't here for Emi posting his picture, can I get a repost?
Rip your entertainment for the night
all part of the plan~
it's more fun to get nudes of someone who loves and trusts you than a random internet slut.
you're one of them~
its far more fun taking nudes of someone who loves and trusts you
It's whatever. I only go there 'cause Kermit is there.
They all kind of just suck Alice's dick and I'm not allowed to shit on them there.
Kind of boring as fuck.
Just when I start having fun with cs after years of thinking it's utter shit I get comp disabled for 20 hours after 2 games.
Best game ever.
reposting what picture?
No one would be surprised, tbh
that's private only~
did you just assume my fucking gender.
or that.
ahh, so you have the reputation of being a pervert?
I got mine in private.
Manipulating the weak boys
do you like the new falling in reverse album ?
I'd better learn Spanish and have a back up plan to fuck off to Argentina if SHTF
ehh, gotta get all of them in line and pick the best specimen so i can bear his pure aryan babies
t. all women ever.
>Implying the PUPPET MASTER would let this happen
Fair enough.
You have my steam, lol.
Yes. I assume everyone's gender.
Except Squash, bark gets kind of livid if you don't respect barks pronouns.
Ive not heard it yet. Shit im out if the loop. How's it?
I guess. Ive no mental "brake" if thats what you mean.
Since when have canada drafted?
Echo chamber of stupidity.
So what's hoppin'?
what is this, the roman republic?
it aint bad
I'm technically signed up for the draft.
God i miss rome, Caesar did nothing weong
WW2, I think.
So it is.
Not much, catching up on some yt videos while playing Radiant Historia.
well, come and talk to me, dorko.
i-i'm shy!
ehh, i guess i am a guy, sorta.
you got someone to take nudes of?
Caesar did a lot of wongs, though.
I dyed my hair blond once. It was a mistake
I don't know what to think about it yet.
I need to listen to it a few more times.
Its all on EpitaphRecords youtube page
Makes you appreciate your nations chooce to be a completely voluntary military institution.
Shit id be a bad choice
Have you seen me on bf4/rust
I don't really talk to anyone without cause.
Sounds weeb as shit.
yup, though hes away working atm
voluntarism is nice, too bad we can only tolerate so much of it
never ever.
well, you wanted the pic.
that's a cause.
also i added like seven people so i can't tell which one you are.
Everyone with two balls between their legs that can carry 40 pounds of shit for a while would have a rifle in their hands and be sent off to fight in some hellhole they don't really care about before anyone could even question why the fuck the war is even happening.
I never knew, huh
Fetch the oil and flames. Cremation like my ancestors of old.
Typical epitaph
Billion yts out of order
I better get it downloaded for my bus home tomorrow
Better to have a force of willing, steeled professionals.
I was young and stuck in Florida.
What I really meant was "canada still drafts"
i'm too lazy.
you do it.
oh god.
were you dressed like your picture, too?
Anyone want to float me 100 bucks so I can go see a friend in the state?
No western country drafts at the moment because there are no wars.
No one is going to pay you to see some cross-state whore
if it matters so much, anyone worth a damn will sign themselves up to fight for what is theirs
I think "loser" is still my favorite though.
I honestly can't remember what I was wear but i'm sure it wasn't a lot.
People would pay to see you, freak show.
What a cruel world we live in.
We havent drafted since the first/second world war. Even in korea and onwards. Each to their own really. Tbh i think national service is a good thing.
same here, but i need 2000.
Id float a couple of bucks, but 100 is a lil steep fam
I don't own a skirt.
Forgive me
I'm only concerned with my needs.
Sorry. I'm selfish like that.
Ronnue does do good self deprecation
I don't really know you well enough to actually care what you look like, sorry.
I'm the Lostalgia person.
It is a JRPG.
I just want to be careful with what I have right now.
I'd pay them back once I have work again, but it's a once in year kind of chance.
Oh well.
RPG has become a bastardized term lately.
For small countries? Sure.
For countries at 20 million or more? Not really. It just becomes a really bloated sector at that point with the majority not really what you actually want in the military.
It's a shame really because I'd like to be the sexual toy of a bunch of buff angry guys
Oh well
Id crowdfund if someone else chipped in xD
Maybe the Russian or Chinks would, do you think anyone in the NATO countries actually wants to go fight an offensive war because the government and media calls the enemy bad? We're not that fucking retarded anymore, the internet has really opened up people to different ideas and opinions, no one gives a shit about fighting a war these days.
If your country doesn't go to war like Switzerland, sure national service is a great thing, if your country is a big conglomerate of militarized states with a history of overthrowing "dictators" and pissing off the nations with the second and third largest armies in the world, I'm a bit skeptical tbh.
Considering how triggered you seem to get over sex I really doubt it.
Don't tempt me to make one.
Disgusting fenian. I swear if my fam is drom fenian ireland i would be disappointed
Northern blood it has to be
i'll get ya one if ya promise to wear it.
ehh, can't blame ya, i'm like that too.
so why'd ya ask people to repost my pic.
will try my best to remember.
I don't know what's more repulsive.
Your floppy man titties or that abhorrent stutter.
It's mostly just misinformed people about whatever nonsense they want to believe.
Et tu squash
It was about race. Don't be dumb
I think your shitty diaper is more disgusting but idk that's just my opinion.
Diaper is disgusting
Seems like something you should wear instead.
God damn it.
I thought you were Revy.
I like to squirt and then roll forward so the shit jets out of the leg holes.
You're a diaper
Don't fatshame him.
It's not his fault he couldn't stop eating nothing but lard.
from what i hear about the training soldiers who are worth a damn go through, im willing to bet half of them dont have the energy to get it up for a good few months initially
so you would just let a foreign entity occupy your nation?
Hella darkness my old friend
Kinda, yeah, but it's a 2010 DS jRPG, so.
Holy shit, Scoots.
But Revy is American
S-sorry for saying you were dumb
Is it turn based and story heavy?
Mostly unfit women, and I don't think they're the type that get drafted but I dunno. Most men in a condition to serve in the military don't want to fight a war because they're in a condition to serve in the military, they're the fucking alphas of civ life.
I would not die or fight for Canada, this whole damn country could be invaded by chinks, ruskies, or muslims, and it might be a damn improvement.
Nice thought
I mean, my own government already does that so it can't really get any worse.
Most soldiers are incredibly pent up sexually, which is why them hiring hookers in their hosts countries and fraternization among themselves are such a heavily disciplined things.
Very much so.
well, i'm already wearing one.
so that's boring.
[insert mutual shrug here]
I don't pay attention to flags.
And you aren't wrong though.
Want to see the pics?
I'll let it pass.
Whatd i do now
Sharia law is amazing
I'm good actually, thanks for the offer though.
The pic of Putin.
I do cam shows too.
hello it's ya boi anomaly here from sveden
Buy me the skirt instead.
You won't get pictures, but I'll actually wear it.
Oh okay
Let me see your panties and skirt then
When will the British and French be expelled from Canada? The land belongs to the chamois and the exkimo.
Hah oh. For more risky humour
No. Most military person are below average in almost every category other than being a physical body in decent enough shape to shoot things and get shot at. Most enlisted are there because they don't really have any other prospects out of high school.
how so?
once they become soldiers yeah, but theyve got an awful lot of military training which will leave them fucked to adapt to before they get there.
i don't remember sweden's flag having stars on it!
last i checked, it has a moon and a gaping anus.
not without pics i won't.
i can't trust you to actually wear it.
on the same day all the chinks and muzzies are expelled too.
if it's eskimos, it's eskimos all the way.
So obviously you'd also have to come to Canada to make sure, right?
"Probably no" isn't 100% no though.
God i wish chinks would invade me
Yea yea, "muh western civiluhzashun". I don't care anymore. I'm the type of dude that could live in Iran, I'd just have to bottle up my homosexual thoughts.
Fun fact about Newfoundland, nearly all of the fucking filthy redskins that lived here are fucking dead, so fuck them we own this shit now.
Which considering most people are disgusting fat shits (myself included) is quite the accomplishment.
great (75% and rapidly decreasing almost entirely due to immigration) white north
pics would suffice.
you won't get anything here.
steam, dork.
it's like 3 am.
Grim could give you some tips
If chinks decided they wanted to invade my body , I wouldn't resist.
are you from lewd? i thought you were long dong on holiday at first but he wouldn't link me
suh dude
please don't say suh please
consider moving to a decent place
i'm not a dork.
Bored. Might go into town.
Meeting the physical standards to join the military or working out does not make someone instantly attractive. You can be ugly as sin and in shape.
/lewd/, /imouto/, /agdg/, Holla Forums, /balt/, fucking what board don't i post on?
we're all dorks.
We're all soldiers now.
probably not /sp/
But then we can't hold hands and share an ice cream, or something.
well maybe you are
I already said I'm going to pick up learning Spanish and move to the whitest country on planet earth and potentially the universe although I'm not sure about that.
It certainly helps not being 50 pounds overweight though. You could be ugly as shit but if you're in good shape at least you can get some construction job, not worry about hurting yourself too much, and make a shitload of money doing the bare minimum you have to because lol unions
it was the closest thing to a laughing whore image
did post there a bit.
not much tho.
i have some ice cream right here.
also you're a massive pervert.
wow bully.
gonna cry now.
that webm tho
dont be a cuck m8
what brought you here kind sir
just browsing around and such?
Into my mouth please
Phil please dont
A cuck? Mi amigo, I'll have you know there is not a blackened face in the great country of Argentina, and might I add, I would 100% die in a war over Islas Malvinas any day. 100% Argentina's rightful clay.
I am also an avid fan of consensual sex in the missionary position between two loving adults for the sole purpose of procreation.
Don't tell anyone, please, I don't want them to know how degenerate I am.
take a shot every time someone asks me this and i give the same answer.
broke up with bf, decided to meet new people, joined a few places.
this is one of them.
there's not much content of HD3, but the stuff that is there is great.
i think that's kinda gay.
You're the one in a skirt.
Being this degenerate and lewd should be a banable offense tbh
he certainly looks like hes having fun
It isnt gay if they have a feminine penis
God i hate catholics
d-don't what?
ah i see
well sorry to hear that
there's plenty of homos here for you to flirt with and try to fill the endless void with
hope you're drinking
how do you know whose penis opens up to accept the other?
Pretty solid avatar tp
Then i'm not gay.
is that how you rationalize it.
so am i, i suppose.
coke and vanilla ice cream cocktails, so that i wouldn't literally die.
i tend to drink a lot, no matter what i'm drinking.
neither am i.
thanks, been breaking out the oldies lately
how could you possibly not be considered a dork though
see brexit, and the queen does as shes fucking told, we dont venerate her here
in the same way?
Yeah, im not gay. Im hetero.
ice cream cocktails?
i would have such terrible diarrhea
On the topic of oldies.
Flashdance was on earlier
Had never seen that before
Rip the 80s
Brah. I am about 15 layers of irony
Exactly. I just like dicks on my girls.
you're a dork PHIL
Okay but how the fuck are Latin American countries, not bound to Spain in any real way at all, with secular governments, "dirty catholic, monarchistic cucks"?
yeah that classic dance scene
watched footloose a few weeks ago
always need epic montages
im only ironically dating a manly sailor
no urethra insertion, but aside from that...
sure you are~
lactose intolerant?
i'm just a girl who has a dick.
I like my penises like I like my beef.
Mutilated into strips, and hung in a smoke house.
never said i wasn't
too bad youre nofunallowed outside of a relationship
That was a joke.
Yeah, I like dicks too. They're pretty great.
Especially the ones that have wings and fly around.
Yeah you have pretty hair.
Dorks can't tell who other dorks are
well, you can try and romance me if ya want, dorko.
so do you!
who showed you it ?
Thats pretty hot
no just that i would over-drink and i already get the squirts just with beer and wine
now add a shit ton of dairy to that
when i don't really drink milk
it's kinda cute when sabrina calls you a dork don't you think?
makes dork seem kinda alright
Also another one i saw recent
Catrrall tho
Manly and stuff
i know, but im kind of in a relationship irl
cultural hereditary
my imagination.
heh, jeez.
i handle it better.
sure you are!
i won't intrude on that, then.
lol isn't that the one where like a mannequin literally comes to live to help out some poor neckbear?
You're a bit silly tbh.
yeah man i'll be down for the count most of tomorrow
don't need no milk coming out of both ends
Manly like george michael in wham
It is
And he fucks the mannequin
well, you could always put on a show for two
youre literally talking about leaving for the developing world m8
What else is your imagination showing you ?
Fucks sake.
Do something.
Hi ommaddon
finally home
your butthole.
is killing myself something?
that movie would never fly today
unless it was just another happy madison romp staring rob schneider
lol you alchy
I don't think you comprehend the level of development Argentina is in. And yes. I am. Because they don't get involved in shitty world politics that will fuck everything up.
And you call other people perverted
God, people would boycott
Mannequin lives matter
I only drank a quarter of the bottle tp
thats nothing
hello hello
kinda wanna voice with some peeps
Not the first time I've been confused with him. I should Steam him whenever his windows 98 can handle it.
It's a start.
Ladies first.
public prostate play tho
so you want a stake in a nation with so little wealth it doesnt even try?
he's a pretty good looking one, too
what a shame
Enjoy being a good for nothing spic piece of shit
Maybe. I might be going out to eat.
no public shit, no non-monogamy.
i am not a fucking cuckold.
what's on the menu?
Whitest place on earth mi amigo, I swear.
think about the pull that movie had to have had on the sex doll industry
my lord how far sex doll tech has come
bottle of what
how big a bottle
dude it kinda sucked
my april fools joke was going to be that i started hrt
i was going to put a lot of effort into it to make it convincing
then the fucking board died
i probably should have stuttered more instead of talking about milk diarrhea
i think youre mistaking exhibitionist for cuckold
war will always be a thing as long as there are people to contest things, quit being a little bitch about it
1L of black label
They predicted it
Whire in the shell
i'm neither of those things.
cuckoldry was in reference to non-monogamy, which is what i consider non monogamy to be.
People who actually think to prank people on April fools are usually shitters and idiots.
Don't be an idiot, TP
Also, no one would've given a shit.
so basically 6 drinks worth
holy hell my alc tolerance has been demolished
You're pretty hot.
Hey man, You can be the first to pick up arms and maybe I'll believe you're not talking out of your arse.
Yes indeed, white as snow.
Yet you replied that late.
no fun allowed i guess
youve got a particularly wide definition of cuckoldry tbh fam
youre an idiot m8
Drop a nuke on buenos aires and no on would care
more like an absolute disdain for non-monogamy.
oh yikes yeah you shouldn't have really been hungover if you ate properly beforehand
oh come on man it's fun and i needed a pick me up cause the day before is a horrible anniversary
cause like my friend ky'd
so i get all sad and emo for a day/week
I think that's a compliment coming from you.
Every white man on earth would shed a single tear.
I refer you to the no one giving a shit portion of my post.
No one would've given a shit.
i fell in love with an argentinian in college
it was a frendship trap at its worst
but i felt her pussy once so that was cool
Nigga tryna make a goof joke
eh it's not like there's anything else going on here ever
why not
who cares if no one cares
what if none of you people are real
i didn't get it
on a scale of 1 to 10, how white was she? 10 ofc I'm assuming?
I was wondering if anyone would reference that
I had like 3 slices of supreme pizza beforehand
We're all quite real.
Not giving a shit in varying degrees. But none given nonetheless.
Dont sweat it
Nothing personnel kid
i can get it, but while love is nice so too is fun, as long as love is not compromised by any actions i see no harm in it.
war is a natural product of power imbalance and resource distribution, its always going to be a thing, no ideology will save you from leaders deciding the cost of war is less than the cost of the profit from it.
I membered
fucks sake
Theyre frigtten
how white? she was tan but didn't look like a wetback or anything
she was gorgeous
why aren't you finishing that bottle right now?
best hangover cure
so get this
i'm invited to this all day bachelor party next month
don't think i can hang
might just have to take one leg of it or something
thanks for your support as always TB
how's life?
whom'st'ed's ?
Ni ni gayboys
i'd say that, in my view, if my partner wants a third person involved, that means i am not enough for them.
it's also very easy to get addicted to. if sex with me isn't fun, but me and someone else is, then of course he's gonna want another person there as much as possible.
that's not a relationship i will ever stand for.
it's a death sentence, straight up.
Got another raise from boss today. Not like I have time to spend the dosh on anything anyway.
Yea dude, America is on it's last legs and really needs to get that tiny amount of oil in Syria. The only countries I could see having some actual reasonable justification for war are shitty african ones where everyone is fucking starving, but their leaders are corrupt to bone and their eating, so they don't give a shit.
Argentina proves itself to be the whitest country on earth, yet again.
cuz im home w/my parents boi
they dont like to see me drink
We could never date.
I like beef too much and your parents would hate me.
get that 401k rockin
i really have to start contributing to mine
i'm just lazy and like the immediate gratification more
well i mean the americas are all euro mixed with savages
night faguette
i can see how you could think that, but to me a relationship isnt about the sex, im not looking for someone just to sleep with, im looking for someone ill still want to be with in 10 or 20 years.
america is very much not on its last legs, its just well on its way to becoming an oligarchy proper. fact of the matter is, for the people in charge, this kind of power play genuinely does benefit them.
what really fucking worries me though is that mattis is on the side of those who are pro-war, and i dont know why.