♥ Official Scootalooo Thread ♥
I love Cock Edition
♥ Official Scootalooo Thread ♥
I love Cock Edition
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I bet it's easy for you to get any boy to e-brush your e-teeth
I wouldn't know.
Trying would make me a, how to say it, "whore."
Whores get payed.
It's OK if more than one person gives you toofbrush, doesn't make you a whore geez
Yeah, I forgot.
I'd have to get payed to be a whore.
ywn pat iktQ
luka has a pretty killer Kuro folder
Would people start calling me Tohsaka again if I started posting her?
why does luka post all the slutty characters
If you are using the word colloquially then you could just mean someone slutty
they can be a little odd sometimes honestly
Ikt/qt what are the basic introductory books for programming
I have something called sicp on my computer from years ago is that good
Like if someone is a huge slut and I call them a whore, that would be acceptable, they don't need to literally be a prostitue
I just use words in whatever sense lets my bully myself the most at the time.
It's funny, though, because being called a whore has a worse stigma than being called a slut.
Fucking retard, amirite?
Its more insulting for sure... sorta like pussy and cunt, that's an extreme example though
so sad you have to self bully!
Luka gimme the good stuff
Even though, if you think about it, being a whore is objectively better.
Because at worst, it's the same thing, at best you're getting payed for your services.
Ikt seriously help me
think about it again
when you're a slut you can just have sex with whoever you want whenever you want, but if you're a whore you have to fuck gross losers
It uses Scheme which is a dialect of Lisp, I've studied it and it's not nice and also not very useful
And if you're an escort, you might get payed out the ass just to go to dinner with some reasonably well off guy, and don't have to put out if you don't want to.
Brb, becoming an escort.
Remember I helped inspire this!!!
i only know armv7 assembly
I finally get moved and set up and there's nobody I want to talk to posting.
Life is ruff.
who needs a 3dpd girlfriend when you can watch ai all day
I think jmp is an assembly thing
is there weeb assembly that uses janpu instead?
You aren't posting though.
And we're in call.
oh right
what i do
ぴょん EAX
Did a stupid thing.
yeah, same
Dumb shit
you dont even know
What was the huge update today for anyways?
His eyes make me so uncomfortable.
nani sore
weebanese instructions!
If I got a sex change, would you be my girlfriend?
I still don't quite understand the outright vitriol directed at the game. It's incredibly flawed but it just seems like there's way too many people that just want to scream about women or SJWs ruining video games forever in an overall average game. The animations and mannequin faces are outright creepy but the game breaking bugs of Witch 3's and Fallout 4's launches seems to have been worse in terms of actual buggy-ness. Just seems weird that there's this much vitriol directed at it that it kind of just drowns out any of the legitimate criticism.
Big budget made by a crew chosen not by skill, but by diversity.
It had a budget roughly half of the Witcher 3.
Your point?
It still have a very large budget.
i dont recall fallout getting away with it without getting shit on to be fair. its fun to hate things. like calling no mans sky the worst game ever, etc.
No Mans Sky was amazing. Don't you dare.
Woah, there, GarEE.
it was okay
i wouldnt say bad
Pretty sure he used to buy tails.
Triple ayyy.
It's a AAA game that cost far less to produce than games with comparatively worse bugs on launch and even still to this day in both W3 and Fo4's cases. Fo4 was the same sort of disappointing sequel that got plenty of deserved criticism. The difference being that there was far less toxicity.
Just seems to be one of those things where game consumers more just want to whine about things.
Wasn't the whole reason why people got upset about NSM that is broke a whole truck load of promises as to what it'd have and be?
Promises that got it sold to begin with?
it was still an okay game
They have ample reason to whine.
The game is objectively a mess. They didn't use the budget to buy skill.
They bought diversity.
I didn't enjoy it; it felt empty or otherwise devoid of purpose to me.
I'm sure I'd enjoy it more now with the base building updates and stuff, but eh.
janpu janpu
I'm here for that dick sucking.
the moe-est instruction set
It's just complaining about mediocrity as though they're personally owed something from any form of entertainment. It's average: average depth, average mechanics, average exploration. There's nothing glaringly bad as a game other than its shitty animation nor is there anything great about it. It's just some hubbub that people feel like they deserve more when the same sort of arguments have been repeated ad naseum about movies, with it boiling down to "I paid therefor it should be everything I want". There's a far simpler solution: if you don't like a thing, don't watch/play it instead of just feeling personally offended and whining on the internet about it.
They hyped a game that didn't deliver and people paid for a good that was not what was advertised.
Ample reason to whine.
pyon pyon kyaa
How was it even hyped any differently than literally every game, ie making trailers and marketing that just says "it's a game"? How was it not what was advertised? It was advertised as "This is Mass Effect moving to the Andromeda and you can explore and do stuff".
what hentai are you following atm now
"9/10 - It was okay."
hentaichart when
How is 7/10 a bad rating?
The ball was ruled uncatchable.
It's not. It's completely average.
And what's the non-sequitur adding here?
Wouldn't that literally be a 5/10, though?
The gesture for it is the umpire putting their hand above their head and moving it over and back.
As in it went over your head.
As did that last comment.
I assume game rating is like a school grading scale where 5 is failing and a 7 is a C.
And putting "Indie" at the bottom is the extra credit point.
I just assume that even if something is 7/10 why would I waste my time playing it if I can play 9/10 games
But then why even give them an /10 rating?
Just make it /5, and take 5 off whatever you were going to give them.
9/10 is a joke about IGN passing off bad games as good for arbitrary reasons.
It's ok not to get it, Gilligan.
We won't judge you.
My only criticism is that I can't give it an 11!
It was relevant.
Again, it's ok not to get a joke.
Memes are killing society
You in no way answered this.
society is killing meems reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
emma y u watch everything
It's almost as if games are not all made the same and other games actually deliver a good product worth paying for.
As if I made that point in mentioning how they hired a diverse team instead of a skilled on.
So a 3 would be a negative 2?
no life
NEET life
yeah, that one
By what metric are you even rating skill in this? It's sitting at a 74% on Metacritic. For Honor is a 76, CoD's latest is a 73, Deus Ex is an 81, No Man's Sky is a 71.
It sold reasonably well.
Is No Man's Sky's dev team even less skilled since there's is rated even lower?
*pets good doggy*
The fact that it has game breaking issues and bad animations.
*Wags tail*
shower sleep almost
also i just got stabs and keycaps should be incoming but no backplate help
what's a stabs
you're finally moved in? :)
i wonder what it's like!
Imo LukaxSquash is an OTP ship
So Bethesda has no skilled employees and hired off some perceived diversity quotas to explain its shittiness?
It's nice to be back.
I am just setting up my room now.
I guess if awful facial animations and game breaking bugs in a game are ok with you then coolio.
use wood
Yeah, but they're all white dude shitty employees that aren't hired for some perceived agenda.
Things are just shitty without some perpetual paranoia it's [thing you don't like]'s fault.
i wonder how comfy you'll set it up this time! :D
a clean slate!
I just have a desk next to my bed so I can game on my bed and pass out whenever.
In what way did I say I was okay with that? I'm asking in what way is its shittiness just the result of being shitty and whining over "diversity ruining games" is no different than feminists or SJWs ranting about how they're offended.
i'm in the same exact situation! with the bed and desk beside and sleep
If you aren't then why do people not have the right to bitch about the game?
Someday I'll fix my sleep cycle.
I've slept maybe 15 hours the last 3 days.
anyone can fix their sleep whenever if they have enough reason.
You can levy constructive criticism without just whining incessantly with some sense of entitlement and paranoia that it's some conspiracy or external group, otherwise it's no different than the feminists ranting about the patriarchy.
I sometimes just can't fall asleep so it's a wash.
The game is objectively bad.
People bitch about every game.
This isn't new.
Have you really done whatever it takes to fall asleep? Like good diet and exercise and no caffeine?
I ask because my sleep is fucked, but I'm well aware I'm not doing anything about it.
i had trouble resting with the hiccups bout i've had for the past 24hrs
a bit sore from the spasms.
I've done everything short of taking a bullet some nights. I am just accustomed to napping a lot during the day so I burn out very fast and need to sleep at odd hours.
I watched Akira yesterday.
Scanned the credits for names of POC.
Not a single POC. Not even a white person.
Seems like every so-called institutional advantage provided to whites is recognized moreso in many Asians living in the West.
Wait, who is the Canadian user?
I thought Luka's name just fell off.
Scream really loudly.
That sometimes helps.
Peanut butter and a tablespoon of sugar cured me.
By everything, you mean up to and including regular exercise and a regular schedule? Because those are what any doctor would reccomend, given those things are usually the reasons people don't sleep well. If there's something more serious, as long as you're doing the minimum, you'll identify the causes sooner.
The game is objectively average. By calling average games bad, it's outright saying a game that is otherwise playable and even enjoyable to some is the same as greenlight/indie games that have no value outside you showing off just how shitty they are.
I'm not Luka. I just post Pocky bitches.
P-peanut butter?
Tell me how people saying the facial animations needed fixed is not valid criticism.
Then our conversation is done.
It's done when I say it's done.
It's done.
it was.
especially trying to relax.
Yeah the thick texture of creamy peanut butter interupted the breathing pattern enough to reset the diaphagm enough to me resume normal non hicup breathing.
Luka, please.
In what way is that constructive criticism and not just buzzword "[thing I don't like] caused this"?
lol wat
dogs like peanutbutter
The game had massive issues because they didn't pay for a team with actual skill or experience.
This wasn't a note on how it's SJW. Just why it failed to meet expectations and had issues. Not everything is an SJW conspiracy.
they do?
I got my shit set up again.
elaborate my dear squashems
*reads with supurior comprehension*~
i wonder why!
My computer.
In my new place.
Probably just tasty.
The game is average because it's an average game churned out to simply be another entry in a franchise. Present literally any evidence that hiring was done intentionally overlooking qualified employees simply to meet some expectation of diversity and not just the result of most of the main BioWare writers and directors leaving during and after the development of ME3.
is nutella toxic to them? ;~;
is nutella even made of chocolatte?
I didn't say it wasn't average.
I said it had issues that were game breaking at times. Some of the people have straight up said they had no real experience and don't know why they hired them.
If you're just going to be a tard about it then I'm just going to find other shit to do.
Theobromine isn't a nerotoxin.
They just can't process it or something.
any new parts?
or you were just moving and off the net until now
What? No like I didn't unpack my car until today really.
I just wasn't online for a while.
Here, Gilligan.
Have this. But I'm done.
Provide this information.
Now I'm done.
;~; watching pet rescue vids and pet rehibilitation vids give me the feels...
to see how well they've made a comeback!
It's always good to see a happy animal.
what else are you going to be up to today beside unpacking?
Credible source indeed.
Might clean and apply to a few more places for work.
curry thunder strkes again
its female
It's funny because someone in the call called your reply.
does it get pregnant in the game by a human
Gameplay was kind of the only not "eh" thing about it. That might of been one mistake they didn't make in keeping the racist 50 year old Grim.
i was outside this morning and picked myself up some hashbrowns eggs margerine and and and ...umm spinach pizza for only $3
oh! and yogurt on 50% off!
It doesn't matter what the source is when the person legitimately has no real experience in the field.
I still don't' get how you can like canned spinach.
BioWare nor the credits even mention her but twitter accusations prove it.
not that im aware of. she is merely my waifu now
I never brought Twitter up, but ok?
what do you think about the game
ive seen horrible videos
Also going to be fucking around on OW so post reply and I'll probably not be invested enough to respond when I get back.
it's not canned stuff
it's frozen stuff!
The source you linked has twitter caps as "proof" of anything.
its more mass effect. if you like mass effect youll like this.
I can't tell if you're just mad that you got a shit game and regret it or if your mad because everyone is making jokes about your autistic game waifu.
I have yet to play one
is it for the pc
might check it out when I visit the parents
andromeda would be a fine place to start but at the same time the original trilogy is excellent
Buy me them.
you are richer than me
How am I mad by asking you to simply back any claims with evidence?
...is dr strange worth the download?
I miss ME1's weirdly painted on abs and rape face MaleShep had.
Just watch Dr. Strangelove instead.
...thank you for the indirect answer that was seemingly helpful albeit not directly answering my question.
dude was ripped
His abs were just painted on, though.
I usually just played a femShep and banged the blue alien who didn't look like Shrek.
I did back it and you shrug it off because of the site, and you basically just went "no you're wrong" when I brought up other claims about facial animations and game breaking issues.
You do you though dude.
But seriously, I'm done at this point.
You didn't provide proof of anything. All I asked for was simply literally any proof that people were hired and/or fired to fill some diversity quotas. Caps of someone's twitter page that's not even mentioned in the shipped games credits isn't proof of anything.
stop posting that
*Pats on head*
luka do you usually sport sweats around the house, or just panties?
Incredulous negro was funnier.
that filename
It feels like your files have a 50% chance of being accurately labelled.
I am glad I flipped tails this time.
...id be interested to see what mff is like if he posted like a fucking normal person
he seems like a pretty swell guy
He doesn't?
sounded too horrible to be a real filename almost.
truth be told id click all his shit but sometimes theres people in the same room as me and i dont feel like explaining why im watching loli scat porm videos to them
I think the most horrible part is the number possibly implying there's 8294799 other loli scat porn images.
only if it includes barbecue sauce
I don't post like a normal person?
normal is bad. Normal will drive me to being severely abnormal.
What is a normal person, anyways?
Is that some kind of imaginary creature?
...that semi normal post
inb4 frogs
what the fuck is this
conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.
Ew, no.
That just sounds messy and uncomfortable.
ugly motherfuckers!
thats the pain of doing shit for the luls
that's so horrible it's ludicrous.
kids playing in pajamas.webm
Sounds horrible. Why would anyone want to conform to standards?
Too bad it wasn't some other animal. At least those aren't being schooled in the art of urban life to bother everyone it looks like.
Consistency is the foundation of trust.
i once used strawberry jelly as a brain matter/blood analogue to mimic me forcing a ram module into my fucking brain
get it? memory? thats for the luls. was so stiky i had to shower
hello my lovelies
feeling okay?
Just a reminder that Pandas would rather eat themselves into food comas than fuck.
Finally. An animal I can sympathize with.
ree normies
hi, you
is panda porn the only thing keepin them from extinction
hi scoots
so I saw a vice video on lana rain and she has $2000 custom rei plugsuit
idk when it was made though..do you have any info on her making any videos with it?
evening nezi
friendly reminder that most animals dot fuck for pleasure, rather from biological imperative... the feeding process in almost all mammals is more common than the mating process
oh thats nezi
sorry nezi
I honestly don't want to know what zoologists do to make pandas fuck.
Dubious; many animals fuck for pleasure.
Friendly reminders that humans are one of the only animals to drink another animal's milk, and also one of the only animals to drink milk out of childhood.
maybe he was trolling
sama isn't that dumb
right sama
I should change the name. I kept the name from the video on youtube.
I'll check
ill leave this one up to you. because leaving it nebulous is only slightly more entertaining to me than directly answering
expert damage control
I think that's just one of those things that everyone hears as a kid and most people can't be bothered to fact check.
I remember hearing the same thing in early highschool, and it was learning about dolphin rape pods that made me fact check.
bonobos opened my eyes to that topic
hello new person!
how are you? :3
what's up sama?
I am nezi >:(
hello qt -hugs-
how are you? :)
What for are bonobos?
its such a scoots thing to say
sorry dood
Oh those.
I don't think they have a purpose, but they are constantly fucking and having orgies
I was asking what you were talking about, not why they fuck.
theyre primates...
Yeah, google helped there.
see... this is fun
when i actively misread your posts
and respond incorrectly, omitting critical information i get to assume things without doing any homework at all.
a win/win for me
thus igniting a possible debate
I'm alright. Been a normal day, besides the near 3 inches of rain.
lets circle back here tho... when i used "most"
as a descriptor you have to admit that wasnt entirely inaccurate, you just wanted to flex your epenis... amirite
could be better, could be worse
ive almost certainly failed a module through procrastination :/
so heres what ill need now... since weve refuted my bullshit:
an accurate count of all animal species that dont mate for pleasure
and a count of all the ones that do... ok go
Depends on where you place your goalposts.
90 degrees left and right of center
i got that fucking bait and ive settle in with a bottle of nice chanti
*slurping sounds
getting bolder with moar booze... eventually ill be begging for sabs and propositioning rin for nookie... which i will get shot down for and eventually resort to playing videogames
that was an older one unfortunately
doesn't look like a $2k cosplay either LOL
this is the one
i cant click on that shit nigga...
needs moar sfw
Not what I meant, but okay.
oh... you were speaking metaphorically?
Is shampooing one's crotch a metaphor for hand sex?
i prefer suave... better lather that way
whether i do or do not become aroused in the process of you penance is irrelevant
jack is my hero...
I haven't found anything just yet. The other one pops up a lot.
maybe its the years of coke abuse talking.. but when was a handie considered sex?
You called?
By technicality only.
shot in the dark but is anyone here doing petrol engineering?
I think muu was..
curious about the carbonization process of various fuels
for research purposes
Basically this, tbh.
...thank you for directly answering one of my questions
who cooks a 12' noodle
I want to cum on her face/glasses
luka are you megane
its a noodle
i love meganekko...
but... i have 20/20 vision.
so i don't require glasses...
Only Megane should be allowed to post megane.
What about contacts?
Why don't I have a meganekko folder yet?
People should always get contacts over glasses.
Don't all animus wear circle lenses, though?
I thought it had something to do with all that radiation.
What about the ones who haven't been nuked twice?
Two nukes were not enough, btw.
Hi Rin
Hi, Soto.
I kinda missed you dude
Thanks for not blank posting
That's how I usually say hi when I'm not already typing.
What's up?
anime bitch pulling off glasses, cant see shit, looking mad as hell
Nothing much
Just chilling, wating till my direct deposit hits
How have you been?
hai hai
i want a fig!
what's good my nigga
I've been okay.
Mostly just more of the same
I saw power rangers, though, so that was fun.
that feel when soto never says hi to you and you have to beg for it... and you kinda like that
i have cheesecake newtons! the box wont last 2 days
Whip came out for KOF for DLC btw
Shits lit
What's good with you dude?
Ive just been working and going to anime cons lol
Its great
Nothing too crazy?
How was it anyways?
I never saw it
You like that dont you you little sama
lmao btw hi
How ya been dude?
good breh... im drinking, bout to fix up a whole mess of fiuss and chips for supper
not potato chips no... fries, because im not in goddam uk
and that was *fish
i feel like correcting myself tonight
Would you fuck this girl?
too asian
You started taking hormones?
It was a genuinely good movie, tbh.
Whatcha drinking though?
Oobles quick question, are your pubes light blonde or dirty blonde?
This is crucial
But Power Rangers are garbage tho
how do I look daddy?
why bears ofcourse
Like an Asian furry.
Squash would be proud
isnt that your sister, soto?
What am I proud of?
soto we all know who that is by now
No, we do not.
It's Soto's boyfriend.
theyve got like 10 flavors!!!!
Unlinked post.
Who am I talking to? Not you.
Grim quit blowing my cover
I'm trying to pass off as a trap
Quit mistaking me as Matthew
Could have been worse.
i dunno
lol that's not Rin
Soto, has he ever gotten really steamed at you, and kinda glared at you, and stomped his foot and been all "Anthony Soto! >:(" and you just try desperately not to laugh because it's so cute how intimidating he thinks he is when he's mad?
This is the gayest thing I've ever read.
Welcome to Holla Forums, you must be new.
You clearly haven't been here for very long.
The fuck?
I always make sure he's happy and shit
*plays with grims boobs
hi I'm new
help. I was originally listening to this song for meme value but its getting stuck in my head
That is the wrong image.
Now fuck off.
Like I would save it. I literally just went to google and googled "Mugi K-on"
Fucking SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!! admin, my dude.
fucking con roaming is the life
hi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up spork* my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol...as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me ^_^... im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol...neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!
What is the image anyway?
I mean, I think I have it somewhere on my external, but I know it isn't named right.
I bought like 100 bucks worth of coke and like was all over the place and met so much people and had chicks on my dick that couldnt get up cause I was too coked out
I felt like an anime scarface tbh
That one
everything is effort
toothbrushuing formy life
Oh, dear Lord.
Drawin, you should help her get ready for bed n tfofobrush.
with your tongue.
bet if he did that in opera he woulda nailed it
Rin post gooch
I would be tasting so many pastries.
inb4 i cant, im shy...
wow rude
Post goosh?
You say that like it's a bad thing?
Your actual response to something similar that I had said was far worse and completely savage.
It depends on what they are, I guess.
They're black?
Ifnishedi tbursh in I can go into bed now nana
Yeah, I suppose.
But Neru's a pastry connoisseur not a pastry slut, right?
Sweet dreams.
She does not really tell me. All I know is that she eats polarbröd, and that cannot even be considered pastry.
One time I told Neru to post anime butts and they actually did it.
Google tells me that's just a bread company?
Dunno. That is what I was told.
The mystery deepens.
lmao you dont know what a gooch is?
wts they're black?
She's not blonde.
I have very dark hair?
I could've sworn she was blonde or at least a dirty blonde
Like Chii tier pubes ya know?
I'm a blond bombshell
pics or it didnt happen
But how will I get home?