ITT: Squash stops pretending to be a wigger
ITT: Squash stops pretending to be a wigger
*Wigs out*
fo sho
We wuz kangs.
That just makes you sound like the trannies here with terrible fake wigs.
Shiiiiet honkey, bout to slice dat add up 4 riz.
They have fake vaginas, not wigs.
Intolerant fuck.
Why would you do that
Ebonics is reaching a level where I might take its claim to be a different language somewhat seriously.
Only one has. The rest won't shut up about their FEMININE PENISES like real girls have.
Some in my area refer to this as Gullah.
To vary the taste at the end of a few bites before moving on to eat a little bit of a side-dish.
Why is everything about trannies with you?
Fuck, dude. Like, just fuck one and get it over with.
he is like this because he fucked one
The "wigs out" started it and you continued it from there.
I'll be your tranny.
You started it to begin with though.
I love this man.
But why not just switch to the side instead?
Many steaks I eat tend to be dry, instead of sipping something, I just dip it in ketchup to keep it tasting more moist prior to switching. Might just be something I do in general with drier food I suppose.
It's a whopping 16 minutes of me awkwardly driving around saying stuff.
I know you are but what am I?
Just eat better steak.
Sounds great
How awkward can you get?
I can do 16 awkwards per second
You're fatter than me.
I am thicc.
And 410 lbs isn't that much.
You're both skinny.
That's a euphemism for fat.
Don't shame me for being average weight.
Don't make me call you a mean name.
Like what?
Like Cunny
pat my cunny hunny
Like a gelatinous vermin.
I'm watching some zombie show on netflix and they are trying to cure zombies with weed and all the bad guys are vaping.
*goes into the kitchen and cooks yummy food*
Now they are using zombies to grow weed and some of the zombies are becoming weed zombies
Good morning.
It's 6:24 PM
It's 6:24 PM
Your time zones have never stopped me.
Oh shit, good one.
It's k
Oh boy, I love Z Nation
*Munches down the food*
You like the worst shows.
End yourself.
I try.
Why are you roleplay *actioning* whatever the fuck you're doing?
Its the best one.
Did you watch all of it ?
I've just kinda had it on my tv the last 2 days.
Jk, it was awful.
Mhmm, only because I heard season 3 was actually good.
it wasn't
*jerks off to the thought of your latent anger*
What would you know, you don't even have the tits to challenge me!
What the heck?
the eggs are not cooked yet! xD
raw might be tough on your body.
I'm on season 2.
its the kind of bad thats good.
How is it anger to question why he's doing that?
I probably would if I had to watch that much Z Nation.
Can you just do it anyways?
Yeah, I know what you mean.
The kind of intentional trainwreck that you want to stop and look at instead of look away.
*pet pet*
How did this get 3 seasons?
Who said the anger was only directed at him?
In Chicago,
Tue. 21 Hawks vs. Canucks 8:30 PM ET CSNC/RSNP 978 tickets starting at $30
I think you know where I'm coming from.
I know whats best here.
What's best here?
Then in what form am I angry?
I have no idea, the series is lucky to break a million viewers.
See you there?
My timezone.
The zombie baby that eat the black guy was pretty funny.
Do you REALLY want me to do it?
Apart from your timezone?
lol cute sona swap
Just copy me.
Later, less gay Tokai.
Yes, you remind me of him and it's annoying.
He shouldn't have looked under the car man.
cya big dick
That's your secret
You're always angry
whatcha gonna do today?
Is this where I whip my dick out and smack everyone with it?
Was going to game, but internet can't do it.
Very well.
It's impossible to be drinking hibiscus tea and be angry.
whaat's your internet stats like?
Its good.
He was crawling under the car.
not very smart
You're a girl so you can't do that.
I'm coming from a sexy, sexy place here, if you know what I'm saying.
Normal, but it cuts out when I try to do anything internet intensive.
You're not going to actually do it, are you?
Yeah, shoulda just bombed the building.
My jaw keeps cracking, should I be concerned, it's been more frequent in recent months. It's hurting a lot too.
Then I'm unable to continue the mission.
They could of just not gone back inside.
Just get a very large vagina.
Should probably just cut it off.
And let the zombie baby turn into a zombie toddler?
No thanks.
My ID is a pretty colour btw way ^w^
Doing that now.
Post pics
Oh yeah I almost forgot about that.
Lets send the black guy in alone and lock the door behind him.
Eww gross.
I'll draw the pictures out for you.
But that's what they did!
Are you good at drawering?
You probably should stop sucking so many dicks.
I'd bully Emma irl tbh
I want a lady with a vagina big enough to cover my whole face.
Then whoever writes the story is super smart and cool.
Shut up, Soto.
I am, if I had my old pictures on this laptop I would post them, but I don't.
But I haven't sucked any recently.
I'd an Emma irl tbh
I am not sure what to say.
Shut up, Ian.
One of these is you, isn't it?
Draw me a picture of next poster kissing the poster below them.
I'm not even Soto tho
Emma was the new season of Scream Queens any good or did you not bother?
You can't silence me.
Well you better think of something and fast.
And what if they are ?
No can do I'm afraid. Got nothing to draw.
It was as garbage as Pretty Little Liars
cute jinx!:D
hmm... interesting... kinda like a bottleneck or isp throttling or something... who knows... could even be some setting.
i dunno... it's to bad it's limiting you tho ;~;
Who are you then?
I can tell you to shut up still!
It was literal garbage.
Well I just doxxed you so I guess I'm getting b&
You have that to draw.
And your jaw.
Uncalled for.
Also found what I drew.
me on the left
Banned ;)
I have a guy coming Tuesday.
I'll move soon anyhow so it's whatever.
Sup nerd
I am he who is the same as I was.
Oh Good then I don't have to bother looking at it.
ty ty ♥
ur a qt3.1415926 tilde etc
Some type of salad dressing.
You fuckin' what m8?
Why do you have to be so gay?
It's funny 'cause that's your name :D
Fuck you Soto.
Just watching LWA, you?
They were in a cure all hospital or something.
But it had Taylor Lautner.
Actually you'd round it to 3.1415927
What ?
You get nothing.
Actually nothing, just dicking around. Been a rough day since I woke up.
ex dee
Hey, my friend requested it as it was his birthday.
I thought of something.
Holy shit
A zombie Camel
What's a cure all hospital?
I prefer flat over round.
Z nation
Give me everything.
:3 You're so kewl
Did you also give him a blowjob too?
Err, like they take diseases that are uncurable and you know, cure them.
I don't want to be friends anymore
Nope, not even in the same country at the time, so that's what I did instead.
What do I get in return?
Some friend you are
Yeah but it didn't make any sense.
hehe no you are x3
That's okay
Hey, he ended up getting one in the end, even if he did cuck his friend when getting the bj in some Chinese places bathroom.
No its not
How is LWA anyways I dropped it like 5 EPs in.
Drinking with friends
Watching Marvel's Iron Fist on Netflix
AotY tbh lol
slayer skin is super kewl! no regrets ever when i first got it!
how soon? like a week or two?
Mmn, nothing!
no way you are xD
Really good, you drop shit too fast man.
Watch 3-gatsu, it's so good it's getting a second season.
Around the end of April.
Then I must respectably decline.
Okay, so for his birthday, he ended getting drunk and went out for some food to some Chinese place.
When he went to the bathroom, he was greeted by his friends grilfriend, who then procceded to suck his cock whilst his friend was unaware of this at the table waiting for the food.
Thus the story of how he got a blowjob on his brithday.
Yeah.. can't change my mind.
I have the star girl one.
oh stop it you !
*changes your mind*
One payment of $5.99
I didn't want to hear the story, cucklord
:3 make me~
oh tay
RAWR!!!!!!!!!! xD
the maens I wub U in dinosaure qB^D
You said what, so I thought I might as well explain it. When he got back in, he just threw up everywhere and started to cry about it.
Overall it was funny to see him break down like that, since he never really drinks alcohol.
hmm... hopefully it all goes alright.
i'm undecided between slayer and sgj
but i love slayers apearance better
but sgj's personality a lot
ehehe x3
Have you seen the newest dragon ball super?
Did he tell that chick's dude about it?
*rub rub*
You get no payment.
Unsure to be honest, never told me that part. Just kind of wanted to forget about it I assume.
I watched it this morning.
Pretty sure no one is actually gonna die at the end of this arc and Goku is just pretending to be the bad guy so everyone will fight at 110%
I dunno man like I was digging the little girls with broomsticks but they didn't do what I thought they would do with the sticks.
Such a shame
3-gatsu what even is that?
So shocked that you replied to yourself.
No, I was paying you.
Why tell the story if he wants to forget?
You don't think universes are going to be erased?
When Zen'Oh was like universe 7's average level is second lowest I was like but "what's the ranking if it went by max level?"
Jesus Christ.
Shogi one.
I cannot be so easily bought
Well I had a story on the topic we were talking about so I thought I'd tell it? But it's whatever I guess.
They are probably just gonna wish them all back at the end our something.
Its okay to admit it.
Admit what?
Two payments.
No, why did he tell you if he wanted to forget?
Oh tru, that's such a bitch ending though
Money is not my vice, try again.
Oh, because he felt really bad what went down and how it happened.
Sorry for misreading the first time.
It was a 10/10 rubbing.
Maybe some kind of REAL villain will show up.
All right all right, THREE payments.
It's fine, I get that you're kinda dumb.
Mnn, maybe. But fear not, Goku is the strongerest!
But yeah, how well do you think universe 7 ranks among highest power level?
I would never admit such a thing.
mmm.... my food in the frying pan is starting to smell reall good
how can you cook eggs for over an hour?
Hidoi! ;;
*Nibbles food*
At least Vegeta beat Goku Black for a little.
Vegeta sux
Don't laugh at serious matters.
Hes used as a tool to show how strong the bad guys are so Goku can look stronger.
I don't like this kind of writing.
I'm not laughing.
Pet me
Drop it
*Pets you against the grain*
You're terrible at this!
I'll ride this one out.
i'm jsut enjoying twitch streams right now while wrapped up in cozy blankets.
You disappeared.
What if you end up suffering?
I'm running out of things to shout at you.
I like the way it hurts.
Give in.
But that is what you wanted.
Girls are always so dishonest :^)
Oh sorry, you were looking for pleasure?
You cannot change your mind now.
W-What the heck?
Why can't I? Is it illegal?
What exactly would I be giving in to?
I'd love to provide it, but you may not be able to accept
What are they streaming?
I wonder how many people here would like to cuddle right now?
H-Heck no, you're scaring me!
I'm honest with myself.
u know
Would you let a loli whip you?
Would you like to cuddle?
Nah, I hate kids.
But I refuse.
eh.. just some xcom 2 gameplay.
nothing too special.
Would you let Jinx pee on you?
Thats pretty boring.
But I hate pee.
20 bucks Emma is drunk rn
But it's Jinx
Would you let her whip you?
But I hate whips.
It would be pretty boring to follow the rules.
What do you like?
What's it about?
darwin stop disappearing
You're not breaking any rules.
You just aren't having any fun because of reasons.
Shit happened yesterday, so I was unable to compile a download link for that day's releases. Sorry for causing any inconveniences.
Yesterday's yuri releases.
(C91) [POCHI (Nagisora Riku)] Koi no Arashi Love Storm (THE [email protected]/* */ CINDERELLA GIRLS) [English]-1280x
Yuzumori-san Chapter 16
[kanihara] Nights of Azure 1 [Motto Yuri Scans]
(C91) [arkpoemy(十月十日)]たまどきどきはじめて♥のでっきれしぴ (WIXOSS)
(SHT2016秋) [クチノパシ (くちばし。、あくあ)] Mischief Sugary Kiss (プリパラ)
(同人誌) [ternotte (ノネト)] 実拡張空想のマナ3 [DL版]
And today's yuri releases.
Ano Ko ni Kiss to Shirayuri wo [Vol.6] - 0030 - My Honey [Amane, Ryou and Nina] (LQ) [English] by [MiamMiam-Team]
GochiUsa 5-058
Nanoha ViVid ch68_[VividTrans]
Nanoha ViVid ch69_[VividTrans]
[Doki] Hitoribocchi no OO Seikatsu - Chapter 42
[Furiko Yotsuhara] The Yuri You can't get Without Sex [TZdY]
[YuriYaku] Amano Shuninta - Touma-kun
(C91) [あとりえひなた(ひなた悠)] Find myself (ご注文はうさぎですか?)
(C91) [水面院 (ぶら)] Usual Days (東方Project)
(同人誌) [(DON) (くろ)] ボクの罪 (ぷよぷよ)
(同人誌) [(DON) (くろ)] ボクの罪 2 (ぷよぷよ)
(紅楼夢12) (同人誌) [八分咲] 紫色の欲求不満 (東方) (エロ)
吸血鬼ちゃん×後輩ちゃん ch1
But I am trying to do other things, and you were being mean.
Can you do furry doujins as well?
Even me? ;;
Why did it take him a week to TL this?
it like chess
but with random dice rolls on most actions you take in the map
and you move your units around and kill all the aliens to win
and you can customize each soldier with classes and apearances and skills
to handle each scenario
countering the alien invasion with you special team you made yourself.
but it's a risky game keep your units alive enough for them to level up and keep on going through each mission.
but it's fun how random the dice rolls on each action you take are.
GJ on sharing! ♥
Obligatory response to thread girl
Not dumb, just have dyslexia is all.
Why is it always males that are obsessed with lesbians?
Sounds interesting.
Do you play?
How do I resolve this peacefully?
Man why do you have to make me feel bad when I try to meme you?
Is that a no?
But the only girl poster is Test.
I didn't intend to make you feel bad! I'm sorry.
And a huf to you too.
Be brave.
No comment.
i've played a little of each, the old retro one made in the 80's, the newer 3d hd one in the 2000's and and the highly demanding ultra graphics realistic new one.
it's fun. and challenging you gotta think about each move you make on your turn!
Sorry for being mean...
*cheek puff*
Aww, so adorable~
Don't puff your cheeks out, I said sorry. Don't feel bad!
Is okay.
I feel awful!
I demand you to stop feeling awful!
Is true.
Can I be mean to you?
But why though?
Nuh-uh, you're not disgusting!
Whaddya gonna do about it?
Are you a fan of turned based games?
Because you didn't reply.
Um, I don't know, but I demand you to stop feeling terrible.
sometimes, depending on the games mechanics based around turn based.
but not the generic vanilla turn based.
just the ones with extra flair to them.
it's all iffy on whether the turns will be boring, or intense fun filled with action.
this one?
That's not going to work on me!
You're rude!
I am not.
Well I'm out of ideas now.
My response was
Are so!
Linkless posts are so hard.
Everyone knows I'm a dude though.
Don't you pfft me. I'll pfft you.
Calling other people rude is rude.
Did I win ?
What is your favorite kind of game?
something with simulation
something with management
something exciting and action packed with great story
and fantasy scifi
oh and large scale exploration of whole new universes and themes and settings
go to bread.
I think ED has all that, but I don't play many games anymore. At least not a variety of them.
Its only 8:30.
ed is alright.... i personally feel though that for me it lacks... "character"
it feels cold and business-like to me.
yeah i've been playing few things as well...
most recently i stick to exploring around in Subnautica.
but other times i want to feel the tense action of competitive gaming and team based matches with other people. playing a quick match here and there to feel the action.
then i can't take a breather and go back to calm games like stardew and farm or watch youtube and laugh
or just hang around thread.
soo many options... even watching people play kewl new things on twitch is nice.
I said I wouldn't.
I wouldn't know much about EDs character. I never followed it and only know what George has told me.
Subnautica was cool, but I feel like I might just wait until it's finished before I dive into it.
I find solo games more enjoyable lately. Might just go back to retro games for a while.
I know what you said.
it is space exploration, but... it's aura feels... like that EVE online thing.... soo cold and calculated.
imo, i feel No mans sky has more color and worlds and character to it.
not to say any of these games are bad. it's just my personal feeling on how i see each one and their styling.
it's making progress and the new updates add a lot to it and fix many things as well as they can. it feels similar as to how an anime would release new episodes, but with this game the new content adds nice things, albeit slowly over time, because they have to make it, but so far it's in a good spot! and only looks to get better.
yeah retro chill solo, where you have control over the whole situation. and can enjoy things at whatever pace you want. and their story is always there for you to explore.
Goodnight all!
-tucks you in-
sleep well
I don't know. No Man's Sky was kind of a massive let down in a lot of ways. Seems a lot of people were upset about it.
If I need a space fix I'd just play Star Bound.
I just avoid most beta games all together. So many just fall off before getting finished that i don't care to waste the cash on them.
Retro games are just preferable. Don't have to worry as much about shit. And no missed DLC.
Back in a bit.
Going to shower and get something to eat.
yeah.. but it's... kinda okay now with this new pathfinder thing, i dunno... it adds a few nice things and fixes.
but i think the overhype over the mess they made is mostly over now, and they are just back to being lesser known, and can work on their game again, releasing new content.
yeah starbound is like a great 2d version of NMS... but better yeah.
i understand, but theres good ones out there that are pretty fun for what they are.
back when games were more... complete.
i gotcha. my personal favorite era was PS2 myself.
cya later.
Starbound kind of did PGT well.
Had a lot to do.
N64 was probably my favorite. That or NES.
yeah, i remember spending a lot of my chilhood on snes and genesis and nes
Procedural generated terrain.
oh yeah
that's fun to me
Really depends on how it's done.
which ones are bad?
I couldn't say by name.
Games that have massive open worlds with nothing to do suck.
that award winning game Journey on ps4 and ico and sotc challenge that
Journey wasn't procedural generation.
It was more a visual game than anything. I liked it a lot.
yeah art also play a big role in pgt
Well, it's more a part of the whole thing, but PGT doesn't really as much on art as it does on the numbers meshing.
yes ?
tell me your desires
please provide rubs to the head.
In what regard?
*rub rub*
in any that you feel like talking about.
find new ones of her
Enough blackmail
I have no current wants past moving south.
I might try to go to school again.
and I already have all of them.
And you ruined it.
Midnight...the best time! Who wants to talk about some odd stuff that's happened on here over the years? I'd like to know.
but they draw new one on pixiv and other sites...
what kinda stuff do you want to learn and get graduation certificates for?
Nothing odd has ever happened here.
They dont.
I have all of them.
Wow, you replied to yourself. What a loser.
I'm looking at electronics and business.
I want to operate and own an arcade.
You knew it was at you.
You said it when I did it.
...i dont think so
sounds like a good goal
lots to learn and manage an do!
It would take years to even start though.
Uh huh, sure.
I don't think so too, I know so.
but then your local area would know you as the nice old guy with an arcade? :)
where they to to play fun old stuff?
u dont kno
I've checked many times.
How many times ave you checked ?
Fricken idiot.
I'm a grouchy shit.
I'll probably still be a grouchy shit in 30 years.
ive checked on pink girl :)
a grouchy old man running an arcade
sounds like a real character!
Then go find a picture I don't already have.
I only haven't saved the ugly and poorly drawn ones.
I'd probably play DDR against people while hours are slow.
how do i find her? ._.
are you good at ddr?
Use to be.
I want to save for a machine of my own.
You're no match for me.
are they like 10k or something?
who is your match wife date persona significant other?
That or I could get a PS2 and a copy of DDR with a mat for 200 or so.
how's it maintained? is it just the same old software and the same few selection of songs
or do official game companys send special tech guys out to you machine with new software and song selections?
my original ps2 that i bought day 1 when they first released that console is still alive and kicking, sitting right in front of me fully powered!
What ?
You can load custom song maps to some of the machines with a GC mem card. That and I'm sure there are chips to use that add to the game.
Our PS2 is long dead, but I have one of my own in the other room.
that vine sauce guy is streaming!!!
Hes good.
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