Why aren't you a Maoist-Third Worldist yet, Holla Forums? It's the most evolved form of Marxism...

Why aren't you a Maoist-Third Worldist yet, Holla Forums? It's the most evolved form of Marxism, succeeding Marxism-Leninism and Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. An outline:

- Socialist revolutions don't happen in the First World. They happen in the periphery

- When the First World is confronted with crisis, it turns to Fascism instead of Socialism

- The First World has many mechanics to prevent proletarians from evolving revolutionary potential. Such as welfare, outsourcing, interventionist wars (imperialism), and consumerism

- Capitalism produces inevitable human misery. This misery has been outsourced towards where the productive forces are - the Third World and the Second World ("developing countries"). Only when those productive forces are taken out of the global cycle of capital (unequal trade), this misery will hit the First World like a boomerang, unlocking the potential for a revolution in the First World

- MTW is NOT identity politics. Non-White people can be First World as well (Japan), and White People can be Second - and potentially Third - World just the same (Greece). It's a materialist analysis based on historical review.

Reading material:

Samir Amin – The Law Of Worldwide Value (Second Edition)

Samir Amin – Unequal Development: An Essay on the Social Formations of Peripheral Capitalism

Emmanuel Arghiri – Unequal Exchange, a Study of the Imperialism of Trade

Samir Amin – Imperialism & Unequal Development

Samir Amin – Accumulation On A World Scale

Anwar Shaikh – Foreign Trade and the Law of Value

Zak Cope – Divided World, Divided Class: Global Political Economy & The Stratification Of Labour Under Capitalism

Other urls found in this thread:


Because it's NazBol as fuck. See:


Fuck off.

NazBol sees Nationalism as an end in itself, MTW doesn't.

As I said, MTW is not about IdPol

Bost non orientalist non western grills then.

MTW in essence is extreme nationalism, similar to postcolonial theory. Maoism has always advocated injecting metaphysical and nationalist mythologies into Marxism-Leninism and promotes class-collaborationism.

Because the far left's obsession with violent revolution masturbation fantasies is a never ending cycle. A good socialist should support every effort to help workers and oppressed people.

Bullshit accusation. It's civic patriotism at its best

The class collaborationism is purely strategical, because once revolution in the face of a neo-colonial threat happens, the interest of the proletariat and the National bourgeoisie align. Once sovereignty is established, this bourgeoisie can be removed.

You have to realize that Third World countries didn't go through the phase of a bourgeois revolution (such as the American Revolution or the French Revolution), therefore, the bourgeois revolution and the proletarian revolution happen at the same time, such as in Russia 1905. It's a conundrum, which MTW dialectically resolves.


How do you suggest to fight neo-imperialism with peaceful means?

We wouldn't need violence if we could organize the classes into radical unions and conduct a large-scale non-violent general strike.

I didn't say violence didn't have it's uses, I said it's just one thing and can't fix everything.

Read Settlers, OP

Yet it ultimately will have to dive into nationalist mythologies, similar to Zionism's WE WUZ ISRAELITES 'N' SHEEIT in order to work, as most peoples in the Turd World are not materialist in epistemology and gravitate more towards tribal or religious alliances than class struggle. See: Islamism in the MENA.

But you can't. Look at how strikes work in the First World. Workers will be pacified by the minimal raise of their wage or something.

And unions in the Third Wold? You literally get shot. What do you when you look into the barrel of a gun?

Peaceful protesting works well.

That's the problem with most Maoists: at the end of the day, they're even MORE dogmatic than Hoxhaists, because they demand everything be done the way Mao did it in China. Even Turd Worldism itself is nothing more than Protracted People's War applied on a global scale, a horribly outdated praxis which is supposed to be applied to a modern world of proxy warfare and neoliberalism.

That only happens in some countries. India and Brazil are full of peaceful unions.

Maoism -Thirl worldism is a defeatist trend started by some delusioned americans, who insted on fighting or something they fabricated an excuse to don´t do anything.
Workers are workers everywere they are and although they might be "bribed" by succdemocracy they can gain class conciousness.

These "peaceful protests" (Arab spring) led from one phase of neo-imperialism into the other. Are you telling me Libya and Syria are free now?

And again, you are a patronizing idiot, because strikes in the Third or Second World are often answered with violence.

Well Roo advocates first worlders participate in anti-war activism, as if such a thing isn't constantly appropriated by the Democrats and other imperialist parties for the sake of winning elections.


Go back to r/neoliberalism

Socdems are the left side of reaction

So telling a peasant to fight for his country is bad? Are you really this disconnected from the real world?

What does Holla Forums think of this guy?

No. We don't. Actually Maoism separates Mao's theoretical work from his actual policies of which some of them were flawed.

Maoism -Thirld worldism is a defeatist trend started by some delusioned americans, who insted on fighting or something they fabricated an excuse to don´t do anything.
Workers are workers everywere they are and although they might be "bribed" by succdemocracy they can gain class conciousness.

It's not defeatist. Third World Maoist revolutions happen right now. Look to Nepal.

Not to mention, Turd World workers are bribed by (again) religion and nationalism.

Socialism can only come when capitalism starts to phase itself out. That's why every "socialist" revolution in the Turd World ended up going full reactionary, from China to Vietnam to Benin to Cuba to Burkina Faso to South Yemen to Zimbabwe.

Pretty sure Prachanda went full retard.

Then show me where in the West workers gained class consciousness on a revolutionary scale after 1945. You are an idealist if you think "if we just build a vanguard big enough we overcome the material conditioning through SocDem bribing"

I hate to sound like the Jewess in: , but reducing everything to "muh net exploitation muh succdem" is economism.

Call names all you want, Maoists in Nepal are right now fighting for the safety of the working class, women and children.

What are you trying to say? I'm a materialist. Gramsci has his value but I just don't believe you gotta get people out of their comfort zone as long as the potential for SocDem is still there in the West.

OP, since you're a 3rd Worldist would you care taking a few minutes out of your day and giving a judgement on the arguments the woman in this video is making?

She's going after postcolonial theory, similar to godemperor Chibber, but what she says certainly applies to 3rd Worldism too.

Are you an Althusserian?

Yes, but is defeatist to the workers of the first world, saying: Hey guys there is nothing you cand do live under capitalism until somehow the Thirld world saves you!!
Mao will be dissapointed about thirld-woldists defeatism in half of the world,

But I don't say that. Roo might say that because he can be a retarded edgelord trying to trigger people. I encourage worker and communist organisation in the First World, but I just don't think they will ever do a revolution.

What they CAN do is to strive for higher wages and a bigger welfare state. That would help them.

Meant for.

Something like 60% of EU youth say they'd participate in a large-scale uprising. Your beliefs are invalid.

I'll try to respond to that later. I'm going to the gym now.

I was required to read him at uni. No, I don't think so.

DAILY REMINDER Jason "Unruhe" Caden is a criminal:

b/c I don't like in the third world

Althusser was a great western Maoist, arguably one of the best. His students all went full potato, perhaps the only decent one of them is Balibar and Badiou when he isn't a Platonist shithead.

Actually not all of the EU is First World. Greece for example has high potential for a communist revolution and of course I support the KKE

Because I'm a communalist

lol, has this autist that keeps accusing Jason of rape or murder or whatever now started placing spoogy jebus gurses on him?

Greece is a settler-colony though. Modern "Greek" identity was entirely a western construction rooted in old school Islamophobia and need for a sovereign Christian entity on the Ottomans' doorstep. Just take a look at who was supporting the Greeks back in 1812: the British and the Russians.

Serves them right for trusting the eternal anglo

Forgot to mention: any socialist revolution done by the Greeks will ultimately keep the anti-Muslim sentiment which is the backbone of modern "Greek" identity. A socialist Greece will continue to support Israel's genocide of the Palestinians, Kurdish desire to balkanize the Muslim World, Armenian land-grabs in the Caucus, Serbian Christian hegemony in Kosova, and so on. Not to mention it will certainly institute an apartheid system against Muslim Albanians and Pakistanis living within Greece's borders and rely on Orthodox Christian chauvinism disguised as "socialism" ("Jesus was a socialist so you can't be a socialist without being a Christian", etc.).

By that logic, the Cherokee Nation is a "settler colony" since they also support Israel.

what am i reading?

Turd worldism in a nutshell.

France May 1968 What started as a general strike in France, becomed a strong worker movement wich nearly fought against the goverment (There were some deaths) and made the people rethink about living under capitalism.
Workers in some factories such as Renault, seized their factories (and some of them kept them sized for even 3 years). The movement was dissolved because the fucking Eurocommunists of the PCF demobilized the workers thinking they were going to win the elctions after that (goog luck with that in burgie politics) and because revisionist USSR did nothing to support them, and made millions of workers feel treasoned by the party.
Although it was not succesful eliminating capitalism, it made the goverment to make new elections wich De Gaulle losed (wich seemed imposible before).

Portugal 1974 Carnation Revolution
After years of a fascist Nato allied regime, Portugal had a revoluion, mainly pushed by the communists, wich had the control over it and the majority of the peoples support, but worried about having a communist country behinfd the iron curtain, capitalist countries supported a socdem within the party Mário Soares (as there was not other real party wich could achieve power), who betrayed the revolution and became president.
If it was not for that Portugal will have been communist.

I can give you more examples if you want.

Ocalan is a third worldist.

Wtf is this lol greeks were the base for the european culture

Bookchin is not

you're welcome to come live here
then get murdered by roving gangs of murderous niglets


Please leftcom comrade as a ML i wold want some source stating why ML is not marxism, seriousely I always hear this but not the argument behind it, (have read Luxemburg ctrique of it and although the critique is good she never stated Lenin was not a Marxist).
So please any book/write source?

Well first off, Maoists are pro-immigration, that’s a shity idea. Also the first world does have revolutionary potential. Also you say the first world would turn to fascism, where’s your proof. Third Wordlist is a spook.

I take that as an insult.

Maoism Third-Worldism was a mistake - Chairman Mao Zedong


Voting in a real socialist party, not a suckdem party.

Literally not what he said

Even more revisionist bullshit?

Because I like eating food, and drinking beer, asshole.

Cause Mautism is shit and I don't live in Taiwan or something.

Why would I follow and ideology that doesn't help me promote my ideas in the place I live?

When you're turd worldist you can only drink nuka cola


because I don't hate sparrows and food enough

The KKE took my girlfriend awayyy…. I mean…

The KKE is settled at 5% and has no intention of doing any actual, 21 century progress.
Oh, and we are part of the first world. There is no second world any more.

And the Frence.
Hint: The ones that arranged Kapodistrias, AKA the only chance Greece had to be an actual nation, not a protectorate, to be killed, was France.
Oh, and, the identity was there as much as there was a Bulgarian identity. Nation State itself is a "made up" identity, though.

You're an idiot, aren't you?

Greek socialists are anti-religion. If that means "anti-muslim" to you, nice spooks.

No, this is Rome.

Yes, and Rome took much of their culture from?
And the first important philosophers come from?


This woman is batshit crazy.

Rome took what was pure and progressive and turned it into a militarized bastardization. It then spread this bastardization to the rest of the world.

If only Hannibal had won…

Much like US with Democracy and so on.

The modern greeks has little to do with modern day Greece. It's the same as contemporary jews and the jews in the bible.

meant the old greeks has little to do with modern day Greece

Most contemporary Greeks ARE Turks, Arabs, or Slavs who call themselves "Greeks" simply because they follow the Greek Orthodox religion. They have nothing whatsoever to do with the Ancient Greeks at all.

Your idpol doesn't get a pass just because it's supposedly leftist.


using the roo to understand MTW is very dumb, com

what exactly are they doing?

I know Nepal has a communist government but afaik their economy is liberal capitalism rather than state capitalism

being this retarded



It didn't really work that well for Russia. Or China. Or Cuba. Or southeast asia. Or Africa. Or really anywhere it's been tried.
Communism doesn't work in non-industrial societies, and in the process of industrialization they almost always turn either fascist or capitalist.

It promotes useless inaction. It's a way for defeatist first-worldists to sit on their asses and just "wait until the revolution happens" without doing anything. I fully agree that revolution probably isn't going to happen in the first world until something sends their material conditions down the pooper, but that's not a good excuse to not prepare or try.
It also feeds into socialism's fetish for violent revolution and it discourages and scoffs at first-worlder's attempts to improve their own conditions

And Palestinians are a mix of Arabs, Jews, Assyrians, Egyptians, Arrmenians, Greeks (lol), Turks, Bosnians, Sudanese, and Persians. Does that mean they "deserve" to be subjugated?

The second "Yemeni" girl is a Jew/Zionist settler-colonial.


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you first worldist? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the LLCO, and I’ve been involved in numerous appearances on Press TV, and I have over 6 published books on Marxist analyses of Fallout. I am trained in Windows Movie Maker and I’m the top Youtuber in the entire Marxist community. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me on a pedo website? Think again, shit talking coward. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of third worldists across AmeriKKKa and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, first worldist faggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my hard-hitting theory. Not only am I extensively trained in Maoism Third Worldism, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the LLCO and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your counterrevolutionary ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what global revolution your slanderous comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.


How does this disprove anything? If there truly were material conditions ripe for a revolution, a mere appeal to SocDem and an abandoning of De Gaulles populism would not have pacified the workers movement. See, the difference to the Third World is that the Third Wold doesn't actually have the opportunity to go SocDem. The wealth and surplus is either a) non-existent, b) extracted into the First World, furthermore there is c) the possibility of an imperialist intervention. The USA for example doesn't tolerate even the mildest form of Social Democracy in the Middle East. Third World countries can become populist, can become fascist even - but unlike the First World, they don't have material access to the patchwork which is needed to pacify class struggle.

I'm not doubting that the USSR was indeed revisionist at that time, but what should they have done? They were separated from France by the Iron Curtain. Deliver them weapons?

Portugal was pretty much Second World at that time.

Go ahead

Only a IdPol ridden minority advocates for immigration into the Frist World. Who does that help? Also, a lot of NazBols were ex-MTW. What about you learn about your own ideology?

He made a baseless accusation comparing MTWs with Zionists, lmao

You can promote Marxism all you like. So do I. I just believe if you aren't LARPing, there is no other option than becoming a Third Worldist. I think Leftcoms are way more toxic in that regard, as they deem every form of activism useless.

I highly disagree. There is a huge grey area between the First World and the Second World.

Which would be what?

Stay illiterate cuckmeister

They are in the government but their struggle continuous. Petit bourgeois forces which profit from exploitation are blocking any type of reform right now. India engages in economic terrorism against the Nepal. The battle is far from won.

Of course it worked in Russia and China. Are you stupid? Both are world powers right now. MTW builds up industry and keeps the surplus in the country through protectionism.

The First World turns to fascism when in crisis. The Second and the Third World tend to gravitate towards socialism.

Baseless accusation. I wrote earlier the best thing communists in First World countries can do is to strive for Social Democratic reforms and being anti-war, anti-exploitation. There is actually a lot you can do. Again, Leftcoms are ten times more toxic in that regard.

Sounds better to me than some Antifa-Chapter with 546135 genders.

Because DemCon/Communalism is superior

This is a distinction without a difference. The Portuguese mind is absolutely colonized given that Portugal was a massive colonial empire for most of its history.

There is.
Wanting to promote socialism in Europa, for example.
The third world will save itself. It doesn't need me. My country needs me.

I agree. AKA the third world has become the second. Its the rich countries, the poor countries and those that are not too poor, but are not Germany either.

Again, third world is a last century term, there is no second world AKA USSR and satelites, move forward.

Oh, and, in 21 century we strive for Automation and abolishment of needless work. Not Bangladesh to go Mautist.

Ye.. Capitalist world powers.. I WOULD PREFER NOT TO!
irrelevant, but I got banned from a FB group for saying Mautism. This is why I hate ML

mtw is just primitivist national-posadism.


How is that working out for you? Again, where did I say that you can't simultaneously promote socialism in the First World? It's just, when there is not even the slightest chance for socialism, why wasting your resources on that instead of spending them on where actual revolutions are happening?

Mao's Three Worlds theory doesn't align with the terminology of the Cold War, never has. It's an economic description, not a political one.

That doesn't give you socialism when the relations to production are not changing.

Lmao, what do you think happens when I use "Anarkiddie" all the time in an Anarchist Facebook Group?

Also, I forgot to mention that the level of wealth is a very shallow indicator for a categorizing a country as First, Second or Third World. It's more about exploitation and unequal trade. Read the books I recommended in OP.

Think of it like Marxist analysis of class relations. A manager of a corporation is technically working class, even though he might be wealthier than someone of the petit bourgeoisie.

Just watched this historian who was among the first to include the newly opened Soviet State Archives into his historiography. I wonder what Moist comrades think about it. The first 3rd is skippable, the dude is a liberal who honestly tries to keep his personal feelings out of the matter, but focuses too much on personalities to my taste, but still he has some interesting points, especially in the Q&A section.

Will check beck for answers in a day.

Yep, she says it too:

Oh? You mean the autism part? Don't worry, we're all autistic here

No, the apocalyptc-primitivist-NazBol-Pol Potist part.

Ok I am converted! When do we start genociding normies?

I am not convinced Nationalism is the answer to or even can mitigate imperialism

Does MTW oppose all the cultural revolution nonsense?

does maoism third worldism mean i dont have to do anything and wait for china to save me

if so im in

I believe he's making fun of "Marxism" itself, not ML directly.

third worldists in the first world seem to lack empathy for working people

Coming from one who denounces every attempt at improving the conditions for working people "opportunism"

turd worldists are as just as armchair as we are


Because I don't roleplay as a chinese.

Shut up grad student.

To be fair, an Islamic Third Worldism would be the perfect way to usher in communism.

Turanist pls go.

more hausa pls

I don’t want an ideology that won’t give up on my country.

She's right: Roo's 3rd Worldism would make sense if he mixed Lin Biao with Baudrillard.

Ah, an evolved form of shit

Have you seen her Cultural Marxism video? Lmao


oh, lol yeah thats easy um, because im not a fucking retard :^)

Third Worldism unites the Third World regardless of ideology. China continued to work with Pinochet's Chile because "muh Third World unity even when they're capitalist."

What did he did he say about 9.11?

Third worldism is Idpol so fuck off.
And mao sound out in the early 70's to the US so he was a faggot in my book.

Chairman Mao did nothing wrong.

holy shit have you read a single word of Mao?

"Unless you have investigated a problem, you will be deprived of the right to speak on it. Isn't that too harsh? Not in the least. When you have not probed into a problem, into the present facts and its past history, and know nothing of its essentials, whatever you say about it will undoubtedly be nonsense. Talking nonsense solves no problems, as everyone knows, so why is it unjust to deprive you of the right to speak? Quite a few comrades always keep their eyes shut and talk nonsense, and for a Communist that is disgraceful."

Anyway, I recommend starting with some basics, like Oppose Book Worship, Combat Liberalism, On Contradiction, and On the People's Democratic Dictatorship.

Also… Maoism goes beyond Mao. Revolutions that happened after Mao that applied Mao's thought made important contributions and changes to the existing body of thought. Any dogmatist that claims to be a "Maoist" is deluding themselves.

That's not what Orientalism means.

"evolved" from the only ideologies that have brought proper sustained revolution…

MTW is pretty flawed, but it has some good things to say and we can learn a lot from its main motivations.

I really hate that MTW is such a meme. I think Unruhe is mainly to blame.

holy shit have you read a single word of Mao?

"Unless you have investigated a problem, you will be deprived of the right to speak on it. Isn't that too harsh? Not in the least. When you have not probed into a problem, into the present facts and its past history, and know nothing of its essentials, whatever you say about it will undoubtedly be nonsense. Talking nonsense solves no problems, as everyone knows, so why is it unjust to deprive you of the right to speak? Quite a few comrades always keep their eyes shut and talk nonsense, and for a Communist that is disgraceful."

Anyway, I recommend starting with some basics, like Oppose Book Worship, Combat Liberalism, On Contradiction, and On the People's Democratic Dictatorship.

Also… Maoism goes beyond Mao. Revolutions that happened after Mao that applied Mao's thought made important contributions and changes to the existing body of thought. Any dogmatist that claims to be a "Maoist" is deluding themselves.