Why aren't you a Maoist-Third Worldist yet, Holla Forums? It's the most evolved form of Marxism, succeeding Marxism-Leninism and Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. An outline:
- Socialist revolutions don't happen in the First World. They happen in the periphery
- When the First World is confronted with crisis, it turns to Fascism instead of Socialism
- The First World has many mechanics to prevent proletarians from evolving revolutionary potential. Such as welfare, outsourcing, interventionist wars (imperialism), and consumerism
- Capitalism produces inevitable human misery. This misery has been outsourced towards where the productive forces are - the Third World and the Second World ("developing countries"). Only when those productive forces are taken out of the global cycle of capital (unequal trade), this misery will hit the First World like a boomerang, unlocking the potential for a revolution in the First World
- MTW is NOT identity politics. Non-White people can be First World as well (Japan), and White People can be Second - and potentially Third - World just the same (Greece). It's a materialist analysis based on historical review.
Reading material:
Samir Amin – The Law Of Worldwide Value (Second Edition)
Samir Amin – Unequal Development: An Essay on the Social Formations of Peripheral Capitalism
Emmanuel Arghiri – Unequal Exchange, a Study of the Imperialism of Trade
Samir Amin – Imperialism & Unequal Development
Samir Amin – Accumulation On A World Scale
Anwar Shaikh – Foreign Trade and the Law of Value
Zak Cope – Divided World, Divided Class: Global Political Economy & The Stratification Of Labour Under Capitalism