Is being trans a material condition?
Is being trans a material condition?
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Not all trans are idpollers.
Is this thread a material conditions though?
All people who insist on talking about it are.
I'm sure this thread won't be total cancer
No, it's literally all in your head.
So what you are saying is that the stuff in your head isn't material?
The stuff in yours isn't.
What an interesting ontology.
as much as any other mental illness
mismatched physical sex and sex pscyhology is a mental illness because it seriously affects ones ability to live a normal life, that doesn't imply they're defective subhumans or that transition is wrong or unnatural or not a valid treatment, fuck you
it affects very few people and is not as important as the bigger problems of economics and society.
it is important and should be treated, but it is not related to leftism. its for discussion by doctors and therapists.
Gender dysphoria has a basis in genetics. Of course it's material. The same non white inferiority has a basis in genes as well.
Pretty much this. Also the term you're looking for is Gender Dysphoria, that's the 'mental illness' part of it as it describes what you said, mismatch between body and brain.
Suppose a disease evolved that only black people were immune to due to genetics. Who would be the inferior one then?
All this shit depends on circumstances.
Hahaha what a story, Holla Forums! By the way, how did WWII go?
That's untrue. Gender dysphoria has most likely a base in environmental conditioning, same as homosexuality.
This is an example of right-wing identity politics. "Being a part of this group of people who can't help what they are makes you part of the bad guys!"
Would you say the same of any other medical condition?
That's bullshit.
If that was the case then nobody would be a faggot because nobody in their right mind raise their sons to be faggots.
The thoughts certainly aren't.
it's defined as a physical condition in most medical things now iirc. (which i guess sort of makes sense in some ways, since for example autism isn't a mental health condition but a developmental disorder.)
(since the mismatch requires you to "pick one", and generally speaking it's much nicer and more consistent to say "the brain is right" in lieu of evidence the brain outright wants to do something harmful as opposed to something different)
but it shouldn't really matter either way, even though it has a lot of subtler implications.
the people who insist on bringing attention to it are 99% of the time attention whores instead of sufferers.
something something raising awareness is easy autism speaks are the bad guys.
You know this how? You say their suffering doesn't count, why? Are you the same autist socdem who feels that when other people has sex it's an act of violence towards you?
Fuck off m8, you can't just throw an oppressed minority under the bus because you think they're attention whoring, that's blatantly reactionary.
You are disingenuous idpol scum. How many cancer threads do you see up? Vascular disease threads? Kidney disease thread? We don't even have fucking depression threads most of the time, and half of us here are drinking the pain away right as we are typing!
But sure, your hobbyhorse idpol isn't like all those other idpols. It should be at the forefront of leftism, it's where true liberation happens. Won't somebody think of the bicurious children!
I wish all the best and most free of health care to transfolk, but you are a disgusting bourgeois saboteur.
where? i don't deny actual transgender people exist and suffer, i deny that drawing attention to it has been a good thing.
i don't want to throw that minority under the bus, i want attention whores who don't even have the condition and who in many cases don't even claim to ("allies!") to stop shining a flashlight on it so that threads like this - which only turn people against them and spread ignorance and reactionary thinking - stop existing.
no, but i am the autist socdem who wishes everyone would shut up about sex because i don't care about it. (i don't take any direct action towards that though, it's just boring )
This thread is pretty much proof of what he's saying. Trannies are mostly attention whores.
No, nobody gets a free pass. If you're an idpoler piece of shit, then you go up against the wall too. I don't care that you don't like your pee pee. Deal with it, and get over it. You wouldn't be bitching this hard about a black man that wants to be white, so why should anyone care about a man that wants to be a woman?
yeah, I dont think whether you decide to call it a mental condition or a physical condition makes any difference.
I would think of it more as a mental problem because most of the issues associated with the mismatch are psychological(ie wanting to kill yourself), but if you use different criteria to label something 'mental' or 'physical' you might get different results, it makes no real difference to the main point.
im pretty sure the poster right below you reflects his sentiment moreso.
this isnt really relevant and 'fucking attention whores' is pretty normal reaction to someone trying to someone trying to push something where it isn't really relevant because muh feels
which this thread looks like and ultimately does even if it doesnt mean to because of how exactly this sort of thing has hijacked other "leftist" groups like some kind of brain prasite.
That's not how it works. Whether or not you become gay or not is caused by way more complex mechanisms than just "being raised faggy". You can go all Freud on that issue.
But yeah, homosexuality isn't in the genes.
that depends on what you mean by trannies.
people who fall into the more "gender is a spectrum!!" crowd usually are (even if there's some interesting hypotheticals to what they say.), generally speaking people who're actually transitioning aren't (well, in aggregate they might happen to be attention whores, but that's neither here nor there.)
when i say attention whores i'm always referring to the category of people who're basically hangers-on to transgender…ism, as opposed to people who've actually got it or who actually transition. (even if perhaps strictly they don't have it? i don't know.)
there's a weird kind of cult of suffering = genuineness, isn't there?
it's very tangential but i notice it a lot recently, the concept of oppression olympics kind of encapsulates it there but i think there's a keynesian beauty contest going on on some level. (i.e. i know that if i say i'm oppressed by door handles, nobody will believe me, and since i know this, and i know others must know this, i need to pick a condition no rational person would want to suffer in order to actually extract the desired sympathy or inversely-intuitive social status. In theory.)
I'm sick and tired of guys wanting to be girls. We need to stand up for our gender, wanting to be a girl is just accepting defeat that girls will always have the upper hand.
What we need to do is start organizing and networking together to start resisting the matriarchy.
OP is definetily an idpoler.
You are disingenuous idpol scum, to be quite fucking honest family.
Are people with cancer an oppressed minority, vascular disease, kidney disease? Are you really so see-through you think nobody will be able to tell you're outright comparing a medical condition that people are discriminated against for having and medical conditions that people are not discriminated against for having and then using that as justification for attempting to shut down and stifle any discussion relating to that discrimination? You're playing oppression olympics bringing up your own depression as a justification for these actions as well.
When you said 99% of the people who bring attention to trans issues are "attention whores INSTEAD of sufferers"
If I mistook that as you saying trans people's suffering didn't count when you meant something entirely different, sorry.
You are explicitly and obviously the one being an idpoler you fucking retarded "ex"-Holla Forumsack asscrack. Do you not recognize the essential hypocrisy of you caring so much what's between their legs that you have to have a fucking hissy fit and demand their execution because of it? Are you not clearly the fucking identity politics spreading retard here, when you say, instead of merely allowing these people to treat their condition that they did not decide to have, they must be punished for it? How are you not seeing this? How does Holla Forums never see that their insistence on stopping identities you dislike from existing by force is nothing but identity politics.
Never been a Holla Forumsack. Stop trying to dismiss people based on perceived previously held ideologies.
Except I didn't say that you should be executed for your illness. I said that being a tranny faggot that only talks about that should be grounds for execution. Also, I think it's medical malpractice to cut off functioning body parts because of mental illness.
I'm saying you making this thread qualifies you for the gulag or the wall. Tranny or not, you're an insufferable faggot that deserves to die.
You will be transitioned into a corpse, that way you can be transdead.
yeah it's the doctors who are wrong
Well, it's also the lack of treatment for these people because nobody wanted to admit before that they had a problem. Instead they were branded perverts. The entire medical system has failed these people. Transitioning is a cosmetic procedure (though I would call it mutilation), but it isn't a solution as a large number still wind up with the same problems and commit suicide. I don't know, has there ever been a tranny that just learns to accept that they have their body and just deal with it? Or do we not hear about them because they aren't attention whores?
so the implication here is that transitioning does not generally improve the patients quality of life.
What ive heard is that it doesnt com pletely solve their problems and make everything better, but pretty reliably makes things better, at least.
please sage when posting in this thread.
leftypol drinks Holla Forums propaganda by the gallon thread no 123453456435
It has been already anchored.
why do people get so triggered at the mere existence of trannies? I know right, this trans stuff is really fucking weird/disturbing but you are not even the one going through it. It's one of those things that can make a social pariah out of you overnight, which kinda explains why many trans people spend all their time attentionwhoring on the internet.
Well you clearly sound like them with your right wing identity politics.
Except you did, you mocked the idea that they're an oppressed minority, said they don't get a free pass (free pass for not being punished for having an identity you dislike?), and that they are idpolers who go up against the wall too, and that you don't care what they think should be between their legs (because you care what should be between their legs?) You can start making claims about how "only the attention whores who bitch about it should be shot!" but then you fall into the horrible trap where you have decided anyone who "only talks about that" which in this case clearly means they both want to not be discriminated against and want their medical condition treated, those two things making them an attention whore idpoler, means pretty much all trans people are attention whore idpolers. Medical malpractice my ass, it's forced repression from your end because you seek to antagonize an identity that you dislike, you want it to not exist.
You're a right wing idpoler, sorry fam.
Didn't read you two's posts much but 330's first sentence just wanted to say.
Go ask 4chan's /lgbt/, they'll give you plenty of different sources all saying "here's why getting SRS and going on hormones actually lowers suicide rates".
Right wing ideology.
There is none, you are engaging in none. All you do is jump up and go "Let's talk about trans! Why are we not talking about trans right now? Don't you know they're oppressed? You must be a rightist"
Go ahead, regal us with your new and insightful commentary about discrimination of transpeople. Or even better, write your personal blog about all the horrible cissy people doing their micro-aggressions against you. "They knoweth not what they do, so I must tell my friends on Holla Forums."
All you are doing is cluttering the board with pointless spectacle that goes nowhere. I myself have even namechecked the very first priority for transpeople: free health care to help them. But that's not enough, we must also constantly engage in preening and virtue signalling.
Thing is, it's never enough when it always has to be about (You).
thread should have ended right here, the easiest solution to trans idpol is to just let them take their hormones in peace instead of making a big deal about it.
nigga half the catalog is people taking about how depressed they are and how they want a gf
There is though, it's going on despite this argument, despite you intentionally trying to shut it down. How cool is that?
Despite your pathetic attempts, we can actually have ONE fucking trans thread. Right wing idpolers get out now though please.
maybe its because of how hard the media is been pushing this shit lately, seriously its starting to get creepy
Fucking Holla Forums
You know what's creepy?
This shit.
Everybody knows it's fake.
It's supposed to be dentist equipment and the scene has nothing to do with sex.
iirc therapy, etc, are suggested for the least severe cases and transitioning is only pushed as something of a last resort. that may have changed.
an inability to just fucking ignore.
tbh "will i get a gf under communism?" is more annoying than trans threads.
for the last time, that's not a real article. Shaun and Jen did a video debunking it.
How dense are you? Do you have senility in stead of GD? Have your fucking thread, go on! Post something interesting about transwhatever. I am waiting with bated breath. What content are you going to be contributing?
Do it.
Or in stead, go on to bitch and moan for another thread, about how you are being oppressed right now by all the evil broscialists itt. If you are shut down, most likely it is because you never have anything of interest to say.
I think it's more because you're trying your hardest to make sure that any talk of [people you don't like] gets pushed under the rug, and you want them to be refused a voice and a platform.
I have a pretty good thread topic that will be ignored. Right wing identity politics on Holla Forums getting posted by newfag tripfags who really think they aren't just a dumbfuck conservative. How do we solve the problem of this intentionally divisive idpol spewing tripfag?
yeah but why the need to be so hostile? not all trannies are le sjw cringe compilation strawman you seem to have in mind. it's something that can have a huge impact on people's lives and by being so dismissive you might be pushing some people who might be in the fence about stuff further into the idpol swamp. If that's your life, you should be free to talk about it without people getting hysterical
How are you so blind to the fact he's spitting pure idpol? Idpol isn't just liberal idpol you know, right wing idpol exists and that's what this namefag has been doing in at least a couple threads about sexual minorities recently.
i'm not denying it, dude seems like a cunt, just trying to figure out what makes him so angry
Same thing that's got me snappy. We're antagonizing each other.
Also something about sex somehow, I've seen a lot of weird hangups about sex on this board, even a guy complaining about "the sex people".
"the sex people" sounds like a race of monsters from a horror movie directed by /r9k/
Still haven't said a damn interesting thing, still complaining. Go on and post your fucking manifesto or whatever. If all you have to say is "I'm oppressed," then: "I already know. Now say something interesting on the topic, or engage in other discussion."
I don't think I'm angry. Nothing I've said is wrong, I just haven't been nice about it. And that's how it should be, this whole cult of nicety, of prefixing every opinion with a little virtue signal is liberal bullshit. I hate it. I'm not refined, I don't like to coat my opinion in layers of preemptive apologies. Yes, trans people face discrimination, a lot of it, that's pretty bleeding obvious. It's not controversial, if you haven't noticed, it's put on the cover of Time and everything.
Yes, I think it gets more attention than it merits. Class struggle is more important for more people, and it is having a harder uphill climb at the moment than trans rights. I'm not ashamed to be defensive about that on Holla Forums, one of the few leftists spaces I can say that out loud.
Well actually, before the Affordable Care Act, they kinda were. Thanks to 'pre existing conditions' clauses, they could be legally discriminated against and denied healthcare, even if they'd been paying for it for years or even decades, if it was discovered that their condition existed, or was even likely to have existed, before they purchased their insurance.
There aren't any rules against threads dealing with transsexuals or their issues. This thread in particular was anchored for being the cheapest of bait.
I'd watch it. Alien made sex-horror cool in my eyes.
You want me to post my manifesto?
Go nuts you right winger, have fun.
Or don't read it and just continue to try to refuse a platform to every identity you don't like , which is aggressive idpol.
That's bad. We should be talking about that. Both of these things deserve attention because these people are part of the working class in most cases, trans people and people with cancer. It's divisive of us to outright ignore their struggle and tell them they do not matter.
Demod yourself and then kill yourself. The thread isn't the issue you shitheel, the issue is the fact that you people won't allow one.
I opened it out of politeness, and I now remember why I shouldn't be polite. It was literally unreadable on a visual level.
So you don't believe there's any correspondence between thoughts and physical matter? You don't believe that nerves carrying electrical impulses in the brain give rise to consciousness?
Maybe you just don't want to? It's fairly easy.
Correct. It's pointless. Though I have to say, this is revealing, you delight in putting up artificial barriers others have to surmount just to humor you. Why do you do that?
You could read #000000 on #010101 if you put enough effort in. Everyone has a threshold where they decide that the discomfort and effort is greater than any potential pay-off. Just seeing the name is enough to convince me that there can be no pay-off.
So you're just lazy and want an excuse, because it's piss fucking easy to read.
Noted. Retards.
Declare victory and go home why don't you.
eat a dick. its divisive to focus on and emphasize specific issues unrelated to economics and the organization of society, or worse, identitarian greivances, which is what transexualism has been turned into, and more 'awareness' wont bring it back from
this issue has been beaten to death by proggie libtard parasites, it has been far, far more than rightfully acknowledged that its an issue and these people matter. Everyone in this thread has basically expressed that sentiment, but doesnt want to talk about it further.
The only reason the board is willing to talk about robot/nogf crap is because its almost universally unacknowledges as a legitimate issue except by certain places where those people themselves congregate, and nazis. They're defended to the same extent as trans are in this thread, even b y the ones who dont want this thread to exist.
Even then, despite how it could be good to acknowledge it and give it some talk now, it would become horrible and poisonous if it hijacked focus like every other "social issue" has with the rest of leftism.
culture warriors need to be fucking shot tbh.
Stopped reading pretty quickly. Dumbfuck mod killed the thread anyways.
Nice strawman fucckko
Nobody is obligated to read whatever gibberish links you post.
unironically hope strawmanpanels gets cancer.
i really can't handle shitty analogies, since in this case it's more like being refused insurance payouts once it turns out the car had a manufacturing defect in an unrelated component
Yeah, for bitching about idpol.
See, you have a not enough brain problem, not a too much dick problem.
I get serious Time Cube vibes from this.