Does anyone on this board belong to some DPRK friendship association or have some deeper knowledge of these organizations?
The norks
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No, but I'm part of a Marxist-Leninist party which upholds friendly relations with the Worker's Party of Korea. Some of our guys went on friendship visits over there and organize student exchanges.
Feel free to ask anything but I don't know much.
Are you allowed to fug the qt locals?
Read Cleanest Race
I said I've never been to the DPRK (only some comrades of mine did) and I also don't think they'd like to be objectified. You want to fuck, go to South Korea for that
But theoretically though do you know if you could legally?
Of course they wouldn't like to be objectified but were it to somehow happen I'm interested if it would earn you a ticket to the gulag.
Pretty sure norks fucking outside of norks is illegal.
The DPRK goes to the International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties.
So they do care about the working class and are not classcucks like most of the west.
as you can see in there, no it's not…
My mistake. Am I thinking of the PRC and the Chinese?
You can fuck whoever you want as long as it is consensual and don't make out in public (it's a prude society).
You realize that "the cleanest race" is the title of a propaganda book against the DPRK? Something like that was never anything which was put forward by Juche. I'm not denying there is an ethnic aspect to it, but it's surely not racist. The author of said book argues mostly in very structural terms, compares architecture and draws parallels to the Imperial Japan but doesn't provide any hard proofs.
What the fuck are you even talking about? I've fucked Chinese girls in China myself.
but OP, this board is for Marxism, not fascism with a socialist theme.
So does the Communist Party of China
Stalinist LARPers with only half a dozen influential parties.
DPRK fucking sucks dick, you can't even buy a laptop without the Ethernet port missing from it, and all the the "cinema" is fucking god awful. It's also nice knowing every building you stay at as a foreigner there's an Asian autist listening in on you from a hidden mic planted somewhere.
Way to denounce people who are doing something. The IMCWP is probably one of the most important institutions in terms of contemporary international revolutionary struggle, most of the parties participating have grown in numbers recently, and it's a great platform to exchange experiences, especially given the very different nature of struggles all arround the world. It's also great to combine resources.
Furthmore, it's pretty non-sectarian. The ones who are not participating are usually crazy Maoists and Third Worldists, but they do so by their own decision.
The chinese communist party participates indeed. I saw them on the last national congress of the communist party in my country.
Their delegates had highly expensive mercedes and chauffeurs to drive them around.
Look at them! They care so much about the workers, disregard the millions of malnourished people though.
It would be better for all leftist movements that their monarchy would blow up in a mushroom cloud.
As long as they are an enemy of the USA, they are freinds. When their population gets fed up with their monarch, they know how to riot and end with with it's power.
And people say that communism doesn't create wealth!
A third of their entire population is under arms. Trust me, if they wouldn't like their leaders, they'd do something about it. You think that Kim Yong Un keeps them in line with evil Juche magicks?
Grow up, kid. Are you an u washed hippie or something?
I'm not a fan of the CPC, but should we just stop talking to them? You think a six men Trotskyst splinter group would be a better option? They've been extremely helpful in terms of organisation and money. I don't like how they pretend it's 1970 in China everytime, but what we need is unity, and, quote frankly, a big ally. You can talk shit about the post-1956 revisionist USSR all you like, but they were the big brother of all communist parties on the globe and we're beating up any bully. Just check out the nosedive most communist parties took after 1991.
Yeah, that there isn't food variety in North Korea is totally the fault of the WPK, not the fact that almost the entire world engages in economic terrorism against them and that most of the country isn't arable land.
Fucking retard. That's like saying Stalin ordered the clouds not to rain.
How in the fuck is supporting a cult of personality dictator who is distancing his country from socialism in any ways pro worker? You are the retard, tankie trash.
The fun would be somehow what ruined by always wondering if she is an agent trying to turn you into an asset.
considering how racist they are i would say it would be a really bad idea