Europe. not Africa confirmed for birthplace of Humanity


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Well, Europe was responsible for vast majority of human social,cultural,economic and scientific development. It would seem almost logical to call it the birthplace of humanity.

Nice meme. Europe was a backwards shithole for most of it's existence.

African inventions:
Black people

Muslim inventions:
Suicide bombers

European inventions:
Everything else


This. While europeans were living in caves, the sumerians were building a nation.



There, i summarized the only discussion this thread will inspire. We can all go home now.

Well, we all know wizards are the real master race, duh.

Tru dat brotha

While Africans were still living in mudhuts, Europeans were creating vaccines,machine guns and trains.

Race science is already retarded but Holla Forums takes it to new levels


And now Pajeets is taking over the tech industry. Your time is over whitey.

Wrong. Muslims gave us knowledge for sailing and taught us to read the stars which then my ancestors used to find new worlds and build and empire.

No no no, it's the North Pole.

Persians, the pre-islamic kind not Muslims.

You are so stupid it fucking hurts.
Please fuck off

There are economic,social and scientific factors that lead the Europe into conquest of Americas,Africa and India along most of Asia, instead of Songhai or Ethiopia.

Read your own articles, please.

Muslims did a lot of progress in the field of medical science since the religion forbid them from cutting cadavers or something, leading to alternative treatments and medications to be developed instead.

We tough the fertile crescent copper smelting TBH

I’m a retarted nigger

White people have such a raging hate-boner for Africans. Whenever the topic of nationalism or any other kind of Eurocentric idpol comes up some stormfag just has to talk shit about a continent of people focused on nothing but living and surviving in the present.

Do me a favor and read Guns, Germs And Steel by Jared Diamond the next time you feel the urge to post "we wuz train conductors/vaccinators n sheit" to somehow prove your racial superiority over people who don't even think about you.

Have you retard ever heard about the islamic golden age ? From which many parts of modern science come ?

Go fuck yourself

Get your own username, stormcuck.

Black are more like bonobos. They have less upper body strength, live in matriarchal tribes, and can't into organized warfare.

Arabs learned how to sew veins back together but then became Muslims and it became lost knowledge for hundreds of years. Islam is retard tier.

oogah oogah

They just copied shit from Rome and Greece. They didn't invent anything new.

Drudkh > Burzum



You realize that in science, new discoveries are very often built up upon older discoveries? This is nothing unusual.

No, he doesn't realize, he isn't able to actually think.

Guys if you see me, just know I’m very dumb

Shit's been debunked. The African climate is easier to live in, they don't have harsh winters.

the greeks just copied shit from surrounding cultures as well. That's how science works.

LOL Is that Richard Spencer? I remember him tryna say The Ancient Egyptians were white in that debate with Roland Martin.

But they never built upon anything. They didn't improve upon anything they learned from us.

Yeah, The Greek Alphabet's based off Phoenician as well.

OP delete this shitty thread and spare yourself from the endless Holla Forums shitposting

Who introduced guns to Africa, Europeans
Who discover bacteria existed, Europeans
Who invented the way to mass produce steel, Europeans

OK, you're a troll.


I have read it that book more than once. It still does not explain the complete lack of economic development not to mention the inherit instability of African kingdoms and sultanates, especially considering that harvests and food in general were easier to come by in Africa than in Europe.

Largely the social conditions of Africa were simply too easy leading into stagnated societies with little to no development.

how is this even counted, and who is the author of the book?
inventing something 2000 years ago and inventing it 100 years ago is totally different

anyways, however it's counted different regions have had highs and lows throughout history and it's difficult to compare across time

entirely wrong

open the link up and see for yourself, there's so many (arab) pre-modern scholars in there

get a load of this LARPing


is this supposed to support your argument or did the Black Nationalist bot break?

Because Africans are uncivilized and kill everyone who isn’t part of there tribe.

I`m not denying that they did not do any kind of improvements, but rather that the original discoveries were largely pre-islamic.

Unlike the Arabs they actually improved upon learned technology. They made improvements upon Nordic bronze metallurgy, and made significant advances in agriculture and mathematics.

You really are very uneducated.

Let me present to you a quick rundown of soil in africa.

grassland is the soil that's arable, second place for forest soil, mountain soil can be useful too

desert soil - no
semi desert - no
red soil
Red soil is a type of soil that develops in a warm, temperate, moist climate under deciduous or mixed forests and that have thin organic and organic-mineral layers overlying a yellowish-brown leached layer resting on an illuvial (see illuviation) red layer. Red soils generally derived from crystalline rock. They are usually poor growing soils, low in nutrients and humus and difficult to cultivate because of its low water holding capacity.

rainforest soil

this is just the soils by the way

I just typed in the Black Nationalit’s username and put his flag gon to troll him.

Thread is going so fast nobody will notice I'm a Nati0nal Socialist

The Chinese.
Obviously everyone else before Europeans because whites up until the 18th Century didn't even wipe their arses.
It's almost as if you think that warriors hadn't been chopping each others heads off all around the world for millenia before Europeans.-_-

Well there’s more food around because less deforitization

Europe is much smaller than Africa not to mention that wast majority of Europe was bad farmland for the most of its history, thus leading into need for technological development. Pre-columbian food supply of Europe was one of the worst in Human history.

arabs absolutely made improvements on greek and roman medicine. I dare you to find a culture that didn't make changes and improvements to the ideas they adopted in some way.

So its basically middle eastern

In earlier times steels not mass produced, and most words were made of iron or bronze. Also yes the Chinese made gunpowder, but most modern guns were made by europeans.


You fags need to read things other than leftist sophistry. Europe has a huge soap industry during the middle ages.

This is true for most discoveries and improvements.
To improve on something - it must first exist.
A de novo discovery was civilization, the first script systems - I guess.



This is mean real life

The first people to smelt metal were from Serbia in 9000BC. So you're welcome fro metallurgy.


Agriculture in Africa's harder than anywhere else on the planet when you consider the lack of consistent seasons, the difference in soil, the harsh climate and the untold number of pests that destroy crops as soon as they sprout out from under the ground. It's a wonder agricultural and pastoral societies even managed to exist in Africa.

Europe is in comparison playing civilization on easy mode.

Yeah, well if you cut the trees in Europe and cut the trees in Africa two different things happen.

Part of the reason early European civilization was in southern Europe is precisely the general climate.

You would be interested to know about Scandinavia - it was very two season like(and still is due to the Gulf stream making the summers cool and the winters mild), winters on the Balkans are much harsher, but the soil is better.

11/10 would take the b8 again m8

afrokangz btfo, long live mother Europa!

Middle-east and Asia were easymode, not Europe. Europe was normal.

And yet Europe's lack of basic sanitation killed off 1/3 of the continent's population a couple centuries ago…

Remember to wash your hands and not throw your shit outta your windows, kids!


You bascily just making excuses for black people constantly starving under independence, but doing fine under colonialism. Maybe imperialism was good.

Egyptian(African) grain did that to Europe. Africans are to blame for the black death.

You too. The japanese called the first europeans that arrived in Japan were called "the barbarians from the south" because they smelled like shit while japanese people took a bath every single day.

Yah who caused the black death, fucking asians.

There's a number of somewhat bad assumptions that the article makes that makes the actual conclusions to me made based on the findings somewhat harder to discern. The first thing is that we don't know if Graecopithecus is actually an ancestor of humans or if it is a relative of our early hominid ancestors; such information would be largely unknowable unless we had a preserved DNA sample. This could mean that hominids first emerged somewhere in southern Europe, but it could also simply mean that early hominids were more widely distributed in general than previously thought.

Additionally, DNA evidence still traces modern humans to Africa (with some intermingling with other human species/subspecies post-migration depending on region), so contrary to the assertion made in the OP title, the spread of anatomically modern Homo sapiens was still a product of African migrations.


Why Does It Even Matter

just read the damn published findings nerd

Africa's full of puppet governments whose only purpose is to provide free gibs me dats to the west, not improve the lives of their people. Why do you think Thomas Sankara was assassinated and a French supported dictator took his place?

I will refer you to

Middle east was in no way easy mode.
But there were the Tigrus and Euphrates - so people there organized a river civilization and got the ball rolling from there (Mesopotamia).
Another very early river civilization was Egypt with the Nile.

The first civilization is labeled to be either Egypt or Sumeria due to having the first written language system.

As far as I know people in many different places (including the Balkans for example) already lived in an organized fashion, traded, had towns etc.

I don't think it's unlikely early hominids occupied parts of Europe as well - lions did and all kinds of other exotic animals.

It would meant that Eurocentric worldview would be far more logical, even natural. Reality seems to have Eurocentric bias.

Who could've prevented it from spreading had they just washed their fucking hands?

the famous "who left the mudhuts first" competition

It's times like this when the distinction between Holla Forums and Holla Forums blurs into nothingness and the two message boards shed all ideological differences to unite under mutual hatred of "mud people".

And they say my Pan-African flag icon's "idpol"…

terrific, now the pissing contest can reach whole new levels.

This is a troll trying to discredit socdems.

Don't be a retard, it's transmitted by fleas. And nobody had any idea how anything worked.

Or on second thought
Stop role playing.

Its important to recognize that Snowniggers, European Manlet bug people, Desert Rats and KANGZ all have distinct backgrounds and origins stories. Remember your IDENTITY is the most important thing about you

Social democracy needs neo-colonialism to survive. This is why it has only worked in countries that have in some point of their history engaged in imperialism and economic structures that are build form them.

For a second I thought this was Holla Forums

Why are you not mentioning gooks?

Alright, enough of shitposting for today.

OP, pls don`t make these idpol causing threads ever again.

History is basically a game of Civilization to these people.

How do we teach Holla Forums that life is not a video game?

And rats thrive in filthy environments. Besides, the black death ain't the only example of crisis caused by lack of sanitation.

Ebola is a good modern day example is it not?

kek at that image, good shit

Which didn't exist till 2014 despite Africans eating bush meat since the dawn of time, oddly enough…*X-Files theme song plays*



Charles Murray. The left part of the image is on page 296, the top right is on 248 and the lower right is on page 252.

there are some great gooks too, they originated from fish people

Serbia confirmed for stronk

Iron smelting originated among Europeans too

not the only reason
Europeans couldnt use chopsticks, read or write, speak any of their language and the merchant navy wasnt exactly disciplined in comparison to the samurai
but we thought the japs were barbarians too for executing people without trial and for eating raw uncooked fish

ebola jumped from bats to africans over time
HIV spread to Africans from chimps during the Belgian Congo and then some horny Belgians spread it across the globe
didnt mutate into what we know as HIV though until the 1960's
same with Ebola, Nipah and Hendra
naturally occurring viral hemorrhagic fevers that only jumped to humans because of close proximity with infected bats

laugh if you want but the Old Dynasty of Egypt had Basque DNA in it
that certainly threw the WE WUZ KANGS idea out the window for the origins of Egyptian civilization

and the Phoenician off Egyptian Hieratic
and the oldest Egyptian mummies have Basque DNA in them…

The first reported case of HIV was a white guy though so…


I'm sure your mum knows a lot about dem white boners lol

in the upcoming war, Norks will show her who is the nigger, and who is the cleanest race