Anti loli bird engaged
Anti loli bird engaged
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Only twice online. Best I could do was getting him to fuck off the thread I frequent. Last I heard he got a /get/ on some political board or some shit with his trip on, and got doc'd because of it.
He disappeared after the ridicule I believe.
If you're coming in later and leaving at the usual time, how do you have the same amount of hours.
Let's get one for Cup.
What a fucking bully
Its pretty lolz how Rin actually gets legit triggered over people his avatars or whatever
wait how much is the res on it?
pfft. sounds like a real class act.
except she doesn't but yeah other than that it's hilarious
I no longer have a split shift.
I guess its good for VR like the article says but I haven't dealt with that shit yet
I no longer have a split shaft
tht sounds kinda painful tbh
still pretty confused about what you meant
it's got a snapdragon 820, solid battery life and 4gb of ram
not bad soto
Dw I think sabs learned her lesson. No more high heel sounding for us.
Sleep beebo? Maybe it's time.
brb nightmares
life is cruel ;___;
He was quite autistic. I did enjoy his spontaneous outbursts.
Well alright then.
I meant we should get you an anti-loli birb you frickin' soggy jizz-stained cupcake.
autism is my primary source of entertainment around these parts as well.
oh, that's absurd. where would I even keep it? cake would eat it.
If I ever saw someone in real life wearing either that shirt, or that hat with the pepe pin, I'd judge them very harshly in my mind.
This made me giggle cause I can relate
jfc that res lol
I was expecting it to be 1080
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Doushio
Could you maybe sign into Steam if you want to talk? Posting is bad for my data.
its a cute little pupper tho, you pet it and your dinos get a passive xp boost
c l a s s i c
Only one I'm harassing when he posts is more of a cringy bastard than an entertaining one.
I still grind gears to pass time though.
You know, because I'm a dick.
Its good that you know your limits.
Never mind, Test, I found it!
dicks gotta dick, I know this well, yes.
There are three types of people, dicks, pussies, and assholes.
There is no limit if you hate yourself.
I've heard this one before but I can't remember the punchline
sounds like a solid af buy
its got super loud speakers too but it doesnt work with sprint and verizon
What's takin' Luka so long to get back with that Subway?!
Will do.
Science, make it happennnnnnnnn.
hes chewing on it in discord away from prying eyes
oooh oh right.
I dislike it because I didn't think of it first.
gotta get up pretty early to beat matt and trey tbh. shouldn't be so hard on yourself.
Damn Canadians.
I assumed they were americans because they actually have a sense of humor
Who the fuck are Matt and Trey and why is Cupcake beating it to them?
matt stone and trey parker. creators of south park and other various comedy things.
I meant what I said. Sign in if you want to talk.
Huh, they are American.
I gots T-Mobo
knew it.
you should be good.
triple check everything and go for it
One for you, then.
But those sound like B O Y S names, and I know my pure little coupcake wouldn't engage in A N Y T H I N G less pure than God's given pure af Y U R I'.
I don't even care that I fucked that up.
I was bound to get one eventually
well you're the one assuming I'm thinking naughty things about them! not my fault you make all kinds of wild assumptions.
screenie and show me what the psuedo rng sequence has chosen for you
I'll show you wild assumptions.
Who the fuck thinks Cupcake wants to fuck anything with a vagina.
Well, I mean statistically. That or until the heat death of the universe.
will you? or will you just keep making them?!
thank goodness it happened a bit sooner than that later option.
yuri is gay tbh
I got the protector but I didn't actually save the screencap.
Well, I have to make them to show them to you, dumbo.
Time is relative.
see? you admit it. you're a crazy conspiracy theorist.
That can only mean things I don't like.
that's why you can't fuck it, you'll make a retard baby.
Do a jig.
the only legit coupling is older women pegging qt boys tbh
I can def see a mystic dnd thing coming out of this
Time fucks us all, constantly.
Stop the aboos.
Woah woah woah.
Let's not get carried away, you whore.
I may be crazy, but conspiracies are just autism.
I refuse.
that's a decent one to be sure
time is a valuable thing, watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
I'm not a whore!
Do I deserve such a fate
Oh, right.
Whores get payed, but you just give it out for free.
Let's not get carried away, you slut.
I may be crazy, but conspiracies are just autism.
Well yeah, you're a slut.
How many cards even were there
It never ends.
thank you.
well fine, I withdraw my statement. but still, you make some wild assumptions!
tracer, you're the only one who gets me
watch it count down to the end of the day the clock ticks life away it's so unreal
I didn't mean physically ffs
tho platonic boy relationships are also pretty cute
I couldn't imagine doing such a thing
unrelated, the guys who did this probably got instahired by disney/pixar
30-40 is my estimate
Better safe than sorry.
yeah condoms are good
While I know this is a joke, You're also lying.
I'm not lying, condoms are good. I just don't use them.
My best friends older brother worked on the puss and boots movie and when he went to a very early screening he sat next to john lasseter
He also worked on star citizen and spanked my ass a lot when I was younger
Most people who don't get laid don't.
Why are freckles so god damn beautiful?
I walked bob dylan up on stage
who the fuck are you ?
He spanked you?
I saw keanu on the train once
cuz theyre uncommon
If I wasn't looking an left butt exposed he would fucking smack me.
he also flashed me his nutsack once
None of this was gay though
Should of shot at him
no man!
he's such a nice guy and has been through so much
he should be left alone or given a hug
That sounds hot in a not gay way, yeah.
He would get out of the way.
If you say so.
what if he chose not to
Well he did kill himself in that samurai movie.
( Sabrina )
all i got was a simple meatbal
you ordered one meatball?
"The Planet"
kinda looks like the cover art for Rimworld tbh
A singular meatball.
snuggle time
How's being the thread bicycle?
I don't cyber.
Th-that's not what you said last night when you were bullying me...
Oh really?
Huh, my trip changed.
I'm not a snuggly person.
extreme diet
eat more than a meatball
Are you not entertained?
It was also my second and third thoughts.
Are you alarmed that I understand?
"Understand what?" - Test
You tell me, you're the one who understands.
a tomato slice too.
It'd be horrific if it wasn't so funny.
Ask me another one.
What do you do with this information? Oh lmao.
oh well why didnt you say that before. good nutrition
Good answer. I'll keep it to myself.
Enough of that for a bit.
"What information?" -Test
You get this sort of thing much?
Do you meow at people in real life
Cheap shot, dude. We should steam chatm
No thank you.
You are not alone, and though I come across as really aggressive it's all a front because I've been dealing with this stuff for longer than you can imagine. I'm actually pretty nice in a 1v1 situation.
denying a request to chat to admin.
stop this aboos.
lmao "1v1 me steam chat i herd u wudltn"
Thanks ban-chan!
Why do I sense fear? Did you think the stroke would land? I do not fear the lash.
Aggressive is not the word I'd use.
activate it
Please at least unban my non-phone IPs so I can avatarfag as the Kraken.
I think I activated it? Yep, got it.
run protocol 73
"What the fuck I said I was done!" - Test
Sorry! What is the word you would use? Insidious?
cheap shot.
Summoning Xenu to fight the Kraken.
Done. I think.
It's a genuine fear of mine that you do.
Thanks, I'll let you know once I've safely driven home despite the Xenu/Kraken fight.
His thetan levels are off the charts ! ! !
I've never seen anyone reach this level of power before.
Wow these guys are on FIRE !
I'd say qq but it wasn't qq. It was v_v
How irrational of you.
I'm too tired for creative responses.
I felt that one land.
Hold on my dear
I’m coming home
Don’t let your fears
Take control
I can finally hear
Her message loud and clear
Hold on my dear
I’m coming home
Tell me who you are
Your father has forsaken you
Left you with those scars
My hope is that you’ll make it through
Hate must never win
Even when we’re worlds apart
Your love is not a sin
Even if it’s hard
Even when I’m far
I will always be there
Uh, the message is a lie.
I'm making a new folder.
Sorry, whoops!
Finished re-watching Nisemonogatari.
Toothbrushing and loli kaka vampire bath time made my skin crawl but the piles of clams and dead trees with violins were worth it.
Ban that song sucks
Even if it’s hard
Even when I’m far
I will always be there
you fucking suck
Byan has fairly objectively good taste because it's mostly the same as mine.
Mind is willing, soul remains. This ladyboy cannot be saved.
If you call this winning, why do I feel like a loser?
Today's yuri releases.
(Hiiragi Yutaka) Shinmai Shimai no Futari Gohan ch14 (Dengeki Daioh 2016-10) [English] [Yuri-ism]
[Kodama Naoko] Girl Talk [TZdY & lililicious]
(僕らのラブライブ! 15) [スペースくじら (くじらジオ)] どうしようもないマルに天使が降りてきた (ラブライブ! サンシャイン!!)
[negoto (ねことりな)] 北上さんとお月さま (艦隊これくしょん -艦これ-)
but uh.... got any SFW- cutesy stuff?
If you want I'll let you win at a bunch of different games, and even sports.
but why no Yuzumori-san 16
post more THICC
Check these out if you're into comfy yuri.
"Elaborate, please."*
Did you even understand my sick lyric posting ?
I would but you stopped sending me lewd pictures of yourself :^)
I'm trying to just find something new.
I don't read or concern myself with anything that happens before or after I am posting.
So I do not understand it but only because I haven't read it.
mostly because im fat and ugly
Emma you have a problem
You need to stop
*please and thank you
Have to use all the magic words.
Am I late for the yuri releases force of nature?
It's not a comet, you can still see it after it's gone.
Ty for these
What are these ancient Egyptian scriptures?
Zhe shines bright like a shooting star.
*thicc and cute
Ban me for cyberbullying
I'm a terrorist at this point so it's fine since that is illegal probably.
Unless you're too much of A FAGGOT WHO IS NOT VERY HANDSOME AND ISN'T VERY POPULAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Don't make me blush Byan.
Miserable filth.
Wait so it's out already?
Spoonfeed me pls
You got me.
It seems like a lot of people trip over moeblob yuri like they've never been on the internet before.
I still haven't been on the internet yet.
Fuck off Goggles
Why Byan, mind yourself, we're in public.
When you call someone a faggot it means you think they should be burned alive as less than a human being c:
Shake my head, admin.
I hope you can read moonrunes :^)
Yes, Dumbnut is just slow.
ty for thunder stealing
Scunting filth
Fuzzy pickles
I think I've been using it wrong.
Byan your affection is too excessive.
Nope, that's why it's applied to gay people.
Because that was what they burned with the kindling, without the dignity of a stake.
inb4 Emma what does it say
yay comfy
Holy thickness
Your shits all retarded and you talk like a FAG
Aren't you a legitimate pedophile who defends others?
all you linked is some sad panda ;~;
u triked me.
Did you cum yet?
Oh yeah, I forgot you somewhat know Japanese
I keep thinking you're just one of those weebs that only knows Japanese phrases from watching lol
Fucking hilarious.
Are you gonna rate it?
Get fucking gypped you fat lesbian with a penis
I think he's just pretending to be retarded again.
Subtle > Mordin
He's a furry. All he needs is e621.
When did Luka become a fur fag?
Him and Neru just sort of have the same shtick.
Are you reverting to this already?
Go after him, he's into you
No. Neru has a schtick. Luka doesn't.
Oh I thought you meant Luke.
No, Luka is just retarded.
I think it's just called "settling" in this case.
Don't look omg
Seems about right.
i want you to meow at me as i prance around eating meatballs while juggling tanks of seamonkies
What's the difference between acting retarded and just being retarded in effect?
It's not weird for a Yan to look at their Byan like this, is it?
Its weird
One evokes pity.
but i find pleasure in it
Reverting to what lol
I don't think he likes me dude
Ahhh doushio
Google translate butchered the shit out of that holy shit lol
But to answer your question, no I will not let my wallet drop me
Thank you very much
Does Poe's Law instead to this?
If you can't tell the difference between them being retarded and just pretending? Where does it end?
If you think it's weird that must mean you feel something.
On the contrary, I think it's normal since I can stare at you and feel nothing; even if you were completely bare and your body was exposed and naked, and I would feel absolutely nothing, Byan.
Not a single fucking iota of lust or impurity.
You said your life was on an upswing the other day and that you were going to start being nice.
I just like that people in the Discord post their dumb quotes.
Something like:
Now that you mention it, don't you have a school trip tomorrow?
Yeah, I'll bring you back a souvenir!
Don't drop your wallet lol
How does google fuck up that badly
But in this case I feel confident that I can tell the difference.
Kill yourself.
Byan pls.
cute pic
Dunno. Both seem equally retarded to me.
Slit your wrists and jump off a bridge.
Is this you doing this shit or is it one of my many other friends?
chop liver
What shit?
Those two seems counter productive to each other, or at the very least aren't meaningfully compatible.
ur cute tho
Language that we speak is kinda foreign.
It's all relative.
It has been pretty good lately tbh
Though all the extra hrs at work have been leaving me exhausted but those checks tho son
Also chill the fuck out dude
It was just a little fucking joke
You're more sensitive than the shaft of my dick
Man, you're such a weeb sometimes
Like to the point where I ask myself where I can find a weeb girl like to that extent irl
But every girl I've met irl that are on par with my powerlevel are either fat as shit and a greasy fujoshi, literally autistic, or blind in one eye and Canadian
Fucking sucks dude
At least I have my bros to drink and watch anime with lmao
It sucks dude
Fuck what you think and say,
the shaft of a dick isnt even sensitive you virgin
lemme go get my sandpaper and we'll test that theory
It's a bitch convincing people to like you
See, that's why we like eachother so much.
Luka how much do you weigh?
That was one of Kanra's wonderful theories.
Do you mean head?
you obviously havent gotten your dick wet if your shaft is still sensitive
Maybe we're just having too much fun.
Maybe you can't handle yourself.
Don't virg shame soto, he is very sensitive about these kinds of things.
Is he still perpetually exploding at any person he thinks "rivals" his "massive intelligence"?
I don't know what I did to piss him off
But holy shit his theories were great
I thought Soto was the one that committed statutory rape?
He thought you were 18 at the time.
If I stop now, call me a quitter.
get lost.
Wow Feku quit bullying me bro
You can technically rape someone and still be a virgin afterwards
Yeah so you're not a virgin, right?
Was it just one of those things where you really wanted to talk about your penis?
Well i'm going to bed.
You can't see the Sarcasm in the fire I spit,
If lies were kittens you'd be a litter.
I am a virgin
I need to be married to have sex, duh
Pretty much
I figured hey, if I talk about my dick with Mordin he will probably want to suck it or sit on it, ya know?
Like if you throw some food in front of a dog it will go eat it right?
Hopefully same rule applies
I don't believe that for a second but if it were true you would have just turned from an idiot to a complete loser in my eyes.
I don't see why you'd think that.
Konichiwa, bitches~
I was not fishing for Tests and I seem to have caught one anyways.
Finish for me.
Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?
I make the same mistake, too.
Don't worry about it.
Wow what the fuck dude
I think I seem like enough of a nerd to pass as a virgin
That hurt my feelings you asshole piece of shit 14 year old
Well the whole Mordin is a slut thing kinda comes into play
You were like the new age Kamuu for a while dude
you miss when we used to bang? It was pretty hot, tbh.
On you?
Is that so? But I never actually did anything with anyone on here.
I haven't seen my mother since before Thanksgiving :/
Excuse me?
Who are you?
That's like me saying I don't drink anymore
I'm easy winkyface HEE
eks dee
Are we pawns in a celestial game?
Oh, that's knot what you meant?
I was just being flippant.
Anyways, what's up?
You know something you said a few days ago inspired me to tell someone something.
It's depressing to see that your words were empty.
The link you made.
Buy me a lacy dress.
Do you? I wouldn't really know.
that one time where you choked yourself with your hair while we were banging?
yare yare daze
jojo reference ehre
You wouldn't look good in one.
I don't really tbh
But no one believes me
So I know how you feel lmao
Most people don't.
Wanna get drunk?
Have a good afternoon/evening/night.
Probably, why?
Not much. Home from work, trying on my new stuff I got, and enjoying the evening since tomorrow's work got cancelled cause of the snow. We're gonna get slammed with like 2 feet x_x
How have you been?
Oh, I didn't even notice haha
I feel like I'd remember that.
Holy shit Goggles how fucking pathetic do you have to be to be inspired by something someone says on Holla Forums
Especially said by me
Holy shit dude how hard did you get rejected lmao
No you dumb slut, it's Monday
I have work in the morning at 6am
Wait till Friday :3
That's actually quite a fair statement considering statistics.
No I won't sugar daddy you Kyle.
bai ♥
well if it wasn't with me then you should totally try it because it was a pretty hot surprise
I feel like a Mexican after spending like 8 hours doing yardwork.
It's spring break technically and I'm doing absolutely nothing by my own fault in cancelling plans and it's kind of depressing.
Two feet of snow in March seems really odd.
I don't know who you are still tho.
And my gf does a fair amount of choking and hair pulling and it's great.
Why'd you cancel, dummy?
Yeah we were getting awesome weather but it turned out to be a giant tease and it sucks.
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