What is that man telling to read?
What is that man telling to read?
de leon
Sounds pretty buddhist
What is that man telling to google?
Marxist, actually.
Crappy art tbh.
nieuwvriendjes kunnen better met loonarbeid en kapitaal beginnen
Deel 8 van boek 1 is echt goed man. Zou eigenlijk zo zn eigen boek kunnen zijn.
So anyone has something along the lines of what happens in this manga except without little children?
Truly shit taste, friend.
That looks a lot less like a child than the 8 year old looking girl in what I found when i reverse searched the image.
Muter krobookchin
is het kort? ik zal nog een keer kapitaal moeten lezen maar ik moet nog heel veel andere shit lezen
Gaat over de orginele accumulatie enzo.
Als ik me goed herriner in ieder geval
it slep time bunner
maar is het kort?
That was not at all like the other picture. I can highly recommend this manga.
But what kind of person would want to fap to that?
Here's another good one:
Guys, you're supposed to photoshop stuff into the OP's photo.
Eh, you can't see the cover. It's a kind of shitty template.
Here are some better ones.
My nigga.