>197 days until Avatar: The Way of Water

>197 days until Avatar: The Way of Water

Attached: .8qP21a.jpg (780x760, 100.86K)

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based countdown

>>168993838Based and robust!


I don't care if you winI just need capeshit to loose...

Attached: 654645654645645645.png (640x639, 519.69K)

>>168993925You shouldnt even ironically quote this piece of shit trilogy

But can he keep this up?


>>168993925capeshit starshit avatarshit are all disney user

>>168994065>168993838Avatar isn't Disney. It's Lightstorm.

based robust

>>168993838Whoa mama, we're looking at sub-200s over here

>>168993838Based and heckin' robust

>>168993964Stuff like this reminds me why this place is infested by incels, lighten up a little and pick up a football.

>197 Neys until Avatar 2

Attached: Neytiri_0197.jpg (1920x1080, 210.58K)

>>168993838197..........................IS A SEXY PRIME

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>>168993838You can't possibly keep this up!

>33 days until avatar adapt or die #3

Attached: jznZ5a6AHoWPwrKEKWuwu-RkZHv1zewRRxQABXSxJp4.jpg (600x922, 195.31K)

>>168995025Based prime factorization user! 197 is a palindrome in base 6 (525) and base 14 (101).168993838 is a palindrome in base 781 (277:44:277), base 1469 (78:458:78), base 3575 (13:796:13), base 4936 (6:4621:6), base 10953 (1:4476:1), base 14721 (11479:11479), base 15010 (11258:11258), base 22957 (7361:7361), base 30021 (5629:5629), base 95692 (1766:1766), base 191385 (883:883), base 195142 (866:866), base 382338 (442:442), base 390285 (433:433), base 764677 (221:221), base 4970406 (34:34), base 6499762 (26:26), base 9940813 (17:17), base 12999525 (13:13), and base 84496918 (22).

Attached: AVATAVA.png (879x728, 624.94K)

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>>168993838Literally how does he do it?

>>168993838Filming should take place in New Delhi.

hella fuccin epic

>>168994533>just go outside, man in your mid-twenties, and throw around a football by yourself

>>168993838I love you

Is countdown poster russian?


Attached: 20220531_143830.jpg (641x500, 85.98K)

>>168995767You're probably thinking of abatap

>>168995817He'll get his revenge in Avatar 2, just you wait


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>>168993838I always believed

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>>168995817>>168996867How can one man be so based?

Attached: Quaritch.webm (864x486, 2.95M)

>>168995246>Based prime factorization user! 197 is a palindrome in base 6 (525) and base 14 (101).>168993838 is a palindrome in base 781 (277:44:277), base 1469 (78:458:78), base 3575 (13:796:13), base 4936 (6:4621:6), base 10953 (1:4476:1), base 14721 (11479:11479), base 15010 (11258:11258), base 22957 (7361:7361), base 30021 (5629:5629), base 95692 (1766:1766), base 191385 (883:883), base 195142 (866:866), base 382338 (442:442), base 390285 (433:433), base 764677 (221:221), base 4970406 (34:34), base 6499762 (26:26), base 9940813 (17:17), base 12999525 (13:13), and base 84496918 (22).what did you mean by this?

>>1689939252022 is the year of Avatar, and the 2020s will be the decade of Avatar. Capeshit is finished

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>>168993838When will we get the proper trailer?

Make way for the best spaceship design in the history of kinema

Attached: e1752287da735ba5f1d1596f9a70237a.jpg (1920x1080, 288.99K)

>>168999188you're worse than the kpop guy

hella fuccin based

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>>168993838Can anything stop him from making the biggest movie ever 3 times in a row?

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>>168999654Only himself

>>168993838Apparently theres going to be news about the game later today

>doesn't miss a single beat>stays steadfast despite setbacks>carries on with relentless optimismI want to be like OP one day

Attached: 555.png (768x665, 227.44K)

why do jannies seethe so hard at these threads?

Attached: GreatTeacher.png (960x640, 749.29K)

>>169001154Pretty sure it was not in the first movie, where does this come from?

>>168993838Thank you Based Jim

>>169001154>please be patient

>>168995767he's based

>>168995025>a sexy primeWhat did he mean by this?

Attached: avatar detective.png (882x731, 533.71K)

>>168999188She was crazy in imax. I wonder if we will see her again

>>169001261photos used for the extended edition, can be found in various promo media

>>168999336t. kpop guy

>>168993838>113 days until the Avatar re-release

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>>168993838The ah ta ta guy is deadThe never coming out guy is deadBut OP lives onLet this be a lesson to anyone seeking to challenge OP's resolve

>>169001014Based as fuck

>>168994163shut up everything is disney nowm.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAhb1ney2Vc

Watch this.Sneed

>>168993838>I love you

>>168995127these tie-in comics any good?

>>168996867>*sigh* somehow Quaritch returned