Always wanted to ask you leftybros about this
What would your profession be in a communist society?
Other urls found in this thread:
probably what I do now but with less exploitation and a greater sense of purpose
tech stuff
perhaps… chief cybernetic central planner?
Banging thots
Read books and maybe go to mars in my lifetime.
Writer, I would hope.
I would love to work on some comfy local communal farms
Chief central planner
Gardener/musician/part time teacher. I wouldn't mind volunteering to work shifts at "unwanted" jobs as well
This post
Made me realize that people would be assigned whatever job is necessary at the moment. You don't get to freely choose anything you want outside of what's necessary.
Hopefully you've said this ironically
Uhh that doesn't sound much different from capitalism. If anything it's worse because there's at least some aspect of choice in capitalist labor markets.
I'd like to work in renewable energies.
The goal is to abolish professions in the way the exist under capitalism.
I would be comrade commissioner of love, fertility and women. After long day of assigning marriages and paper work - I could fuck the virgin wives to be. I would also empty my comrades sperm in sperm bank and put my own seed in its place. It would be fun.
Holy shit
Based NazBol GANG
Oh, I dunno. Some boring bureaucratic job would probably suit me.
That's where I disagree
Being forced to work somewhere you don't like will make your life miserable. I prefer to have a choice, even though some of you consider it "capitalistic"
What the hell? I'm pretty sure user implies you should have more choice rather than performing the same, often pointless labor every day. Capitalism forces hundreds of millions to work somewhere they don't like just to stave off poverty. Freedom of choice concerning your work is hardly a capitalist trait.
You do have choice. You either work for the state's interest, or you work gulag, comrade.
we kangz now
No change then?
I'm a med student, so by the time a revolution rolls around, I'd work as a doctor, I hope.
Kulak slayer.
just want to make bread, man. like fuck
I posted that, and will ad some correction to it. My idea is that with our current level of technology and capital stock we can create a comfortable life for all, and that this would only require some four hours of of unpleasant labour per person per day for maybe five days per week or so, labour that no-one will want to do unless forced or compensated. Such labour exists: no-one will want to be a garbageman for a hobby, yet it is extremely vital labour.
People will voluntarily and without being compensated create and do a lot of useful things, but not all things we need for a comfortable existence; some things just aren't pleasant work. It's just a matter of having this useful but unpleasant labour be either rewarded to such a degree that enough is preformed (be it materially or through reputation or other compensatory mechanisms), or at least spread equitably. You can still do what you want in all the time that is freed up by eliminating the requirement to work for a parasitic capitalist class.
Probably a computer repairman, administrator or suchlike.
But comrade, you have forgotten the huge slave class that will emerge in the gulag. There will always be an mass excess of workers who will do what other will not with the point of the state's sword. There would also be the POWs in the millions who will contribute. We could also use ethnic minorities.
Have you ever worked in any collective or communal setting? People fucking volunteer for digging shitpits because it needs to be done. When the need is evident and the desire to have it is there than people will self organise into shifts or rotating systems.
The problem is when you have centralised production for necessary good that have to be produced in advance or require significant startup costs. But a propper non alienated political sphere where involvement in communal affairs is normal and part of everyday life will enable us to communicate and plan these needs without the need for force.
Will there be less product diversity, slower product cycles and probably less abillity to randomly change your utilities? Probably. But thats nothing bad at all.
wtf I'm a stalinist now!
The problem with that is that you create a system that finds exactly as many counterrevolutionaries as are needed to fill the labour pool, rather than just jailing those people that need to be punished.
I could very well imagine working as a garbage man for a while. Driving around the neighborhoods with my self driving truck meeting the residents and collecting their trash sounds like a nice thing to do for a while. Going to local councils to plan with them the cleaning of their streets and seeing results of that seems very satisfying.
Especially when your neighborhood is your community and not just some random street most people will be far more considerate when it comes to trashing up the place.
Half the country voted trump
proffession? no one said anything about proffesions.
film maker
Do you unironically suggest killing off millions of people through slavery?
Me? I'd be a card-carrying party member, heh.
I dun' wan' none o' dat field or factory work. Dat's for dem masses, me I'd be a VANGUARD of dat dere revolushion!
Is waiting in line for government mandated food a profession
If you start jailing people for dumb choices, you might just find yourself jailed, comrade.
Yeah, sure, but the demand (for lack of a better word) for garbage collection isn't elastic. You always need a minimum of labour preformed irrespective of people's desire to do it. I won't gamble on enough people being willing to do it at any given time, there is no reason the supply and demand of this labour will match. A mechanism has to be in place to ensure this socially vital labour is always preformed regardless of how we all feel at any point in time.
For most of our own citizens? They can win back their freedom after a time much like a prison sentence. But other countries POW would either be worked to death or ransomed. No doubt about it. Ends justify the means.And just because capitalism ends doesn't mean scarcity does. Anyway, this is why men like me will become leaders of communist societies. Your vision will never work and you will be my errand boy perhaps
Programming tbh, it's the one job I've always wanted but have never been hired for due to "lack of experience"
Which is a polite way of saying "There was another guy who had slightly more experience" because my resume's jam-fucking-packed with experience. IT companies here are small as fuck but there's shit-tonnes of us who want jobs
Biochemist for the state.
I suppose the same "reward" mechanisms would also be applied to professions that require years of hard study and dedication? Otherwise why would anyone pass 8+ years studying to be a medic or an engineer when you can just be a garbage man and have your basic food and shelter necessities met?
Wouldn't this create a separate class of its own?
If you've never been hired, what meaningful experience do you have?
Imigrate tbh, there are shitloads of places that suck up good programmers like a black hole. Pay isnt as good as in the past but if its possible for you moving and getting enough experience till you can move up the ladder and work from wherever you want is still possible.
If that user have no experience then he needs a place that will suck any programmer not just the good ones :^)
Programming, like I do now.
Well, yeah, specialist education should be rewarded. It already is, and most likely also will under communism. Long as the knowledge is socially necessary. As to whether that will create a new class, possibly. Maybe even an intolerable class difference, like seen in the novel "Player Piano". But that's a bridge we'll cross when we get there - communism won't be the end of history, we'll have an entirely new set of contradictions to work out then, and possibly revolt against.
womens gulag commandant
the fun I would have wuhahaha
You are either a delusional retard or very good with being ironic
A NEET, but probably in a communist society a perspective of working will be more enjoyable.
Maybe some comfy farmer job.
I'm very curious about what kind of reward would be needed to convince people in a society where you don't have to worry about your basic needs. Speaking for myself I wouldn't give any fucks about doing anything that requires too much effort and dedication no matter how good of a reward I could get.
Freelance jack of all trades, mainly
a polyglote translator on the field or stay-at-home.
Then there's the simple shovel for dirt and axe for wood, gardening, perhaps herbalism.
Can't tell how well I'd do with heavy work in the fields and agriculture, but who knows, the things we get used to.
Work around cargo and warehouses could do, oddly enough I kind of enjoy and handle heavy things well for my thin posture.
Used to work part time at a werehouse my father's emplyoed in, too bad the experiance was quite a pain in the ass.
Working conditions were poor, task as simple as packing shit into boxes, securing it and sending off was made abysmal by the owner not giving a fuck about providing the boxes, replacement blades for cutting knives, bubble wrap, malfunctioning printers, just, fucking anything you need to pack and send that damned package.
Hell, my father admits and laughs that my job was tougher than his, having to deal with all that bullshit. Half an hour of work sometimes took one and a half instead because you had to fiddle with the little you had. Not to mention having to carry shit thrice your size through cluttered and tight space, as if the content being fragile wasn't enough. The clutter sometimes also screwed one over by tricking you into packing the wrong stuff or missing something.
Digression aside, graphical design and the likes as a digital art hobbyist on the side would be kinda nice as well.
Not sure how I could put philosophy to use other than prelections, we should really take initiative to recreate something in the likes of roman thermae.
Oh right, they also suck up shit ones, but then your pay is shit and you cant get visa if you are unlucky.
Because it's efficient. Division of labour means less labour needs to be preformed to get the same amount of necessary things and actions, means more freedom from said labour. In this, I follow Zizek: more alienation! But also more free time. A clear bargain, spelled out honestly: you will now preform soul crushing labour, but beyond that total freedom to be human. We don't have that now: not only did work hours start rising again, but also our free time is dedicated to the capitalist system: bombarded by advertising, consuming commodities in almost all of our supposed free time, having a self-image and self worth during the free time linked to the capitalist ideology.
Well, one possibility is a first access to new but still scarce technologies. The idea of basic needs is always being changed by technology, after all. So those would only filter down to those that won't work after effects of scale etc. have made them not quite so scarce anymore.
Or, reputation, social acclaim. Give people work medals or whatever, throw them feasts, have Saturnalia-like festivities where those who work get to be king for a day.
I write incoherent crap on the internet to keep everyone entertained.
I expect this is one of the jobs where you get to drive in the muh privileged lane on the highway.
ideally: pilot mid-size aircraft
realistically: i help move lightweight merchandise around storage cupboards but don't want to kill myself because it's not precarious and exploitative like under capitalism
everyone can be their own garbageman.
(this was actually proposed in a piece of capitalist realist fiction by the BBC.)
Efficiency cant be dictated or you essentially create a just another form of profit seeking. Instead of a constant strive for profit you will have a constant strive for efficiency, subordinating the human to commodity production once again.
This obsession with "free time" is utterly capitalist and inspired by alienated labour. The most fulfilling things people do currently in their "free time" is essentially labor: educating themselves, creating art, gardening, creating free software, being active on clubs and organisations of all kinds ect.
Maintaining the apperatus that enables hyper efficient division of labour will necessarily also subordinate all other parts of life to a degree that freedom is harmed.
hard labor and math research/studying
My friend tried to dig a massive hole in his garden and bury rubbish in it but the council said it was contaminating the land.
There is no guarantee it is anything but egoistically useful labour. If you create bad art, bad software, etc., your creations serve no purpose but self-gratification. And that's fine. But life for all will be better if certain socially necessary tasks are also preformed, and it will be best if those are efficiently preformed to boot, because some of those tasks will be goddamn awful.
From the experience of communal housing, I know this is false. Some people are slobs, and their garbage is cleaned up by people who don't stand up for themselves. The only thing that ever works are forced schedules of who does the dishes when, who takes out the garbage when, etc.
Same for society at large. Unless you have the garbage police go around constantly beating people up for littering, it's better to have an alienated agency do it. The agency that goes around beating people, incidentally, but for other infractions.
Basically, you need to beat people up to keep a clean house, is what I am getting at.
Car mechanic.
What makes you different from a Stalinist or Technocrat?
Have you only lived with autists or do you think that a collective agreement to do something in a specific way is "forcing"?
Have you only lived with slobs or do you think that a collective agreement to do something is optional?
professional raper of women
Forcing someone to take their own garbage to the dump would still technically have them be their own garbageman.
(Though I'd prefer to do it in a circumspect manner. i.e. "you must not leave your garden a shithole" instead of "you must take your garbage out regularly", basically legislating the end instead of the means.)
im in neurobiology research, so probably the same
you don't honestly believe that do you?
This revolution isn't going to happen if at all in at least a few generations
There is no force but your own agreement to a mutually benificial thing. If you fuck up you have to live with the consequences. There is no need for state enforced bullshit so people do the stuff they benifit from anyway.
I would do it like the first few times out of novelty but once it became apparent that I didnt need to I would let you take over completely.
That is the Iron Law of Counter-Revolution
I have lived with lazy people who wouldn't follow the schedule. At that point, you need force. Kick them out, yell at them, beat them, behave passive aggressively if you are a giant pussy, etc. The only alternative is to sheepishly submit to them and clean up after them - slave behavior.
Meh. I'm really on the fence to be honest. I'll settle for eliminating leeching of other's labour.
I guess that's also fine, but having specialists seems better in certain objective ways. People driving around with their garbage will have a lot more negative externalities (more cars on the road being an obvious one) than a garbage truck-garbage man operation, for example.
Oh I thought you where talking about state or organisation mandated force. I dont really consider kicking people out of a group when their only claim to being in that group is slouching around in the vicinity as force.
I'd re-train so I could help with the automation process
I would be the guy who watches all the porn to make sure that the porn on offer is acceptable.
This is literally ancap-thought. It is force, to belong to a social group is a basic human need. To deny it does real harm. And that's not even counting the possible real material harm from being thrown out of a house for instance.
Depends on the situation, what needs to be done, what skills are needed and what kind of re-training is available.
i'd like to be a farmer. some roaming big fields with cattle and stuff. nice little cottage.
that or a soldier.
OK So far we have farmers, rapists, porn quality control officers and we all dispose of our own garbage.
Sounds pretty decent so far.
if you say so bud
Irreducable mimum would still be maintained ofc, but a community cant be forced into existence and if you are unwilling or unable to participate in solving problems collectivly no one can or should force you. Society will naturally develop into various styles of collective organisations once the basis is laid. and everyone should be free to chose what kind suits him best. I just dont buy into the idea that humans are dumb and only collecting smart people into a state forcing them to behave correctly is the solution. In all groups i was in from tens to thousands in size the number of people that had to be actually forced out was miniscule. Institutions if state or confederal should limit themselves to supporting self organisation, not replacing it. Almost all issues with people that didn want to do their part was because of genuine mental problems or because they actually had no interest in being where they are.
I do receiving at a retail store and the work itself is laborous but I find a simple joy in opening boxes and taking stuff out of them. It's like Christmas every second.
That being said at 12.70 an hour it's a shit job. I wouldnt mind doing it in a commie future though.
I'd probably do my four hours of labor and then sit on my ass and read all day to be honest
Show me an example of your true communism comrade. Oh, ya it never existed and never will. Yet I am the delusional retard? Stalinism is the only true and successful communism. All others are delusional retardations.
there's a reason the USSR tended to propagandize that our children will live under communism.
Probably an astronomer or engineer
~ Karl Marx, The German Ideology
But most jobs that are currently necessary will be automated in communism
who is that qt
Really now? Never been in a job in a big organization where they fired people? Because that is essentially pushing people out, and it does a lot of damage to them.
Disagree strongly, communities are forever arising under the conditions of force. And to make a large amount of people to act as a community, you will often enough need force to make it so.
Do people really need to be assigned or could we just agree that certain work has to be done and then people would volunteer to do that work because they want to participate in the community?
Fucking hell that marx guy was retarded.
Comrades, I am disappointed.
If I get assigned as anything other than a porn reviewer im staying in bed.
I'd teach nonviolent communication methods and mediate disputes.
Why was only Wittgenstein allowed to have two periods?
Implying we would maintaing the kind of organisations required for maximum profit extraction and the maintanance of private propperty. Why would anyone work for such an hierachical organisation trimmed for efficiency under socialism? Decentralisation is a core of making work unalienated and thus relatable and capable of self organisation.
Above at best a coupple hundred thousand people in a dense area any idea of "community" becomes completely moot and is an invention aimed at maintaining power of the elites. Any institution has to be understandable and relatable, ideally direcly influencable without huge issue. Otherwise they are opressive and will become a force of their own seperated from the working class.
This unironically, there are so many easy techniques and strategies that can help to maintain social peace at no cost.
What about the labor cost, comrade? Is not all value ultimately derived from labor?
Some bloke twice your size probably one of the farmers from earlier in the thread will intimidate you and kick your ass.
No one has ever expressed a perfectly coherent and consistent philosophy throughout their lives. It's silly, and deeply ironic how people treat Marx like he's some sort of prophet, like we have to take every thing he ever said as gospel.
He is an impressively insightful and rigorous thinker, but no messiah.
Under ideal social situations the exact cost of a activity and its associated debt with giving someone it for free is highly abstracted and blurred into a mutual interdependence.
Then it would be time for the community as a whole to step up and disable that anti-social individual.
Fair enough, comrade.
They wouldnt touch him because hes cool and popular in the community. And because the first guy to tackle him would get seriously hurt.
I think we have no choice in the matter. The material forces, some self-created like ACG, others external but only recently knowable (meteors, diseases), others both famines) compel us to organize at an alienated level. We have passed a point of no return a while ago, we will need something at or above the level of a current nation state to force coordinated action, if only to achieve the minimal base level you mentioned earlier. Maybe we can walk it back after we reach some kind of true post-scarcity and basic existential security, but we are not there by a long shot.
Though of course, contradictions never stopped any messiah.
"They" are a bunch of posers then.
I kinda agree, but we have to limit that level as much as possible and make it easy to dismantle once it served its purpose. Power has to be derived from the people repeatedly and not just once in the magic act of creating a constitution and a state.
Yeah people are posers.
All people? Always and forever?
So you all would basically be worthless niggers just like you are right now and contribute nothing to economy?
You want slaves but you don't want to be conquerors, you're a bunch of disgusting worms.
If you are retarded enough to think your profesion will change, you are just a kid having fantasies
Yea people in general.
There are exceptions of course.
On Holla Forums ?"!?!?! Say it aint so.
Most people aren't courageous enough to step in and risk life, limb and popularity to stop others, unless at best for their own benefit. Story of history. It's why bullies exist - people don't usually spontaneously organize into self-defense gangs.
An acceptance of constant critical analysis of society and a self-aware public would have to be a perquisite for this to work. Not quite there yet, which might be why we endure so many shitty institutions.
The situation you describe, where a rouge individual starts attacking people, would be anticipated and prepared for. Protocols wold be a in place. A segment of the community would be trained to deal with such situations in the least destructive way possible.
All beings so far have created something beyond themselves; and do you want to be the ebb of this great flood and even go back to the beasts rather than overcome man? What is the ape to man? A laughingstock or a painful embarrassment. And man shall be just that for the overman: a laughingstock or a painful embarrassment…
~ Friedrich Nietzsche
You're fucking retarded if you think more democracy = better.
Enjoy starving a whole region to death because a bunch of fuckheads redtape production of food.
You're fucking retarded if you think different = better. I never even claimed that it would be better just that it would be different and therefore that people would be doing different sorts of work under communism.
then why the fuck are people living there
I guess you never heard of mining you stupid commie fuck.
Have you ever heard of transporting food? Or that democracy does not mean parliamentarian bullshit?
I am welder in capitalist society. What will I be in communist society?
Are you going to produce whole region's worth of food, or are you going to "transport" aka. steal another region's worth of food to give to people?
hello Holla Forums
drink petrol, Holla Forums
Yes, you are a commie, calling yourself a snowflake name does not make you any less commie.
Just like a bigendered omnisexual helicopter is not a helicopter, he's mentally ill, just like yo.
You silly romanticist. Be upfront, do most people right now have the inclination you demand of them? If not, how will the acquire it?
Social democrats just want the government to take care of everyone. It's not a revolutionary ideology like communism. They are liberals, not commies.
Slave to who?
I don't want both however. :^)
Go back to your containment board brainlet
Most people are caught up in wage-slavery and dumb social constructs like marriage. So no, but just because they were born into a racket.
It's a bit of a chicken and the egg problem because as long as they're stuck in "the matrix" of bourgeoisie capitalist society they will have a very hard time developing a communist mentality. But as long as they have a bourgeoisie mentality it would never occur to them to separate from that culture and its selfish values.
So the question becomes, "How do we wake up the sheeple?" The answer isn't at all clear, but I think two powerful tools are art and psychedelics. We need to jolt the sleeping masses awake.
Pic and link related.
Probably a grocery store clerk just like now, thought I guess it would probably be more of a grocery distribution centre.
When I finish my education I could become a software developer helping automate production.
It's interesting to wonder how jobs will change after communism. Most fast food, store greeter, advertising, law jobs would just disappear. I think this is a good thing, since most of those jobs are just 'meta-production'.
wasn't hakim bey a pedo?
I would be a store greeter.
Bring joy and a smile to everyone who came to my store.
Hey fuck you!
Is that a profession in our new communist utopia?
t. rothbard
secret police agent for sure
The least amount I could get away with doing without being marched to a gulag for letting the cause down.
I would fucking love to psychologically torture and gaslight people for being perceived enemies of the communist state.
pls no.
In the early days of Holla Forums we'd argue a lot about the ethics of pedophilia, and I have to say, I came away from those arguments much less certain that it's necessarily unethical.
If it's inherently damaging to kids to sexually pleasure them then it's certainly a very subtle sort of damage.
I have a very conventional male sexuality. I'm attracted to healthy, fertile looking women.
You have to admit it would be fun being part of some Stazi secret police system where you can do what you like and nobody can say shit because you represent the communist state.
As long as you don't throw acid in the water supply, it's worth a shot. I have not done psychedelics yet, can they be done comfortably alone?
It sounds more like you're complaining about it than being in favor of it. I would probably have little qualms joining but I wouldn't be so enthusiastic about mindfucking people to death.
Shig dig, just get a friend.
I have plenty of friends, but the friends I would want to do psychedelics with will not likely want to do them.
Actually hurting and torturing people would be the down side.
As said, I was arguing to abolish the form of labour that is predominant in a capitalist society (eg. jobs, professions, …), not the ability to choose.
Get one to sit you, it's basically just watching TV and going for a walk maybe anyway, I'd recommend doing 25i-nBome since it's pretty much purely hallucinogenic and doesn't mindfuck you.
Not , but I personally preffer to do psychedelics alone. Dealing with other people is extremely anxiety inducing for me while tripping. Read up, check yourselve for potential mental health problems, aquire clean and carefully dosed material, start with low doses and you should be fine. For higher doses a tripsitter or atleast someone you trust nearby that doesnt judge you if you need help is advised though. But you should make yourselve familiar with the literature and experience reports beforehand to be able to judge these things yourselve anyway.
You cannot pleasure a child by definition. They haven't even developed a sex drive, or fully functional sex organs. Any sex with a prepubescent child is at best masturbation using a child. After that, it gets muddier.
I'll take a low dose trip under consideration, thanks for the tip.
600ug doses of 25i with 4 hours before dosing a second time is what I recommend for a first time. It's fun even if you've done that sort of thing plenty of times. I used to get them in capsules off Silk Road, you'd open up the capsule and sniff the powder inside. You can only insufflate (shniff) it.
Off topic, sort of, but I've never met a stalinist, Maoist or other authoritarian of any stripe that didn't imply, assume or outright state that in their ideal system they would be in charge, or at least in one form or another, a career politician.
I strongly believe that if they cooled down the delusion and stopped pretending that they'd get to be the next Stalin, they'd suddenly stop advocating for the working class to have no rights and to be wedged under the heel of an oppressive government.
anyway the answer to your question is "probably anything I guess, but with less alienation from my own labor"
I would literally be okay with sweeping streets or cleaning toilets. I'd prefer to be a farmer or brewer or something like that. If they wanted and were able to educate me and the People thought my stuff was good enough, wouldn't mind designing websites or if they really wanted to give me something grandiose, cities and buildings.
Still a chemist. But this time not wasting my skills on boner pills but making drugs to cure disease. And with more of a focus on curing the disease rather than treating the symptoms. Its harder to make a continuous profit when you do the former.
Propaganda Poster Designer
My absoute dream job.
Would anyone else go for a job with a sweet uniform? I'd love to have had a job in the DDR, seemingly everyone got one.
But they didn't all get a cool uniform. :(
I would train to be a chemist actually. I've always wanted to be one, and the idea of contributing to one of the most important scientific fields, is one of the things that would probably be my driver.
Dance dance revolution has uniforms?
Police officer so that I'm the one shooting peaceful protesters instead the other way around.
All trades. Electricity, mechanics, welding, plumbing, carpentry, 3tc
If it's a 'communist utopia', then nearly all labor would be automated with the exception of a few human-needing tasks, and those who did those would get extra rewards. I'd probably write and be an astronomer for fun in that scenario.
If it's just socialism that you're talking about, I'd prefer a market socialist/mutualist system where everyone can work as they want to and receive the full value of their labor. Central planning isn't really a good idea if you want freedom in choosing how you work. In such a society I'd probably work as a computer programmer/technician part time (to support myself) and an astronomer and writer for the rest.
History professor
Porn star.
I'd just enjoy having enough material security to have a family tbh. I think I'd also try to do some writing, I'm also a lwayer with pretty good public speaking skill so I'd probably do some local politics. Of course I'd also help out in any profession that needed extra workers at a given time.
Isn't half the point of communism that you don't have to choose one profession and have the opportunity to experience a variety of different types of intellectual and physical labour.
working in a left shoe only factory.
Same as it is now, an electrician. Tradesmen unite!👷✊
ew a namefag
can we just like, ban namefaging altogether?
Professions wouldn't exist I think, at least not in the same way they do now. People would be more fluid in their lives. I could see myself doing film and storyboarding one day, teaching about it the next, then filming with students that volunteer. School and work would be less structured on producing perfect profitable workers for porky, but on creating individuals that benefit society in a psychological way.
Like everyone else here, I of course would be in charge of everything, because I am so much smarter.
If I wasn't in charge, well, I would probably be a professional artist.
See the thing is, communism appeals to me because it means I won't have to do yucky labor, or hard labor. There are other people better suited for that work. I am a thinker.
Electricity is a spook.
But what if I used incognito mode before the revolution?
Long interrogation if you have the correct knowledge about memes and Holla Forums history.
I can work with that.
My education will probably become obsolete within my own lifetime so…
Without power structures of capitalism I highly doubt that my (future)degree in public administrative sciences will be much of use.
This is your brain on moralfaggotry.
Depending on how well the next couple years of my life go, somewhere on the scale of scientist through engineer and ending at mechanic.
Though of course under communism the idea of a profession would be less concrete since work hours would go down enough that people could do more than one thing for their entire life.
Wait, what?
Haven't you ever fapped when you were a kid? not even got an erection?
My pee pee worked since ever, the only thing that changed with puberty was the size, the bush and the ability to cum but the actual capacity to feel pleasure was there since I was born.
I would basically just want to be free to drink whiskey, take xanax, smoke crack, cigarettes, spice, and take sleeping pills.
I would be a film director, exactly the same as I plan to become currently. I'm quite positive filmmaking would be a lot better in a communist society, since the materials wouldn't be so damn expensive, and movie quality wouldn't be determined by how much studios pour into the advertising for them or pay off critics to overpraise them. Just imagine how gloriously liberated the art of cinema would become without the shackles of capitalism!
General IT. Desktop Technician maybe.
I'd do whatever I was requiered to do for the hours of mandatory labor…
And be a scriptwritter in my free time.
I started fapping at 13. If you cannot cum you are not sexually active. Stop normalizing your childhood problems
honestly? I'd love to have a comfy teaching job where i can just read books and study history with my fellow NEETs. I'd also like to try and research and write stuff of my own in the future but i never had the time or motivation to sit down and do it. Zizek has the right idea.
What wouldn't be relevant about it?
even if the power structures might be different, wouldn't the principles be the same
What determines if you are sexually active or not it's whether or not you get laid, not if you can cum or not but that's not the even point here.
That user implied that you cannot feel pleasure in your pee pee before you hit puberty which is incorrect.
If you were a potato who only discovered fapping at that age that's your problem fam
It definitely has been proven time and time again to be extremely psychologically traumatizing.
tfw the eternal pedo is always ready to spread cancer
I honestly didn't think anyone on this board read this retard. Aside from a few unironic anprim posters maybe.
Farming. Part-time teaching. There's enough stuff to do.
Yeah. People like that need to be put up against the wall.
It is the same with ancaps fantasizing they'll be the next John Galt, or fascists imagining they'll be the next Duce or Fuhrer. Authoritarian philosophies tend to attract shitty people. (Contrast that with Leftcom, DemCon, AnCom, etc.)
Mate, I was abused a kid. And let me tell you, that stuff is not subtle. In my case it fucked me up for life and it took a lot of therapy to even begin dealing with it.
Unless you were straight out raped against your will, I'm sorry to tell you this but it only became an huge big deal for you because you are spooked.
Since we are already in the anecdotes realm then let me go ahead and tell that I had sexual contact when I was a kid and it was really not a big deal because I enjoyed it and it wasn't against my will.
Welfare drawer
Professional nigger
These low Autism Levels actually think if the economy was destroyed with communism, they would all of a sudden have valuable skills, or get off their asses and volunteer. Is this what leftypol actually believes?
How high is your Autism Level, user?
Still doesn't mean it doesn't feel good to play with your dick.
They should have read some BASIC ECONOMICS and considered human nature.
I have already worked as both a gardener and a teacher under capitalism you fucking idiot. And yes I would volunteer to work unwanted jobs under communism
Psychedelics and powerful art can cause people to critically examine their beliefs. Whole social movements have been launched largely by novels, like the environmental movement which was largely sparked by Edward Bellamy's novel, Looking Backward.
If it's not obvious to you how psychedelics can "wake people up" then you almost certainly haven't tried them.
engineer like i am now but everything is more collaborative and less competitive
While I dont agree fully with you its nice to see a fellow Terence McKenna shill here
A lot of the "unwanted jobs" are only considered bad because they are low pay jobs in capitalism. Garbageman for instance is actually a pretty chill job for the most part, you just collect garbage and clean the streets, there's much worse jobs than that, shit where you have to deal with customers/people are the absolute worst.
Indeed! The New Left never died!
Describe your disagreements, if you would, comrade.
Obviously you were a very naughty boy, I was a good boy.
Since all jobs have decent wages and benefits, I would gladly work as a prole, so long as life outside of the job was actually worth living.
this is the only right answer, the idea of a "profession" is antithetical to communism.
I imagine/hope I'd get to continue working as a librarian but if society needed me to o something else I'd be okay with it.
Not that user but I have worked in a communal setting and while people DO volunteer to dig shitpits the number of people who will just sit and watch as their home is filled with feces outweighs those who will do it intuitively. The people who dig shitpits are usually the same people who will do the dishes or take out the garbage. Which means that, unless we are fine with an unfair division of labour, necessary work will(at least in the beginning) have to be a chore, something that is forced upon the individual by the collective.
Having never had a career prior to the rev(hunting for jobs for about a decade may be a job on its own, but that obviously doesn't count), I'd be content with being allowed to do something even half-useful during the rev.
Have you ever considered a career in shooting and exploding people?
No way of getting to the DFNS.
Filmmaker, If not, cybernetic super soldier/worker.
No they would not, since democratization of workplaces along death of capitalist welfare states my whole life would be worthless. I would rather die fighting than become unemployed nor be forced to educate myself again.
Wait, was this edited?
ITT: MLs support pseudo-fascism because they're autistic enough to think that they'd get to be in charge.
So is everything kind of a hobby? Throw a book at my face please
nope, it's the only funny redpanels comic
Democratic Federation of Northern Syria, official name of Rojava.
Really? Is YPG-I non operational atm?
I actually really enjoyed flipping houses back when I worked for a company that did that, it felt really good to be able to see where there once was a fucking eyesore nobody wanted to have to look at was now a perfectly respectable home you didn't mind living next to.
So I guess I'd just spend my days fixing up busted-ass old homes.
I would like to work outside. Perhaps in forestry, or maybe on a co-operative farm.
So, who will til the soil?
Literally everyone obsessed with the Farmer Lifestyle
I want to live in a barrel and masturbate in public while dropping some super heavy theory on normies in the agora
Can you be counted on to smuggle contraband goods into the commune and sell them on the black market?
Because that's what I'll be doing.
Yes, no one will ever suspect me
Comr8s, I just want to start my own artisanal gelato shop. Not to get rich of course, just for the pleasure of making something I love, inventing flavors and sharing them with the happy families who spend the afternoon in the plaza which my shop borders.
Surely it's not a far-fetched dream. But how would I go about it? Do I apply to a central economic planning authority for capital to build it? If businesses are owned by their employees, do I have to yield part of my authority, even tho it would affect the "creative", "authoral" part of it? If a person is allowed a small private business, where do I get the dosh for it?
What's wrong with getting rich? As long as you're not exploiting anyone anyone to do so.
Get permission from the local council to use an empty shop, contact the producers of what you need and provide evidence that you are actually using the material efficiently/know what you are doing. Potential coworkers would be equally powerful in making deciscions, but you can ofc make clear in what creative direction you want to go before accepting them in, or you share responsibillity and each week someone else leads the kitchen. You would probably send occasional proof of dispersion of your goods to the factories you get the food stuff from but besides that only the local council would be able to intervene when you are just waisting space and no one wants to eat your shit.
There would also be probably a shared council of ice cream shops and producers overseen by a central economic council delegate dealing with deciscion affecting the whole branche.
You can create nice personal propperty, but it wouldnt be possible to become really rich as there wouldnt be any predictable reward you could accumulate.
Factory worker or farmer probably.
Preferably farmer.
by the time the productive forces are developed enough to usher in a socialist economy everything will be mostly done by robots and automated machinery, ya dip
Poet. Here's some of my work:
Nightmare Of HIStory
In a trance,
can't help but dance.
Take a chance!
Thrust a lance
in a battle;
prove your mettle.
Climb a tree.
Take a pee.
What do you see?
flowing out of my penis.
Don't have to be a genius
to know
that a bow and arrow
is too slow
to beat a tank.
So just smoke some dank;
have a wank.
But better wake…
for Gaia's sake!
Nightmare Of HIStory
Things Would Be Different
Had only Andrew Jackson taken 'shrooms,
there wouldn’t be so many Indians in tombs.
Got not they even that;
left to lay there on their back
to rot where they got shot.
Things Would Be Different
Literal An-cap levels of reasoning, but I'm glad most communes will probably beat your shit in before you can come close to a kid.
I don't know about communism. If we're talking Socialism, If I wasn't a POG in the military, I'd like to be a highschool teacher, fostercarer, and scout/youth leader. I really like teaching, and children deserve a good childhood like the one I didn't get.
Farmer, writer, and gardener aren't really lofty ambitions
Chief central planner is a joke about redpanels.
Capital accumulation is something you'd rather just prevent. I know that in the USSR itself there were a few millionaires that could do jack shit with their dosh because there was nothing to buy or invest in, but still, better prevent a disease than treat it.
You're already operating on a society without money there. That rather necessitates a post-scarcity economy, doesn't it? Our little communist society thought experiment is nice, but post-scarcity is a whole separate thing.
Nah, local economies probably can operate without money in many sectors far before post-scarcity. Locally produced stuffed like much food and services can be completely on needs basis without a problem.