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Good. If you aren't breaking the law, you aren't doing shit.
Good tbh.
Typical dumbass lefty thinking
Typical dumbass righty thinking
just another step towards the implosion of the US and A.
Universities aren't public schools. You pay your money to get into the college you want, not with other people's tax money.
Lol, you tried your best.
There is no central antifa management or any central body of ideals beyond "lol beat up bald ppl xD" that makes someone antifa. Literally any group can claim to be part of it. This is p stupid as a result, but I think it's going to be funny to see college smashies cry anyway.
Which is why they need to leave, fucking dumbasses cant even create an ideal without getting their emotions in the way
that being said, BLM and antifa are cancer
*conservative speaks
what that user meant is that it's an affinity group, retard
holy shit throw out your keyboard
Most universities in burgerland are state-funded. That's why people make the differentiation between "public" and "private" universities. True to the burger capitalist way the """"public"""" universities are still expensive as fuck
It would make Antifa look a little better if everyone knew what the fuck they were being faggots about
In the US, you pay to go to school whether it is public or not. Public schools are just cheaper, for the most part.
Decentralization is something we should be striving for, isn't it?
Are you sure you're not thinking of community colleges? lololol
Except I didn't you colossal retard. Read it again.
No it would completely demolish the entire point. Learn anarchism.
ITT: Holla Forumsfag who is socio-economically barred from applying to universities tries to emulate schadenfreude at the sight of conservative vs liberal idpol.
Good job.
You couldn't even formate your own structure lol
I figured I'd use your structure to make it easier for a righty to understand
Not barred just avoiding the pozzfest and getting a job in the blue collar work force that's understaffed and you sneering shits turn your noses up at. International Proletariat my arse.
All I hear is your imagination running wild.
why only in campuses?
Uh huh, I'm sure that was the case and you definitely weren't butthurt at all
Nice to see you fulfilling your archtype.
Because a large majority of antifa and blm are college kids who just got out of high school and think they are already super adult and know how the world works
Why BLM disappear anyway? Did the Soros checks really stop that quickly?
cidadaion bls :DDD
*I assume based off stereotypes
What's it like to be 70 years old in a young person's body?
So butthurt
Prove me wrong. How many videos are out there of 50 yearlds crying like faggots and getting their shit kicked in have you seen?
Good all the better s&s for larping
Lol have you seen this tread? this is a good thead
A Milo supporter, invited bubble College Republicans, shot somebody on a campus.
Law is with us, not above us. We are the law.
Yes, us as a whole, as in the entire US. antifa and blm is pure cancer and needs to go
Cuck is a gender? what?
Plenty, but what you are talking about is BDSM porn and completely unrelated to politics :^)
And two answer your question, not in burgerland, but where im at, people in thier 50s arent really anything special in the left…
most of them obviously are less "active" so to speak
Are you cuck-fluid by any chance?
now who's getting offtopic
lol i never said anyone was going off topic, this thread is utterly retarded anyways…
Welcome to imageboard level discord.
ah yes the classic "triggered XD"
yes you are
Enjoy that establishment cock, stooge.
Yes, I will.
Same goes for you my man…
I'm also defending my cases with points, reasoning and most importantly: words
What the fuck are you doing? Post a picture that is so vague that it could be used against you?
American conservatives infatuation with free speech is the most phony thing imaginable.
Hold on I'm confused. I get it antifa and BLM can be annoying and stupid. But does this mean actual proto-facist or terrorist groups like KKK, NOI, or whatever ethnic nationalist faggots can show up and provoke…I mean speak.
Talk bout campus safe space culture. Where are the freeze peach warriors now?
No retard, the groups are cancer and need to go, there's no say about banning protesting. BLM gets the boot but other black groups like NAACP are cool because they have their shit together and are run by reasonable thinking adults.
It's Tennessee. The dean on every campus prolly oversees pep rallies by day and burns crosses by night.
Whether or not you "have your shit together" don't matter so long as you don't start hanging people from street lights or throwing people outta windows. Let them all speak, even the alt-right.
I'm sure this won't stop the brave liberal resistance! It's not like the coddled campus crowd will only protest as long as they can do so comfortably and safely.
Let's not kid ourselves, most antifas in the USA are just mad because $hillary didn't made it into office.
I am just surprised why the autright considers these crybabies a genuine threat.
But on the other hand, without a common enemy as a unifying factor, they would be at each others throat, so it's bad news for them as well.
Hold on their pardner don't get a head of yourself I mean we all know here the alt-right are Nazis correct? There's no point to letting ethnic nationalist of any kind speak. 99% of the time their arguements are just REEEEEEEE! FEELS! REEEEEEEE!
And for fuck sake /leftypol we all know BLM sucks but they don't deserve to be banned form anything.
Surely if there arguments were just 'reee' then you would want them to speak so everyone can see how stupid they are.
It only makes sense to prevent people speaking when they can easily counter your arguments and make you look foolish.
Either you are not being logical or you are scared that the alt right can beat you in an argument.
If they support free speech then why are they banning certain organizations from existing?
So much for the tolerant right.
Haha indeed.
Dude. My sides!
Naw fam I just think stupid should come with penalties. Look why would a free society want people spewing cancer to be able to walk free? How is letting people do that worth the risk of everyone being infected with that cancer and then waking up one day to see your civilization in ruins? How, tell me please?
This pretty terrible tbh. Everyone should have the right to freedom of association.
check your muh privilege
so much for the free speech right
I love how wrong the right is.
As with most things if you make it forbidden and edgy then it attracts more people than it puts off. Particularly young people.
Im from the UK and we have had a few issues about allowing extremist islam preachers to preach and recruit on the streets.
I support their right to speak precisely because I think what they are saying is stupid.
You have three blokes living on welfare standing on a street corner shouting about how islam will dominate the globe. That undermines their message because they are stupid.
If I thought their message was going to convince anyone then I would be against them speaking. But I dont fear what they say in the slightest.
That's very brave of you. Possibly naive as well. I on the other hand will always fear the stupidity of others.
But in a free market of ideas, the most intelligent ones tend to be the ones that cream to the surface. Believing otherwise is somewhat fascist tbh.
I'm getting my Soros bux just fine, so no idea what you about. But I'll ask my account manager, Frank Furtschool if there has been problems with the transitions just for you.
Lack of reasoning.
Huh, thought I reasoned just fine.
Looking forward to watching consistent clashes with the police.
The dialectic is in motion
What does BLM even do anymore? Sorosbux have disappeared.
Serve their Jewish capitalist masters which ever other way they can like good little negros. What else?
why should BLM be banned anyway? on what ground?
i know their movement is silly but thats not enough for a ban imo.
wtf is going on?!
Do propaganda and advertising succeed based on how "intelligent" they are?
Well, advertising tends to succeed based on how much people want the product. If the ad campaign wasn't intelligent, people probably wouldn't buy.
So sometimes yeah.
I for one honestly don't think capitalism would have a stranglehold on the world if that was true. In fact I think if that were true a lot of terrible and useless things in life wouldn't exist or happen.
Yeah I guess I just have more faith in the general public than you do.
But also I am mindful that If I start supporting the idea that someone should be prevented from speaking their opinion because of reason 'XYZ' then somebody else could use that very same tactic on me.
And thirdly I dont know if banning peoples speech is really an effective way of subduing their ideas. I think all we would achieve by that is pushing ideas just under the surface to fester unchallenged. Rather than in the open where (if they are weak ideas) they can be defeated.
Im am confident in my world view precisely because its been challenged many times over the decades.
The worst that can happen in a debate is that the person you are debating with is right and you are wrong. Your ego hurts for about a week but then you swallow your pride and absorb their ideas in to your own like the borg and ultimately your ideas become stronger as a result.
So to me someone calling for others comes across as not being confident in their own world view and ideas.
Dude stop trying to cover up, you got fucking owned.
Attention whores LARPing as intellectuals like Milo Yiannopoulos build their whole careers on having SJWs try to ban them from campuses only to later say "lel libcucks can't handle muh freeze peach kek". Debate them and they'll prove just how little of substance they have to say.
That's so stupid I don't even think you could believe that
Promoting black entrepreneurship and activism against the criminal justice system and the prison industrial complex instead of just police brutality. Since 2016 they've sorta reformed.
You have a weird definition of intelligence.
Have you ever watched commercial television before?
So 101% on the neoliberal train, eh?
Promoting black capitalism and complaining about the government, you say?
Dunno cuz neoliberalism sounds a bit like Reaganomics. More like group economics or "ethnic-capitalism". I'd prefer it if they promoted communism in the black community, but I respect the direction they're going in.
LOL Never thought of it that way, but yeah, it makes sense.
I don't disagree. It's obvious in fact. I just think those pople should be reprimaned for being dumb and or disingenuous. Trolls with "opinions" like Milo are no different than neo-nazis in Germany last time I checked the Germans don't take so kindly to Nazism anymore.
Wouldn't the solution to this just be to not be an idiot. And also I just don't care about free speech. It's nice if people can speak their minds but if it's potentially destructive to a society then is it really all the important?
I think Ford Corp. pretty much co-opted the entire organization.
it's really important because it could potentially destroy a society
Neoliberalism is like Reaganism, which exactly like what both establishment parties have been pushing exclusively for the last forty years. It does not matter in the slightest what color the boss is. The boss will always act like a boss. Making more black entrepreneuers will do nothing for anybody. Entrepreneuership is a scam anyway.
Which is why I wish pro-blacks would look left instead of right when talking bout making the black community self reliant. "Ethnic-capitalism" just creates class division and there's no guarantee that the rich black business owner will reinvest his or her money back into the black community instead of just hording it. If they really wanna empower themselves then they should cooperatively run the businesses in the hood.
I've decided your opinion is destructive to society and you shouldn't be allowed to speak. What now?
That what happens when you bomb a country to dust, kill all the men that built it and rape their wives afterwards. Tends to leave long lasting psychological damage to a people. I'm sorry, were you planning on making a moral argument in favor of this?
You're starting to sound a lot like Hotep tbh
If I was a hotep I'd be off tryna stop black people from eating pork chops at a BBQ or some shit.
Why is ancap confined to /liberty/ and some fringe forums on the internet?
Since their suffering spared rest of Europe form even worse holocaust it was worth it.
What's the source on the webm? It's really concise.
What are you talking about even? I have no sympathy for Nazi Germany and I applaud the decision to ban Nazisim afterwards.
If it's truly destructive I stop having it or get stopped. If it's not I do what I can to fight it and hopefully society will see it was wrong eventually.
It is excerpts from speeches given by Fred Hampton of the Black Panthers. The organization had some traitors in it, but he was one of the good ones.
Truly Nazis are the most oppressed peoples on the planet.
Communal ownership requires either capital that a poor collection of individuals would have no access to or sufficient force to make it a reality. That's what needs to happen. Folks need to finally get together and run the bosses and their cops out. That is going to mean everybody working together. There can't be any split with the whites, the Asians, the hispanics or anybody. People need to be doing that instead of trying to better work a system that is rigged against the masses.
When the time comes, but since we ain't in a state of anti-capitalist revolution at the moment right now we'll have to do with just a bit of a whip-round to start co-operatives.
Checks out
The problem isn't so much the destruction (although there's no excuse for the slave labor, torture and executions done after the war) but the brainwashing done afterwards by the US. You take people who lived in East Berlin and they're still pretty sane despite suffering more than those in the west. Meanwhile the other side was fed propaganda every day, and all Germany still will be fed that propaganda until 2099.
You're right, but you don't really understand all the implications of what you said. You see, Advertising is literally just a battle of intelligence. It's like the battle between a sysadmin and a hacker. The advertiser tries to "hack" the mind of the viewer and make them give in to temptation, while the viewer must recognize that it is bullshit and resist.
It isn't the smartest ideas which win, but the smartest people. Well engineered lies can beat the most honest truth, just as a well engineered virus can beat the most useful software.
Goodness user, this is my first time hearing of this, pray tell me WHY would they do such a thing?
t. Anarkiddie
t. someone who doesn't even remotely desire communism or socialism
you had one job and you fucked up
Is university politics actually as prominent and important in burgerstan as it culture warriors make it out to be? Or is it just because social & digital media is mostly kids so shit that is only interesting to kids gets disproportionate coverage?
This is one of the shittiest strawman I have ever seen.
Can someone link to the few posts in this thread worth reading, if there are any?
Mods are fags
are they the place where it's a felony to share Netfux passwords, or is that one of the other corrupt imbeciles?
Pretty sure this dude is still in high school.
Don't worry, eventually you'll find a girl with low enough standards to accept you :3
OP is so stupid that he can't tell the difference between banning an organization and banning a specific act
confirmed for clickbait/fake news
sasuga Holla Forums.