People still read Time?
Hello Holla Forums
What is this? Are they already starting the "Trump is a commie" bullshit we knew they would?
hurr durr
They're implying he's a Russian puppet, but they're not going so far as to call him a commie.
this thread is a waste of time.
relay mayks yew tink
things reactionaries say that would be awesome if true
I haven't really been follwnig all this shit to much as I'm not US based but I don't see whats wrong with the US repairing some relations with Russia. It's almost like these guys are begging for another cold war.
The white house looks gaudy as fuck anyway, it could use a russian overhaul.
The problem is that now they don't want things to be cold, they want actual war, or at least it seems that way.
Capital is itching for another war. We've got this huge crisis and all this surplus capital and labor just lying around. Just look at how war revitalized capitalism the last time it was this screwed.
What I find most funny about this whole fracas is that nitwits who unironically quote Yuri and say Russia actually won the Cold War via subversion and whatever, are the ones who deny any collusion between the Kremlin and Trump and defend him to the end.
Raely maed me ding.
You know I wouldn't mind if the White House was replaced by the Kremlin. It's much more aesthetic honestly.
putin the strongman
But that's not even the Kremlin, that's St. Basil's cathedral
I'm all for it if Russia becomes communist again. Ain't sure bout how I feel bout Putin, but if he can rebuild The Soviet Union I can't complain. Doubt he will though, but a nigga can dream…
The 1996 Russian election really is quite possibly the most fraudulent in history.
Putin has said plenty of reactionary nonsense. He's very much a Russian porky. I mean, I wouldn't rule out him "reforming the USSR" in the sense of invading the other republics, but as far as economics and social policy goals, no chance. Hell, even the Russian communist party is pretty much just United Russia with Soviet iconography. Eastern Europe is in a sad, sad state.
delete your account
Relax man, he's a recent convert.
You are the most retarded cancer to come to this site the last year, and to top it off, you are a fucking namefag. Get out.
Are people intentionally retarded?
Saint Vasily's Cathedral is not the Kremlin. It is a fucking Cathedral that is neighbours with the Kremlin, for fucks sake.
I hope Gorbachev's proud of himself and that stupid fucking period blood stain on his bald head.
I know he ain't, retard. I'm just saying, I wish he was.
Thank you!
you know you can reply to multiple people in one post right?
It's actually just Hoochie using a new name and flag.
no, he doesn't because he's a piece of shit newfag
This one has a list of "facts"
Shit reminds me of a Holla Forums post.
Liberals are projecting really really hard.
zou me niet verbazen oetz
here's the article if anyone is interested
But… Wasn't the Cold War over?
Saint Basil's Cathedral is one of the most beautiful buildings ever constructed. It's absolutely stunning.
I reckon that cathedral is the sole argument against nuking Moscow.
It also looks like candy or something.
And is realy monastic inside.
Gum is better though.
Ye, that's the norm in orthodoxy.
Now, check HOW you get there. AKA the narrow paths and so on.
Then explain this
A Commie Trump would be pretty cool. Wonder how /pol would react if MSM started calling Trump communist on mass.
They'd become unironical nazbols