is your shitty commie cat also a tranny?
holy fuck you people have shit taste in cat girls
is your shitty commie cat also a tranny?
holy fuck you people have shit taste in cat girls
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Ah yes, you again
Go to the booru and search up "lewd". You can see for yourself if that's true or not.
If you want to argue with liberals who care about that stuff, you can go check out r/socialism. Reddit probably suits you better anyways.
marche, you furfag, go take an aspirin and then take a long walk of a short cliff
I found the furfags's board >>>/1428/
Alunya is superior to your trash waifu
would you idiots at least sage an obvious bait thread
she has a penis
why is this board full of ugly trannys
>>>Holla Forums12581902
so you admit Miranda has a penis
cool dude, you're super gay
I'm sorry what is the context of that? I genuinely don't know anything that that thread is talking about
Context for here is that the OP of this thread is a shitposter from those threads who genuinely never contributes anything of actual worth
They just shitpost about weebshit and stuff completely unrelated to video games or ethics in video game journalism.
They make these threads every fucking day.
Can someone do porn of this cat girl getting fucked by a plastic penis dildo by Alunya?
why would alunya need a plastic penis when Holla Forums is all ugly trannies
I don't think penises remain functional after you pump yourself with estrogen.
To be honest I'm not surprised a fucking Australian would pick Miranda over pic related, you're probably a dirty fucking Abo
But Alunya isn't a trap.
I dont even go to Holla Forums
still doesnt change Holla Forums is all ugly trannies
holyshit this thread
the last discord batch had some good looking trannies, it's just the ugly ones are more insecure and spend more time circlejerking.
Sounds more like projection on your part. Is it because our catgirls aren't traps, given the evidence we've provided?
Are you secretly in love with feminine penises that you must project your so called "hatred" for traps by saying that we like Traps?
when's the board owner getting more janitors
there's no reason this thread should still be up after an hour
why not? It's just 1 thread.
But that's objectively false, user.
he's not an user
her name is marche and she's a faggot
Why are online communities ALWAYS disproportionately male? I mean even tumblr is 60% male or something like that.
Why are hair salons ALWAYS disproportionately female?
Weren't you the same Miranda avatarfag that was interested in socialism a couple of months ago?
the hell would I be interested in socialism
I like food and buying over priced keyboards
Just asking to be sure
So you're not the same?
Because male and females have different brains due to hormones and genders are real.
no but I love what Venuzela turned into
great show for socialism(I can ban you without remorse now)
Venezuela is doing pretty well, actually. Have you been there? Any riots you see on tv are literally just years-old footage they re-aired to fearmonger.
pick one
That's not a show. Gnostic NazBol Posadist Hoxhaism with further Western Esoteric tendencies will be the show of a lifetime for any who will witness it
not sure if retard or false flagging retard
yeah but seriously Maduro managed to get the Saudis to cut their oil production, not to mention that people have been sent to work on agriculture to reduce food imports, Venezuela can only go upwards from here unless the US or the opposition manage to remove the government illegaly.
PSUV will probably lose the next elections no matter what though.
As they should. You shouldn't support fucking opportunists who don't give two shits about Marxism.
hold those delusions tight for warmth in a cold cold world
that's totally not real socialism though
Are you the Holla Forumstard who keeps shitting up my /fur/?
oh wow this asshole lol
Checks out
actually, im not sure theres ever been a cuter board tan
OP is a projecting tranny and mad he's not passable
Look at that commie catgirl. What frivolous trash.
Any 63'd catboi equivalent?
People have been saying that for years and, well, look at it now.
Ugly tranny here.
They do.
why would a loli have a big bush?