Why don't you have ID's? Is it to hide your low UID count? Because it sure makes conversations hard to follow.
Why don't you have ID's? Is it to hide your low UID count? Because it sure makes conversations hard to follow
Other urls found in this thread:
Because this is an anonymous imageboard, faggot.
spotted the newfag
So you just do it to bolster your pathetic numbers, along with the bots?
They took the cuckpill
Yes. We are allied with JIDF and shariablue.
Tell me, where have you seen bots on this board? I've only ever seen 1, and it got banned pretty quickly.
Ok dude
why would a porky want to support this board?
That definitely was a reason for it two years ago. Another reason is what also applies not using pseudonyms: You can focus less on winning a debate and muh status, and more on figuring out shit.
When posts are really short, there usually isn't much of a personality in them, and adding a name to it gives an illusion of unique personality. When posts are long, it's not hard to tell who is who (ymmv, I don't have autism).
We're talking about the same Soros, right? The one who funded dissident movements in the USSR and who caused the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997?
You're not very smart, are you?
Yes, we, leftypol, are 12 teen Jews in a basement samefagging and having endless polemics against each other for Soros bucks. Please go away. Can't you see we have a job to do here?
forgot video
I can confirm as Rank: Commissar in this organization, HAIL GLORIOUS LEADER MARX and his WAIFU ENGELS
this isn't social media. if i want to make friends i know where to go
All I do is use the Grouch flag and at least one user will know who I am, based on.. .. we are the same 300 faggots all the time…
IDfagging is a mistake, anonymous boards should stay completely anonymous.
1. If you'd like to see our UID count it's plain for everyone to see on the boards list.
2. If you're having difficulty following conversations on boards without ID's you must be an extreme newfag because most boards both here and on mulattochan do not, even the ones that do didn't until quite recently.
We're all Soros shills here. Why would we need IDs?
Is it fucking summer already?
You're waifu is dumb and so are you.
So did you come from Holla Forums or Holla Forums?
Well, there has been an eternal summer since 2007, so the better question would be asking how many layers of summer are we on right now, considering a few more newfag booms have happened during all those years.
Hi 2011-fag
We already know because of the leaks on Holla Forums that this place bots to boost its active poster count. It's literally like 20 trannies, and maybe 30 underage faggots
To be fair, I asked to be paid in the blood of aryan infants. I figure $250 a week is equal to about 10 dead aryan babies, right? $25 per dead baby, that's about how much they're worth.
Thanks again, S-Man!
Heh…nothing personell kid….*Assassinates you in Drone Strike*
Everything is wrong with lolis
if you can't follow a conversation without IDs then you don't belong on an anonymous imageboard.
fucking hell we even have flags
Because posts and their points should stand on the basis of their merits, not some name or country or even ideology (remove the flags). Go back to r/t_d.
Titty monsters bring shame upon your family.
I wanted to call you a retard for the other stuff you posted, but this sounds about right.
Take a look at any thread you dumb nigger. If bots are being used then it's the most advanced A.I ever written because there isn't any absolute non sense replies to be seem anywhere. Whoever wrote such thing would be making millions right now with bots that can read online posts and give coherent replies.
Why am I not surprised that newfags are this much of a cancer?
pro-tip: if you want to always understand what your AI is doing, don't ever use neural networks
Ok dude
Why are Holla Forumsnewfags so delusional?
How many levels of autism are you guys on? Should I use tags next time?
Have you read the average social media post?
The whole fucking point of imageboards is anonymous discussion. Okay, I don't mind the occasional tripfag attention whore, but forced IDs that remove this anonymity is complete cancer. Just stick to whatever website you came from instead of trying to force imageboards to conform to your standards.
I received 3000 dollarydoos last month, aiming for 3500 this month
Heh, thanks for the dough sucker.
Because IDs are a cancer for the free expression of thoughts and ideas. We have flags, names, and tripcodes if you're so obsessed with being an obnoxious attention whore. Just don't force it on the rest of us.
youre retarded if you dont see merit in ids tbh but i ultimately dont give a heck
lmao i love children who just need to spout shit they read somewhere else to fit in
i'd quote a lot more posts being ahistorical newfags thinking ids are some reddit shit when 2ch, an ANONYMOUS textboard, has had them since 1999 but im too lazy man
What this unique user said. Praise Stalin.
No you haven't, if you had "the other guy" would call you out on in and keep on talking, what likely happened was you took over someone else's conversation, which is completely natural on an imageboard. since you're supposed to respond to a post, not a poster or a flag.
Back when we used to have more tripfags, namefags and e-celebs what you described used to happen, and it was fun, but I haven't seen it for months.
IE is the most popular browser on Japan, I don't care what the nips do.
Holla Forums would be unrecognisable to me if it had IDs.
ofc you know what i do better than myself
and the west uses the google botnet, whats your fucking point lol
whiny teenage girl tier tbh
So what? They still change the way people act within singular threads towards one another. With no IDs, it's perfectly possible for the two of us to, say, agree and disagree in different conversations within the same thread. With IDs available, it makes us realize we're both talking to each other in both conversations and influences the way we post. If I were to make a dumb post and then a few posts later a smart post and you can see both posts are written by the same person, your opinion of my smart post would have been at least slightly influenced by your opinion of my dumb post.
And don't forget all the faggotry like ">1 post by this ID" and similar garbage memes that drive down the quality of discourse on ID boards.