is this true?
Is this true?
It… Didn't really say that?
It's funny because this was my progress.
same here lmao
I don't know what to make of this. Are they calling us autistic?
Guessing the "advanced understanding" is for classical liberals. But then we would be considered left on social policy and right on fiscal policy so not sure what they were thinking putting outside of center.
Liberals, Conservatives
"the left"
Communists (Marxist, anarchist)
It's obvious the implication there is liberal.
not really no
fight me irl fgt i reck u m8
never ever happened.
. . . . . .
centrism, often leaning "left"
SocDem or Lolberg
ML, Anarchism, Traditionalism, Fascism
most people circle back from here to the start
pic related
Has anybody noticed this ideological development mirrors Marx's historical materialism?
fuck, I had that same process too
My progression was:
Socdem who flirted with reactionary ideas about Jewish conspiracy and race """realism"""
In reality it's:
Whatever your family/friends/everyone around you believes, often conservatism or liberalism
Whichever is the first slightly more radical ideology you've been exposed to that fits with your previous beliefs, Libertarianism, social justice, reactionaryism
Your previous ideology even more radical, so Ancapism, Socdem, Fascism
Your previous ideology turned Leftist, so Anarchism, Democratic Socialist, Marxist-Leninist
This is the most accurate.
this is a great post comrade
This is how it went for me. I used to be full "an"cap atheist edgelord who fantasized about being a technocrat until I realized I would get absolutely fucked endlessly in that kind of system and so would everyone I know. Then I took the political compass chart and discovered an-syn and mutualism. I took the left one.
Th-thanks senpai
tbh not all that sure of the evolution of socdems but demsoc is probably the most accurate.
I was a "fuck the state forcing people what to do; the free market will fix everything and make everyone happy" ancap, but then I slowly realized that capitalism ain't free, and just like taxes, wage work and rent is theft.
No, it's
Forced Equality
Natural Inequality
Pretty much how it works.
Does anyone have that graph where somebody's political ideology goes further and further right and then suddenly ends in Blairism?
like clockwork
and a namefag to boot! r/t_d really took its toll on Holla Forums, didn't it?
Left-Neoliberalism (College Student variant) or voting for/against the government based on gut feelings which are actually created in the background by Porky. (Most people variant.)
"Socialism" as state ownership / going full-insane neoclassical/ancap and genuinely believing the free market can do no wrong. / Tankie Lite because let's be honest that flag really was aesthetic
Actually being a Keynesian and being unable to shut up about the international clearing union / Actually being a social conservative with Christian democratic leanings and being unable to shut up about how the united states is poisoning British culture / Actually being a tankie and being unable to shut up about how War Thunder is balanced 🍀🍀🍀
I dunno Guy Debord?
Probably a good rule of thumb, but like all cases, there will be outliers. I kinda started out right of center socially, dead center economically. With moderately conservative christian parents, so for some reason I hated gay people to the degree Holla Forums does. Fairly typical conservative christian Canadian, basically.
Now I'm distant left economically, don't care much about theism at all, and dip a little down from center liberty wise.
This is honestly how I started, I went from a braindead liberal, to a lolbertarian, then when I saw myself drifting too much towards the right I turned back into a social democrat, and when I finally picked a fucking book instead of having marxism explained to me by "muh karltural marx" community, I became a communist
No, the obvious implication is you end up in the same place you started as you learn more.
I want so badly for this left-right understanding of politics to die.
Is it really that hard to call ideologies by their names?
Suicide is the truth path to enlightenment.
You and me both. But it is useful, or at least easy, when trying to explain the broad strokes of one's ideology. It's like how people start describing themselves, usually, by ethnicity and gender, and then start to gut slightly deeper than surface. But even then, peoples' understanding of the compass often differs from one to the next.
>no understanding 80s
idpol liberal
>basic understanding 90s
ironic nazi
>middling understanding Aughts
everything is bullshit
>advanced understanding Teens
the red menace
are you like 40? on an imageboard? go to bed grandpa.
What you implying kamerad?
I put a name so people don't dismiss me as a hitlerite.
no bully pls
We don't like Asserists here either.
Notice the word filter.
Don't bully Asserites, even 8/pol/ shits on them sometimes
tbqh if they put on a tankie flag and said they same things they always do sans references to Nazis they would be bulletproof from bullying.
Life is suffering
But if you change your flag to NazBol you get the best memes either board has without having to change any of your beliefs.
That is why Stalinists are our greatest ally, preferable to even Hitlerite Nazis
Our two ideologies are tsundere with each other, despite being so similar
But Bolshevism is Jewish senpai
And a lot of Nazbols are civic nationalists which defeat the purpose
Pls mods add Straßer flag
Might use the black flag? Could it work?
Forget it, BO is a lazy nigger
that's an anarkiddie flag
You don't understand.
In NazBol can mean whatever you want it to mean and things can be whatever you want them to be. Bolshevism doesn't have to be Jewish if you don't want it to. As a matter of fact it can be Jewish and not-Jewish at the same time. Even Jews might not be Jewish in NazBol.
Not to mention it's the exact same thing as Asserism anyway so it shouldn't matter given that the only real differences are branding.
But I don't want to use the cappie-nazi flag or the Jewish-farming tools flag
succ me fag
maybe stop following edgy fad ideologies and start reading some books?
Imageboards started to be a thing about fifteen years ago. All of the oldfags are at least thirty. You're here forever.
Asserism is made of failure and useful idiot. NazBol is made of dank memes.
I've read plenty, even some ancom books.
I quite liked the bread book.
But i fucking hate ancoms, and all anarchists in general. It's fucking stupid and will never work.
My take on the picture is
we men should not rape wimen.
all men are not pigs! my pai raised me right!
okay, we men have been bad in past.
you know what? this is our doing, if men acted like men, woman would be acting like woman, whatever i guess.