https:[email protected]/* *//breaking-settler-news-makes-racism-apparent-b1bf5d56b132
Basically, the entire article is just baseless accusations and muh class reductionism.
Ridiculous post-colonial bullshit
Other urls found in this thread:
Wat the fug :DD
Aren't niggers technically settlers as well? Why don't they fuck off back to Africa? Genuinely curious(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
Archive this shit. Idpol thrives because it gets clicks.
Can someone write a Stirnerite response?
Liberals are just as dumb as you.
Yes, although to be fair they were brought here as slaves. Settlers is just the newest idpol buzzword for white people doing things.
He's honestly right though. The true spook is thinking this land belongs to natives somehow. Anyone who starts circle jerking about that is an idpol retard. I always just ask them when they are planning to move back to Europe it exposes them as virtue signalling liberals.
ooh boi
ooooooh boooiii
I guess those PURE ARYAN HIGH I.Q WHITE MEN should have thought about that before purchasing slaves from African warlords. :^)
How? What? Just… H-how?
What would niggers think of all whites repatriating back to Europe, leaving the USA behind to allow them to turn it into Apefrica 2.0? Would that be okay?
Are these faggots serious?
Ethnic cleansing, deportation, expropriation assimilation. Praise Mugabe!
Christ, I can feel my brain cells committing suicide from me reading this.
Yeah we should have castrated all of our slaves like the Arabs did.
They still have loads of afro arabs.
Ross Wolfe's reply is hilarious:
There are plenty of mullatos in Africa too.
Of course user, it's not like those American slave owners treated their slaves like dirt. No, they treated them well. I guess we should forget about those black slave owners too, who were allowed to own slaves thanks to whites!
I only have the article second hand rundown of what the ANTIFA Facebook post said before it was taken down so I ain't formin no opinions on this story and neither should you.
WTF I love Ross Wolfe now.
Name one thing that's wrong with him.
Only in the places which border black African countries, like Mali, Libya, Yemen.
No I'm saying I love the fact he read Settlers and took it apart. I fucking hate turd worldists.
That was Doug Enaa.
And Iraq, Jordan and Syria… Iran also has some iirc
Anyone who is defending J. Sakai's settlers is a retard. The basic message of the book is America's white population is a reactionary labour aristocracy who can't be considered proletarians. It is basically Maoism Third Worldism plus an excuse for minorities in the US to hate the white population.
Is that a bearded lady?
Oppression olympics.
"Demagogues are the worst enemies of the working class." – Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov
I ain't read the book yet so I wouldn't know. Whites are proletarians for the most part for sure. Just a bit race-cucked is all. No need to compare Cletus with Calvin cuz Calvin's dad tells people like Cletus that it's okay to be poor so long as you ain't poor and black.
They didn't "castrate all teh slaves". Believe it or not countries like Iraq, Yemen, Saudi Arabia and a couple other Arab Golf States have sizable populations of descendants of Bantu slaves to this day.
I'm too stupid to understand this article, what is she crying about?
How the fuck did that faggot get that out of the excerpt posted above? That is clearly not what Sakai was saying at all.
The black/pagan slaves only were castrated. Ethiopians too.
I think it was illegal to castrate people of the book or whatever, so there's that.
top kek
Ross Wolfe (re)publishes a critique of some turd worldist book about how white workers aren't true proletariat on his (rather famous) site. Pic in OP gets assblasted, calls Ross a raycis, threatens to send people "after him", his idpol gang tries to doxx him, they demand money from Ross.
Just another day in idpol lala land.
Blacks are themselves race cucked in unique ways. When they notice how shit their lives are the most common response is to blame the white devil and not the economic system, thus preventing them from working together with white proles.
Idk, but, J. Sakai:
>There’s no similar vibe between white racist abortion clinic bombers today and some outcast Jewish carpenter with illegal anti-ruling class ideas in the Middle East 2000 years ago.
If this is the "style" of J. Sakai I think it's ridiculous even having to discuss this trash. Yo, man, christian fundies have totally different vibes than jesus, dude. Yo, I just pulled out numbers out of my ass proving that the white workers are labor aristocracy and the true proles are the blacks.
She is entirely correct: turd worldism is post-Marxism/post-Althusserianism, which shits on the proletariat and replaces the proletarian subject with Third World nations (including the turd world national and petit-bourgeoisie).
A Muslim isn't allowed to enslave another Muslim, so needing a sizeable slave workforce the Arabs logically picked their slaves from pagan blacks.
Can someone explain why she spells "America" as "Amerika" with a K? She even rewrites the name "American Progress" with a K. Are Cs racist?
C is the symbol of white cppressicn of blakks in Amerika, so they leave it out.
The only slaves that were castrated were Bantu boys ages 8-12. They "grew up" to be domestic servants, harem guards etcetera. Adult males and females for the most part became manual labourers on plantations like in The Americas. People from The Horn Of Africa (Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia etcetera) for the most part were either left alone.
Let's play a game leftypol. I'll post a quote, and you tell me if its from Richard Spencer or the shit eating liberal that wrote this article.
Go on, take a guess.
Yeah, the Arabs converted Bantu peoples of coastal areas to Islam and to trade off their war captives as slaves.
Both sides are idpol. Both of them. Holla Forums shouldn't have a stake in this other than to expose how their ideas are baseless and spooks and they should follow their ego's interests.
Spot on.
This whole thread's beyond saving. As is the left…
My god the pitch-shifter makes her voice beyond annoying.
That's why I'm not giving it more than 3 seconds. If you render your argument intentionally in a form that bothers everybody (0 context pictures going on in the background, shitty voice modulation, weird music) you are not sincere.
Yeah but what makes liberals think turning a C into a K is """rebellious"""
That's the postcolonialist. Richard Spencer would say "our race."
TBH, I did that… during high school.
So much for the workers of the world unite left.
literal manchildren
Seems like the alt-right shares the opinion on "political positions" with Tumblr.
The fucker embarrasses himself every time he puts his fingers to keys.
Dear christ
What do you gain from saying Nigger? I'm genuinely curious.
Not if you have a similar-minded gang of idpollers following you around, validating every shit you do.
Third Worldism is retarded. Especially when painting Black-Americans with the same brush as actual Africans, but then again so is downplaying the historical black struggle in The Americans by comparing it to that of the Irish cuz they were discriminated against for a time in America. That's what's got the author of that blog so tight.
Gender as well, only their rainbow includes genders like cuck, alpha, robot, weeb, and bull.
Fucking hell!
It's not rebellious, it's just to distinguish the concepts.
Excuse me, did you just assume thon gender? They're literal persynchildren, thank you very much. I'll be expecting my reparation check in the mail.
It worked for Elie Wiesel.
Why did he gratuitously use a racial slur in a conversation about racism? This isn't exactly the smartest thing to do.
So the first bad thing about Stalin that springs to his mind is… his homophobia. That's like calling Hitler a transphobic bully or something.
Isn't Wolfe a Trotskyist/Marxist Humanist?
They're agents, m8. Cointelpro agents. The FBI sends these loud-mouthed faux-black faggots to troll social media groups and derail movements all the time like The JIDF.
Dragonowl was right again. What will it take for these people to a thing of the past?
It's like you are doing idpol, or something.
Ah, yes. They are not REAL blacks. They are faux-blacks! Clearly, in OP picture we see a faux-black person. Those who are a shamefur dispray for my "race" are not my "race".
Again, 100% idpol, you cunt.
You realize this was going on in the Soviet Union as well? Nothing specifically Maoist about it.
But afaik it was more prominent in China, because the denunciation ceremonies weren't organized by state officals but red guards (?), and their practises were then also exported to European and northern american maoist groups.
You ain't one of them "we wuz slavez n sheit" revisionists who think the Irish were treated just as bad if not worse than blacks in America, right?
It's not that unheard of, I've had discussions with people where the first criticism they had of Stalin was that he was homophobic.
For some people, it's the most important thing they need to know to define a historical figure without having to actually inquiry about him.
Sure. But my point was (wanted to be) that it has to do with more with some premises of 20th century Marxism in general than with anyone in specific.
Obviously Holla Forums does based off how many comrades are giving this shit clicks, but hey, it ain't like when you gaze into idpol the idpol gazes back at you or nothing…
WTF is this?
What shit? Who's talking about the Irish except you?
Stupid fucking namefags.
It just needed a little touch-up.
This is why I don't fuck with moist faux-blacks like the guy in the screenshot. They systematically water down every cause they adopt with their "intersectionality".
in 1938 or Warsaw in 1942 or Auschwitz in 1944.''106 The most commonly expressed Jewish grievance was the use of the words "Holocaust" and "genocide" to describe other catastrophes. This sense of grievance was rooted in the conviction, axiomatic in at least "official" Jewish discourse, that the Holocaust was unique. Since Jews recognized the Holocaust's uniquenessthat it was "incomparable," beyond any analogythey had no occasion to compete with others; there could be no contest over the incontestable. It was only those who, out of ignorance or
malice, denied the uniqueness of the Holocaust who could be so foolish as to engage in competition. (Some scholars in fact characterized denial of the Holocaust's uniqueness as a form of "Holocaust denial.")107
I hope you overdose on prescription painkillers, m8. I really do. Fucking mouth breathers, the lot of you.
Basically Marxists that consider themselves to have evolved "beyond" orthodox Marxism by abandoning or reshaping some of its key concepts.
It's a mixed bag that consist of widely different and sometimes antagonistic thinkers such as Baudrillard, Jameson, Badiou, Castoriadis, Agamben, Kurz, etc.
But "post-Marxist" is often used with the meaning of "Marxists that have given up Marxism and embraced post-modernism with Marxist concepts serving merely as inconsequential decorum".
I have no doubt that the American left is crawling with plants, but
That's playing into their idpol. Don't fall for it, user.
What does it mean: gender is a spook? That it is arbitrarily constructed? So? It still effects us, it functions. Can you just revoke your femininity or masculinity at will? No? Than it's not a spook.
Fair enough, but it culminated or became most associated with maoism. The reason I brought it up is because it was specifically mentioned by Dragonowl in his article in identity politics:
He's clearly not an user. He is namefag#2452.
And you call yourself a materialist.
Yes, unless you are talking about sex instead of gender.
Wait, alt-right's political position binary is the same as Tumblr's? Isn't that wr–Oh I get it.
Your gender is your property, maybe?
Like the state or bourgeois ideology.
Nah, they're plants for real. Promising movements can't get off the ground when they get swamped by intersectional lifestylists masquerading as pro-black/anti-capitalist cuz they water down the core objectives of groups they infiltrate with a bunch of completely unrelated struggles. Think back to 2011 when Occupy Wall Street took off, but then suddenly dispersed. Same principle, different movement.
How? Give examples. And I'm not talking about stopping to care about dressing in a specific way, stopping to act according to gender roles. I'm talking about what is part (if not the core) of my subjectivity from my sexuality.
Literally doesn't exist outside the anglo world. If gender is to be understood as "social norms around sex" we could easily create words to describe "social norms around cooking" and the "oppressive chef culture that dominates home cooks".
No. I'm made up of parts. These parts constitute me, are inseparable from me. I don't own my body, I am my body. Property doesn't designate a person's relation to thing, but to other people, e.g. "I own this land" means I exclude others from it.
Nah, they are idpollers just like you, who think they and their little circle of snowflakes could only figure out the original KFC recipe and everyone not acting according to their individualist standards are faux-blacks or oppressive whites.
I fully agree with that, it's the part about "not being a real black" that's the problem. Bringing race into it, and even worse, denying their race, is playing by their rules. And we can't beat their with their own rules. Call them for the saboteurs they are, just don't bring race into it.
Daily reminder: Ross Wolfe is a NeoCon who works with that fake "Marxist" Zionist organization Platypus.
You got that definition fron a chan.
I'd typically be against book burning, but every single copy of this and everyone who praises it should be purged.
The funny party is this is literally one of Ross Wolfe's "arguments". bitch
Apart from my username and the flag you don't know nothing bout me, m8. Like I said, when you gaze at idpol the idpol gazes back at you…
Not just burned, but replaced with books about Irish slavery.
Nah, "faux-black" is a wordplay on "pro-black", not excluding people from their race or some shit.
Pro-blacks = Angels Davis, Malcolm X, Fred Hampton, The Black Panther Party etcetera
Faux-blacks = Kat Blaque, most of Black Lives Matter, 🍀🍀🍀Shaun King🍀🍀🍀, that "Franny" bitch from MTV Decoded etcetera
Kinda like how liberals hinder progress of actual leftists with their "compassionate capitalism" bullshit and "intersectionslity".
Keep telling that to yourself.
Already dropped
These are very different things. Calling all three equally spooks would only prove in my eyes that Stirner's is an empty concept.
Faux-black sorta rhymes with pro-black, a faux-black is somebody who fakes being "down for the cause". How's this hard to understand? Were you dropped on your head as a baby?
Funny how "comrades" on Holla Forums break out dictionary definitions to try to prove that black posters engage in idpol, but don't say shit when Nazbol spam "race realist" charts and call everybody who disagrees with them a nigger.
get out
Aw shit man, I used to roll with these guys almost a decade now in LF (RIP in F). We used to laugh at MTW crap, now they're fucking spreading it. What the fuck happened?
check dem trips
nice niggerfaggot stubble
I'm a straight white male
Because it is trash and Sakai and their followers deserve to be erased from existence.
No, you are.
Yet, you use that fucking flag.
You are constantly showing your ass all over the board and revealing that you have not read anything. Your posts are nothing but mundane drivel. Come back when you have read something or you are ready to learn.
Proof that this is what leftypol celebrates.
You are a child
Scroll up and read my replies from the start, faux-comrade.
The Irish deserved what was coming to them. Debate me.
Correct analysis.
Pro tip: filtering namefags will make your board experience better.
They are not real things at all.
I'm here to learn more bout socialism, dipshit. Believe it or not Holla Forums users can be rather enlightening Marxist posters when they ain't sperging out in response to flag icons.
Oh look, a clone.
If you want to learn more about socialism then read a fuckin book
Says the namefag.
That's racist. Just because you can't differentiate between Black people, they are not all the same.
What do you recommend?
Killing yourself
I'm a newfag to pretty much all Chans. Explain to me why "namefagging" is such a terrible offense round here cuz I keep getting shit for my username.
The point is to converse and for posts to stand on their own merits rather than personal feelings based on the one posting them. Namefagging and tripping without a dedicated purpose is considered attention whoring and is a big faux pas.
You assume a virtual identity that with time gets to carry a history: your fuckups, your edge, your stupid fucking 15 years of age. But more than that, you will feel inclined to defend this identity, you will try to keep it cohesive, thus blocking your chance at change.
On anonymous boards most name/tripfags have a pretty bad history not just because what was described above, but also because the community starts to milk them for laughs.
With you we have the Irish. That will certainly stick. Now you added the faux-nigger meme. That goes on to the resume of this person called "Afroplasm."
Consider stopping any time now.
You know, after knowing about this connection, I smell foul play. The author has registered just a few months ago and has no presence anywhere else on the internet, the writing is so stereotypical of MTW/SJW (is there ven a difference anymore?) and the demands for apologies and monetary reparations by people who were actually threatening violence is all so absurd that I have to call troll. It's quite in the style of (former) goons.
Then why don't we all just pick our usernames and shitpost without any sense of shame like on any other internet forum? That way none of us have anything to hide…
s really pushing it.
Didn't know it was that deep round here…you know, I'd go anonymous if I wasn't so stubborn and wanted to piss off the anons who pestered me bout the issue without even bothering to clue me in on the way Holla Forums works…
What? I'm talking about this Merredit whomever, not Sakai. All she has are a handful of Medium screeds.
This phrase sums up liberal idpol pretty well. First we need to eliminate racism and sexism and only then can we talk about doing literally anything else. Also try asking these people what their proposals to end racism/sexism are, they literally have no positive program.
Because anonymity is a really good thing. It helps you get unattached from your particularities (I'm 15, black, gay male, I'm into goth music) and attached to the universal (what affects every single human being).
Identities are another form of enslavement, if you will. Marx & co. pretty much suggest that after class societies they will dissolve.
See author in question on the topic of _identity_ politics:
Make no mistake, these are real people a lot of the time (like Gazi "Black Hitler" Kodzo), but other times it's the alt-right trolling. Think of when Daily Stormer tried to "infiltrate" Black Twitter LOL.
When in Rome, faggot. If you insist on having an identity then get used to getting shit for it.
And lurk more, you dumb retard.
Oh, the Postcolonial Poetess? Could be. Gotta do some reverse-searching.
Maybe you should have not been a dipshit and lurked before posting.
Identities ain't exactly something we have a say in when society labels us as black or white at birth.
Tip no.1.: read the FAQ:
Tip no.2.: lurk more, post less.
Tip no.3.: ask more, claim less.
Tip no.4.: lose the fucking name, use more than 1 flag.
Fuck outta here, verifag.
How is being into goth music an "identity"…?
I'll see what I can do…
Man 90% of white colonists in the Americas were debtors, petty criminals, orphans etc literally sent on the threat of the gallows. They were victims too
Shit that was meant to be in reply to OP
It can very easily be a part of your identity.
Good point, could be a rightwing troll too. But at this point, I'm 99% sure it's a troll.
Her profile picture seems to be original, but her Medium pieces are literally her entire internet footprint.
And how is this related to immutable identities like sex or race? There is nothing wrong with joining a community on the basis of a common interest. "Identity" is a fact of social life, not a bourgeois invention that will go away once we reach communism.
She's probably under 30, so this isn't exactly surprising.
Nice essentialism faggot
Don't forget various flavors of religious refugees.
I disagree wholeheartedly. But what do you mean by identity? Self-identity as in "I am this thing looking out from my skull writing a reply on this site" or identity as in "I am a father, a taxi driver, I'm a hipster" etc.? The latter group will have no existential basis in communism.
To quote from
After Trump won the election suddenly this book was everywhere. There is even a clique on reddit that gang upvotes comments about it, they also purchased the domain name to make it easier to promote. It's almost like $$$someone$$$ is putting a lot of effort into keeping the proletariat divided and making the prospect of revolution in America impossible.
Can't wait till Afroplasm gets banned, you faggot.
Be specific. What does Sakai get wrong about the history of the United Snakes?
"I’m not Amerikan (though I was raised here)" You're fucking American mate.
You can't just "decide" to abandon being male or black (unless you undergo sophisticated surgery). I said "sex and race", not "gender and ethnicity".
I usually hear "open a discussion" as if the fucking globe has not been hearing about this shit for the last fifty years. Talking endlessly is their entire praxis.
That's because a lot of idpol liberals do not want an end to oppression, they merely want to start profiting off of it. They're grifters.
For the most part people migrating for religion weren't refugees, they were actively unhappy with what little religious permissiveness there was in Europe and in pursuit of their very own theocracies
Also look at the Reddit comments on a post about Wolfe's article. I refuse to believe this could result from anything other then coordinated shilling.
For one, what he says about the IWW is entirely wrong.
The latter. Of course certain categories will be rendered obsolete under communism, but some won't and arguably have no reason to disappear. What's wrong with identifying as a cinephile, as an abstract artist, as a rigorous scientist, as a free lover, etc? Anything one builds his life around will shape what he conceive of as "his identity", of what makes me distinct from others in his choices and affinities.
But being "male or black" would stop mattering. You don't need to identify with something you already and obviously are. All the shit that is associated with blacks for instance has reasons outside of the identity. The identity is a secondary creation.
Some sophisticated surgery it must be if it can change my chromosomes.
(sex change op is literally the devil, porkies feasting on the victims of capitalism, but that's another story)
I didn't know /r/soc was that full of turd worldists.
Like I said there, I think there is some kind of clique who carry out coordinated plans to shill the book.
Jesus Christ monkeyballs
All of them seem to be repeating each other though.
Settlers has a 4.4/5 good reads score Holla Forums, it would be a shame if somebody ruined it.
Come on, we all were dumb newbies on imageboards once. Afroplasm will learn, no need to alienate him.
The bourgeois idea that what you consume constitutes part of your 'identity' will disappear.
Or we'll just have to purge until it no longer exists.
Turd Worldists are cultists.
It's either the Rhizzone ex-goons who want people to read it because they're MTW dumbasses, or aut-right skinwalkers who want people to read it because it spreads idpol bullshit.
Your chromosomes don't have a practical existence in your daily life. Surgery and HRT changes your primary and secondary sexual characteristics. If you pass as a female, have the brain chemistry of a female etc., you effectively are one.
God damn, even the reviews seem shilled.
Being male or black are material issues entirely divorced from whatever you conceive as your petty 'identity.' Having dark skin doesn't make you 'black' any more than having long hair makes you a woman, and what identity people ascribe to you is even more meaningless.
"Although I thought I was completely sure of what I was doing, I began to regret the decision a mere three weeks after the operation."
"Some might say I was experiencing post-op depression, but it was definitely more than that. I also suspect that many of the other patients at the hospital who had the same operation experienced similar feelings based on my discussions with them."
"What really drove the point home for me was the realization that it required eight hours on an operating table to make my genitalia appear to be female. That pretty much tells me that I’m NOT female at all. If I were female, why wasn’t I born with female genitalia? Sure, there are some intersexed people with ambiguous genitals, but I’m not at all intersexed. My chromosomes are the normal male XY, with absolutely no abnormalities."
"The reality is that I’m male, and no amount of surgery changes that fact."
"I’m now four months post-op, and I’ve begun to transition to live as a male again. I feel it’s the only way to be honest with myself and with society."
"If you are considering this surgery, think very carefully about the consequences. Make sure that the doctor or counselor that’s approving you for the surgery is qualified to evaluate whether you need the operation or not."
"So many unnecessary operations of this type are carried out each year around the world, and in all too many cases, the effect is pain and regret not only for the person who had the operation, but also for their families."
What do you propose to do against that politically?
People regretting their sex change are a minority among MtFs and FtMs, who largely report improved physical and mental health.
I'm not pretending I can hand anyone the answer on a silver plate, I'm merely pointing out that society-ascribed identities are not "meaningless".
is that why suicide rates are higher for trannies after they cut off their balls????(Take it to another thread)
Yeah, here's the funny thing: we know exactly what the answer is. Sieze the means of production, and abolish the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.
"Disproportionately?" Like it fucking matters what the identities of the people they are beating are. The problem is that they are beating people. They should not be doing that at all to anyone. Stop that, and proportions are no longer a concern.
Cops should beat blacks and whites equally. This is my one step program for emancipation.
Source me.
Maybe you should try to get your crime levels down to the levels of whites then.
Go back to Holla Forums.
There's nothing Holla Forums about discouraging crime, autismo.
You aren't discouraging crime you are using Holla Forums tier reductionist arguments to ignore the fact that the police in the USA have massive problems with Racism.
Do the world a favour and neck yourself.
statistically there is a great number of suicides even among japanese and swedens, So this means that it's wrong to be Japanese or sweden? No obviously.
Proportionally, among post op transsexual, there is a high chance of suicide mostly because of the hostility that society have against them. Also transition is somewhat traumatic
Holla Forums keeps looking at cherry picked numbers on jpgs without being critical and without being able to read those fucking numbers.
The suicide rate actually lowers after the surgeries, but it still higher than the genetic counterpart (because you know, transphobia). They've always dreamed to have no penis, and after that they don't have a penis anymore so they are happy.
the rate of regrets is nearly 4-8% (to 0% in the case of Dr. Toby Meltzer statistics) among everyone who got the surgery
this suggests that their suicide rate must be searched elsewhere and not in the transition itself.
Take your idpol bullshit elsewhere.
The article seems to muddle up the key difference, which would be suicide risk of post-SRS trans versus suicide rate of trans without SRS. The only part that might be comparing the two is:
Again, it muddles things up by not clarifying the makeup of the control group. Looking at the paper, the control group was of non-trans people, so it doesn't answer my question.
Idpol is basing your politics off race/gender/sexual identity. Mentioning that racism is a factor in society is not idpol, you are clearly a newfag, fuck off.
t. liberal
You'd turn into a racist if you actually interacted with jigaboos on a daily basis too.
you don't need to be a liberal to realize that a lot of the police are racist. It isn't like they teach you to shoot blacks in police school, but the chance of being shot while unarmed (which should be 0%) is higher if you are black.
What are the stats of a black guy shooting at police?
Niggers are chimps and dey IZNT gud Boyz who dindu nuffin
did you realize that they use buzzwords to shut up people because they don't know how to argument against them?
Am I transphobic if I don't want to fuck post-OP people and think that if they don't inform you up front about their surgery they are acting unethically and bordering on criminality?
Stop false flagging, it's annoying because it's painfully obvious.
I remembered seeing this story recently in the news. Beyond fucked up.
And you're right, acknowledging racism & oppression exist isn't idpol. It's when you are class reductionist & use your identity to further your own selfish agenda(i.e. oppression olympics).
They weren't shooting at pictures of black people. They were shooting at photos of criminals who happen to be black. What's the problem?
Maybe niggers should stop consuming drugs and get jobs.
Wow, what retarded "logic". Even by your standards, it's wrong. They shouldn't be using criminals(which lets be honest, almost everyone here would be considered one by the bullshit justice system we have) at all.
Kill yourself. Either contribute meaningfully to the conversation or risk a rightful ban.
Except they clearly were.
You sir are clearly wrong. What they were shooting at was a picture of someone at the intersection of male, black, criminal, young, first world identities. The police officers aimed at the criminal aspect, but clearly hit all.
It's almost as if niggers are disproportionately criminal.
Yeah, this is the flipside. It's hard to keep track of both sides of this ipol mess.
No, just people who are in poverty are "criminal", because it's basically illegal to not be well off. You're screwed from the offset. The private prison system/lobby has made criminals of us all.
"Racism" is a idpol buzzword. Read a book.
Goddamn, Holla Forums. This is pathetic.
Stop LARPing as a leftist, if you want to cry about idpol do so in your subreddit. If you want to get serious, read a fucking book please.
Doubling down, I see. That reply doesn't even make any sense.
ITT white bios strawmanning the shit out of the rationalization for reparations(yes, all of us honkies must pay back our rich black overlords and submit to their capital, wink wink)
For the love of God, please shitpost elsewhere. You serve no purpose.
Lmao, when caught false flagging, you resort to posting all caps posts.
Seriously, just calm down & try to enjoy the board. There are a lot of former Holla Forumslacks here. You can have your rightist opinion, just don't be so spastic about it. You can discuss these topics seriously here. If you want to only shitpost, Holla Forums is perfect for that.
its like every single facet of your autism about this board boils down to vehement determination to accept that leftism is not sjw progressivism.
its like an autistic child who goes into a screeching fit if his legos arent lined up right.
*to refuse to accept
People who were never slave-owners owe no reparations to people who were never slaves.
Hilarious, marxists fed their crocodile until it got big and started to eat marxists.
Liberals aren't marxists.
These people come from the marxist tradition, are most often dedicated marxists, use marxist language and base their ideology on marxist philosophers.
Opportunitism to twist an ideology to your own ends is common. Idpol is at their heart, not class struggle.
They frame their "idpol" as part of the class struggle, this isn't a break with marxism but an extension of marxist mechanics, as all other marxists have done, or they themselves wouldn't have said a word not uttered by marx.
Your post was good up to here, but this is pure conjecture. It could as well be that severe gd clusters with other mental afflictions that raise suicide rates.
Marx was known to be homophobic so I suppose you can't be gay and marxist as well.
It's one thing to move past the intolerances of the past, it's another to replace them with other intolerances.
Marxism has never been tolerant. Like marxists can move marxism beyond marx on homosexuality, so they can when it comes to race.
To "move beyond" racism does not mean to push for reperations based on race. In fact, that is the exact opposite of moving beyond racism. It is reifying the concept of race.
Marxism is literally class-reductionism though, and I mean that in a good way. All history hitherto is the history of class struggles and so on…
Wait, I thought that was just an ideology that we memed up.
It moves beyond marx in the sense that it applies marxist mechanics where marx never did. The dominator/oppressed axiom that is central to marxism is applied to something that is pure, explicit, marxist class, something that all notable marxists have done, or they could just as well have produced nothing because all was said and done with marx.
Read a history book.
C'mon, you know what you gotta do…
I'll be forwarding screen shots of this thread to a a senior editor who works at Buzzfeed, just to show that that this place despite claiming to be "left", in reality is just another den of virulent bigots, and a place for open racism.
Lmao. No one takes Buzzfeed seriously except for brainwashed/partisan hack liberals looking for brain melting, confirmation bias, clickbait nonsense.
If this isn't another Holla Forums false flag & you're serious, I'm sure you'll purposely edit out the posts where we call the bigots out & tell them to kill themselves. Because by making such a statement here, you're showing that you're not interested in being honest. We regularly call out racism & class reductionist bullshit.
Again, if you are serious, then go right ahead. You'll be continuing to sink your liberal ship by your own dishonesty. We don't want any Buzzfeed users here, anyway.
Kill yourself. Not spoilering & continuing to shitpost earns you a rightful ban.
What was it that he failed to spoiler?
The whole point of dialectics is to transcend two bodies in conflict within a system of them knowing themselves through relation to the other. Through class conflict and its eventual resolution, class dialectically self-abolishes. The user who you're quoting is right, you're just reifying race rather than completing the dialectical process within the base which gives rise to the superstructure's hall of mirrors, of which race is but one of many false ends. Read Marx, you nitwit.
You are painfully new. They are called out all of the time. How could we let that stand? We're not racist. Report blatant racists, since they're Holla Forums just shitposting. Lately a couple have been running rough shot here with their autism, but that's new & not tolerated here. It happens every once in a while, then they get tired & go back to Holla Forums soon enough.
There's also a difference between nazbol & nazi. Nazbol flags are satirically used; only new people from Holla Forums would don them seriously. But mostly you'll see Holla Forumsyps using the nazi flag.
If someone is just shitposting, baiting or derailing conversation, again, report those posts. We regularly call out & debunk "race realists" or idpolers from both sides. We're here for serious conversation.
Is it finally removed? testing
It was an old pic of lynching black people. When Holla Forums is triggered, they usually spam gore of some kind or "triggering" images.
I think we should petition BO for the nazi and gay nazi flag names to be swapped. They gotta either go for a faggy rainbow nazi flag, or the traditioal one says "gay nazi" as it's descriptor.
Lmao, I second this. There was actually some new user in the moderation thread recently, complaining that he didn't have a fascism flag to use. Can you believe it? And they call others snowflakes. I've posted here for years & have only donned a flag a couple of times, only satirically. Sometimes flag posters can be as bad a trips or namefags. Though they're still above those.
Although I think your idea is hilarious, BO won't get off her butt to add new flags or edit them. It's been like a year that people have been proposing good flag ideas that never happen. ;~;
kill me now
Lmao, anyone else get banned for participating in this thread? First pic is my ban I just noticed. Second & third are just past history of their nonsense. I also just noticed that there's no expiration date on the ban, which is hilariously/purposely counter productive & of course expected.
Wow. My screencaps of r/soc nonsense continues to grow. I can only imagine how upset an unsuspecting socialist would feel having this happen to them without warning, cause or explanation. I can see why when the mods ordered newly banned users to "troll/raid" Holla Forums to be allowed reentry, some actually did it. They probably didn't know of any other popular lefty space online & wanted to socialize or be connected somehow to other leftists. Thank god for Holla Forums.
Makes me think, we should start a poll, preferably not strawpoll as those are easily manipulated, asking how many former r/soc refugees we have here. I'm interested. I know I wouldn't go back after them pulling some shit like this, either.
Why did you pollute an otherwise decent post with this inane gibberish?
I was referencing idpol by that statement.
Thanks for calling my rant decent, though… Muke?