Do you know many people holding Holla Forumsype views?

do you know many people holding Holla Forumsype views?
how do you deal with them?

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I don't talk to retards.

what if the retard is a family member?

Everyone holds our views. Just follow real estate purchase and school board demographics. Even Samantha Bee is one of us deep down.

top geg

Laugh at them, mostly. Their political ignorance is enough for most people, left or right to laugh at. Hell I went on a fairly lib-right server and there was a Holla Forumsyp who got laughed at for saying that first wave feminists killed more people than anti-fa.

Sure thing, buddy.

But right wingers are autistic and dumb, user.

My autist dad is computer illiterate so he's never even been on Holla Forums but he believes all the same shit and even uses a lot of Holla Forums language so it kinda makes me think that most polyps are just parroting what their racist dad's sperg. I try not to deal with him because it gives me too much anxiety to be worth it. The guy complains about every aspect of capitalism and says he has a theory there's an elite aristocracy but when I explain capitalism he insists we actually live in a feudalism and apparently "Herr Trump" is our king. It's not worth wasting your time with a lot of these people imo.

So much for the violently revolutionary left.

So where's the wall and why is Hillary still out and about? Or are those """"right wing death squads"""" going to do it?

Well, whenever I find people with differing opinions on politics I just talk with them and they come round eventually. Right wing ideals are very human, having a good discussion about them usually sways people.

But you faggots just want to censor and destroy anything that doesn't fit within the leftist orthodox.


This is your mind on liberalism. Not even once.

He's right, you know?

What if the retard is a member of the Proletariat?

I was born in 1993. Am I Gen Z or millennial?

My closet friends are commies, libertsrian centrists and fascists. The rest are just small government liberals.

I don't like discussing politics much in public pluss my appearance and media tastes (hipster clothing, a little bit of facial hair, shaggy hair, indie music and "degenerate " actions) make most people think I'm a libertarian liberal. I tend to just go along with this because I don't want any drama.

I sometimes drop some of my veiws on my non politically knowledgeable friends but beyond the occasional fact or statistic not much is discussed.

I have one friend that knows I don't like Holla Forums related stuff but they keep sending it to me anyways. Also as time goes by some of my other friends are becoming Holla Forumsyps even more, even going as far as shouting WE WUZ KANGZ all the time and constantly making the same joke that europe is the middle east over and over again. It's purely a reactionary thing though, I remember as neolibs were gaining in power their views were skewed that way too but now that SJWs are such a nuisance they're leaning towards Holla Forums. I guess the good part of this is that when eventually Holla Forumsyps replace SJWs as the most hated group of people that they'll skew away.

one of my best childhood friends is currently active in a right-wing populist party, in a pretty high position at that. you know, not really quite the Holla Forums-type, but a nationalist who likes people like Trump to a degree

I've met him a few times in recent years, I can deal with him, he can deal with me. at the same time, it is an odd position. if we get to my internationalism and views on national sovereignty as well as capitalism as a whole, we must simply agree to disagree; there's no shared ground, we both view each other as the future destroyers of humanity and/or civilization

i'm guessing that your friends are Americans

I've some Holla Forums-like jokesters in my friends as well but as far as I know, they always support liberal movements anyway.

Kinda annoying really, it is so obvious that they want to get both: they want to be enlightened liberals by voting such parties, but also powerful powertrippin' racist woman haters in private. If I do mention my class-based stances, I just get called alienated 'cause hey, all real people are middle class and doing good and there's universal healthcare for those who are not.

They don't care much about politics. And they're leaning of it since Trump bombed Syria.
They'll even praise "old-school leftists" like Marx and Bakunin as "truly men of the people"
I think they just confuse idpol-tier liberals with leftists.

I knew I always hated hipster faggots for some reason.

I have a friend who calls himself anarchist but at the same time praises sam harris, thinks christianity is mich better than islam because " they had a strong leader who decided what's right or wrong" and believes ess jey dablyus and karltural marxism are as bad as nazism. Also capitalism is inevitable and muh human natchur to him

I once knew a guy who liked zeitgeist, thought bitcoin would be a good way to fight "bad capitalism", believed in some MRA bullshit and so on. Was also racist: he'd legit whine about black people being too loud and too eager to have sex or whatever.

Funniest thing was that all his pseudo-anticapitalism aside, when I tried to introduce him to some Zizekian ideas, he almost whispered to me: "yeah, I know Zizekā€¦ but isn't he, like, a communist?", as if that's a bad thing.

Knowing him was worth it tho, I made friends with a really fun and clever young tankie woman thanks to him.

When it is established that I do not worship the eponymous 'jude' and have no problem with closing borders they chill the fuck down.

One guy is a litteral Holla Forumsyp hail hitlor guy
He is also autistic as fuck, beyond normal boundaries. Even the other two autists in the same scouts group think he is too autistic.
We try every week to beat some sense into him. But after 5 years he hasnt let up. We will teach him sometime that inconveniencing people is not funny and joos or muslims arent the evil boogeyman.

Most of my friends are socialists or socialists in training. Feels good man.

He gets The Wall comrade


you thought the polyp frog meme was real at one point, didn't you?

Howbdo people even get stupid shit ideas like these I mean I like my friend but come on

millenial according to the old logic

it used to be "if you remember the arrival of 2000, you're millenial"

and then cutoff somewhere in the 80s

Well in the case of my friend, he didn't self-criticize enough and he didn't read much at all either (like he didn't read 0 but his ideas mostly came from online sources)

So he more or less ended up forming a rather silly worldview favorable to his own position (zeitgeist because he was poor and not happy in the economic situation, bitcoin because it offered him an imagined better tomorrow, MRA because he didn't get laid enough for his liking, racism because he imagined that the blacks fuck as much as they want to and so on)

yes, and one friend from europe

yeah pretty much, they started jokingly and in private but they're slowly becoming more and more serious about it

lucky you

My past self? Is a former variant of yourself a distinct person from your current self? I don't know many people.

Some. Being as far away from them as physically possible

hah, thats a real friendship. good on you two.

I had one autist in a class during the fall semester, before the election and the mainstream noteriaty of the alt-right, talk about being a member of the alt-right and publicly talk about Holla Forumsyp memes and Pepe. He always felt like he had to say something and he made the entire class very uncomfortable. He also had an obnoxious voice that sounded like he was choking on a mouthful of marbles.
This was in a secondary education program, so the idea of this retard becoming a teacher is troubling.

This is why I think people are overreacting when they say the "alt-right" is a danger on these boards. Most workers and "normie" kids look at this shit and turn 180 degrees the other way.

you only hear the ones who are vocal about it after all. people never do a "none of this shit matters" rally. but you know, the squeaky wheel gets the oil