When the fuck are we going to start winning?
Lost in Greece
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Sage for yet another ignorant defeatism thread
Who are "we"? I'm not a socdem.
Calm down mate…the communist party has an agreement with the neoliberals "socdems" in power, they can't do anything without consulting them, otherwise their retarded legislation won't get approved in parliament. In order for their lesgislation to be approved they always have to include a couple of proposals from the communsit party. It's small, it's very little…but it's something and it's better than just being in the opposition. Hopefully they can grew little by little.
Learn to into dialectics
etc etc
The left would win if it changed it stance on immigration(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
I don't care about inmigration, believe it or not, most "right" voters don't really care.
it's the alienating feminism and social justice shit what's the main problem. That, and consider liberal shit as Labour part of the left
try reddit
If we are not even popular enough to win elections we aren't going to win a revolution
People dont actually care about imigration, they are just scared in an ever more desintegrating society and dont wont to be bothered by idiots. The number of people who actually care about imigration and not just its perceived effects is very small.
With these popularity levels, the socialist party can do whatever they want (even selling banks)
Oh no! The left wing of capital is losing!
Litterally who the fuck cares.
There's no left-wing in the US to lose
left-wing is still relevant
Is there any Icelander here? What the hell happened with the PP at the last elections? Also, Jakobsdóttir is a qt.
Why are so many people here worried about elections which are quite obviously rigged? The bourgeoisie will never let socialists win.
I follow elections because it's fun, I don't cares about the results.
gr8 b8 m8
What have elections to do with MOP or essential production that capital relies on?
Not Icelander but I followed the election bc PP is kinda interesting.
Basically they got like 15% of the vote, almost tying for second with the greens. They now have 10 seats instead of 3.
They had the mandate to form the government after the Greens and Independence Party failed to make a coalition but they couldn't reach an agreement either.
Eventually the Independence Party hammered out a deal with the centrist parties and went into power.
Also it's not like the PP doesn't have qts of their own
We didn't lose in Portugal. The center left is in power and the 2 far left parties have 20% of the votes.
It fucking sucked but it's not like the bank was public or nationalizing it was feasible.
What was this ban for?
Never. Leftism can by definition only end up losing, with its temporary victories serving to remind us that leftism is a disease with communism as the only possible and distinct alternative.
Is that really Žižek?
Why banning him? He didn't even say anything about whether or not immigration was good or bad, he simply stated that most leftist parties would gain lots of votes if they changed their stance on immigration. As someone who deals with potential voters every day, this is 100% true.
Seriously seriously though, is there anyone significant in the populist left, anywhere in the world, who openly repudiates mass immigration? The best I can think of is Sahra Wagenknecht.
Probably the KKE (not sure).
Wagenknecht isn't that openly against immigration, that's a meme. All she said is that the German capacities are limited since we already have the biggest low wage sector of Europe, and that was enough for the media to literally call her a NazBol and for the Antideutsche to identify "structural antisemitism" - and throw a cake into her face.
Liberal AF but more Bernie Sanders like than Clinton's, US congressional representative Tulsi Gabbard, was a Bernie supporter iirc. "The GOPs favorite Democrat"
Also why ban
Is she hiding her powerlevel? For example, our own Bernie Sanders knows the score, and has consistently voted to protect workers from the importation of scabs, but is too fearful to proclaim these facts beyond occasional quiet mentions.
IIRC Melenchon wanted to restrict MENA immigration to women only. Not sure though, I'm probably wrong.
>>>Holla Forums
Sage, report & move on, everyone. This is Holla Forums or another autist just baiting. It becomes extremely transparent after a while. They use the same lines & tactics repeatedly.
What's the ban all about?
I thought this was a widely held and uncontroversial opinion on /leftypol?
Mods are getting as paranoid as Holla Forums mods recently
I'm curious as well. If it's the same poster as OP I could understand, as OP is clearly shitposting. But if not, you're right, it's not a controversial topic or statement.
Mélenchon is anti-immigration, but he wants to fight it by stop it by stopping the causes.
Widely held, yes. Uncontroversial, no, any immigration thread will get unironic defenses of open borders (and some semi-sincere ones in the form of accelerationism and anti-reformism) even if they get shouted down.
I think a mod just sperged out.
read a book
Tell me how much seats the PYD won in the last Syrian election.
This image is gold.
Autist BO at it again.
I can attest to this 100%
Read Marx and grow up
when an aristocrat finances a bourgeois revolution, then the (lumpen)proles will take over and celebrate by installing authoritarianism
I'd say Ireland is an easy target, since the bongs are weak atm.
It doesn't matter if we lose most elections now, what matters is that capitalism is soon to end.
you don't belong here Holla Forums